Has Father Time taken its tollon some of Gonzo's get-up-'n'-go? Maybe, seeing as how Ted Nugent sprained his ankle trying to clear a hedge at his sister's wedding. Rumor has it that Theo felled the foul bush with an elephant gun and has since mounted it in his trophy room, right next to a wayward barber who clipped Nugent's locks at a tender age.

September 1, 1979

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Has Father Time taken its tollon some of Gonzo's get-up-'n'-go? Maybe, seeing as how Ted Nugent sprained his ankle trying to clear a hedge at his sister's wedding. Rumor has it that Theo felled the foul bush with an elephant gun and has since mounted it in his trophy room, right next to a wayward barber who clipped Nugent's locks at a tender age. Okay, so don't believe

Speaking of time travel. Bill Haley has sign ed with Sonet Records and plans to release a new version of ''Hail, Hail Rock V Rolf' soon.

Is Linda Ronstadt tiring of Jetty's (lack of) attention? Will she follow the Susan Ford and Fatty Meats! trend of marrying her bodyguard? Isanyfeody listening '

boom-chicka-boom: Robinson is toying with ie idea of cutting a disco album in an attempt 1 to readh'dtduhhi^ped gay market, which would include a tune commemorating the Stonewall Riots ten years ago... Robinson was forced to cancel the last three dates of hfsUv$.:($^ including a M scheduled appearance at a Rock Against Racism rally InCfricago, after receiving word that his grandfather had suffered a stroke and was critically ill. Tom flew back to London immediately to be with

On a^mdar'ft^gid-n^e, Aretha ■ Franklin hadto make an unscheduled appearance in her hometown of Detroit after her : father, the Reverend Clarence Franklin, was shot and critically 1 wounded when he surprised burglarswho'dbrokeninto his house (unaware of who owned id looking for antiques and stained glass. Rev. Franklin had pulled a gun on the intruders, who were surprised to find nearly $30,000 in cash and checks from the Reverend's Sunday collections. -They shot the Reverend and fled, only to beapprehended the JJ following day. Franklin remained in a C0t»hf|pr several days, and at ■ serious

Fly ing on a wing and a prayer, the Jefferson Stars hip performed: their first gig this year in San Francisco's GoldercGatePark to a crowd of7000which included Grace Slickand Marty Belin. Lead singerMicfceyTlMHiMMi and drummer Aynsley Dunbar made their first public appearance with the reconstructed group for the free conceal

Good news for borderline suicidals: Gilbert O'Sullivan, the den - mother of manic depressives, is planning to Nt the ree$$etfrigaiM§i|| concert comeback trail just as soon as he straightens out some legal snafus with his former manager. And while we're on thesubjectof ! returns, former Bey City Roller lead singer Lee McKeownfe ' fronting aimiw group aptly named Egotrip and will have a new LP out soon. Pass the arsenic, yfe

Be true to your fool: Word has oyt of London town to the I effect that Marianne FaithfnII, who at one time only had eyes for Mick Jegger, has taken a plunge into marital bliss with p* nk rocker Bcn.E.FicioKe

IntheDon'tHold YourBreath a Department, rumor has it thatthe Universal Ahnpitheatre is holding several dates open for one Ettou John... And now onto thegroup which aeated this department in the whose meagerly-awaited double LP is stifl nowhere near complete. | Despite a studio bill of over $400,000, $he Macs are yet to finish basic tracksf'pbtt® mention die mixing andoverdubbing stages which haven?) even begun. Let's hear ft for the monkey..: ■

Geils Bend finished off a dynamic two-night stand in the Detroit area by playing a late night, hush-hush gig at Bookie's. After completing their scheduled show at die Huge Pine Knob mega-theatre, the guys donned street garb and sped badk to the heart of the Motor City to appear atthe tiny club as dlaaaty 9k Tbe Juke Joints. Feter Wolf expressed a desire to - jfept a Winnebago and kirk around ' Detroit for awhile..,

Caught with egg on your face? Fuul that that might not be such a bad -idea, seeing as how their newest afeum pf assorted small animal abuse 4 entitled Back Tp The Egg. Tp celebrate its release, Mac& friends threw a huge pahty at EMI's Abbey RoadStudios in England, which had been blackened to resemble the insidfe of a fry ing pari),] (or a for Helen Keller) and set up with an interesting H collection of eggs and fried egg tablecloths. A video of the various members of the Who, Led Zeppelin, and many others, which produced the album tracks known as"Rockestra" was featured at the; extra vaganza, rumored to h ave cost welt over $j2,000. The entire band was present and had a wonderful time, though no one,bps said whether anyone else showed. Creativity takes a giant step backwards...

