Come on CREEM! You can't fool me. I know that picture of that cute little guy on page 23 in the March issue isn't Rick Johnson. It's really Rick Nielsen way before he knew what a Bun E. was. Well nobody's perfect. Yours Truly, "Kinky" Leader of the Anti-Cyrinda Fox Movement Little Rock, AR (No, it really is Rick Johnson, before he knew what a G-string was.—Ed.)

May 1, 1979

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



'd Please send letters to:

MAIL Dept.-, CREEM Magazine

P.O. Box P-1064

Birmingham, Ml 48012


Come on CREEM! You can't fool me. I know that picture of that cute little guy on page 23 in the March issue isn't Rick Johnson.

It's really Rick Nielsen way before he knew what a Bun E. was. Well nobody's perfect.

Yours Truly,


Leader of the Anti-Cyrinda Fox Movement Little Rock, AR

(No, it really is Rick Johnson, before he knew what a G-string was.—Ed.)


Was glad to see your piece on Rory Gallagher in the March issue.

Four or five years ago, when Lester B. was still at CREEM and I was rock critic 6f the newspaper in Montreal, Lester used to blow thru town once in awhile and I used to beg him to go see Rory, but as far as I know he never did.

I was writing for Melody Maker then, which is how I found out about Rory originally, as well as doing occasional pieces for CREEM—but I couldn't sell the magazine one damn thing on Gallagher back then. Glad things have changed.

I once had about 8 zillion LPs—I'm now down to about 500 (we Couch Potatoes who watch a lotta tube don't need 'em), but one of the few I'm gonna keep is a test pressing of Tattoo Rory gave me—with him writing all the titles onkthe label. Etet that kid up in Canada would love to have that. I was so enamored of that elpee I couldn't even bear to play it on my Montreal FM show more than a few times. *

Note also that'Rory—who's one of the few decent people in that business I ever met—uses no wah wah, fuzz tone, loop de loop, or whatever.

I eve,n wandered up to an obscure berg outside of London, Hemel Hempstead, to watch Rory open a tour, once.

I'm better now, but that kid (eternally) is still one helluva guitar player. Thanks for telling your readers about him; I know Rory pretty well and you captured his personality. By the way, I introduced him on stage the night of that "accident" in Montreal!


b. mann x

San Rafael, CA


Congratulations on an Excellent, outstanding review of the new Clash album. I'll take mine up, no chaser, thank you.

Mark Norton

Royal Oak, MI

P.S. Taaaress wanna Blind Date?

(Therese: "Sorry, I don't have a blindfold.'')


You think you got problems? As I write this, I'm listening to Van Morrison (always a danger signal) and contemplating a permanent one way trip to a mountain way down under in Australia, it's either that or suicide, it's such a strange strain on me. (Can Rick Nielsen sue me for quoting him without permission?) First off, the Clash are not coming to Detroit. Enough said. Second off, Dee Dee Ramone married somebody else, and my favorite misanthrope Elvis the C: totally destroyed my faith in him by being seen (in public, yet) in the vicinity of Bebe you know what. Thirdly, Cheap Trick is going disco and I have how lost all hope for humanity. And as if all that weren't enough to drive a girl to utter despair and Van Morrison, I just found out that Sid is dead. This is the last straw. One more piece of bad news and I'm gonna end up running over myself with a Mack truck. Tell me something encouraging or I'll leaye you my entire Van Morrison collection in my will.

Love and torment...

Becky Sharp

(Lou Reed at midnight)

Hooterville, USA

(You sound like a girl after our publishers heart. How about meeting for a Wan Morrison disco party at midnight? Are you rich?— Ed.) '


No, I'm not dead yet, just cranking my way through another Buffalo winter. I just got back from the big city and made it to all the "in" clubs on Bowery, etc. and it led me to wonder why you never wrote an article on trying to take a leak at CBGB's. I walked into a fan, fell down a flight of stairs and got into a small feud with 3 pukes with buzzsaw haircuts. Good gosh! Were these N.Y.C. punks? WOW!! Well you know how it is, with my long hair they all knew right aw^y that they had to hate me because that is what a good punk is supposed to do when faced with a smelly hippie. Well anyhow I dispensed of two of them and was ready to cut the clunkers off the third when some fella in a construction helmet persuasively bid me farewell. Fie was pretty nice about it and his baseball mitt hands were very diplomatic. SOME PUNKS! SOME FUN! Well that night was my 22nd birthday so l guess I'm becoming a boring old fart. I went back to Brooklyn and had my head handed to me by 4 or 5 Travolta imitations because I looked like the kind of guy.who didn't know how to dahee;' That ends it, no more .714's in Manhattan. So what did I end up doing? I went to a friend's house to watch Sink The Bismarckwith the sound off and pogoed my bloody orifices off to some 999 and then danced my way back here a few days later to snow, bills, "Y.M.C.A." on the radio and total paranoia. Well this is just to let. you and everybody else know that I'm never coming out of my bedroom again. I just can't take it.

