Good news: Donald Roeser, Cult�s whiz-guitarist Buck Dharma, will be releasing a solo Fear The Reaper� and the best Cult tunes of recent years, so said LP should be guaranteed hot stuff... Other solo LP news includes that of highly volatile Kink Dave Davies, who's just finished his second for RCA, apparently called Glamour.

June 1, 1981

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



Good news: Donald Roeser, Cult�s whiz-guitarist Buck Dharma, will be releasing a solo Fear The Reaper� and the best Cult tunes of recent years, so said LP should be guaranteed hot stuff...

Other solo LP news includes that of highly volatile Kink Dave Davies, who's just finished his second for RCA, apparently called Glamour. CREEM ruffian J. Kordosh not involved...

Eric Even Slower Now� Clapton was, sadly, hospitalized due to a serious ulcer condition at presstime. The guitar biggie felt initial pain at a Madison, Wl gig and was soon placed in a St. Paul, MN hospital. *.;VDespite all these American cities, Clapton was immediately forced to cancel the remainder of his 1981 tour.'As we write this, he�s listed in serious condition.

The Original Blues Project— sans Tommy Flanders—reunited ip. New York city for one gig,

Rob Halford still obnoxious and :funn^looking^»

That new live Magazine LP will be released here on LR.S. Records, distributed by

Got a call here at the CREEM offices from a member of Taxxi, a Brit -band now touring the States who�ve got an LP out here on Fantasy Records and want everyone to know it isn�t jazz-fusion even though, 1} that�s what the labe j�s usually doing and 2) t he cover locks that way. OK, guys?

Former Public Ima drummer Martin Atkina is now touting the States under the deplorable pseudonym Brian Bmirt Solo LP out in the U K on ■ y - . ".,, .m-,.,.; .

Special thanks to CREEM DREEM and Plasmatic Wendy O. Williams, who told famed S^omomnv showhf^^^M shaving cream was none other thdn Boy Howdy! Good thing Tdtn didn�i gfct more specific, if you catch qm fife, Thanks, Wendy! ;N ■■■i. .--Silli.. 1

What do old art-rockers do when ffieirnurnber�s up? K«ttfc|| Emerson, later of ELP, scored * Sylvester Stallone�s latest flick, Nighthawks, featuring a �punk�� versifi of �I�m A Man.� I'lot bad at all, and soundtrack�^ available on Backstreet;records. And hi the steps of theirgreat SorcerersoupdtraCk, Kraut spacers Tangerine Dream -provided the music for dames ... Caan�s newest, Thief, soon . available herein Elektra Records.

Gentle Giant are takings year off, in ease you were wondering,

Hot guitarist James * * Blood� Ulmer, former Ornette Coleman playmate, has been * signed toColumbia. Meanwhile, check out his solo album on Rough Trade if you get a chance,.

Do you copy, over: famed exBeatle George Harrison finally received the verdict of his

alleged �plagiarizing�� of �He�s So ; Fine�on �My Sweet Lord. � Has to shell out $587,000 and remain dour for the rest erf his natural life...

Too bad about Saturday Night: due to a production shake-up, the show took a one-month hiatus while a new/ producer evaluated the situation. End result: lan Deny & the Blockheadswho were scheduled during the month, canceled the remainder of their American tour. Some day he� II get over here again...

le�Boom Boom� Van Helen and Valerie Bertineilitied the, Jcnot on MpriU^ipf course^now we want everybody to imagine what their kids will took Ike.. .exactly the same/ Check out the pictures— Eddie �n� Val could be clones....

• .tMHwaK Swace Slick the proud owner of a >rand new white Volkswagen Fabb%^ l

Ex-English teacHer Sting to star in a �three hour psychological thriller� on BBCinU.K. Angel Of Death, in which he plays—incredibly—a musician who steals an .ancient Greek stable while under a compelling impulse (see Backstage April�8Lfor another c. i.) .The statue brings evil to all who are near it, so look for Sting-boy to be in for some heavy trauma; PBS or pay-TV may pick up for viewing here, 1,

Who was that former rug weaver onstage with Jeff Beck at Londpifs Hammersmith Odfeon?!? Former Yaihibirds pal Jfanmy Page, that�s who. No Word yet on an�81 grouping of the ex-Zeppers, but judging from Page�s? stage-hopping, and Robert Plant�s jumping the boards atKeele University in the UK, to jam with Dr. Feelgood, they seem to be getting back to the basics,,.

In perhaps the most touching bit of recent news, the Big Fat Pet Clams From Outer. Space have shortened their name to, simply^® Pet Clhms Thousands grieved at home, silently...

