Vivacious thrush Stevie Niche is currently nested in a house in L.A. that used to belong to silent screen star Vilma Hanky, a foreign beauty who was married to another early idol, Rod LaRoque. Said Stevie: “You can tell the house once belonged to someone glamorous. It has a real presence about it." It might have looked like the Damned's REat Scabies and Runaway Joan Jett were about to get cozy in last month’s Backstage photo, but actually they came to blows minutes after our photographer took the picture.

September 1, 1977

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Vivacious thrush Stevie Niche is currently nested in a house in L.A. that used to belong to silent screen star Vilma Hanky, a foreign beauty who was married to another early idol, Rod LaRoque. Said Stevie: “You can tell the house once belonged to someone glamorous. It has a real presence about it."

It might have looked like the Damned's REat Scabies and Runaway Joan Jett were about to get cozy in last month’s Backstage photo, but actually they came to blows minutes after our

photographer took the picture. W/my/? Apparently old Rat’sjust a 2Jf|qtaHy arrogant, rude human" beipg.” When Joan heard that Btondie was going to see the Damned in the U.K., she pointedly sent regards to all of them except Mr Scabies (Nya nya)

KILL THE PROOFREADERS FIRST! Among many errors in last month’s issue: In the Beat Goes On Sex Pistols story their single is called "Energy InThe U.K.” N really. R*s"Anarchy In The pjR?* Hid wefnewit, but ot||jjj proofers didn’t. Also apologies tPLjlj K Malcolm McClaren for screwing ; up his really very reasonable name.

What’S a fella to do during thelong drum solo on Led Zep’s current jj. tour? Keith Moon took matters In his own hands: he stormed the stage I. and made ft a duet. fl

Punk Magazine’s Legs McNeil is in the hospital: Send cards, letters and cigarettes to him c/ o Hartford Hospital, 80 Seymour St., Hartford, Conn,

Bob Marley was in Berlin recently on the European leg of the Wallers tour, and Island Records’ Spencer sv|Mi# lowing him the sights and explaining the politics behind the Berlin WalJ . Ail very interesting, but Marley wanted to know just one thing about die Berliners on the other side:, “Do they have good ganja?" I

Led Zeppelin were invited to Hagh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion by the Hef himself while they were in L. A. for their Forum shows: The invite read that ail of the band members show.. .or none. They optedfornone. (Talk is they spent most of their time at the Roxy anyway.)

Joe Walsh’s solo LP finished—no he won’t give up his lucrative career asan Eagle (wouldyou?). He might take his studio band on the road this fall, though...

S TIME YOU CRETINS WERE ALT WITH: We mean the strong (uments for abortion who throw scrackers at concerts,. .latest tim Mr"; Jimmy Page, W|K> we* ocked ^n.the hand by a cheny mb at Zep’s Madison Square irdenshow. m

Auditions were held in NYC recently for the film version of Hair, ■ the love/peace/beads manifesto, and director Milos Forman (One Flew OuerThe Cuckoo’sNest) was conducting dill backs at his Park Avenue pad when who should show up but Brace Springsteen... seems Spruce is a pal of Milos’, and indeed is interested in a role in the movie. (Does this mean we getto see Bruce’s ten-inch record?)

Pete and Jeanette Sears (he’s the bassist and keyboardist of Jefferson Starship) had their first child, a son named Dylan James.

AliceCooper collaborating with Bernie Tenpin on some songs...

The Runaways were mobbed in Japan, where they’re the fifth most popular recording group (?) . . . Joan Jett and Cherie were almost lost when they stopped to accept gifts | from fans and a mob surrounded ~ them. Jackie Fox really was lost— upon returning from Japan she decided to split from the group. Rumors of a suicide attempt white in Japan were untrue—she just wanted to get out. No official reason at presstime.

Rumors are rife around Hollywood about the groupies who successfully cornered a few Bby City Rollers... what, where, how.,.?

What, Vlondie on Happy Dags?

