Heart On: Wasn’t it convenient that Adam Ant and Jamie Lee Curtis decided to stage their grande passion just in time for our Valentine’s issue? Jamie Lee had no sooner called off her engagement to marry Michael Riva, than she took up with one of rock’s most ineffable insects, the aforementioned Adam.

February 1, 1984
Jaan Uhelszki

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



Jaan Uhelszki

Heart On: Wasn’t it convenient that Adam Ant and Jamie Lee Curtis decided to stage their grande passion just in time for our Valentine’s issue? Jamie Lee had no sooner called off her engagement to marry Michael Riva, than she took up with one of rock’s most ineffable insects, the aforementioned Adam. What do you mean is it serious? Is serious eating Mr. Chow’s spicy chicken with one hand and holding Jamie’s well-manicured hand with the other? No? How about motoring up Tower Road to meet Janet “Psycho” Leigh? Serious enough for you? Before all this (all what?) Adam confessed that the two biggest thrills in his life were meeting Liberace and Princess Margaret—do you think meeting Ms. Curtis’s mom makes three?,.. And You Thought It Wasn’t Serious Department: Christie Brinkley has finally moved her bag, baggage and make-up kit into Billy Joel’s “uptown” digs in Lloyd Harbor, Rock Island. Guess he didn’t find out about her late nite phone calls to David Lee Roth...Another model who’s also doing some packing is Cheryl Tiegs. She and photog hubby Peter Beard are calling it quits (maybe he had a thing going with Jamie Lee’s Michael Riva). Did he find out about her sashaying with Daryl Hall?...Does Stevie Nicks’s impending divorce from pseudohusband Kim Anderson mean that he gets 50 percent of the royalties from her Wild Heart solo album, or do you suppose he submitted to signing a prenuptial agreement? Just asking...The jungle drums are saying that Stevie is seeing her old flame, producer Jimmy lovine...All In The Family: Did you happen to see the bus-bench of Sunset Blvd. and Londonderry Terrace in Los Angeles that read: “The Dubrow and Mandell families wish to congratulate Quiet Riot on their gold album.” Why a bus-bench? And while we’re on the matter, who are these Mandells? And why are they saying these terrible things about me...It’s What’s Up Front That Counts: “Once a girl asked me to autograph her breast, but the pen wouldn’t work,” revealed Nick Heyward in Smash Hits last month. What didn’t work?...Will The Real Tom Petty Please Stand Up: All those rumors about the Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers breakup were formerly shrugged off as simply wishful thinking, but Kiss & Tell is really very curious about just what Heartbreaker drummer Stan Lynch is doing playing drums with the Textones. Oh, 1 get it, maybe he thinks Carla Olsen is Tom Petty. Anyone could make that mistake, after all / saw the Bob Dylan video. What do you mean, maybe she is Tom Petty? What operation? Why no, I never have seen Carla and Tom photographed together. So does all this mean that the Heartbreakers really didn’t breakup, just like they told us all along? I don’t get it...Light Out: It looks like ELO might just be a fond memory. First, Kelly Groucutt is suing the band for 25 percent of its gross profits over the past nine years, claiming he’s only been paid a mere pittance ($20,000) while 10 million ELO albums were sold worldwide. Coupled with the reports that Jeff Lynne is suffering from agoraphobia and refuses to tour—and finally, Bev Sevan assured Kiss & Tell in January that he is a permanent member of Black Sabbath. This is what I’d call a black-out at the ELO factory...Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Water: The members of Police professed that they are taking themselves out of the lineup for the next year to pursue their own solo projects. You know, Sting will star in the BBC’s Threepenny Opera, Andy Summers will have the title role in an Irish film called Goosefoot (how did they know?), and Stewart Copeland will play polo—you know, the usual stuff. But the best news is that they swore that there would be no new Police album in 1984, and only possibly a new album in 1985 (promises, promises). According to Summers; “We’ll see how our feelings go. Obviously this last one has done so well, that there’ no need to rush out wjti another.” So why aio the Police in A&M studios jr||ft'' Angelas with Paul Kenna allegedly**,'*: *./,* mixing down some live stuff from their last tcyji foi s tentative December *84 release date? ,. Mari Wilson s 11 piece bandf the WiiMStidi jhdve split, although earlier reports of Mari firing four of the members was vehemently denied. According to a spok foi hei retoj'd company, the band's reoenf grueling them “wacked out" to split after fulfilling their touring obligations. Mari reportedly shrugged the incident off—“In fact I’m actually relieved, with the lot of them gone, I’ll finally have enough room in the van for all of my Final Net”...Another hairraising story comes from Mike Score of A Flock Of Seaglls, who actually credits the success of his band with his seminal hair style. “When I saw Road Warrior, I drew a picture of myself with this hairstyle, and did my hair up one night. It stood up on end... everyone was stunned. Some people liked it, others didn’t, but it helped to get our band noticed. People would say, ‘see that guy’s hair, I wonder what the band sounds like?”’ I don’t know Mike, I would have thought they were more liable to say, “see that guy’s hair, I wonder who let him out?...Table For One? Annie Lennox’s departure from Britain has added more fuel to the rumor that the Eurythmics are breaking up. The enigmatic, titianhaired songstress has bought a flat in Paris, nowhere near Rickie Lee Jones, and whenever Eurythmics’ commitments don’t demand her presence in England, she plans to make her home among the frogs. We knew Ms. Lennox was having difficulties with over-zealous fans camped outside her door, but wouldn’t it .ifeiyaeen easier just to don a libdora and dark glasses?...Koo companion of an interview show of her own on v'tondpn TV, imaginatively dubbed Tube. Koo will exclusively interview rock stars, and what we hear is that she really gives tHem P?ne royal treatment. Did I really sayj:haf?r.The Ig and L Iggy Pop is recording his next album In Los Angeles with Clem Burke, Nigel Harrison, and tops produced by i If UHutal James Jackson, who /pi0j!00ffitodiuced Kiss’s Lick It f'WfWP/u this line-up seems IMamiliar, it’s because they’re 3/5 of Chequered Past. Or maybe they’re the real Chequered Past...On their off hours, Clem and Steve have just added their expertise to the latest Little Girls album...As for me, I’m just trying to use my expertise to end this thing. See you next month.1