The Who have canceled their plans for a “first farewell tour" of the U.K. According to Roger Daltrey: "We want our farewell shows to be an event, and our records haven’t done vary much' in Britain over the past few years." Which might be a kinder way of saying that the British are perhaps a little less gullible.

August 1, 1983

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


The Who have canceled their plans for a “first farewell tour" of the U.K. According to Roger Daltrey: "We want our farewell shows to be an event, and our records haven’t done vary much' in Britain over the past few years." Which might be a kinder way of saying that the Bntish are perhaps a little less gullible...

Good news for Southslde Johnny fans. The R&B belter, who’s been without a'recording contract for over a year, was recently signed by Mirage Records, a subsidiary of Atlantic. .His first LP for die label is being produced by none other than Chic’s main man, Nile Rodgers, as soon as he finishes his chores with the Gang Of Four.

Mnsical Youth, the Jackson 5 of reggae,will supply backing vocals on several tracks of the forthcoming Donna Summer mm

Ian Gillen, former Deep Purple lead vocalist and leader of a self-named heavy metal If^^ftlhasjdihcd'Black Sabbath, replacing the recently dismissed Ronnie James Dio. Original Sab members Geeser Butler and Tony louuni recently held a preis conference in London to announce the addition of Giliani and to explain that Dk> was oustedfrom the band because “he was trying to take over7’ and “doing too many things behind our backs.” The new lineup (including original drummer BUI Butler) is currently in die studio, preparing a new LP, and will support it with a world tour beginning this summer in the U.S. The only bad news is that it now looks like the rumored ' Deep Purple reunion won’t materialize now due to Gillan’s unavailability.

Weil, it looks like at least a few of the RoUing Stones have some taste’left. Seems that Mick Jagger wanted to manufacture a large assortment of Stones merchandise—especially clothes —to celebrate the band’s 20th anniversary. The idea caused a lot of dissension with ip the band, as MU Wyman, Keith Richards and Charlie Watte were totally ^opposed, arguing, that merchandising the Stones logo would have a cheapening effect on ike band. So it looks like Mick will have to release the clothes with his name orily if he decides tp do it at all.

This may be the year of the big British band reunions. Not only have the original Hollies— Graham Nash, Tony Hicks, Allan Clarke and Bobby Elliott—gotten back together for

an album that should be out by the time you read this, but the original Animals have also reformed in England. Prompted by the re-emergence, on the . British charts of their “House Of 'Tlte Rising Sun" and David Johansen’s recent medley of some of their classics, Eric Bur don, Alan Price, Hilton Valentine, John Steele and Chas Chandler are planning an LP and tour that should bring them to America sometime in October. And according to one of our photog spies in L,A.,the tag gossip there is that Eric’:;# Clapton, Jack Brace and Ginger Baker plan to reform Cream for a one-shot LP and tour next spring. Seems the guys were offered mucho money for the deal, an offer even Clapton couldn’t refuse.

Holly Vinceat has replaced " Patty Donahue In the 1 Waitreases, although the latter appears on the band’s current I lllllg

One of the CREEM editors broke into hysterical sobs upon hearing that bassist Kendra Smith has left the Dream Syndicate pursue her own interests. Smith’s replacement is David Ptevost, who used to play.with Kathy Valentine in the other rock departures, drummer Phil Calvert left the|jj Psychedelic Fnrs to rejoin his ||||group, th#Bfcrihday Party; just as die Furs’ recent tour came to a close.

CREEM founding editor and rock critic Dave Marsh has introduced Rock & Roll Confidential, a monthly newsletter “for everyone who really cares about rock ’n’ roll,” which is available by subscription only. The newsletter will deal with social and political issues integral to the music, and include reviews and news on the current sounds. You canf subscribe for one year by sending $12 ($15 in Canada; $18 foreign) to; Rock & Roll Confidential, Dept. N, Box 2060, Teaneck, N.J, 07666.