P.S. I still haven't gotten my subscription yet and I can't find my father or stepsister! What the hell's up?

As Always,

Much love. The Subhuman '

Buffalo, NY

P.S.S. In case anyone wants to know I found Mark "Animal" Mendoza of the legendary Dictators filling in on bass for a mutha-fucka rock 'n' roll band by the name of Twisted Sister.

P.S.S.S. Black Sabbath, The Godz, Ultravox, Scorpions, Treap Chick, The Dictators, Public' Image, The Twinkeys, The Jumpers, Play It Again Sam, Hawkwind, Jen & Bill, Hermann Goering and Motorhead. Now that's rock 'n' roll!!!

P.S.S.S.S. Have any of you found Bob Murphy? God bles^ us all every one!! \

Print these pictures or I'll retreat to the basement, they're much better than the first two. x

From a Catholic to a Subhuman. Look what you've dqne!!! Just look!?!! Get me a Job!!'

(We have an opening in the Boy Howdy! Boutique. A Ph D in transactional analysis is preferable, but we're willing to give you a shot. -Ed.)


Okay, so I've drawn my own conclusions' about Amand^"Zz2zz" Lear. -Listen little lady (man?) why didn't you admit, that you flunked those "singing classes'.'?! Hmm? Do yah think all CREEM readers are dummer than a sack of hammers? A blonde model who sings? Come on, ya sound like my St. Bernard dog on a rough day without Ex-Lax.. (Yea, I ivas naive enough to buy her albums, but don't worry 1 burned 'em along with my aunt's-Englebert Humperdink ,LPs.)

v Well, m'dear it appears North America has not fell for your media tricks. You Gong Show rejecf. Even Sieve Martin thinks ypu aren't worth laughing over. Hell, Kristy McNichol is more .controversial than ya. Get the message?!!! Go to HELL. Ya smell like Trudeau's armpit.

Johnny Jerkoff

Alta. "Don't let the post mark fool ya - I'm only here by force of gravity", CANADA

P,S. Where is Tanya Tucker when we need hej? Deborah Harry?

(Why should we tell you? Anyone who knows the exact odoriferous content of said prime minister's pits is worthy of nothing more than a puzzled glance. Ah, neurosis.x-r: Ed.)


Congratulations on FINALLY printing an article on Talking Heads (you know, March '79 ,ish), one of, if not the finest band of the blossoming new wave! I was beginning to think that no one outside of New York (and England, for some reason) liked, or even heard of the Heads, but I'm glad I was wrong, so check 'em out, heavy metal loving assholes!

Anyway, congrats again on a truly exceptional March mag. I've bought every one since last March & it's possibly the best. My biggest complaint concerns some of. the poll results (Van Halen, are you all,joking?), but that's opinion anyway, and I won't go into it, since I.was pretty disappointed and could make a complaint list on that one feature a fuckin' mile long. So forget it.

And what's this? Another, I said another article on Sweet Lou, in IMS! than a year? Well, I can dig it; next thing I'll be seeing articles on John Cale and Nice), but I guess that's REALLY letting my dreams take over my mind, ain't it!?! Oh well, keep up the good work, or watch out, just watch out.


