Unbelievable but true: famed Christian Bobby Dylan has pulled out all the stops for his next LP, according to recent concert reports. Not only Burning Bush-head’s new one be called Saved (for what, you ask?)featured tracks will resportedly include the soon-to-be-a-standard “Ain’t Gonna Go To Hell For Nobody,” in which, we presume, the fervent feister responds to critical suggestions as to where he should do more recording.

August 1, 1980

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



Unbelievable but true: famed Christian Bobby Dylan has pulled out all the stops for his next LP, according to recent concert reports. Not only Burning Bush-head’s new one be called Saved (for what, you ask?)featured tracks will resportedly include the soon-to-be-a-standard “Ain’t Gonna Go To Hell For Nobody,” in which, we presume, the fervent feister responds to critical suggestions as to where he should do more recording.

Last issue we reported Marshall Tucker Band bassist Tommy Caldwell had been critically injured in a car accident; immediately after presstimethe accident proved fatal. Weeks later, bassist and longtime friend Franklin Wilkie was tagged as Caldwell’s replacement for the band’s present tour. Deep regrets and best wishes for the band...

Odd news from ah Elektra press release: their long-out-of-print Stooges LPswillbe partially re-released in the form of a “greatest hits” collection dubbedNo Fun, Included will be: “I Wanna Be Your Dog,” “Real Cool Time,” “1969,” “1970” and five others. Only one problem, though. The LP will only be available in Europe, where The Stooges, Fun House ahd even Raw Power have been available as reissues for over three years. Well, uh, thanksforthe news anyway, guys; we’ll pick it up when we’re over there..,;

Appearing on the German TV series Rock Potash lovable cowpokers ZZ Top proved as bestial as they , look. Having earlier asked the show's producer the correct German words to introduce “Cheap Sunglasses." wild-and-wooly guitarist Billy Gibbons proceeded to tell the audience, in German: “1 love sheep." Rumors that the show’s producer was a former Polish translator for Jimmy Carter were of no substance

Matched set Gary Numan and Robert Palmer have been “collaborating"—you figure out why and tell us, OK?—and the end result will be two songs on Palmer's next LP. Not to mention that “f Dream .Of Wires." written solely by Numan, will show up on both Palmer’s and his own new LP. Must be their cologne or something .

More sad news: Joe Crane, leader of San Francisco's Hoodoo ,; Rhythm Devils, died of leukemia^ April 22...

Sex star and famed cover boy David Lee Roth of Van Halen was apparently more obnoxious than usual recently the golden ugly boy was cited by Cincinnati police for the extremely heinous crime of smokipg where he shouldn%ln‘the infamous auditorium the Who recently played, no less, Davey had a smoke onstage, which didn’t sit well with security-conscious police, Roth pleaded “not guilty" and was considering a counter-suit at presstime. Any kinda suit's OK with us, Dave, as long as you’re wearing something■ \ j

The Rubber City Rebe||||jj produced by DottfiFieger, now officially sfgpned to Capttplfl Records.. .N

Look for the new Roxy M uslc LP, Flesh And Blood, sometime before August. Batting off film offers left and right thme days, dapper Bryan Ferry will be crooning, among other tunes, the Byrds’ “Eight Miles High”...

Wall Of Voodoo, “the much heralded electronic ensemble from Los Angeles," making a great start (and probably lots offriends) in the biz with this press release excerpt: “Rumors that early demo tapes of Wall Of Voodoo doing‘Ring Of Fire’ have been floating around the New York area for some time and that ' ’ Bloadle ‘borrowed’ the idea Of doing an electronic version of this song (for the Roadie soundtrack! ' after hearing one of these tapes are unfounded. People in the music buririfssjust don’t do things like that,” The band’s plans to also endorse Gloria Vanderbilt’s Murjani jeans more than two years ago were not, however, mentioned inthe release... *

Speaking of Bloadle, look for 2x5 tribe released this month, a sampler produced by Bloridie keyboardist Jimmy Destri Featured will be such New York bands as the Student Teachers, • j Comateena, Fleshtone*, and Revelons. JEM Records will be handling distribution.

