Or, if we don’t care, why should you?

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.
Long ago, when Kiss were mere nobodies looking for that first big break, guess who strolled up to the CREEM World Headquarters and actually put on their makeup? Seen here in the world-famous CREEM's Men's Room, the Geeks That Sold The World are clearly unmasked and ready for the greasepaint. And the fact that said makeup also disguised four of the ugliest mugs in The Biz should have told us something, but hey, we were too busy laughing to notice. Eventually these Kissaroos went on to Big Bucks and Kiddieland, but—for a while at least—these were the most carefully hidden kissers in the world. Now, of course, Kiss's Peter Criss has gone solo, done the unthinkable and shown it all—but CREEM, as always, refuses to be scooped! And so, for your dining and retching pleasure, here's Kiss without their makeup! Write 'WHO CARES' on your doggie-bag but remember this: Some things are better left unknown. These faces are four of them.