The Polar Bear

New York, NY


As an avid Heart fan, I was extremely displeased to read Susan Whitall's disparaging remarks on the Wilson sisters in what was otherwise a fine Led Zep retrospective. If you want my opinion (and you probably don't, but here 'tis anyway), any one of Heart's four albums is far superior to Houses of the Holy, Physical Graffiti, and Presence combined. In . fact, ever since 1971, Page has been recycling the same tired old riffs and Plant's been vocalizing as if someone were squeezing his scrotum. Besides, the Wilsons are both sexy and talented; and I've never gotten a boner/ looking at a picture jaf Robert Plant! ;

Hots-on for Ann & Nancy,

Tom (Tommy Rot) Prehoda

(formerly of Tommy Rot and the Mores, a failed punk combo)

Schenectady, NY

(Well it's not that he isn't trying/Ed.) -


The letter from Pamela Caryl in the March issue of CREEM was the best thing I've ever read by someone from San Francisco (excepting Michael McClure's poetry and Ken Kessey's prose). That damn letter was more heartening and inspiring than all of the records released in 1978. Of course,, the dear girl made a Big mistake saying that she had tried to deny her rock roots., Don't ever deny them—revel in them! Buy everything you can find by Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Little Richard, Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Buddy Holly. Get Elvis' Successions. Explore.the early work of the Beatles, Stones and Kinks. Listen to Blonde On Blonde and Highway 61; you know, I hope, that Elvis II, Springsteen and Patti are all indebted to Dylan. So is Ian Hunter," and without Mott the Hoople there'd probably be no Clash. If you can, get Dylan's Albert Hall bootleg, too,-and hear Robbie Robertson ptay the tastiest guitar licks ever dished up by a white man. And, if you haven't already got them, buy all the albums by the Doors, Velvets, MC5 and, of course, Stooges.

Now call those damn FM stations and bitch. I know it's disgusting 1 and frustrating—these people are so stupid—btft if we don't get busy, all we're going to see, next trip to the record stores is more Boston and Foreigner albums. Patti and Elvis are making inroads, and the Cars —complete with Velvets and Roxy overtones— are practically stars with their two great hits (both better than all of Bowie's Reed rip-o/fs). But we have to harass these assholes, give them goddamn hell.

Pamela, after you've done all that, I'll come to Frisco and we can get real drunk and listen to Booker T. and the MG's singles while we dance all Over pictures of Jerry Garcia, the damn turncoat. Regarding your P.S., I hate what Bebe Buell stands for as much as you do, but if you bear any resemblance to her, don't wait until you find your roots to call me. You must learn, my little cupcake, that while rock 'n' roll music is great, the term "rock 'n' roll" has Us own roots, which are quite distinct from (although similar to) the sounds of, uh, moaning guitars. By the way, I remember the highly overrated (God, it was crowded) Summer of Love in your lovely city, and if the characters there were anything like the people you face day to day, you need the unique viewpoint of a Detroiter. We are direct in our way of dping things, and I'm sure I could give you a good reason to divorce yourself from that backbeat for at least a (efw minutes a day.

If Sinclair's still in stir, Free Him,

Mahatma Kane Jeeves

' Flint, MI


I have just finished reading Nick Patoski's record review on Rush's Hemispheres LP. It was a good article despite the fact Nick lost the whole concept behind thp album.

Whether you know it or not, everyone's brain is divided into 2 (hemispheres) one side stores fact and figures (mind), the other side is your artistic part, emotional part (heart). Either one side or the other is working at once, never together. The war is between the two hemispheres of your brain. The concept Neil Peart is trying to get across is that if Both (hemispheres) of our brains could work together, then we would be perfect! I think Nick slept a little too much in class.

P.S. 1 have seen Rush four times, and think they are the best live band touring the world today.

Bill Banasiewcz

Cherry Hill, NJ~

(Then again, some people never wake up. Catch our drift, kid?—Ed.)


This letter is directed to Jimmy Page's admirers whose letters appeared in March's CREEM.

My own title for this letter would be: BEELZE* BUB ROCK (OR A C. vs J.P. IN BOLESKINE HOUSE) or is 6£6 NO LONGER ALONE? (Tob late.^Ed.)