In The Studio

L.A.—Record Plant: Aretha Franklin,The Hounds; L.A. — Total Experience: The Temptations; Son Francisco-^ Automatt: Santana, Shakiti Street (Sandy Pearlman producing), Van Morrison; Seattle—Kaye Smith: Heart; Nashville — Woodland: SteveForbert; Sheffield, AL— Muscle Shoals: Mary Travers (Peter Yarrowproducing), Southside , Johnny & The Asbytry Jukes; N. Y. i Media Sound: Genya Raven; . Prlando.FL—Bee Jay: Molly Hatchet; L.A;—Davlin & Sunseft: Leo Sayer; Miami ^Criteria: , Firefali, Bob Seger& The Silver Bullet Band; L.A. —IAM: Stevie Wonder,, Kenny Loggins^* Germa ny—Dieter Dierfc's: Rory ' Gallagher; L.A. —Cherokee: Carmine Appice; San Fernando— Dawnbreqker John Klemmer; Elsewhere: Fleetwood Mac; Rolling Stones; ZZ Top; MinkDeVille; • Sammy Hagar; Jefferson Starship; Neil Young, Joe Jackson; Bruce Springsteen;Aerpsmith; lan McLagen; Bill Haley; The Searchers; Toto; Jimmy Buffett.

Just as Jackson fever seems peakingcdasfSo coast, indentured English sla<||||fef singer Joe ^Kksoo ended up his grueling ' American spring touring Stateside by coming down with worse than ryiagarthroat— acute laryngitis, just -\afhe was winding upa string of dateson the East Coast. * , Undaunted (and still limpingfroti^ v his disastrous dive from his piano in Texas) r Joewenion iaftastonh' fortified by liquid novocaine poured down h is throat. M^Sjliyde mJill advisor, Dr. Romch, scolds that such action could resultin the destruction of one's vocal chonlH| and ^therefore ill-advised. Joedtdfly back to England immediately afterward, planning to return to the ji U S. in July to do fire dates he missed. (May we suggest bringmg a roadie/para medic just incase..*) 9 Earlier in his tote, told that, according to Elvis Costello "actually likes him," the lanky Brit snapped:. "I Still think he's I afuckfhgcunt. ;

Pump up tile background gunfire -and mix down the drums A British called Beggars 1 Banquet is toying with the idea of releasing a new 46 which Was, supposedly-recorded by a Ugandan group and produeddfry none other than the big sneeze himself, 141 Amin, before he departed for parts unknown. According to Zodiac, an" unnamed American musician who was working with a film crew in tire troubled country obtained the tapes last fail. The record company director, Richard Austimm describes the music as,"piimitive," * Check it out, sweetie~-m#ybe!t's just outtakes from Bond On The Bun. ;

Neil Young has allegedly cancelled the prev.iews of his movie, Rust Never Sleeps, beca use he's not happy with the soundtraek^fso what else isriefatzAK>.

The Clash were forced to postone. their much anticipated American tour this summer in twder to find a new manager after giving longtime friend and confidante Caroline 'Coon her walking papers. J

won't take it any morelBUTI The baubled bkmd(e) bimbo ended up|l payinga $100 fine for hitting a girl in the face wtthabeercanl Willowy Wayne was simply fighting bade ■ after s/he was pelted wtih^ttij».'/> projectiles during a recent Lyceum ^owIn London, but a British I magistrate ruled that County's counterattack was "unlawful assault." Gheetrup/Wayne—now you can put those armor-plated falsies to good use...

