Happiness is Cher and Gene Simmons, who are the perfect match because they can share the same make-up kit. Remember the dreaded Cream reunion rumors? No dice— Ginger Baker announced his plan to open a school for aspiring polo players on his farm in Northamptonshire in the U.K.

July 1, 1978

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



Happiness is Cher and Gene Simmons, who are the perfect match because they can share the same make-up kit.

Remember the dreaded Cream reunion rumors? No dice— Ginger Baker announced his plan to

open a school for aspiring polo players on his farm in

Northamptonshire in the U.K.

"Americans are the most glamorous people," said Andy Warhol in a High Times interview. "They do more, see more, learn more and get more money because they getfast money." Don't bank on

Observing the success Elvis Costello achieved when he changed his first name, The Good Eels decided to alter their monikers: Peppy Marchello will be -known as Sinatra Marchello, Mickey Marchello will become Sing Marchello, JohnGatto will opt for Segovia Gatto, Lenny Kotke will be Leonardo de Kotke and Joe Franco will be Ringo Franco.

ERRATUM: It's come toour attention that the photographer who wassupposedly"shitkicked" at the Elvis Costello concert in I Milwaukee {as reported in our recent Costello story by Patrick Goldstein)

; was actually only pushed, He ' pushed back.

Watch that first step: eq route to a

snt concert date, Jethro Tull kicked;off an airplane when the stewardess claimed theJboys were hassling her.

We had to go alfthe way to Australia

for this one, but it's worth it. According to Ram magazine, Pan! McCartney admitted in a TV interview that, musically, Linda was "absolute rubbish" when she first started out with Wings, although he quickly made amends by adding, "She has Improved as a keyboards player." Luckily, the subject was changed before he could say anything ahptrf her voice—we wouldn't want to see the Macs get rocky over a little thing like talent... McCartney is currently without a recordingcontract—his contract with CapitoljRecords expired in early April. It's said he intends to wait 'til sales of London Town wane before signing a new megabuck contract.

In a conversation with DIR Broadcasting, Rod Stewart waxed further on the potential , offspring he first acknowledged in a World exclusive in November CREEM: "There are probably a lot 14-year-old girls in England who've got big noses and look a bit like me who look in the mirror and wonder..." On Led Zeppelin: "Led Zeppelin only came about because of the JeffjBecIt, Group.. .1 remember it was in j, Miami and Jimmy Page came . over and watched every number we played for six or seven gigs, went back to London and formed exactly the same lineup that we had^a singer, a bass player^ guitarist, drummer...!»

Fleetwood Mac's John McVie topk that tong trek down the aisle with main squeeze Julie Rubens on April 16. Guests included John's ex, Christine; Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, Bob Welch, Peter Green, Ron Wood, John M»y*& Rid

Graham, and a cast of thousands. Don't you just looove simple, di$iified affairs?

BACKSTAGE PASSES: At Lott Reed's recent show at the Roxy in L. A., Rod Stewart and Ronnie Wood snudk into t ext's dressing room and de-tuned all of his guitars {before showtime). Lou was not in an amiable mood, though, and promptly ejected Heckle and Jeckie from the backstage premises.

When wolf attent, grab sax and head for hills. Sax player Paul Winter did just that on an outing in the wilds, andendedupmakinga major scientific breakthrough. According to a Purdue University professor, four nights after Winter ,*j jammed in the mountains, "We heard a wolf howling in a manner that had been distinctly influenced by the tune Winter had played." Dunno why all the excitement: who doesn'tsteal an occasional riff now andthen? ~

Joku 'n' Yoko busy raising Holstein cows and baby sprout Sean in outstate New York {wake us up when if s time for BGO).

How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm? After being tom from tire ■ bowels of New York and ordered to. finish mastering his new album in El Lay, Bruce Springsteen was observed aimlessly wandering the streets, sucking on a Coke and inquiring, "Any good places to get a burger around here?" Smooth, Bruce SMll

On Tour

Rolling Stones; Bee Gees;Bob Mariey; Peter Tosh; Cariy Simon; Robert Palmer; David Bowie; Alice Copper; Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band; Leon Russell; Bootsy Collins; Little Feat; Jefferson Starship; Linda Ronstadt; Chicago; Foreigner; Crosby, Stills & Nash; Doobie Bros.; America; Beach Boys; Jackson Browne; Heart; Boz Scaggs; The Kinks. .

