The Pretenders’ next single from the pen of Chrissie: “Message of Love”... Mucho news from Editions E.G., the JEM-distributed label that recently reissued Eno’s Music For Films and Fripp & Eno's No Pussyfooting and Evening Star: Eno’s classic Discreet Music, originally issued on his own Obscure label, should be out by the time you read this, not to mention the debut of NY’s Lounge Lizards.

April 1, 1981

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


The Pretenders’ next single from the pen of Chrissie: “Message of Love”...

Mucho news from Editions E.G., the JEM-distributed label that recently reissued Eno’s Music For Films and Fripp & Eno's No Pussyfooting and Evening Star: Eno’s classic Discreet Music, originally issued on his own Obscure label, should be out by the time you read this, not to mention the debut of NY’s Lounge Lizards. Next few months will bring hot Brit band Killing Joke’s debut and a James White/Chence compilation titled Second Chance...

Longtimers the Good Rato have changed their lineup slightly, { incorporating new guitarist Brace Tulick (previously with Meatloaf and Blackjack) and bassist Schuyler Dealc. New LP called Great American Music due out imminently on the Great American Records fabel...

in a L.A. Times interview, Bob Dylan cautioned against the political excesses of fundamentalist Christian groups like the Moral Majority. Bobby of course considers himself “bom again,” but he pointed out that his religious fervor comes from within, instead of from dairy Falwell types.. .we demand Di-Gel for fervor from Within.

Cradle Call: Moat Loaf and his lovely Leslie now the proud parents of little Amanda, who at six pounds is only a sliver off the old block.. .And Barry Gibb became a papa for the third time, to number three son Travis Ryan Gibb.

Garland Jeffreys, whose new vinyl effort Escape Artist Is in your comer disc shop right now, gathered an impressive corps of musicians for the record; Glide Radner hubby G JB. Smith played guitar, Rumour-rhythm section Andrew Bodnar and Steve Gouldlng were present, as were Danny Federielfrom the E Street Band, Big Youth and Linton Kwesi Johnson, funkateer Adrian Belew, the Breaker brothers, Lou Reed (on backing vocals), etc. In fact, the Rumour have been escape artists themselves, leaving Graham Parkerto back up Garland bn his Eurpoean and U.S. tours (no word from G.P as to his band plans...)

Prank “Where's My Sense Of Humor?” Zappa recently filed criminal charges against East Coast concert promoter Richard A. Cohen after the tetter handed Zappa’s production company an • alleged bad check for $22,500. Reports unconfirmed that Zappa also sued Biff flernandec, noted school bully, who extorted Zappa’s milk money when both were kidsback in 1955...

Stiff Records’prez Dave . Robinson had this to say in the Son of Stiff Tout press release: Personally) wouldn’t walk a city block to see those bands that disappear up to their navels in dry ice.” Fair enough, but why did the Ptaainailce employ a dry-ice machine during their appearance in Fridays? , The Plasmatics recently got busted in Milwaukee for obscene gesturing and resisting arrest. Mere days later, Wendy O. Williams was arrested in Cleveland for wearing nothing but shaving cream, which she first tested on CREEM readers in the February 1981 issue.

Wendy was quoted as saying after the Cleveland incident, “Nobody ■ arrests a man if he. takes off his shirt!" t •

* Arista nabbed Bram Tchaikovsky,..


.. .The Recording Industry Association of America stocks the White House Record Library, in case you didn’t know. Some new additions the Reaganacanrelax over: Chic, the Stones, Funkadelic, Donna Summer, the Sex Pistols, Elvis Costello and The Village People. Just think! When nerve-fraying confutation with the Russkis flares up, Reagan can rock out to “Anarchy In the U .K.”—while Nancy gets funky to “Y.M.C.A.”...What, no Deed Kennedys record?

Exciting new wave band Savoy, uh, waita minute.. .boringold waveband Savoy Brdwn.. .no, that won’t do, either...well, uh anyway, actual band Savoy Brown will once again be touring these fine states, this time with lead vocalist Ralph Morman (formerly with Joe Perry Project), drummer Keith Boyce (from the Bram Tchaikoveky band), and guitarist .Berry Pant (of mid-70‘s spuds Heavy Metal Kids) . As usual, guitarist Kim Sfanmonds will be at the helm, if his rest home allows him to leave the premises after 4 p. m....

Wendy's dramatic reading of Hamlet’s soliquoy always make her shows “special," fans agrao 1

■Pie Studio!

LosAngeles, CA—RecordPldrtt ?; f Van Morrison, Pablo Cruise-, Jefferson Starship (Ron Nevjj&llli producing); BurbankY CA—Kendun Recorders: Russia (John Stronach & Ron Alvermfy producing), Rufus;' San Francisco—Hyde Street Studios:, Mike Bloomfield (Norman Dayron producing), the Rubinoos;

Ferndale, MI—Discord Siudios:

Pop Tarts (Dave Hanna producing), the Boners; Detroit,

Ml— Sureshot/Westwind Recording Studio: Miller’s Killers; Royal Oak, MI—Tremor Recording: Cinecyde.

