Okay, everybody, let's wedding marph right off that cliff: Band of gold fever see ms to have stricken ail creatures great and smalt this season. Included in the sweep were the hush-rush nuptials of Rod Stewart & Alans Hamilton (is she or isn't she and do you care?) and Eric Clapton & Pattie Boyd Harrison (who's looking to surpass Chefs surname record).

July 1, 1979

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Okay, everybody, let's wedding marph right off that cliff: Band of gold fever see ms to have stricken ail creatures great and smalt this season. Included in the sweep were the hush-rush nuptials of Rod Stewart & Alans Hamilton (is she or isn't she and do you care?) and Eric Clapton & Pattie Boyd Harrison (who's looking to surpass Chefs surname record). On the flip side of the coin, Erie Carmen had his marriage annulled.

But now on to the fun stuff: Bolt Dylan has reportedly fired his band, hired Dire Straits' Mark, Knopfler and Pick Withers to ' i play on his nextalbum. found Jesus and subsequently was baptized In Pat Boone's back yard (whew!) .• Imagine a kidney-shaped pool full of holy water... kinda gets ybu right ■ there, eh?

Start the party without him; According to Zodiac News, Elvis Costello recently declined Ron Wood's invite to play with die New Barbarians. EC wanted some time to r 'n' r (that's rest 'n' recuperate) after completing his own extensive U.S. tour.

Two less Doohies to pass around: Guitarist Jeff"'Skunk" Baxter and drummer John Hartman have left their Doobie siblings. The Skunk wants to poop around with some production and session chores and Hartman has decided to raise ponies in Sonoma County, which is NOWHERE near Sonoma Beach (stop groaning

Looks like Warner Bros, is just about ready to sign the bduffant B-52s to a recording contract..

Brother to Brothers? Had of the Blue* Brothers, John Beluahi (a.k.a. Joliet Jake), couldn't hold himself back while witnessing the Allman Brother* show in New York, and hauled his ample fra me onstage to jam with the newlyreformed band. outdone by the damn Yank, the ABB la ter showed up at Belushi and Aykroyd's Manhattan bar and took over the stage, No one wasinjured.

Skateboards to the emergency ward: Foghat bassist Craig McGregor fractured his wrist recently after taking a break (rip pun i intended) from recordingFoggie's ° next LP to take a midnight j

skateboard ride. A few days later,. 3 their producer Don Berman decided to test drive his new Suzuki in the sand and ended up with a broken ankle. The only difference between men and boys is the size of their toys.

Detroit's rocking Romantics have signed a record contract with Nemperot, which is distributed by CBS...

Divvying up die spoils: In an attempt to bail his hometown out of its financial doldrums, Martin Mull has offered to donate one penny to Cleveland for every copy of his new album sold.

Head-smash for backstage pass? LouReed spent a night in a German jail recently for allegedly 1 beating up a young girl who tried to talk to him during his show..

Ughtnin' Lou left the stage after the 4 incide nt,. which so enraged the fans | in attendance, that $25,000 worth

of damage was done to the auditorium before it was over with. Whatan encore.

Eeenie, meeenie, chilly beanie, the spirits are abotit to speak (well' maybe in a few months): a proud North Carolina mama is clatining that her six-month-old ba^y, Elvis Aaron Patterson, is the spiritual -: reincarnation of Elvis Aaron , Presley. After noticing the infant's uncanny resemblance-to the late king, his lip curling trick and one psychic's claim that she lost contact with Elvis' spirit the day before the baby was born, Deborah Patterson went so far as to pay $2700 to (Js magazine to advertise the revelation and has started the Living TributeiTo Elvis Fan Club.

• For just 20 clams you receive a t-shirt, membership card, photo of le b&b£, photo of the real El, a dub newsletter and "a special surprise Elvis souvenir." Well, that's one way to get rid of those dirty dighties.'..

Speaking of close encounters, Ringo Starr had to have a section of his intestines re moved after collapsing in Monte Carlo recently. The damage was apparently done many years ago when Ringo had an attack of peritonitis as a child. After recovering from surgery, he tojd the British dailies, "1 had a good look at , death in the face. I was told that another minute or two and it was nearly curtains."