SEX AND DRUGS AND.,\we were shocked to hear that a member of Bob Seger's road crew ami his road manager—usually hanging out in Birmingham's sleazier emporiums —were arrested at a Fort Wayne, Indiana, show for furnishing alcohol , and drugs to^irWdr feihates* ? Knowing the guys as we do, wetried to put all prejudice aside and checked the rumors out—ixnay... ■' the guilty parties were actually a couple of local Indiana geeks impersonating Seger's crew. Our sympathies go out to Seger, who's just kicked a righteous habit of two packs ofMarlboros a day. "How d'ya think he got that voice," said Silver Bullet guitarist Drew Abbott, who warned us to keep our Mariboros out of Bob's sight (and nose).

If you've caught Bob Soger's latest waxing, Stranger In Town, you've noticed there's no title cut, although one does exist, k it a Commie plot? No, it's just that Seger was the only person who liked die song. After his manager ordered it off the disc,

Seger commented, "Maybe it'll be fun to start a tradition of calling LPs songs that weren't onthe album."

Fleetwood Mac wens grounded in Maui recently, only to learn there was not a single room available on the entire island. When they decided to check out the local camping grounds, who should they find but George Harrison, who was visiting some friends and did know of a vacancy, saving the day (and night) for the Macs. Unfortunately, Hari's karma must have been out to lunch during his visit to the Seven Sacred Pools, where he fell and ended up with eight stitches on his forehead.

More exciting John Lennon I news! The "retired" e> -Beetle has been supposedly grabbed for the title role in Wiliam A. Levey's The Street Messiah, a pic about a rock star who gets religion. Heknows how mpcms&can bear, indeed. S

Lon Reed made the daily papers. over the NBC censoring of his attempted guest spot on the Midnight Specktl~producer Meet Marshall said that he didn't even submit Lou's lyrics to the NRC censors, knowing there wasno chance they'd accept them. Most of the furor centered around '1 Want ToBeBlack.'^MbrshalldidairanS interview with Lou on censorship, in which he charged that the 1 networks were allowing the FCC to intimidate them, and that the U.S. -Departmentof Justice has criticized die FCC for attempting to censor the broadcast media. Asked if he would play "I Want To Be Black" to his ftchildren, Lousaid, "Yes, Iplayltfor my mother." (Zodiac)

Our good friend, and famed roadie Joel Batty "J.B." Fields was killed when the equipment truck he was drivirtgfor Mae Oyster Cult:: collided withacaronthe

Chattahoochee Bridge in Georgia. . The accide nt sent the truck flying off the bridge and into 30 feet of water.

J.B., a onetime road captain for the

Outlaws motorcycle club, started outas a roadie for Mitch Ryder, and went onto work with Klee and other groups to become one of the ¶ best, most respected and loved men behind the scenes of rock V roll. Reckon, J.B

There's no business like Stones business: Word has it that Bonais

Wood (who is in the process of

I divorce) met his latest flame at a post ■ London party a few months ago.

Her name isJojo, and she told him ] she sold cookies (??) at Woolworth's jjy day. W®od^$pehtthe next two days combing every five 'n' dime in {.obdoatofind her, only to finally be model arounji||| town and had been pulling his short hairs.The Stones wiHtour America through July with Peter Tosh, who has just signed to f Rolling Stones Records... In old (How old?) Stones news, Mick Taylor insisted he will be touring shortly, no matter what CBS says

about it. Time to cut the apron strings, Mick?

Bette Midler has insisted that she be paid ft* gold bullion for her planned shows in Britain this fall because "hermanager believes al currencies are suspect and wants to make sure she doesn't take a loss." JJ For God's sake, don't tell her about

ft helps when you think these things out before you act: Carolina Kennedy went down to Memphis to photograph mourners at Elvie Presley s gravesite, and only noticed on the plane, later, that she had forgotten to putfilm in her camera. Shecancontact our art director for tips on focusing and

.£ |1§ WsHm -Ml H we wonder why security is so tight these days: while Ai Green [Jr'ork concert, a youngsongwriter conned his way into his dressing room, insisting that Al listen to some of his tunes, which was agreed to. Butin the middle erf the recital, the man jumped up from die piano and punched Green in the mouth, splitting before anyone cou Id catch him. (WasitAfs pained

More Char poop for now people: that elusive butterfly of love has finally settled her differences with ex-hubby Sonay (remember him?) to the tune of $4 million in royalties,


Rod Stewart; Breach Boys (L. A, — Filmways/ Heider); Hall & Oates (L.A.—Davlen); Al Stewart;

DeVille (N.Y.—Columbia); Robin Trower; Led Zeppelin (Jimmy's backyard, O.K.); Black Oak (Macon—Capricdrn);Gregg I Allman; Stillwater (DoraviUej|pA— Studio One); Elvin Bishop; Bee Gees (Miami—Criteria); Crosby^ Stills & Nash (Miami—Criteria); Eric UFO; George Harrison Dave Mason (Miami^—B Criteria); The Who (London); Ted Nugent (Miami—Criteria) ; T1he Ramones.