More Broken Wings: Drummer Joe English has left Paul McCartney and crew because he felt he was spending too much time in England away from his American family, (Let's hope Linda decides to perch behind the drumkit—she should feel right at home with a cowbell.

April 1, 1978

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


More Broken Wings: Drummer Joe English has left Paul McCartney and crew because he felt he was spending too much time in England away from his American family, (Let's hope Linda decides to perch behind the drumkit—she should feel right at home with a cowbell.

All the world s a stage: A man claiming to be an MGM talent scout called us to find out the name of the woman on pg. 14 (Feb. issue) as he wished to sign her up for a bit part in a Charles Bronaon movie. The mystery lady was, of course, Debbie Harry, caught in a pantie panic by our photographer. Too late fella—she just finished a John Cassavettes flick... (See Film Fox). But there have been others noticing her, uh, talents lately: Penthouse offered her $10,(MM) to pose, not totally en deshabille, but just for some “revealing shots." They too were turned down (aw shucks) since Blondie & management felt It would only inflate the whole Marilyn Monroe mystique.

The Spinners recently recorded a new song ("Are You Ready For Love”) with vocal and instrumental assistance from none other than Elton John, who seems to have taken pointers on retirement hobbies from Frank Sinatra.

Slip-sljdln’ away... .Because of the heavy rains in Southern California, 1 residents of the Malibu area helped each other sandbag their homes... Sandbaggers included the Eagles’ Don Felder, Linda “Muscles” Ronstadt, Martin Moll and Jim Pankow of Chicago.

Lot Crepie& Kevin Godley showed up at thelnventors Show in L.A. to display their invention “The Gizmo;” They’ve pufit oh the market for people in the music industry who find the sound of sperm whales in heat strangely hypnotic.

Robert Palmer & wife Sue recently became parents for the first time when their son, James Daniel, was bom—in Nassau. (Maybe it really is better in the Bahamas?)

Give it one moreshot: At press time, Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren is denying Johnny Rotten’s claims that die band has split up permanently, insisting that all problems will be ironed out at a meeting when they return home. Talk about a cock-eyed optimist...

Promises, promises: Nadi Dog, lead singer for a Toronto punk band called The VOetones, has reportedly announced he will kill himself on stage in a year or so from now. Maybe he needs a Punk-toDrunk talk with Alice Cooper.... soon.

How ’bout a snow-cone? While most of the Midwest snuggled next to the fireplace during the great blizzard of’78, Emerson, Lake & Palmer were scrounging for food in Cleveland after being stranded by the storm. All the restaurants closed down, leaving them without sustenance. They finally convinced the hotel manager to open up and cook something for them after threatening to build a fire in their room.

Rod Ste wort and actress Morey Haueson still “tight” though some say the novelty is wearing off for old Roddy. On die other side of the coin, Rod’s former squeeze, Britt Eklend, has found a good friend in Goorgo Hamilton, though he seems too serious With sultry Nicaraguan (Zzzz) Barbara Carrera to let Britt get to him (or his antiques). Wait a minute! Did someone say Rod and Britt are back together again? Is this the right Rock 'n' Roll News?

Some people will do anything for a laugh: Ringo Star's former lady, Lynsey de Peul, got a nose job— involuntarily. Seems she got two black eyes and a bruised face from running into a swinging door. What a clown!

Even with Roger “Pardon Me?” Dahrey’s hearing problems, the new Who LP should be one the racks by spring, along with a film documentary titled The Kids Are All Right (C-BGO).

Praise the Lord and pass the pillbox: Ehris Presley1 s personal Bible was recently auctioned off in Nashville for a whopping $1375.

Well, it was worth a try: Remember when Lad Zap’s Borneo Bonham locked horns with some of BUI Graham’s henchmen last summer and was slapped with a civil damage suit? It seems they had nearly reached an out-of-court settlement when the whole thing fell apart. Zep’s attorneys sent Graham’s boys a letter asking them to admit their versions of the beatings were false and agree that the original $37,500 settlement be cut to $500 apiece, with the remaining bucks going into a “trust account.”

Even though Gragg & Cher Allman split (she hit him with a legal separation in Santa Monica court, probably after he hit her with a blast of trench mouth that peeled off three layers of skin), they were seen walking arm in arm in Honolulu.

In The Studio

Joe Cocker; Crusaders with B.B. King; Little River Band (Australia); Dixie Dregs (L.A. —Chateau); Peter Gabriel; Led Zeppelin (England); Player (Hollywood—Western); Chuck Mangione (L.A.— Larrabee); Kiki Dee (L.A.&emdash Cherokee); BTO (VancouverLittle Mountain); Chick Corep (L.A.—Kendun); Janislan (N.Y.Record Plant); Tom Robinson Band (London); Foreigner (N.Y.—Atlantic); Bryan Ferry; The Rolling Stones (France); The Who (England); Black Oak; Marshall Tucker Band.