It’s what you’ve bee n wafting to hear.. .maybe? The Moody Rinse have not bee n in theetudio since 969, until.. .September when they’ll do it again.

istole Johnny nd Paul Cook were attacked in-' separate Incidents of reactionary violence in London late in June. Cook, the Pistols’ drummer, was. attacked at a tube station by six men > pointedly identified him as a Pistol. .1 Johnny Rotten was attacked when ' he was leaving a recording studio-|J with some friends, including producer Chris Thomas (who produces Frankie Miller among others), Rotten’s face was slashed with razor blades by the men, and Thomas was cut on the arm. Ai were released from the hospital a! ' receiving stitches. Despitefhe . attacks, the group’s record company. Virgin, and their management have resisted the *, ;i idea of hiring bodyguards. The j violence is be lleved to be a pad cjf a ’ i backlash against punk rockers Whipped up by the national press' and centering on the Pistols because of their - The Queen” 45, containing such lines as “God save the Queen/She . 1 Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren opined that the attack ; ‘ 'was thework of the .NatjonalFtbott jj Ca neo-fascist, monarchist 1 organization which hires goons to fl *• terrorize anti-monarchy, anti-every thing rockers, 1

Jimmy Page made a cash ’ settlement with CBS over the live IK Yardbirds LP they released. Page had gone to court to stop them from and confiscate any’ existing copie *

David Bowls trying to inerease his macho rating by growing a beard?

, Jeff OB-*!-, .

Guess Who?

Box Staggs went onstage with Mssy WslliataCakfornia club: only troubiewasshe.dSdn’tknow who he was.

Pattie Boyd f inally got her divorce from George Harrison: the ' grounds went that they hadn’t lived together^ two yearsNeither was present in London when the divorce we£fgiz$ized,iM/Jfl the patter of little EC. feetbefar behind?

Gravel tttroatlp^jlSsgsr and Frankie Miller finally caught up to each other when Frankie played suburban petott, Segehsheena 1 Frankie fan for a long time. Sharp -ears have noted similarities between Frankie’s “Ain’t Got NoMoney” and Seger’s aSun-Sjpo.t Baby,” but there’s no reaj question of who borrowed from who. the basic riff is actually an old MueSSong, Rod Stewart attended Frankie’s show in Li A. » and Invited his fellow Scot back to the palace after the show. '

Dave Edmunds left the Bad ; _ Company tour, sparking rumors that his band RockpBe had broken up. Edmunds stayed in the States while the rest of his band flew back to England. Meanwhile Bad Co.’s Simon Kirks and Pool Rodgers accompanied pals from the.Ontlsws tothe White House, where they reportedly toked some in theOyfloffice. ..-{without Jimmeh)^',

Why is it “GsiSs” instead of “J. Geils Band, ” you ask? So did we, pf the group en masse. They claim that people have always said: “Geils are cohttn\hstqwn,” so why not shorten s to the vernacular, like the Jam Crassdi»s becoming t he Crusaders.

Talking Heads Tighten Up: Bassist Martina Weymontb and drummer Chris Frantz were married in late June in his hometown, Maysvlfle, Kentucky, The much-delay edDopf* 1 retrospective is now slated for release sometime in December. Known as the “Morrison Project,” the LP will also include spoken .reminiscences.

A&M released the Stranglers LP Hattus Norvegicus; other Yank record companies are jumping on thepunk bandwagon, eaqerfor e Sex Plstols-type sales. -£t a recent CBGBs date, Bandbs Debbie Harry tried io visually enact her song “Rip HerTo Shreds” with an eager male volunteer from the audience. Tough luck, though; she couldn’t make one rip in the dude’s shirt. Said she:“The shirt was of a very high quality .-JM*

Burton Cummings and Randy Bachman to reteam? Burtie’s record company says no, but don’t be surprised .vim

Ian Anderson not only birthed a baby son (James Duncan—an attending nurse noted his leg inthe 1 air), but a recording studio as well—the most sophisticated in the world according to lan, who we never’s located in London and called Salamander & Son., . About his next studio album (a live Tull album celebrating their 10-year span is in the works), Ian said that it willbe the “more aggressive side of Mother Nature and Human Nature,” Ian watchers translate this as “a lot like Aqualung”;

The pimillMss returned from their gala tour of Europe with a hot disc, “Sheena Is A Punk Rocker,’’ and puzzled looks, Said Tommy: “The only thing wrong with Europe is the plumbing.” Dec Dee: “They don't Chicago the Ramones were surprised onstage by an overzealous NBC news team careening around the stage to film them. Said Joey: “I didn’t tike them sneakin’ around . I was afraid Jokany would shove his mikestand in their face. They don’t realize it’s dangerous up there. All those people could cause a traffic jam!”

StcpfcenStllle jammed with the Rolling Stonee in their NYC studio recently, while they put the finishing touches on their live album (should be out by the time you read this)* Stephen is on a firm diet and already looking more squeezable...