Confessions of a FILM FOX

In between flights of fancy (Gregg today, gone tomorrow), Cher Bono Allman is looking to the future. Variety reports that the slinky warbler is planning to star in a film for producer Hannah Weinstein (as yet untitled), in addition to writing and starring in her own production (hints are that it'll be a family affair, co-starring sis Georgeanne La Pierre and daughter Chastity).

February 1, 1978

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


In between flights of fancy (Gregg today, gone tomorrow), Cher Bono Allman is looking to the future.

Variety reports that the slinky warbler is planning to star in a film for producer Hannah Weinstein (as yet untitled), in addition to writing and starring in her own production (hints are that it'll be a family affair, co-starring sis Georgeanne La Pierre and daughter Chastity).

What is the world coming to? Isn't it true Russ Meyer was axed from his directorial duties on the set of the upcoming Sex Pistols flick, Who Killed Bambi?, due to too much concentration on sex?

Rocker Suzi Quatro turned in such an impressive performance as Pinky Tuscadero's sis Leather on TV's Happy Days that Paramount's planning to give her a pilot to call her own.

Daryl Hall to leave John Oates? The princeof Philly soul is rumored to be more than hot to trot on the heels of Welcome Back Kotters Marcia Strassman, who has been stricken by the sarpe love demon.

No time for Beach Boys... Dennis Wilson needn't worry about his sports cars suffering at the hand of wife Karen Lamm (she occasionally goes on flowerpot throwing sprees). The little, lady's saving her energy these days for the job offers coming in since her performance in the recent TV movie, The Night They Took Miss Beautiful.

The demise of the career of Janis Joplin will be scantily outlined in 20th Century Fox's upcoming The Rose, which begins production next month. The lead role has been given to Ms. Bette Midler, and we'll all be anxious to see just how deevinely she can pull it off, won't we?

Hold the pickles.. .make mine safety pins. Burger king Errol Wetson, estranged hubby of Margaux Hemingway, is reportedly being consoled over the recent breakup of his wedded bliss by none other than punk rock band leader Joy Ryder (no relation to Mitch... we don't think).

That backstreet groaner, singer Tom Waits, was signed to Universal's upcoming Paradise Alley (written by Sly "Rocky" Stallone). Waits will portray a barroom loudmouth appropriately called Mumbles, as well as pen the soundtrack.

Flat on her back on Hollywood & Vine: That sweet little offspring of Papa John Phillips, Mackenzie (darling of TV's One Day At A Time) Phillips was arrested recently after being discovered lying unconscious in the street drunk and reportedly strung out on cocaine. The actress, charged with public drunkenness and possession ofv magic dust, was released on $500 bail—though she insists she was only dizzy from "diet pills." Fast thinking, honeybuns.

Zappa dappa do, this one's for you high brow movie buffs: Frank Zappa, that strait-laced fellow, is busy working on a film which not only has a $1 million budget, but is being financed (and directed) by the man himself. Entitled Baby Snakes, Zappa says it's about a rock 'n' roll singer who wants to make a film, complete with a real plot, romance and villain. He added, "Believe in it at your own risk!" *

Even though she's the star of The Wiz, 'tis rumored Ms. Diana Ross is in a dither over her sister, Rita, who serves as her stand-in in the upcoming musical. Not only does the talented, pretty newcomer have the camera crew's tongues wagging, it's said that director Sidney Lumet is slapping himself silly since he didn't give her a juicy role of her own.

The upcoming Universal production of I Want To Hold Your Hand (Beatle fever set in N. Y. in '64) has run into a few snags... Not only has director Robert Zemeckis had a tough time casting extras (no one wants his hair crewcutted), but his leading lady, Carrie Fisher, bit the dust, only to be replaced by another Hollywood * offspring, newcomer Susan Newman, daughter of Paul.

The latest reel romance mayfeature the unlikeliest couple of the year, Kris (Mr. Star Is Born) Kristofferson and Linda Ronstadt. Newscript reports that the film version of the Broadway musical, Promises, Promises, is in the planning stages, and producer David Merrick says the two rock popsters are hot to play the leads.

It was only a matter of time... Those pop puckers, Kiss, are planning a \ feature film along the lines of the Beatles' Hard Day's Night, later this year. Between their solo LPs and two prime-time TV animated specials, there'll hardly be enough time to buy white Pan-stick.

Urfail next month, chitlins, keep a tight one.