He Walks In B-B-Beauty: This may be one of those John Travolta / Jim Morrison type rumors, but Barry Gibb is supposedly set to play Lord Byron in a movie version of the recent hit West End play based on the life of the naughty Romantic poet. We suppose for the obligatory "bi" scenes, Barry could warble some falsetto...No truth to the rumor that Robin Gibb is to play James Dickey in a made-for-TV movie...

March 1, 1982

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



He Walks In B-B-Beauty: This may be one of those John Travolta / Jim Morrison type rumors, but Barry Gibb is supposedly set to play Lord Byron in a movie version of the recent hit West End play based on the life of the naughty Romantic poet. We suppose for the obligatorybi scenes, Barry could warble some falsetto...No truth to the rumor that Robin Gibb is to play James Dickey in a made-for-TV movie...

Burt Lancaster bared almost all for his 52 flick The Crimson Pirate, now hes back with a new project, Jo/ly Roger, Son Of The Crimson Pirates, and he wants Richard Burton to play the bad guy. If you cant get old marbles-in-the-mouth, Burt, Richard Harris is warming up in the bullpen... A11 . .

Now we understand why Rod Stewart has gone from badly-dressed to a registered Fashion Eyesore. His wifey Alana, she of the gold-plated dresses, metallic f— me pumps, and thrice permed hair, dresses him! The fab couple are still wearing leopardskin spandex pants—the horror, the horror!—and have even corrupted the innocent beauty of their child Sean with the tacky britches. As if that wasnt enough, Rod seems to have ordered satin (wheres Gary Glitter?) shoulder padded (Roddie Dearest) jackets in every unthinkable sleazbo color—Bleeeccch! Cmon, Rod... you got Tina Turner back onstage, thanks alot, but...go get some flannel shirts or something,... Jeez!

Ellen Foley bared parts of herchest in a pic included in NMEs end of the year issue. Ellen, honey, dont do anything rash like buying a bra or anything...

Carrie Fisher and Paul Simon are about to cross over into married-land, after which they will drop all pretense and just become one person. Saves on laundry bills...

What could director Jonathan Demme possibly do for an encore, after directing Detroits own Jerry Vile in a PBS movie? Direct Diane Keaton, thats what—in an upcoming flick entitled Crimes ■ Of The Heart, which Diane will film after shes finished Final Payments. Speaking of La-Di-Diane, her former b.f. Warren Beatty revealed in a recent Esquire that in all of hisrelationships the woman has done the dumping.. .leaving Warren baby out in the cold, to proceed with his conquest of the rest of the female sex. (Over here, Warren!)

Debbie Harry, having somehow gotten over the trama of having KooKoo included in the L. A.

Times worst albums of the year list, is filming Videodrome in Toronto, directed by DavidScanners Cronenberg. Now when the newly-brunette Debs blows up, she wont leave a yellow spot on the carpet...

Best Part Of Breaking Up... James Taylor & Carly Simon still seen around and about Madhattan, confounding their divorce-predicting pals. Also, Bill Hudson, estranged husband of Goldie Hawn, revealed that he misses his producer/wife despite the fact that in the last year or so she hasnt had much time for him... Let Fox hasten to correct a terrible. uh, the Meryl Streep with a bag over her head item of two months back— without pointing fingers, lets just say that item was the product of an alien consciousness, OK? Next time this caninell read the proofs. Speaking of woof woofs, Loni Anderson, whos caused a run on all Helene Curtis and Hazel Bishop products on the West Coast, is the subject of a cartoon in the new Zippy anthology, a must-read for all you NY Review Of Books fans...Im holding nothing back. Im opening my breast and saying,Look what a filthy thing is here! Whatszis, Judie Tzuke in a moment of self-doubt? Nah, its Lord Laurence Olivier, describing the London Weekend TV documentary on his life. Larry: Get down, get funky...

General Hospitals Genie Francis seen at bombastic Bob Welchs recent L.A. gig.. .That Bob.. .a love god for the 80s...

And how about a marriage progress report for all of our 1981 lovebirds? Eddie & Val Van Halen: holding steady, although Val is facing a steady barrage of bad vibes from Van Halen groupies. Bebe Buell & Richard Butler: too soon to call, in fact its so early we wish them all the best! Charles & Diana: Well! No time was wasted at all by the happy royal couple in starting a family—perhaps a full-time staff of nannies explains that...

Til next month: think kind thoughts about Meryl Streep and Whit Bissell, and nuke the gay whales!