Not content with being a living rock legend for her vocal work in Wings' “Cook Of The House,1” Linda McCartney entered a short film at the recentCannes festival and actually won. Called Seaside Woman—ala the Swri&TheRed Stripes tune—the him features music by Linda and her Jess^u^ll-known hubby, Patti, who have been quite popular 20 years ago..,

Didja take her home to meet your . mom? dept : Hungarian pop star GdiiwB&emottahas been a squaring Diana Ross around , Gotham. Is this the end for Cher? Does Gregg know? And what - about Ed Muskie?


Los Angeles, CA—Paramount Recording Studio: Sly and the Family Stone; Larrabee Recording Studio: the Pennies (Richard Weiss - producing) ; Record Plant: Chicago (Tom Dowd producing), Kenny Loggins (Bruce Botnidk producing), Eddie Money; Westlake Studios : A Tastepf Honey, Giorgio Moroder, . Pririce; Sound City : PatBenatar, Nick Gilder, Rick Springfield, the Bafeys, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Roseanne Cash; Holly wood—Britannia Sound: Crusaders, Melissa Manchester; NewYork—E lectric Lady: Clash, AC/DC; Blue Rock Studio: Kinks, Saturday Night Live Band, dB’s; A&R-Studio: Steely Dan, Steve Forbert, Romantics, Jimmy Buffet, , Brooklyn Dreams, Dirty Looks; Detroit, MI.—United Sound Studios: George Clinton, Bootsy Collins, David Ruffin (Don Davis producing), Johnny Taylor; Sureshat/ Westwind Studios: Reruns, the27, Heaven Seventeen; Superdisc: Mutants (George Clinton producing).

Aclear-upof anitem^March 1980’sRock ’n’RoBNews: Rory Gailaghet's leaving the Jefferson Starship tour of a few months back was not the result of “fisticuffs” between Rory and Pent a Kantner. Turns out, according to the C^lfagher camp, that the & Starship wasn’t letting Rory use their monitors and onl^pdng him a minimum of stage space The conflict was in fact between Rory’s manager brother Donal and a Starship roadie and, according to Gallagher sources, they “almost cams! to blow®,” Furthermore,« people (instead of “more than « half’), according tp the pramcter, II demanded refunds in Milwaukee when told Rory had left the tour.

Speaking of the Starship, Craig “I’m still a hippie, man” Chaquico just invented (with the help of his . crewl thefclastometric Guitar Strap Lock-r which is techno-jargon fora j| guitar strap that won't fall off, Proposed slogan: “Use your rubber or it might fall off, ” And the same might be said of one’s head, is this not so, Craig? ..i .Craig?

Hallucination-inducing prolamine found fe9-Lives Savory Stew? Finally, there's offical word on Peter Crise s status with Kfcfte, Inc., ifyfouopn decode the,' following: “Peter Criss., .has ; decided to pursue a solo career, / ?* citing his desire to explore a new ,■ musical direction . Criss emphasized that he has received overwhelming encouragement from... the other members of the band. Criss will continue asa member of the KISS partnership...”

Pearl Iiarbor& The Explosions, who you might have read about in our May issue, are now officially kaput, with Pearl traipsing off to Europe perhaps after long time acquaintance and Clash aide-de-camp Kozmo Vinyl and perhaps not. Jpjp!

Epic’s 20 / 29, another one of the ‘ new wave bands appealing on American Bandstand, had a bit of a. problem one Saturday at 12:30 trying to find a TV to watch themselves on. Workers afSanta . Barbara General Hospital were forced to give over a room to the. 1 power popsters, where they watched happily.

