We've all heard about the CREEM editor who, upon meeting Paul McCartney, asked Linda “Hows the cook of the house?" (Her reply: “Ive got two hot dogs inside me right now.") Now Melissa Manchester shares her “I met Paul McCartney" story: Seems she was singing backup on Ringos last album when the McCartneys showed up at the studio to help Ringo put.

October 1, 1977

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


We've all heard about the CREEM editor who, upon meeting Paul McCartney, asked Linda “Hows the cook of the house?"

(Her reply: “Ive got two hot dogs inside me right now.") Now Melissa Manchester shares her “I met Paul McCartney" story: Seems she was singing backup on Ringos last album when the McCartneys showed up at the studio to help Ringo put. First, says Melissa, she was cool and pretended Paul wasjustahorma! human being, but then she lost her head ancl found herself showing him “some dumb scrapbook". We were glad to hear that she finally regained her composure...

. Look! Up in the air! its a bird, its a

plane! No, it was Alto Reed, sax player par excellence of Bob Sogers (faster than a speeding) Silver Bullet Band, who reached a new high note and thrilled some 50,000concert-goers at a Martin, Michigan pop festival, with a

sizzling sax solo from a hot air

UUilV/VI i 1UU ICCLUUWC UICLUJ^C. At a recent Detroit concert, former Bob Seger drummer Charlie Martin, currently confined to a wheelchair following an auto accident in February .joined Seger onstage for an impromptu duet. Seger played a record eight nights at Pine Knob, Detroits open-air stadium.

You may have heard about Elton Johns free performance at an exurban English college; the scoop is that students at Shoredftch IS Teachers Training College were Saving a dance when disaster struck—their band cancelled out and they were faced with many ; £ disappointed teacher trainees anda huge financial loss Several daring students knew that Elton lived in the neighborhood, though, and got through to him somehow (Elton has had his phone unplugged for a while). The brash students asked Elton if he would sub for the no-shows. Elton not only accepted ;•' but would take no fee for his services, “fwasnt doing anything that night, so 1 said why hot," said Elton. “Besides, l admiretheir nerve;

Have you noticed the simibrUty between the name of Kisss latest album Love Gun and the name of a notorious English group.. .?(If you need a hint turn to page 33.) More Kis^Knews: All members (even Rittyklrt?) are planning solo

Rotten To The Core, (Ha)

Steve Harley disbanded Cockney Rebel, as the group had “Come to the end of an era."..

Staking a major Wow for AngloRusso-American detente, Fleetwood Mac" s Christine McVie spent an evening at the tifartihd (f'

D. C., drinking the Russian

Mac had played D. C that day, and everybody was surprised when the

at the post-concert bash, to mingle with Jeff and Chip Carter as well as the Anglo-American rock stars. The I? usskis were apparently so taken with Christines capacity for ■ drinking vodka straight up that they incited the Macs to tour Russia , which would make the Macs only the second American (well half) hapdto^purtheU S.S.R; , the first : being die Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.

Couple of the Month: Mick dagger seems to be ex-Mama Michelle Phillips new “Vateprino" (she can be seen currently in the flick of the same-name); theyve been seen billing and in L. A. and

showed up for a Mink De VUle show. They went backstage to talk tp Willie De Vilie, who says that Jaggersaid petulantly (when Michelle spent most of her rime talking to Willie and girlfriend/wife going into the room where the white people are " They dont want it widely known... it Isnt cool, y?see.. .but Willie and Toots ore married. Meanwhile, on the Ripleys Believe It or Not front, dateline Costa Del Sol, Spain: Bianca dagger and (who?) David Bowie were observed aB, over each other at the posh sun spot. The cozy pair had jetted down after the Paris premiere of The Man WhoFeliToEarth, and according to m astonished bystander: “Their performance was quite a turn-on "

Robin Trowel's latest, inCity \ Dreams, featuring the Funky Pent. art no Trower albu m would be caught dead without, will hit the racks October 1st.

