Level One: This is the begining. Pac moves left or right, up or down. As he moves he traces a pathway through a mae by gobbling the pellets that line the maze. Life would be lyllic for Pac except that first one and then four ghosts are chasing him.

September 2, 1982

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



Level One: This is the begining. Pac moves left or right, up or down. As he moves he traces a pathway through a mae by gobbling the pellets that line the maze. Life would be lyllic for Pac except that first one and then four ghosts are chasing him. And if one of the ghosts floating down the hall ways of the maze happens to come into contact with pac, then Pac gets exploded, and the Player must start with a new Pac back at go.

Level Two: The player finds lb,it with proper manipulation of the joystick, he can gel Pac out of corners and away from the ghosts. Also discovered is that Pac can disappear through a hole in the bottom of the maze wall and reappear up at the top of the maze through another hole. So Pac has got some defenses against the ghosts that are out to get him.

Level Three: With a lot of hard effort, the player wins against the ghosts, the maze is relined with pellets, and Pac and his ghostly enemies start again. After a while the player begins to wonder if this is it.

I hen the four blinking pellets in the corners of the maze are discovered. It turns out that il Pac eats one of these, for a short period of time he can disintegrate any ghosts that come near him. So. you have Pac hang around one of these pulsing pellets until just before a ghost without fear.

Level l our: This is where the true strategy and joy of Pac begins. I lie player realizes that when Pac is chargedby the blinking pellet, Pac can actually chase and tag the ghosts, thus giving himself time for some fast gobbling before four new ghosts emanate from the center of the maze. Now we have Pac as the tough guy, going after what he used to be afraid of, and setting out the boundaries of his turf for a few moments before danger once agaiii lurks.

Level Live: zlen tilin'. The path through the maze is the key: a path that avoids all dangers, without a ghost to be seen. The path to the heart of tin' computer. I fow do we chart this path, is it there to chart if we knew how? And other such mundane considerations, of which you are apprised else where.