What's all this JIMMY PAGE rot? And ALEISTER CROWLEY is"lovely"!? Be serious. Do any of you knot'-headed ladies actually khow ANYTHING about that dear departed Crowley? Just because your idol, Page, is into Mr. 666 doesn't mean you have to trail his tweed coattails to bleedin' Locfi Ness! Crowley was a drug-crazed" lunatic (OK,OK! "Aren't we all...?" BUT...), he HATED women (maybe Page fits that category, ladies, THINK ABOUT IT!) and Crowl told one of his many illegitimate kids' fortunes and predicted that the child would be "Nothing but a common whore" when she grew up! JESUS CHRIST, HOLY BABA-is Aleister, Crowley your idea of a humaji being you can' look up to?! More like look down to, if that's your preference. Crowley's outward "sickness," his defiance of the norm, and his being a moral'* anarchist all helped lay the roots of his so-called attraction. Crowley defied both bourgeois society AND the nouv/eau riche. But isn't Jimmy Page nouveau riche? He makes lots of money doing what he loves then on the/bther hand tries to be bourgeois. So to be bohemian (i.e. "the Keith Richards rich gypsy look") you have to be somewhat rich to live out your most expensive fantasies! Convoluted logic, but true. And one does, indeed, defy the other. By the by, Crowl was a fave rave of one Charlie Manson. So, ladies into Page, READ about Crowley before you blindly follow any rockstar's recommendation, Don't believe Page in interviews in which he talks in vagijie ways about Crowley and then « leaves the writer hanging. And that DID happen in the pages of THIS MAG awhile back. So you thought Zep scenes were so original & sordid? Naa, there's nothing like a Crowley orgy to get your orbs-rolling in disbelief. CROWLEY WAS THE ORIGINAL JIMMY PAGE!! Women fighting it out for him, etc. Crowl had an eerie power over people, mesmerising them, then getting rid of them at his own whim, but not Until he got most of their financial resources out of them first. Didya know that the big A. achieved the coup of his lifetime when he murdered a rival occultist, S.L. MacGregor-Mathers, by Magick in 1918? Can Jaimes Patrick Page top that? Or attempt it for that matter? f

Despite Crowley's "dynamic impact" he Weis (is) little more than a literary curiosity whose outlandishly scandalous personality has amazingly survived the cremation of his bones in Cornwall, Great Britain. Crowley's contribution to the development of interest in magic and the world of the occult has yet to be measured and could that be said of beautiful/lovely Jimmy Page's contribution to the development of interest in rock guitar? I'll leave that for you to decide. Meanwhile the Crowley/Page parallels will go on indefinitely. PAGAN ROCK, ANYONE? Try to print this, or at least some of it...there are TWO SIDES to every story. I've spent lots of time (TOO MUCH!) reading about the Crowl and also reading the stuff he wrote... maybe even met HIM...hee-hee. Anyway, I've tried to(get BOTH sides and Crowley DOESN'T com^, out* a winner. Loch Ness IS a very nice place though, I got some warm sweaters there last fall and managed to gash my leg open while trying to climba cliff with one of my idiotic relatives. Great people there too. DIDN'T see Nessie though. ,Oh, YES Led Zeppelin ARE My Favorite Band but Jimmy Page isn't as cute as Pete Townshend. He can't jump that HIGH eitherL

A reader/fan/art school inmate from way way back, (care to check your "FREE INTRODUCTORY ISSUE" files?)

Annette Palazzo

Long Island City, NY

(You'd better, just cut the crap or we'll never buy another copy of your stinking mag again!— Ed. 's telekinetic pen.)


Jimmy Page is ugly and his sister dresses him funny..

Patti Magda

Sunnyside, NY


I have, of late, been reading CREEM again, after a sabbatical of about 3 years. I have noticed that there is nary a Lester Bangs article anymore. I have also noticed that this4trend coincided with the demise of a famous celebrity who took one too many strokes on a Scottish golf Course. So, now the truth can be told: Lester Bangs was the pen name of Bing Crosby . But not to worry, Mr. Minute Maid is rumored to be reincarnated in a band from Akron. (Oh)

Are we not men? We are "chestnuts roasting on an open fire."

A Connecticut Devo in King Arthur's Court ourt

Peter H.L. Mish

Bilgewater, (A.K.A. Bridgewater) MA

P.S. To the smeg who asked, in the Feb. '79 Mail, where are "Thb Seeds", I say this: Sky Saxon grew weary of Middle-Earth and thus passed, by way of the Grey Havens, to the undying lands, where he porks Galadriel on a daily basis and transcribes each copy of CREEM Magazine into the Feanorean Letters and presents them to MANWE as recompense for selling the rights to "Pushing Too Hard" and "Can't Seem To Make You Mine." With his passing, it is $aid, came the end of the THIRDAGE in Haight-Ashbury.

P.P.S. To Ed. from letter entitled "VACUUM VISIONARY" Feb. '79: Because Bee Gee stands for "BACKS GOD."

