Rock 'n' Roll News

Now The Tail Can Be Told: John Lydon on how fellow Sex Pistol Sid Vicious got his distinctive moniker: "We called him after a pet hamster I had." That silly Boy George has been talking to the English press again. This time he blurted, "My mother still won't kiss me directly on the lips.

March 1, 1984

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Rock 'n' Roll News


Now The Tail Can Be Told: John Lydon on how fellow Sex Pistol Sid Vicious got his distinctive moniker: "We called him after a pet hamster I had."

That silly Boy George has been talking to the English press again. This time he blurted, "My mother still won't kiss me directly on the lips. She can't cope with the fact that I might put lipstick on her." Go ahead and think that, George, if it comforts you. Meanwhile, the blushing Boy was so "taken" with a recent Nylons concert, he exchanged phone numbers with the gals. Surely there's a nasty mascara remark in there somewhere.

CREEM s Official spy on the Ronnie Lane benefit trail passed along a few tasty morsels about the stuperstar frolics. According to a slightly dizzy Joe Cocker, Steve Winwood passed on the festivities only because he didn't want to play with Kenney Jones and Charlie Watts. Well, you know how Winny is about playing with himself. Jimmy Page, who spent most of his time "flitting around like a moth on quaaludes" (according to our snide-butluvable sneakster) was his usual charming self. By the time the guys hit the stage in Dallas, nobody Was speaking to Jimmy, including everybody's pal Pete Townshend. Pete, by the way, has quit writing for awhile to concentrate on his publishing company. Take your time, trunk face—we've got your brother to keep us busy for awhile!

Iggy Pop's new manager Danny Sugerman informs us that both RCA and Elektra will be releasing retrospective collections of the celebrated madman. Elektra's is a Best Of Stooges package, and RCA is readying a compilation of The Idiot and. Lust For Life, featuring "China Girl," of course. Meanwhile, several major comps are said to be tangling for Iggy's next solo LP, which might just be produced by David Bowie.

Adam Ant was a bad insect this month. The many-legged splendor posed for a publicity shot with no shirt and his rounded fist stuffed down the crotch of his pants. "It's just a bit of fun," insisted the segmented superstar. "You don't actually see anything rude." Adam, even if you pulled your pants down all the way, we wouldn't see anything. Rude.

Big Country guitarist Stuart Adamson was almost transformed into a huge Tater Tot onstage in Tucson, where an electrical charge ran through his axe, blasting him six feet into the desert air. Stuart's OK, but his favorite guitar is now a very large ashtray.

Rumors of fascist behavior by leader Steve Harris has been leaking from the Iron Maiden camp. Latest buzz has guitarist Dave Murray about to be sacked by Harris, for reasons undisclosed and none of your goddam business in the first place!

Let's see, who all broke up this month? Endlessly entertaining thrashers Los Microwaves are gone for sure, and Georgia's own Pylon are very likely splitsville as well. And—hot off the wire — comes the news that guitarist Brian Robertson has exited Motorhead. "We're essentially a live band," sez Mo boss Lem my. "We've given it our best shot, and it hasn't worked out," the sprightly bass thumper continued, perhaps referring to a recent German gig where Robertson collapsed due to "exhaustion and acute depression," according to The Doc. Hey—you'd be depressed too if you had to play with those guys!

Meanwhile, everybody broke up with everybody, and everybody's ex-everybody left everybody else's ex's ex-ex-everybody to pursue a solo career. Film at bleem.

Give 'Em Enough Rope Dept.: guitarist Tom Evans, once of Badfinger, followed the lead of former bandmate Pete Ham and hung himself in his California home. Ham was reputedly the victim of the dreaded Dave DiMartino Curse, which stalked our Backstage section three months in a row, not to mention what he did to poor Tim Buckley. Goddam the editor man!

Some woman actually married Toto drummer Jeff Porcaro, if you can imagine.

That groovee trio of blonde bombshells known collectively as the Police have already made numerous plans for '84. Sting has a lead role in the BBC production of Threepenny Opera for all you fans of cheap opera. Andy is going to star in an Irish mystery flick tentatively entitled Goosefoot. Honk! Stew baby is recording tracks with Sugarhill artist Reggie Griffith for the next Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five album. And right now, it looks like a Police tour is pretty much set for winter '84. Then they're all gonna trade places and start over!

