It’s hard, but we’ll excuuuuuse that ramblin’ Steve Martin for sharing a table at L. A.’s Dr. Munchie’s with... aaagggrrrhhh... Karen Carpenter. This year's award for the fastest rock album goes to a British band known as the Warsaw Pakt, not because of the frenzied pace of the music (no one has yet successfully challenged Tad Nugent on those grounds), but because the LP was recorded directly onto a master disc without benefit of a preliminary taping session.

March 1, 1978

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



It’s hard, but we’ll excuuuuuse that ramblin’ Steve Martin for sharing a table at L. A.’s Dr. Munchie’s with... aaagggrrrhhh... Karen Carpenter.

This year's award for the fastest rock album goes to a British band known as the Warsaw Pakt, not because of the frenzied pace of the music (no one has yet successfully challenged Tad Nugent on those grounds), but because the LP was recorded directly onto a master disc without benefit of a preliminary taping session. London records shops furiously stocking it the next day— must’ve been the holiday rush...

At a recent Robert Gordon/ Unk Wray show at NYU in December, Robertannounced from the stage: "Now we’re ooiriilllMilfl one of the youngsters come up and play." With that, he made room onstage for Bence Springsteen to come UP and loin in on “Heartbreak HoflHBlIMiiiBlIiiBiili a song for Gordon’s new Private Stock LP, as well.. .Since Jimmy lenner is engineering Bruce's long-awaited follow-up album to Born To Run, he's had to delay producing Patti Smith’s Rock ’N’ Roll Nigger (the proposed title).

What do Led Zeppelin, Rick Wakeman, Rod Stewart, The Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd alt have in ctjlpljp^ permanently damaged ear drums)? Give up? They’II all be featured on a disc called SunetaBiM compiled by PhonoceJiBlliljBBiiiliBMl with p/oceeds to go to Britain's Sports Aid Foundation. Rumor has it the Phonogram people are busy studying—at this very moment — a course called 'The K-Tel Psychology Of Advertising And Selling.

Faye Dnnaway and hubby Peter Wolf (of Geils) have reconciled— for the moment—despite whispers that they’re “still married.,. but keeping separate nests”...

What would the Fonx say? Suzi Qaatro’s brother Mike was hauled into a Detroit court recently on a statutory rape rap after supposedly demandingthat his 16-year-old uh,

housekeeper model a rather

revealing creation. Little Leather’s * bro’ copped a plea (contributing to the delinquency of a minor) and was slapped with a fine and possible 90 -days in the tank. You just can’t get good help these days, especially in Detroit.

Despite a crippling case of laryngitis, Ian Anderson surprised Jethro Tullfans in Hartford, CN, by iililiiM

abbreviated show—then offeringa make-up show on the band's next tour, plus a $3.00 refund! (Somebodu’d better stop this auvhe’ll be giving out dishes with the nextTull album!)

By the time you read this, Led Zeppelin will be back in the studio working on a new LP for Swan Song (Pant. Drool. Etc.).

In their infinite wisdom, the Sax Pistole booked a gig on their ; American tour in the: HlMiiilBliiiBillll hamlet of Tupelo. Only one problem—in their eagerness to promote punk in Ehrie’ birthplace, they booked TmMMUMiiiililpBiii not Mississippi.

Could the Sgt. Pepper flick’s problems be a case of too many cooks in the kitchen? Robert : Stlgwoodgave the Framp’s Doe Anthony an exec-producing title, but maybe that wasn’t enough for the big fella. tu«nGdidsmijjj[

Beauty Tips From The StaliBllBilllllil Chapter 23: How does Mick Jagger keep that boyish face arid figure without the drastic but . 7," 7A temporary effects of cosmetic », -• surgery? According to Hollywood Reporter, he uses Elizabeth Arden beauty products on his face and perfume from Tangiers "on my ears, wrists and on my bottom.” Available at finer chemists throughout the world. ..More concerned vsrith feSs future than his face: in December, Keith’s lawyers established that he wasn’t trafficking in drugs, a ridiculous charge considering his income (here, here!). Sooo, his next court date was set for Feb. 6th—a judge and jury number... And what’s this we hear? The^RolHng ‘

Stones to do a U JK. tour in April?

In support of their new studio album? Watch this space for further developments...

Payola Non Gratis? Beach Boy Mike Love offered the band’s services for a benefit concert on behalf of the Atlanta Hawks if the Hawks would cast a favorable eye in the direction of Mike’s dribbling cousin,S*xn Love. Guess there’s stiff no such thing asa free lunch....

Another grand-daddy of Punk has -emerged from the gutters of New York—Former N.V. Doll* bassist' Artie Kane is carrying on whatever it was he started with a band called Corpse Grinders, sandwiched in recent months between some of his offspring at CBGB’s. (Yeah, we knew we'd seen that puss somewhere...)

Ask a dumb question.. .We asked Levon Heist how the name of his band, “RCO All-Stars” came about: Seems "Our co. ” in the South means our group, our company... pronounced “RCO”.,. Get it? Then fejltis.

Mercury Records’ punk label, Dip, had to change its name to Blank Records when another “Dip” Records objected... seems a certain Reverend in Tulsa, Oklahoma owns a relicpous label of that same name, and he didn’t want to be associated with ho gol dang punk rockers... “DIP”, by the way, are the Rev’s initials..,


Kiss; Blue Oyster Cult; Geils; Detective; Eddie & The Hot Rods; Piper; Sex Pistols; Rick Danko; Levon Helm & The RCO All-Stars; Angel; Parliament/Funkadelic; Gene Pitney; The Rockets; Ted Nugent; Bob Seger& The Silver Bullet Band; Blondie; Genesis; Mose Allison; Emerson, Lake & Palmer; Bette Midler; Edgar Winter's White Trash; Todd* Rundgren& Utopia; Earth, Wind & Fire; Bob Welch.