(Any-body knows that.—Ed.)


God save Simon Frith, God save him for CREEM, CREEM could save him for U.S. New Wave Fans. But noooo, you have to persist in putting the like$ of Tbd Nugent on your cover. If you folks are so frigging concerned about the dreadful conservative tastes of so many American "Rock" fans, WHY PRINT STORIES ON HEART/FOREIGNER/BOSTON/KISS/Whoever the hell else? You at least have the integrity to tell us that you're rodtin' for the outsiders, but jeez Loueeze, what good does it do to gripe about Linda Rbnslut after printing such a kind review of her latest elpee?

Actually, I s'pose you need the bucks contributed by all those Kiss fans, which is reason enough tp co-op (cop out? co-opt? crap out?). A|so, it would be rather a touchy situation to DRAW the LINE between us and them when it comes to such borderline"MOR"/still-ok-to-like (but they're not new wave) folks as er, well, the Rolling Stones and urn...Bruce Springsteen...I meari, personally, regardless of my respect for M. Frith's sensibilities, it pains me !that he smears Queen and the Stones in the same sentence. God saved the Rolling Stones. And God loves Bruce.

Are we not confused? Kiss, Devo,,Led Zeppelin, Foreigner and the Ramones all made both "the best" & ''the worst" list.

(A parting thought) MOR in rock (KISS/ FOREIGNER/AEROSMITH/STYX/HEART/ QUEEN) is a fate worse than the Bee Gees. At least the latter is honest mindless dance music.

Hoping you save the New Wave, I remain A. Raw Cur

Studio City, CA

P.S. I'm just drooling over yr. March pin-up (Bruce, not TT).

(Kind to Linda's latest LP? Guess we fooled you/—Ed.)


This letter is dedicated to some guy who calls himself Mitch Cohen,' they sapling who dares take credit for the review of the LP Jazz by Queen. (CREEM, March 1979)

The review he presented to us CREEM readers finally solved the mystifyiqg question that has been baffling us since the beginning of time. The question being: Does listening to hours of shit (some assholes prefer to refer to it as "music") performed by such tirds (Of "musicians" as those same ball heads call them) as the Rofljng Stones, Led Zeppelin, Kiss, Dead Ted Nugfent, and other similar assorted nymphos deteriorate the brains and eardrums of rock critics? For those of you who are suffering from the listed ailments (Or worse. You could be trapped in a closet with a hi-fi crooning Black Sabbath shit), the answer is Y-E-S. That spells yeah.

One of the few remaining remedies for those conditjons is Q U-E-E-N. That spells excellency.

Disco is dying.

Punk is putrid.

But Ql^JEEN is KING.

Fun it.

All Hail Their Majesties,

Fresca A. Randazzo

Dover, NH

(And this month's winner in the Critic Hatred Sweepstakes is Mitch Cohen! Previous record holder Billy Altman distinguished himself with the hate mail received after his Who Are You review. Queen fans: we wanted to run some representative of your mdny amusing letters, and this is it; unfortunately the rest concentrate on what you see as Mr. Cohen's sexual and medical problems, and are hopelessly rank with spittle, with nary a defense of their music. In structive, no?—Ed.)


Whilst browsing thru your literary supplement a few days ago, I noticed the name of the man with the enviable task of interviewing Louis Reed. Could it be possible that Stephen Demorest is a relative of the inimitable William Demorest, the marvelous Uncle Charles on My Three Sons? With this in mind a startling revelation came to me. On side three of Metal Machine Music I distinctly hear that famous saxophone intro of My Three Sons! And you people paid tribute to Louis by having him interviewed by a relative of a man he much admires. Who can ever forget that statement by all of the Velvets back in '68 "We owe alot to My Three Sons, especially Barry Livingston (Ernest), for inspiration. 'Heroin' is a tribute to them." You people stun me!

Yours Truly, )

James Ramone

Burlington, Ont.


Hey Hot Rod,

I'm five foot nothin', fat and I got stringy brown hair. How 'bout it? Do ya think I'm sexy? Just let me know. 4

Hot Legs

Creemsville, USA

P.S. I could fit in somewhere between Britt and Alana, no?


After watching the Talking Heads on Saturday Night Live last night, I came t6 a conclusion ...all them New Wave jokers look like my ninth jrade science teacher.