As 600 armed police surrounded NYC's Tavern On The Green restaurant to fight off mobs of crazed fans who failed to show up. the Jacksons held a press conference to announce their plans to make a world tour together this spring. The family hasn't hit the road together in eight years, and Michael announced the '84 tour— scheduled to begin in May— would be their last tour ever as a group. Do you promise, Michael?

Dan Hill's first book is out Wake us when you're finished.

King Kink Ray Davies has finally completed scripting and directing work on

his Return To Waterloo film for British TV. Ray also wrote eight new songs, most of which should put in an American LP appearance this summer.

The Kid Is Snot Tonight: Gran daddy of rock "n roll Chuck Berry joined Joan Jett and band onstage recently, fessing later that she's one of his current faves. As Chuck took off for his own evening show, a roadie from co-headliners Loverboy came running out and told him Paul Dean wanted the duckwalking guitarist to pose for a picture with the group. Berry, however, informed the stunned roadie he "couldn't be bothered." Doncha just love it?

The Go*6o's and producer Martin Rushent are taking their sweet time recording the lipsealers' next LP. Between songs, Gina and Belinda have been searching out "really bad movies" and signing up for fishing licenses. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the rest of the gals have been taking "proper English riding lessons." They mean like with big black whips! Whoa, horsey!

Def Leppard vocalist Joe Elliott flew all the way from Paris to Los Angeles to make an in-person apology before a meeting of the Latino Community Representatives for his widely publicized remarks about El Paso. Of course, he augmented the apology with a $15,000 donation to local charities that work with minority youth. Say anything bad about the CREEM staff lately, Joe?

Mary Wells is releasing an updated version of her 20-yearold smash. "My Guy", produced by Crusader Wayne Henderson.

CREEM Contributing Editor Nick Tosches will have his latest book. Unsung Heroes Of Rock 'N' Roll published by Scribners in June. You've seen some of his brilliant podunk profiles in our very Own pages, but don't hold it against the author.

Popular stroker Billy Squier is reportedly So tired of seeing his name misspelled on concert bills, his contracts now include a rider holding promoters liable for an extra ten percent if they mess up the spellinq.

No, I don't want to be covered with marshmallow sauce and be seen with Mr. T!

King Of The Barbarians, the second in a hopefully short series of Conan movies, will count Grace Jones and Wilt Chamberlain among Conan's villians when shooting starts this spring. Rumors that Joyce Bulifant and Jack Narz will be featured in Conan 3 could not be verified at press time.

Made Her Own Bed, Now She's CREEM Eddytorial Assistant Ann Marie Fazio has just admitted, "I'd be proud for my name to appear next to Quentin Crisp's in any national magazine!" Well, either him or Big Boy!

Bryan Adams—the best thing to come out of Canada since...

Bryan Adams, the hottest singer to escape the frozen north Since...

Bryan Adams, Canada's finest export, forget it! We just wanted you to know Bryan's contributed a previously unreleased tune to the soundtrack of Nights Of Heaven. The cheap 'n' tawdry male-stripper flick, starring Christopher Atkins and Lesley Ann Warren, also features new material from Rita Coolidge, Kiddo and English Beat.

Hometown heroes the Romantics dashed bravely through the smoke and flames of a burning hotel in Cincinnati to rescue...a squalling infant? A helpless, arthritic old codger with dangerously untied shoelaces? A batch of newborn kittens—one white one. one black one. and three tiger-striped little meowfaces with cute runny noses and heartbreaking green eyes? Nope, it was their new leather and snakeskin costumes the guys risked their lives and hairdos for. "Man, if we lose this stuff, we might as well give it up," said drummer Jimmy Marinos.

Heart vocalist Ann Wilson appeared at several Midwest concerts with her arm taped up and obviously hurting. But don't panic, Heart beaters—it was just a sprained ligament and it's all better by now. Why couldn't it have been guitarist Nancy, you ask? Boy, some of you people are not nice!