Go-Go Belinda Carlisle has a small role in the new Goldie Hawn flick, Swing Shift, directed by Jonathan Demme. . Boy George recently performed his good deed for the year, proving that die Culture Clubber may well be a miracle worker. Twelve-year-old Lieu Greeu of Tilbury, England, a big fan of the boy, came out of a motorcycle crash coma after hearing George tell her on tape “how much we all missed her and loved her.” Boy also promised to get together with the girl once she recovered. “I really think it helped,” said dad Brian Green.

Word has it that the recent Roxy Music American tour may have been their last, although Bryan||§ Forty added: “I always think every tour is the last one.”

The music world lost a true giant when Muddy Waters—the original Hootehie Cootchie Man—died in his sleep of a heart attack in his South Chicago home on April 30 at age 68. Waters, whose red name was McKinley H Morgan field, was one of the greatest and most influential blues musicians, inheriting the Delta blues tradition from Robert Johnson and translating it to / electric guitar. He was perhaps one of the biggest links between blues and what became rock, and those he influenced greatly include the Rolling Stones (who took their name from one of his songs) and Eric Clapton. Those present at his funeral included Johnny Winter, George Thorogood, Bobby BUnd, Willie Dixon and Jesaes Cotton.

Looks like Brace Springsteen won’t be touring now before fall, when his next LP is expected. You can take some consolation in the fact that a few new Springsteen compositions will be on the debut LP by Clarence Clemons & rite Red Bank , Rockers, which should be in the store anyday now.

The Italians are getting rowdy! First, Eric Clapton created a riot in Rome when fans tried to gate crash one of his concerts. Less than two weeks later, police fired tear gas bombs into a crowd of nearly 1;000 stone-throwing youths trying to break into a tenttheater where Joni Mitchall was performing in Milan, Italy. Several injuries were reported at both-sights,' ,.

Joni and Clapton weren’t the only ones with riot problems. The premiere of David Bowie’s new film, Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, was nearly canceled at the Cannes film festival, when French medical students rioted outside the theater 4o protest school conditions (?!?). Bowie was forced to remain in his hotel room for two hours, as riot squads were called in with tear gas and clubs, and the red topped wonder was later shuck in a side entrance of the theater.

After all these years, Great Britain has finally decided to honor the Beatles. The Fab Four won official government recognition recently with a $62,800 grant for

a Beatles museum in their native Liverpool.

Joe Strummer recently ran 26 miles in four hours and thirty minutes to raise $800 for a leukemia research program as part of the London Marathon. Strummer gave up alcohol and ran daily to traip for the events || although we’re wondering if his Mohawk had anything to do with his speed...

Keith Richards on the Stray Cats: “They’re gonna be great in ra few years.”

. The grand prize winner in the 1982 Miller High Life “Rock To Riches” Talent Search was a Detroit-based band called Artist. The event was a nation-wide talent competition staged at the Beacon Theatre in New York, and hosted by Howard Heaseman. The band’s winning song will now be released on „ Atlantic Records.

Watch for an American summer tour by Elvis Costsllo & the Attractions.

Watch for a forthcoming film version of P.F. Kluge’s excellent rock novel, Eddie And The Cruisets, which tells the story of a ’50s rock band which disbands after the tragic death of its Compelling leader (played by newcomer Michael Pare). Twenty years later, a controversy arises over some missing tapes of the band and whether Eddie really died or not. The film is being directed by Martin Davidaon,

who did The Lords Of Flatbush, and Southaide acting as musical Should be great if it t book.|j|g

In a recent Oui Magazine interview, Ellen Foloy was asked whether her ex, Mick Jones, was a good lover or not Her reply? “Ask humanity.” •

Michael Fagan, the prowler who broke jnto Buckingham ■ Palace and Queen Elizabeth’s bedroom last year, has released a cover of the Sen Pistols’ “God * Save the Queen,*’ backed by the Bollock Brothers. Fagan changed some of the lines, and insists: ‘The song is in praise of the Queen. It’s my tribute to her,"