Creem Profiles
(Pronounced “Boy Howdy!”)

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.
HOME: The Republic of Tejasl
AGE: Muchachos no more.
PROFESSION: Takin’ Texas to the people.
HOBBIES: Driving cars a thousand miles an hour, pistol-whipping rude buzzards, paper-training their buffalo, infiltrating the U.S. of A. with their pervasive Texas Kulchur, inflicting Howard Bloom on the world.
LAST BOOK READ: OnBurritos And Beer In The White House by Billy Carter.
LAST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Passing the boogie band I.Q. test with flying colors.
QUOTE: Oh, no, not on my new boots!
PROFILE: Not your average cactus-chewin’, bullet-spittin’ good ole boys; these hombres would just as soon give your ears orgasms with their bueno geetar licks as plant cattle horns on your Cadillac. Dangerous when wet.
BEER: Boy Howdy!