One night, during a performance at NYCs Village Gate, Patti Smith Band keyboardist Richard *DNV* Soli! cut up a $100 bill and threw the pieces to the audience. Patti commented: “Richard learned that trick from me. Once I wanted Richard and it cost me $100. The next time it cost me $2000."

TedNngent donated the proceeds from two London gigs to Thee the World Wildlife Fund.. .attaboy

•' Veiy sad to hear of Robert Plonts young sons death. It seems that Plant, inCaftfornia at the time; was wired to return to England at once when Karae, 5, fell ill. ThebOydied ■ r«:; At presstime I

tneoniy ieaos were tnai r\arac s sister had an infection and that it was possible thatKaraccontractjed it. Said Robert-Ail the success and fame doesnt mean a thing compared with the love of a family."

Grace Slick on Anita Bryant: “Theres no way to correct that except bynew-pNA codes," H

Sex Pistols manager Malcolm | McLaren spotted in L A ; can a Pistols tour be far behind?

UFO has still not found its wayward guitarist, German Michel Schenker, who disappeared while the group was still on tour here in the states. Schenker was declared a missing person to Scotland Yard by band manager Witf Wright, it is thought that Schenker might have joined a religious group such as the Moonies, as hes had a longtime interest in mysticism and offbeat religions. At this time the Mooniesin London deny vigorously,thatthey are in possession ofthe.guitarisb ' Meanwhile the band has been auditioning new guitarists, as even if Schenker is found, theyre not sure they want to continue with sudh an -erratic sort of fellow..

Its 92° in the shade on the streets of Manhattan, and whos the onJy gby, , on thestreetwearin&ajacket? , Showing barely afew beads of perspiration, Ray Davie*. ,.

The'killer known as die Son of Sam who has been terrorizing the Bronx for the past year, got his name— I

according to some reports—from the Jimi Hendrix song “Purple Haze". Apparently the phrase “Help • me, help me, help me, son ofSam, '; son of Sam" can be barely heard cm the cut from The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Now will there be a ghoulish rush on that album, as .. happened with the Beatles white album during I'affaire Manson?

, Some day when Jah must have been looking the other way, Bob Marley hurt his foot playing soccer, which necessitated postponing the first dates of his U.S. tour. Thefoot didnt heal as fast as expected, so the dates were rescheduled a second time. Meanwhile in L.A. Mis$Cindy Brakespeare (Jamaican beauty queen) spotted sporting an , “Exodus" t-shirt.

Got Blondie Debbie Harry's mode! release form back, (she posed for the scrumptious shot on page 54) and under “I am to be compensated as follows" the bouncy blonde scribbled; “Dear Schmucks, You got it wrong; 31 is not my age, its the sum total of your I.Q.s. Love, Deb." Gee, Deb, youre not getting older, youre _ . getting better.. .*•

Cher and Peter Frampton set to host the Rock Music Awards on NBC: Question of the night (besides whos takingCher home); will Peter come up toChers navel, and does anybody care?

The Peter Ypeh LP Legalize It was 1 banned as a “prohibitive import" in Melbourne, Australia...

The Sex Pistole made their first British video appearance on Top of the Pops since the infamous. spewing of foul words incident ten months ago. They sang “Pretty Vacant." A tour of Scandinavia went without hitch.

Hemy Paul departed the Outlaws, cfting musical differences. He will be replaced by Freddy Salem, a former guitarist for the Chambers Brothers. Theyre also adding a second drummer, David Dix, who was aft original Outlaw five years ago.

Godzilla Meets The Three Stooges: Led Zeps battling drum basher John Bonham, Peter Grant, Zep manager, and Richard Cole, Zep road manager all had to cool their heels in the 1 Oakland jail for three hours after a skirmish with BUI Graham employees. Itall started when Peter Grants son wanted either a basketball be longi ng to the Graham staff or a sign or both. Graham employees refused him, and several Zeppelin staffers tried to settle it verbally but resorted to fisticuffs in the end. Zeppelin staffers tried to keep John Bonham out of the trailer where the fighting was going on, but he managed to get in and was allegedly wieldinga pipe in the fray. A complaint was filed with the Oakland police and the Zeppelin Three were held for three hours before being released on bail.