Confession of a FILM FOX

"The greater the love, the more false to its object," as W.H. Auden put it, and this Fox can't top old Wystan's way with syllables in describing the latest ungentlemanly woos from the lips of Rod "Bad Dye Job" Stewart. Old artichoke head bragged recently that he'd swiped a copy of ex-playmate Britt Ekland's steamy memoirs, True Britt, from a corner bookstore at London's Heathrow Airport—tucking it under his fur coat (note femme attire).

March 1, 1981

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Confession of a FILM FOX


"The greater the love, the more false to its object," as W.H. Auden put it, and this Fox can't top old Wystan's way with syllables in describing the latest ungentlemanly woos from the lips of Rod "Bad Dye Job" Stewart. Old artichoke head bragged recently that he'd swiped a copy of ex-playmate Britt Ekland's steamy memoirs, True Britt, from a corner bookstore at London's Heathrow Airport—tucking it under his fur coat (note femme attire). "Weil, I was damned if I was going to pay for it," Roddy smirked, going on to describe the former light of his life as "a born loser, always the bridesmaid." This despite Britt* s breathy account of their union as giving Romeo and Juliet a fair run for their money... One can only hope that the long-term effects of indiscriminate peroxide use are not benign... , • Carrie Fisher may be shacking up with "One-Trick" Paul Simon, but she's no dope when it comes to her ma and pa: "She's a Texas chain-saw survivor," Carrie raved about mom Debbie Reynolds. As for her dad Eddie Fisher: "He's just a little shell shocked from 13 years of doing Speed, but he's so friendly." Just keep him off our lap, sweetie...

Looks like Ms. Linda Ronstadt's hit the boyfriend bigtime: no more fooling around with bass players or Bel Air desperados—Linda's snagged no less than Jackie O's former squeeze, NY columnist Pete Hamill. And no more laid-back L. A. denim chic for the lovely Linda, who was swathed head-to-foot in a distinctly non-proletarian fur while acompanying her macho Pete to a telecast of the Leonard / Duran fight. (Can Buddhists hear the screaming of tiny furred animals?) Everybody's favorite WASP role model Candice Bergen is still vigorously denyjng reports that she married Pretty Baby director Louis Malle because she's expecting.. .and hey, Candy is the one who said last year that she'd push her mother down the ramp of the Museum of Modem Art wearing roller skates for a good marriage, so she didn't need a blessed event to induce her to tie the knot... even with an older man like Louie baby.

Mick Jagger was still claiming innocence in the whole Natasba Fraser affair at presstime... you may recall that he was polecatting around London with the dishy 17-year-old daughter of the dishy Lady Antonia Fraser, and came home to New York protesting thfjt he wqs "still together with Jerry Hall." Nobody asked you that, Mickboy...

Speaking of 17-year-old nubiles, Nastassia Kinski, the little German Lolita who threw Roman Polanski over for a younger man (Milos Forman), is almost set for the title role in Philip Yordan's movie of the Erskine Caldwell novel Greta. Don't get too lathered up though, boys, because early in the movie "Greta" wakes up to find out she's a man. (No fun.)

Keith "Huh?" Richards still playing patty-cake with buxom redhead model Patti Hansen, (perhaps best known for her derriere-happy Calvin Klein print jeans ads, before Brooke Shields got the job). Keith.. .can you handle it? "We have little in cpmmon!" pert Adrienne Barbean told Gossip about her new hubby, Twinkie-eating horror flick director John Carpenter. "I used to prepare Chinese food; I haven't used my wok since I met him! When we're at home together, I might have a salad or yogurt or some vegetable thing around six; then at ten o'clock I have to fix him macaroni and cheese... or beanie weenies...!" Ye gads! Is acute indigestion grounds for divorce? Still, the buxom Adrienne purrs that she's learned to accept Johnny-poo, Wonder bread and all...

Wish We'd Said That: Marie Osmond: "I don't care what anybody says, you have to be physically attracted to the guy. "

Mia Farrowand Woody Allen apparently will take that long stroll down the aisle; (possibly even by the time you read this), which will make the not-quite-father-material Allen stepfather to sevdh little Previns... (will his next flick be a remake of Father Goose...? Or The Terror Of Tinytown?)

Pennies From Heaven went into production at MGM in January; no, it's not a remake of the old movie; this one stars Steve Martin and g.f. Bernadette Peters, who in Steve's words plays "a schoolteacher who turns slut." No not a remake. Steve has learned to tap dance like a pro...

Hell Freezes Over! Roger Corman pops for an incredible $ 17 million budget for his next sci-fi epic Ultimate Battle... / ,

And what's a Film Fox without the latest report on Roman Polanski? We're shocked to learn that the petite Pole has taken up with an 18-year-old German fraulein named Sabine Chndy... Perhaps Roman wanted a mother figure...? Til next month: Take your mother figure out to lunch...