In The Studio

LosAngeles, CA—Sunset Sound Van Halen, Elton John, Tina Turner. Artisan Sound: Grateful \j Dead, David Grisman & Stephane Grappelli, Rick Springfield; Sound City Jay Feiguson, Sue Saad& The Next, Tom Petty, The Pop, Pat Benatar, Stevie Nicks; Go/cfSfftft; ■ Jackie DeShannon. Delbert McCHnton; Kendun; REO §9R Speedwagon; Sausalito, o CA—Record Plant: Pablo Cruise, • Tom Johnson, Honolulu, , Hawaii—StudloHawaii: Dan ' • Fogelberg. �'»J

Bruce Springsteen forced to cancel a rare tour of Britain in March, due to acute exhaustion W8Q/?Sl American marathon. Apparently r j the Boss�s rasp had degenerated to a shadow of itself, so u nhappy Brits had to wait until May.

Tom Petty and MCA came to agreement on an $8.98 price for his LP—MCA wanted to tag the surefire bigseiler at $9.98, like the new Steely Dan LP. but people�s hero Tom haggled with them until the lower price was settled on. ..Petty fust finished producing Del Shannon�s RSO LP, which should be out as you read this...

Island International Productions will be releasing the film Countryman on both video-cassette and video-disc formats, making it the first feature-length film available for home video buffs before regular" theatre-goers. Film is set in Jamaica and features the music of Boh Marley & the Wallers and Lee �Scratch� Perry...

Head Earth Wind & Fireite Maurice White was in the studios with Billy Joel, discussing a possible future collaboration and other things we don�t know about

Frank Zippy.. .er, Zappa, hosted a New York concert in April in honor of Louise Varese, widow of Zap�s longtime idol & influence, Edgard. Varese works were performed, and Frank may be on the road to full taste recovery: We h6pe.

Knack drummer Bruce Gary in the studio with former Dylan back-up vocalist Helena Springs, Also in on the session are Knackers Berton Averre and Prescott Niles, not to mention former Doors lead guitarist Robbie Krieger. Will the highlight be the planned r&b version of the Knack�s �Can�t Put A Price On Love�? Or just Doug Fieger�s absence?.

TREMENDOUS NEWS!: Due to the incredible popularity of theSkaggs� Philosophy Of The World, Red Rooster Records has announced a glorious second album due from the goofy girls,from New England. Titled Shagg�s Own Thing, the LP will include new songs by both Dorothy and Betty Wiggin and a �surprise� live cut! Red Rooster says it�s.�every bit as amazing as its predecessor.�

Further news from Red Rooster: NRBQ— who morethan a few have dubbed America�s most - underrated rock�n�roll band—have planned a �tribute to Burt Bacharach,�� no doubt on the heels of our pleas in Rock 'n' Roll News of a few months back. Can't-

Gary Nutnan has class: Hanging out with ugh-rockers Queen in Tokyo, ElNumanoidateBigMacs and drank Coke while Quegn' gaudily consumed �sushi and other delights � If we didn�t think he was cool before, we do now.

Pete Shelley has left the Burreock*—amiably, he sez—to pursue the all-important solo career. The remaining B�cocks—Stevie Diggle, Steve Garvey, and John Maher, are putting the finishing touches on their next I.R.S LP. some cuts of which were 'recorded before Shelley�s departure... Howard Devoto and Shelley, of course, were the original founders of the group J

Head Gee Bee Barry Gibb has expressed great interest in working with Paul McCartney... m '' fl: McCartney, meanwhile, just finished his latest album, which� B include not only Bingo Starr but also Stanley Ctatlte�and historic cool guy Carl Perkins. LP was -done at Montserrat, supposedly the infamous �Beatle Reunion in memory of John Lennon� that . never was. We're waiting. Paulie...

Generation Xs lead singer Billy Idol has moved to New York and I may be working with Aucoin management—those zany folks Who brought us Kiss. Which means &f the band has broken up, with Idol remaining as a solo artist and b) their latest LP will be released here under the name of Bitty Idol and Gen X. Some people... '

On Tour

Todd Rundgren & Utopia, The Brains, U-2, Rick Nelson & the - Stone Canyon Band. Shoes, Sir ■glas Quintet, Jesse Winchester, , BEO Speedwagori, Rush, Van Halen, Echo & The Bunnymen, George Thorogood & The Destroyers, Garland Jeffreys & The Rumour, Adam & The Ants, • Madness, Simple Minds, Tom Dickie & The Desires, The Hitmen, Martha & The Muffins, Hazel O�Conner, Secret Affair, The FoOls.