Strange news: Someone broke into the executive offices of Electric Ladyland studios in JNVCrecentiy and stole five Of Jiml Hendrix’s gold records—and nothingelse. If anyone knows of their whereabouts, needless to say, contact the studio* j immediately,.^; _ ^ '£mm

Jonn Jett produced the Germs debut LP on Slash Records...

This really isn’t piek*on*E!ektraRecords-month, but what we wanna know is: how come every promo ad for Bernle Taupin’s new IP, He WftoRidesTheTlger, mentions that said disc is Bemie’s first? Could it be that ttte very same label, responsible for issuing Bemie’s . debut album in 1972, would have us forget that it immediately died its proper dog-death? And are they Worried this new one may follow suit? Well, uh, we’d just thought we’d mention if.,,

Legal fun: Greg Shaw and JEM Records not exactly oh speaking terms lately, with JEM suing Shaw„ and his labels (Bomp and Voxx among them) for supposedly reneging on a distribution feal, and Shaw counter-suing for a series of alkgedabuses—among them JEM representatives once telling the. Shoes that Shaw and his label were going out of business. Life among the big-wigs is definitely un-fun... *

At presstime, rumor has ittfsat . Bryan Gregory of the Cramps has quilt the goresome foursome. Details as the story unfolds...

Journey just recorded their next , LP, a double live set, atDefroit’s ' Cobo Hall after setting a few &| attendance records during their * four-n ight stint. Worried Detroiters meanwhile, wondjering whether (o expect the same from Styx and Kansas in the next few months.

Big Time Dept;: Joining the likes of Kiss, Southside Johnny, Tod Nugent and Dolly gtairton are the Rolling Stones, who’ve got a brand new pinball game modeled after them. The kicker,'though: as you play, you’re serenaded with “Jumpiri’ Jack Flash,” ^Satisfaction^” “Miss You” and “When the Whip Comes Down.” Sounds good, but give us Gorgar any day. . K

THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A~ ENGLAND: According to Zodiac News, C9psin Brighton, England, have out doWnontheever-popular skinhead/Mod battles by confiscating the naughty skinheads’ bootlaces. Yes, the bristle-heads favor boots designed especially for kicking mohair-suited bottoms, and without laces they’re left high and dry', open to vicious Mod insults about the cut of their clothes. The crafty Mods, of course, jfavor slip-on Hush Puppies, which so far the police haven’t been able to control...

BUT POSSIBLY NOT MELODY MAKER OR NME: Two of the three bigEnglish rock, weeklies, New Musicrd Express and Melody Maker, both owned by megapublishers IPC 1 in England, suspended publication atthe end of April due to a lengthy labor dispute involving the printers and editorial employees as well. According to our news source, the guys in the Gang of Four, editors were still putting together issues in hopes that production would be resumed. The newsroom here at CREEM (Journalist’s Guild? . Whazzat?) will also be relieved if a settlement occur^^H

Lenny Kaye, Richard Sohl. and J.D. Daughterty from the Patti Smith Group are gigging around New York City as the Nuggets, specialists in semi-obscure oldies (augmented by Patrick O’Connor on bass)

Meanwhile newlyweds Patti and Fred “Sonic” Smith drove in from Ann Arbor tp perform another benefit for the Detroit Symphony .Orchestra in June, as some of the proceeds from their mottey-raiser last year simply disappeared. Patti's ! solo project still awaited.,.


Gang of Four, Journdy, Triumph, Fleetwood Map, Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band, Angel City, Sammy Hagar, lah Hunter, the Romantics, Toto, the Jags, Willie Nile, the Ctetones, Genesis, Boz Scaggs, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, the Cramps, Lou Reea, Jefferson Starship, John Denver, Robin Lane and the Chartbuste/s, John McLaughlin, Mahogany Rush, Pat Travers, the Rockets, Humble Pie, Gentle Giant, Rush, Dirty Looks) Judas Priest, Scorpions, Tommy James, Rockpile, Robert Fripp, Bruford, Devo,