Who asked him? "The entertainment Industry hasbeen invaded by a bwelement," proclaimed Pat Boon. on a recent tour of South Africa. "Some rock performers and shows are so hellish I would not consider them to be entertainment. Many people are embarrassed by what they see on stage." (If you've ever seen Pat's show, you know what he means) (ZNS)

Every redneck's wet dream come true: Emmy ton Harris, Dolly Part on and Linda Ronstadt have teamed up on an Eiektra/ Asylum LP, scheduled for release imminently.

Steeleye Span are currently finishing up their farewell tour in England, although they plan to reunite occasionally for auld lang Syne.

English Skiffle star Lonnie Donegan’s new LP features John, Leo Sayer, Brian May, Ronnie Wood, Ringo Starr and Rory Gallagher (whose LP will be out any second, with a tour following).

Whoops! Torn Waits recently landed in the slammer after picking a fight over a table in a greasy spoon. The object of his greasy wrath turned out to be an undercover cop...

Brush your teeth and drink your milk: After Alice Cooper completed the Legs McNeil alcohol rehabilitation program, kingo Starr and Lee (and less) McKeown threw a boozeléss soiree in his honor. (Did anyone else show up?)

I Next time, try room service: John Reid (Elton’s manager) and Charlie Bruscow (Outlaw’s I manager) had just left a hotel party in New York to get a drink when I they were forced into the hotel kichen at gunpoint and handcuffed while the gunmen robbed the place. Fortunately, the thieves didn’t realize who theirhostages were and simply left them to be found four hburslater by police investigators.

It’s a jungle out there: Rick Nelson is reportedly getting help from Roger (Byrd) McGninn and Mike (Monkee) Nesmith in the studio while Colonel Parker, the old zookeeper himself, tracks the whiptokeep Ricky on the straight

and narrow.

Willy DeVille avoided the void with these woids; "Those kids in England have no idea what punk’s not a compliment Those fools think James Dean was a punk. If they throw a beer can, that's a compliment. They wanted me to be some kind of leader, but my whole thing is a romantic thing. I’m I trying to look sharp, not like a void or blank. I’ve been avoid for years; now I'm trying to get myself back together.” Amazing what they can do with rubber cement, innit?

Thin Lizzy to label-hop to RSO? So who wouldn't?

With a little bit of luck, the Stones will release their new studio album, recorded in Paris, in May, and then be winging their way back to the U.S. of A. for a tour to start in June.

Johnny Rotten in the 100-yard Gob? Bob Seger in the Mile Delay? Alice Cooper in the Uneven Corner Bars? All this and more may come your way via an NBC spring special called the First Annual Rock ’n’ Roll Sports Classic, patently in the planning stages.

Father knows best? David Bowie was mighty miffed at wife Angle for spreading the news that he had taken son Zowie away from her, especially since she chote to spend Christmas with friends rather than join her hubby and child for a family affair in Gstaad. . . And if they didn’t have enough problems, Angie tried to commit suicide by downing 30 pills, stabbing herself and then throwing herself down a flight of stairs. (More next month.)

More marital merry-go-rounds: Mr. & Mrs. Jegger appear to be travelling on different astral planes now; Mick with Jeri Hall (Bryan Ferry’s ex-sweetie) while Bianca has cut in on Princess Margaret’s waltz with young Roddy Liewellyn.

After Cheap Trick’s Robin Zander was named “World’s Sexiest Man” for 1977 by a New Jersey Women’s Club, the singer commented: “You know how Americans are when it comes to sex, men can’t keep from lying and women can’t keep from lying and truth.

Who’s running this show, anyway? R. “Vom” Mettzer was granted the privilege of introducing the Sex Pistols at their San Francisco date, but got so carried away with his punkish tirade (insulting the audience and the city) that Bill Graham himself escorted him offstage and out of theatre. Not

to be outdone, R. bought a jacket off a wayward punk to disguise himself and conned his way back in, claiming to be a Warners vice president. The Pistols thought he was keen.

Those alimony checks can be hell: Bob Dylan is having a mighty hard time lining up a band for his tour , since the offered wage is only $300 a week. Only? How about an official keeper of the dewrags, Bob?

Declan MacManus has now legally changed his name to Elvis Costello.

On Tour

Eric Clapton; Player; Santana; Chick Corea & Herbie Hancock; Kiss; Bob Marley; Blondie, Strawbs, David Crosby & Graham Nash; Neil Young; Eddie & The Hot Rods; Nazareth: Bob Welch; Steve Miller; Norton Buffalo, Emerson, Lake& PalmCr; Z.Z. Top; Bob Seger & The Silver Bu liet Band; Electric Light Orchestra; Pat Travers; Willie Alexander & The Boom Boom Band; Atlanta Rhythm Section; Geils; Seals & Crofts.