If you re a wild kind of guy who spends his time holding up a Farrah Fawcett-Majors poster with one hand, TK Records now brings you music to, uh, contemplate her by It’s called “You" ("Toi"). a sexist (whoops!-sexy) French safe (excuse us— single) recorded by Jesa*P«ttI “Filet” Vifpaon with the leaky Fawcett attempting a breathless English translation a la Donna Summer in the background. For the discerning male on your shopping list... Ko*e$>mon

You can’t keep a good band down: Now that Lynyrd Skynyrd’s surviving members are on the long road to recovery, Artioms Pyle called upand offered these insights: “It's gonna take about a year to recover... Then, I’ll look the rest of the guys in the eye and ask if they're ready to go again. We'll do an album, mindful of the great teachers we had. If our music is worthy of those teachers, we’ll take it to the world. We want to thank everyone for their good wishes.”

He just wanted to be your one-man band, and finally Cosy Wells, former top canine with Three Dog Night, achieved the dream of a lifetime by signing with A&M Records minus the rest erf the kennel Now if they can just stop him from lifting his leg on the session men.. I

Bother is a punk rocker7— H Richard Half s is a professor of English and American literature, and she had these maternal insights on her son's chosen line of work. “When 1 first knew about my son's goals, I was disturbed The lyrics aren't the affirmative view I have on life. But after seeing him work. I know that he's providing a vibrant and passionate communication pattern for his audience. I'm delighted that he’s able to do well -and be the best at what matters to him in life ” Oh, yeah?

Bat Lizard & Co. go into a two-year hibernation after their current tour grinds to a hah in Japan this spring. The Nips may witness an added attraction, though. in the form of George Plimpton, who's threatening to accompany Kiss to the I-and of the Rising Sun. (“I Was Onstage With Kiss In My Spaulding Jock Strap’’ perhaps?)

A piece of the action? Ted Nugent's personal birthday bonus to his tour publicist consisted of an envelope of pubic hairs, personally plucked from the Dog himself (We'd better have a heart-to-heart talk with his barber before the next birthday rolls around—we wouldn’t wantTheoto end up soundinglike GeddyLee.)

Peter. Paul and Mary have finally slipped out of their cave The old gang will get together in the studio in Match for one more shot at professional show biz even though Mary Travers has landed a Chrysalis recording contract on her own. As we go to press, though, no one has offered the trio the use of their label (do you blame them?)

And what’s Bits we hear? Stevie (oops1Steve) Win wood to round up a touring band after his next waxing is complete? (Judging by Stevie's record, it could be after dinner tonight!) Speaking of guys who played in Traffic and lived to tell about it, Jim Capaidi has just scrawled his John Hancock on a Pofyd or contract.

Dominance and submission a go-go A strip joint across from S.F.'s Mabuhay Gardens features a burlesqpe queen who shakes her booty to the bump and grind beat of Blue Oyater Cult.

Watch it, sucker— his aim is true1 In Los Angeles, Elvis Costello rushed at a goon who .was hassling a young lad v in one of the front rows, wielding a broken bottle at the thug That infamous Costello temper flared again on the set of Saturday Night Live when E C. refused to play the song he had been timed for, choosing something more relevant to the millions of Americans who had tuned in Seconds after singing “Calling Mr Oswald with the swastika tattoo,” El turned around and yelled at his band to stop “No! We’re not going to play that song!” (“Less Than Zero”). He then led them into a clenched teeth version of a new song, “Radio. Radio."

What video viewers across the nation didn’t see was Serf, Night producer Lome Michaels come screaming down behind the cameras He shot Elvis the finger throughout his performance, which might account for El's increasingly intense rendition. Seems Lome wanted the song he’d been told would be sung, sung El’s performance was an eloquent fucka youatoallofthat.

One Who Knows tells us that Sandy Pearhnan "conceived of Blue Oyster Cult upon hearing the Stones' song “Under My Thumb” Sandy wanted to form an entire band upon the S & M tone of the Jagger/Richard macho epic, but broadened the concept beyond the war between the sexes And thus the world was given “Dominance& Submission”... Chuck Pu!tn

Ring out rhe old. ring in the new? This month's splits include Ringo “I’m more than just a pretty face” Starr and Nancy Andrews due to “career differences" (maybe she can sing), Nigel Olsson (who?) and Josie Pollack (who7) (he’s opted for Eileen Biecofrom Bang Records); and last but not the least, Elton John and MCA Records. Well, actually, the “amicable" parting was between Elton's own company, Rocket Records, and MCA, who distributed Rocket products Of course, Reg went with Rocket. \

There's more than one way to quell the rising tide of New Wave—The Rani ones had two trucks containing their equipment stolen in Chicago recently. Don’t fret, guys— we hearK-Mart’s running a blue light special on floor models this week

In The Studio

Led Zeppelin (England); .38 Special (Westport, CN—Schoolhouse): Supertramp (L A ): Bad Co. (France); Rolling Stones (France); Metropolis (England): Deaf School (Rockfield), Peter, Paul& Mary: Dickey Betts (Miami— Criteria); MmkbeVille, Crusaders (L A — Hollywood Sound), Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers (Shelter), Randy Bachman (Vancouver.

Canada—Studio 55), Dictators (N.Y.—RecordPlant); Rufus.