And baby' makes three. ■ 1. Sapertramp's Roger Hodgson became a papa recently when his wife presented him with a baby girl .;. 12 minutes before the band's Sdn Diego show. The fittle fec§jjjj§j| made her entry into the world in the group's mobile home.

Easy to be queazy: K you're looking for that very special gift for the strange person in your Me, why not check out Omni international Graphic's forthcoming album of the' Goyao* massacre, dubbed "43 minutes of absolute horror" by OIG vice-president Steven Smoke. Lotsa Jim Jones exhortations and fllcfrgrrninrt tmfr eiplfMiifriff.i guaranteed to have you picketing against organized religion in just one listening.

In The StndicS

L.A. —Spectrum: Dolly Parton; San/ Francisco—John Altman Studio: :!

Ivy & the Eaters; San Francisco— Wally Heider: The Skins (Norton . Buffalo producing); L.A. — ,

Cherokee Rod Stewart (Tom Dowd producing), Euclid Beach Band (Eric Carmen producing), Carmen Miki (Carmine Appice t producing), Crimson Tide (Duck Dunn & Steve Cropper producing), Ian McLaglan, Tom Petty; N. Y. — Blue Rock: Tom Verlaine, Fred .Smith, Jay Daugherty, Richard Lloyd; Macon, GA—Capricorn:

Sea Level; Miami—Criteria: The Eagles, BobSeger, Firefall;

L.A. —Crimson Sound: Mink DeVille; L.A.-MCA/Whitney:

Nick Gilder; L.A. —RecordPkmt:

Blue Oyster Cult, 1994, Aretha Franklin; N. Y. — Music Farm: Peter Criss (Vinnie Poncia producing), Bootsy's Rubber Band (George Clinton producing); L.A: —Sound 111 : Castle;'Stevie Wonder, Michael Nesmith; L.A. W TotalExperience:H Edwin Starr; MA—Long View Farm: Tim Curry; N. Y. — Record Plant: Garland Jeffries; Elsewhere:

I Foghat, Fleetwood Mac, The Nuns, (PeterFramptonproducing), * . Biondie, Cold cock. Coin' through them changes: Remember back in J anuary when Ted "I'll mount it for you wholesale" Nugent went to great lengths expounding the virtues of new bassist John Sauter? Well, the thrill Is gone now, and This© has asked Sauter to leave the band, \

claiming he "just didn't bring the hammer down often enough."

The Pretenders, featuring Akron's Chrissie Hynde. at presstime still didn't-have a IKS. . pact, but Sire and CBS are hopeful. David Johansen, touring England, played his beloved SandRa Shaw's greatest hits tape for Chrissie a nd taught the band the chords to "Girl Don't Come," which they now do as an encore...

Blue as he can be: Seems that Boomtown Mouth, er, Rat Bob ; 1 Geldof, had a bone to pick with the, j Almighty and almost lost the argument. While dining at a West Coast eatery, Big Bob couldn'tftelp but continue his ongoing •conversation with the world on the many virtues of his band. Only problem was that in the course of said chew-chat, Geldof got a turkey bone stuck ip his throat, which was the first time anyone had seen him choked up about anything. After turning a number of shades of blue, the naughty bone was f inally dislodged, and Geldof returned to his normal pink-eyed state of perfect health. Why do you think mothers all over the world tell their kids not to talk while they're eating, Bob? Besides being dangerous, it's sa'tud&WBk

Give that man an enema: After hearing a Bruce Springsteen tape in an Atlanta record shop, Kansas' Robby Steinhardt was heard to remark , "Just listen to that? | That doesn't take talent, that's just . two chords going back and forth!^ , Do we detect the overpowering ' aroma of sour grapes?. . ' Undaunted by this scathing critique, Spruce surprised the Ramonesby dropping in atthelr Asbury Park gig After chatting a while, bashful Joey worked up enough nerve to ask The Boss if he'd write a song for them. Bruce just smiled and said, "I'm * work ing on it.4' Inspired by this show of generosity, the Ramones played a benefit show at CBGB's a few days \ later, raising nearly $2500 for the New York City Policemen's Bulletproof Vest Fund. 'Atsanice...