NME notes that Sting will be recording a version of Rev.

Robert Dylan’s “I Shall Be Released” for a coming TV film called Parole, the single due outdh RSO Records rather than A&M. flj Sting’s talent for genuflecting at random intervals may come in handy, .111

Ex Flamin'Groovie Roy A. Loney will be releasing his third effort for Solid S moke Records this months on the label’s new subsidiary War Bride Records.. ."Where’s the new Flamin’ Groovies’ LP is what we wanna knqgjg..

More lawsuits: Brace Springsteen was awarded an unprecedented $2,150,000 in damages after El Bosso sued California bootlegger Andrea Waters (A.K. A. Vicki Vinyl) and others... frank Zappa not - . Involved...

New Year’s Eve at CBGB’s brought former tVer Tom Variable back on the stage for the first time in almost two years. Verlaine sat in with new NY band called Telethon featuringformer TV-mate Fred Smith, J.D. Dougherty (ex Patti Smith Group), Brace Brody and Richie Fieigler (ex-John Cale band) and Reveion George Piccard. Band performed Veriaine’s “Breakin’ In •, My Heart” and “Ain’t That Nothing,’ and we wish we were there...

If Lou Reed could use Don Chesty Dept.: Legendary jazzer Sonny Rolline wil&ltl be Mowing his tenor sax along with Mick dagger and the boy s on the upcoming Stones’ LP, not titled Emotional Cripples, though considering their title for their newest best-of, Sucking In The '70s, maybe it should be...

Highlighting this year’s Classic Errors, Fantasy Records has just discovered that their recent Creedence Clearwater Revival live LP, The Royal Albert Hall Concert, wasnotrecordedat the Royal Albert Hall—but, in fact, at the Oakland Coliseum three months eariierthan originally believed. Fantasy plans to fix their error by giving the set a new cover and a new title (Creedence Clearwater Revival: The Concert) and investigating the rumor that Budokan is actually the name of a cheapstrip joint in Boogie, Iowa...

New album by the Twietere making abignoiseirv||A. and: available nationally on Rhino Records...

Former Rolling Stones’ manager Andrew f Loog” Oldham will produce a “rock/theater venue called ‘Dementos’ ” whatever that means.., - .

That live Petti Smith album has been pulled off the Arista release list. Jill

IHondie’s drummer boy Burke is set to produce the Speedies. .

Fleetwood line bassist John McVie was arrested on the isle of Maui for possession rjf cocaine. If convicted, the Mac hack faces deportation...

Interesting note for Anglophiles: Nick Mason of Pink Floyd releasing his first solo LP, called Fictitious Sports. Featured will be old mate Robert Wyatt, Karen Kraft, Chris Spedding, Gary Windo, Mike Mantler, Steve Swallow, and Carla Bley, who co-produced the set with Mason and deserves a news item of her own.. ",;s

Tragic news: Tim Hardin, who composed “If ! Were A Carpenter,” “Misty Roses,*%nd “The Lady Came From Baltimore,” among other classics, was found dead in his L.A. home in late December. After a series of superb albums for the Verve/Forecast label in the mid-60’s and three undeservedly overlooked ones for Columbia, the influentialfoiksinger faded from public consciousness during the 70’s and never really returned. A shame.,.

Lon Reed, Debbie Harry, Jj Cheap Trick and Earth, Wind & Fire are slated to compose and perform songs for something called

Drats, a full length animated space fantasy flick..

Best headline of the month, courtesy of Variety: CANADA MAY OUTLAW UNLICENSED DISHES. Nothing was said, however, of pressure cookers, spatulas or corkscrews...

Cars guitar star EUiot Easton was enlisted by Utopia’s Kasim Sulton for help on his upcoming soloLP...

Joe Strammer’s been keeping himself busy by putting together an LP of previously unreleased . material from his old group the lOlers. No deal’s been made with a label yet, but watch this space for further developments...

Detroit’s Cadillac Kidz have broken up, due to the usual “personal differences”...

Robert Quine was replaced by Ronnie Drayton in the punk/funk group Deadline...

Phil May, legendary Pretty Things and composer of the equally legendary SJF. Sorrow, album, now working on a ballet version of said rock opera, in hopes of bringing it to various British cities J before the summer ..How *bout just bringing your band here, Phil?


Cheap Trick, Nazareth, Robin Lane and the Chartbusters, Eddie and the ! Hot Reds, Dirty Locks, Joe “King” Carrasco and the Crowns, the Plasmatics, Blue Angel, the Vapors, Jerry Lee Lewis, Rush, Edgar Winter, Polyrock, Human Sexual i Response.