Creem Profiles
(Pronounced “Boy Howdy!”)
The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.
HOME: The Wiggly (Not So) Beautiful World.
AGE: Shriveling up.
PROFESSION: Coal mining spud boys.
HOBBIES: Collecting space junk, satisfying uncontrollable urges, playing with Mr. Potatohead, composing corporate anthems, finding love without anger, de-evolving.
LAST BOOK READ: Whip It by the Marquis de Sade.
LAST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Encouraging fans to look as ridiculous as they do!
QUOTE: Slap your mammy down!
PROFILE: Rising from the industrial wasteland and spudland capital of Akron, Ohio, these blockheads took Darwins theories in reverse, offering America the sound of things falling apart, and giving Mongoloids everywhere a new purpose and cause.
BEER: Boy Howdy!