Where's Howard Cosell when,

'-t you need him? Even though Lou ■Seed graciously dedicated "Walk GhTKeWild 5ife"t© London • concert-goer David Bowie, all was not as peachy backstage following the show. It's been reported that the two began bickering over the bill for the champagne which Bowie had ordered. a nd even came to blows before Reed split in a huff. David then proceeded to smash a few flower pots before making his hasty 1 departure. Didn't anyone have their American Express caijd?

Our Krystal ball reports that Bob Sugar & the Silver Bullet Band have been offered the

Woodstock 11 shows. BofHs currently trying to shake the ' mothballs out of his Nehru jacket' andrememberthelyricstothe"Fish cheer" in preparation.

And now a word from lan Hunter, vyho recently advised his nubile teen daughter that boys like Dead Boy Ch eetah Chrome are not the kind of fellahs one should be seen , with. Don't worry, Cheet... we're hamster still loves you, (Where's Gyda?) . '

Motor City rurpbies on: Dennis • Loren is putting together a Detroit $ compilationLP slotted for late n | summer release which wifi include such notables as Coldcock, 1 Cynecide, the Ramrods, the 27's, Destroy Ail Monsters, | the Mutants, the Sillies and MAYBE (drop thatSominex, dolt!) | Sonic's Rendezvous Band. 8 Other names being bantered about

include the Seat Belts and die Ivories. More info to Come.

Reunion rumor *284; Steve' ‡. Jones and Paul Cook have revealed they'd consider hooking up with Johnny (Rotten) Lydon once more "if the price was right "

; However, Jones nixed the idea of recruiting original bassist Glen ,v . Matlock for the line-up, calling him if^acrdep," Meanwhile, Iggy % recently had to eaticela show at the Dunstable Civic Hall in England because the good council members learned The Pop had a former Sex Pistol in the band, namely the aforementioned Mr. Matlock. Some people just never forget...

Glad tomeet... qh, nevermind.

' When Joe Jackson played • -■■

. Hurrah's In New York recently, an agent from the Willlam Morris company asked him if he'd care to meet David Bowie, a nother Morris client who happened to be m attendance that night. Butwhen Joe

stuck out his friendly paw, the thin white duke slipped right by him and on into the crowd. Maybe big Joe justdidn't see lil' Davey.

The rumors of new Contract ;j. shopping by the Dead.Boys still persist, although Sire insists all is still hunky-dory. In the meantime, the D.B.'s played four nights at OBGB's recently,.capturing every note on tapefor a possible live LP venture.

Ooops! The United States Navy quickly changed its mindabout using the Village People's single, "In The Navy, " for recruiting _. ]f:

purposes. Before learning of the band's.'.. uh. .. artistic thrust, top Navy brass had even allowed the group,to videotape a TV performance of the tune aboard the USSReasoner, docked near San Diego, Love those big guns...

Awwwto.. . Dusty Springfield's first British tour in five years had to be cut short for the simple reason that seven of the ten scheduled shows sold too few tickets to even turn a profit ,

On Tour

Tom Robinson Band; Yes; Diana Ross; Moody Blues; Joni Mitchell; The Who; Asleep At The Wheel;;; Bob Welch; Bad Company; Rod ' Stewart; Max Webster; Joe Jackson; McG uinn, Clark & Hillman; Eric Clapton; Rush; Peter, Frampton; Village People; Blondie; The New Barbarians; Alvin Lee & Tqn Years Later; Graham Parker & The Rumour; Journey;

Supertramp; VanHalen;TljeGuess -Who; CheapTriek; Te^Nugent;

, Nick L owe & Rockpile; Patti Smith .. Group; Muddy Waters; The Tubes;

' The Police; The Boomtown Rats; Lenny & Squiggy: Barooga Bandit.