Joey Kramer's still the best drummer no matter what anyone says.

Lisa Bradsher

Mount Morris, ML i

P.S. That Heroes of Rock W Roll was a joke right? I mean, there's really no such thing'as an Elvis Costello that dances on the sides of his feet, is there?

P.S.S. I forgot what I was going to say... (So did we.—Ed.)


Seeing as how Armand Schaubroeck. Steals Records aren't available in this city, I was wondering if you guys might know (and be able to tell me) whether or not his music sounds anything like that of Marvin Hamlisch.

oh so sincerely

Miss Informed

Winnipeg, MAN

CANADA up North

(Indeed you are-. —Ed.)'


Hello! funky buddy, I cannof fully gest you how glad I was, when 1 was going through your funky CREEM of April, 1978.

Notwithstanding, my aim of pening you is to let you know that I am really interested in music.' I have just finished my School Certificate Examination on May/Jurie this' year—and am jobless so since the work that interests my mind is music, I would like you to help me to come over there and^tay with you as tq study music.

Meanwhile, I would like yqu to be sending me your funky CREEM or Star every month. During reply make clear the amount I would be paying.

Friday Onyenma

Port Har Court, River State


(Whoa, bro', stay where you are! We hear the mango crop's gonna be a bumper this year and we want in on the action. Watch for the Boy Howdy! Lear jet any day now.—Ed.)


So Aerosmith won't play Philadelphia anymore because Steve Tyler got hit in the face with a bottle. So. Dig deal!

I was at the Emerson, Lake and Palmer concert in Pittsburgh when Lake got hit by a studded snow tire and he never sang those high notes any better.

A friend of mine says she hit Lou Gramm with a small trash compactor in Atlanta and he actually thanked her afterwards. What the heck does Tyler expect? This is rock 'n' roll!!!

How else are the fans supposed to show their adoration? I personally have a ball peen hammer with Robert Plant's name on it and I'm just waiting for the opportunity to let him know how much I care.

Poor Tyler, some people just can't handle affection.

Chris (keeping it under control) Keller

St. Louis, MO

(Ask Spider Sabich. —Ed.)


While listening to "Derringer Live" cruising along at 33 rpms, my cerebral cortes got totally shattered. For those of you that are not familiar with the anatomy of the human body, this is the organ of the late J.F.K. that was also shattered and landed somewhere in Dallas in '63. Man, let me tell ya, this Rick Derringer is lethal! We both grew up in the same corner of the universe surviving only on good rock 'n' roll, until Styx came along and caused hemorrhoids to form in our ear holes.



Along with Jean Dixon's annual predictions, she tells us that Mick and Keith will become the next King and Queen of Britain. Take your pick on whichjGlimmer Twin gets Queen.

Keep on rockin'

Jumpin' Jack Flash

Dayton, OH

(Just as long as somebody gets Freddie Mercury.—Ed.)


Your magazine is dynamite and your article, "Led Zeppelin: A Psychobiography" of Feb. 79 was a mindblower from every angle. Something every true Zep fan could relate to. Thanks for explaining Robert Plant's past tragedies, something all you LZ fans should keep in mind and understand when they get back on the road again. Life's rough and Plant's catching it all right in the.gut.

' Lisha Holt,

L.H. (Led Heart)

Tampa, FL

P.S. I feel for you Robert!


Don't you think that the least Brian Ferry (whoever the hell he is) could do would be to thank Marcel Duchamp (ref. his new album title)? Also, please nix the gyp issues with only 66 pages.

Robin Banks

Kisident Artist

Southampton \



I would like to congratulate CREEM and Patti Smith on the excellent review of Jim Morrison's An American Prayer LP. He was truly a legend, in his own time as is Patti. It is very hard to believe that anyone but Patti Smith could liave produced such an inspiring piece of literature. She is the essence of true poetry, as Jim also was and always will be.


Ed Nobles

Port Huron, Ml


Hey! RE: Your review-putdowns of Queen's latest, Jazq in your March issue:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE SO DAMN RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You told 'em!!!!!

Baby Face

Toronto, Ontario

P.S. And that's not an opinion. That's a FACT!


So what if Cheetah Chrome uses deodorant? Just because his music.stinks, it doesn't mean he has to.

Lady Knockwurst

("Miss Subway of 1979")

New York. NY