Too bad Pete Y©«ni§li«iMp didn't think of this ten years ago; Wdhave it on good authoritythat Bloodie s producer, Mike Chapman, had fleers insured for a cool $10 million a few years par k Quick Igor,

You ju st can't trust those critics* The Pntti Smith Group had to weigh the merits of an entire a capella show recently when a Windy City thug drove off with their 18-foot equipment truck, whibh the crew had carelessly left peeked in plain. view outride one ofCtticago^*|| Holiday Inns. Maybe he thought there was something Valuable *■

We love chitliris/we love greens: . John BelushI, aka Joliet Jake Blues, has responded to the many ; barbs thrown his way pertaining to the Blues Bros, tributes being pptfdpi but a rip-off of ede R&B ariistesv Citing the fact that Sauk St Dave have actually thanked him for .helping reignite their fledgling musical careers wlih the BB rendition of "Soul Man," Belushi told the-Softo Newsi "l,thtnk there m was a certain amouhfpfjealpUsy because I've been on television, I've ,ha«J-a number one record anda movie hit." If you're ever in Detroit. John, the number to the Peace Of MindLineis278-1733:.>,

indoor popular during last winter's chilly blasts, as witnessed by a rock 'n' roll j baby boom of late Included in the new geriemfpri are Waylon ' new picker, Waylon, Jr. (nicknamed "Shooter"); Jane and Jimmy Buffet's little marguerita mixer, Savannah Jane; and Badfiager's Joey and Lee v. ■ Mollaud's tiny ankle biter, Joseph Charles IB. A round of Enfamiffot everybody.. | %

Superstar rabbit-punches smaO fish! Or, at least that's the story that'#* A being circulated. Steve Forbert . was all set to go into the studio with producer Joe Wissyrt when rione other than Barbra Streisand summoned Wissert to L.A* atthe.,. ;T|th hour to produce hernext LP i We guess money talks, but what ■ happened to the widely circulated rumor that the Bee Gees were hired to handle production chores on Babs'next waxing? Stay tuned,..

NEWSPLASHlTojMldtshas quit smoking! Yeah, we've heard that before... Meanwhile, America's favorite degenerate (we're still ta&ing about Waits, not Any Carte*) had to decline an invitation to introduce Led Zeppelin at Europe's Knebworth Festival this month due to touring and recording commitments. Hey, Mick Fleeturnod&n'tbusy...

Yackety-yack, don't talk back;.* Everybody's got something to say these days about the Boss, and Elvis Costello is no exception. After catching ope of Brace Springsteen's New Jersey dates, Costello (who was taking abreather from his%s^p.S. tour) reportedly has this critique: "Good songs.. .but the^r^lc|g( Way top kmg. "... And speaking of short attention spans, 1 Linda Ronstadt attended Patti Smith's Palladium show in Ycttktepently, but left after only 15 minutes. Whatsa matter, Linda? Can'tyou cover "Radio Ethlopla"'',

Death and destruction and ■ blood-spattered mittens, these are a few of his favorite things:'Alice Cooper is once again teaming up * with Bernie Tanpin to produce a. rock opera baSed on the life and times of Jack The Ripper. According tp Zodiac NeittSt Coop befiiti^mnH| subject's perfectly suited to his kind of show because "ft has I everything—grotesque 8 atmosphere, low life and royalty— ju st like rock V roll." Here, here.»

Send that mana CARE package: In orderto avoid being sued by MCA i| records (who recently purchased I ABC records) for breach of contract, #om Petty decided to file bankruptcy whichtherefore ipeant . he Had to make his assets public. Sad but true, Variety listed Petty's cash on jhad as a whopping $36.., - * C mon over for a home-cooked fry-up, sweetie.,.

On Tour

CheapTrick; The'^% Joni • Mitchell; Dire Straits; Shaun: 8 Cassidy; Dolly PariPri; Kiss; BmHj James Taylor, LeifGarm^O The Tubes; BozScaggs; Beach. Boys; Nick Lowe; 8londie;Te<t ■ Nugent; Village People, Journey; Rachel Sweet; BbbWelch; Bad Company; Sweet; Dodb^Bfro^# % Foreigner, Bram Tchaikovsky; 8 Rundgren; Thin Lizzy; Biackfoot; Climax Blues Band; America; Allman Bros.; If Orleans; Average White Band; McGuinn, Clark 8t Hillman.