Wedding invitations for the Grade Slick/Skip Johnson nuptials in Hawaii were "singing telegrams" from "Western Onion": "I'm getting married in Maui.." sung to the tune of "I'm Getting Married In The Morning." Flower girif or Mom's big day was little China, and the Dom Perignon flowed freely, despite Ms. Slick's current policy of teetotaling.

March 1, 1977

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Wedding invitations for the Grade Slick/Skip Johnson nuptials in Hawaii were "singing telegrams" from "Western Onion": "I'm getting married in Maui.." sung to the tune of "I'm Getting Married In The Morning." Flower girif or Mom's big day was little China, and the Dom Perignon flowed freely, despite Ms. Slick's current policy of teetotaling.

You’d better gib that Yardbirds LP while you can; Jimmy Page has filed suitagainst CBS, Inc., and Sutton Records for

$2 million, contending that the Yardbirds gave CBS permission to record their March 30,,1968 concert atthe Anderson Theatre in New j York with the understanding that there would be no album release. CBS sold the tapes to Sutton, who are distributing Live Yardbirds. What’s more, he’s asking for an injunction forbidding manufacture and sale of any moire copies of the UP, as well as the return of all - * outstanding copies and, the return of all of the money made by the records to date. ’ B * MAPf>H 1977

will? At last check he was still || houseguesting in NYC with Mick Ronton and girlfriend. Hey, we printed that Tommy Bolin died in Jamaica, last month,

awake. Actually it was in Miami, his heart attack occurred after a hours of particularly heavy drinking on top of a few years of heavy substance abuse... Tommy’s I autopsy looked like a drug addict's shopping list. -■ Former Doors, member Rsy Manzareks new group Nite CRy recently signed with 20th

In a move we applaud heartily, Steeleye Spam took all of the money frony a recent concert

and .dropped it from the ceiling an amazed crowd: 8,500 one pound notes in all danced over crowd’s heads, and even in these black days fpr the English pound that translated into over $13,400. Bassist Rick Kampekplained band’s gen^fosity: “We’ve been touring, selling out concerts in England for seven years now, and we thought it would be a nice gesture this time to reciprocate give the money back... so we did.” Take note fans: Steeleye will be tour in the States in M^rch. Nico, who sez she’s been communing it up with an “Arizona -engineer” (?) these past few years, Spotted at a> John Cola gig in

Nico, who sez she's been communing it up with an `Arizona engineer" (?) these past few years, spotted at aJohn Cale gig in

Good news for “Day After Day” “Baby Blue” fans: Ex-Badifingar guitarist Joey MoUand has left group Natural Gas to try to re-form the old Applegroup. Of course, the former group’s leader, Pete Ham, died last year, but Wish Joey the best of luck as we work on the third and fourth copies of our B-finger discs. Los Nlchol will replace Joey in

Australia after “hostile questioning” by the press implied that the group were willfully inciting riots among Australian hoppers. Major holocausts followed; in Sydney fans were treated for injuries, in Canberra the show was cancelled and local teens marched on pojice gate headquarters, in Adelaide 300 Dobermans had to help keep the peace and in Perth militant Rollerites warned the police that they would attack the airport and th# police they weren’t allowed to watch Rollers leave the airport. Somewhat understandably, the Australian : ^ government suggested that the Rollers c urtaii their stage act— if " did n’t they risked being banned the continent. Manager Toot Paton retorted: “We came to entertain Australian teenagers, not the Australian press. We shall return.” And that’s a thweat. Nasty ftbttif Stewart re Elton John: “I don’t think he was ever born to be a rock and roll star. He 4 was probably born to be chairman

beginning to look like a chairman as well.”* ,

J. GeUa Band marked the Carter inauguration with a new version of that old funk chestnut “Peanut Butter’’, originally recorded in 1961 by the Vibrations (of “Watusi” fame). “It’s ironic,” opined Pater Wolf, “that the subject matter of ‘Peanut Butter’ has taken on Some new sort of timeliness these days.” Yeah, but you still didn’t get to play at the Inaugural Ball...

Linda Blair has now graduated from John Ostes (26) to Helmut LBer~sr (32). Where's her mother?

unseen on shores, unleashed a string of obscenities on a live TV broadcast. One London truck driver was so, of outraged to come home and find his , seven-year-old watching the show in question that he kicked in the screen of his $600 color TV.., '

; Do you swoon when you hear an . 'jpld ShangrMLaa “sha-lala”? Do you moan for the return of sultry Ronnie and her Ronettes; just one curl of that pouting Bp?... well we’ve got good news. A new girl r group, the Nyloae, are turning the clock back to those da doo ron ron days by seguing such golden goodies as “My Boyfriend’s Back” and many of your fave Motown hits. The line-upincludes ex-Fanny members (so. you didn’t know what m happened to them, eh?) Patti Quatro, Brie Howard and Wendy tiaoa, as well as KNKJ,

. Addle, and Barbara Frye: While, the girls are negotiating a record deal they’re servicing the L. A. music scene with their talents as backup singers.

lBceisrtowScc—err, that’s to say— now Graham Goiddnnj||§|j8 and Eric Stewart are holding the band together on their own, TherapS j are rumors that they’d be joined by ex-Moody Bine Justin Hayward (he’s a director of iOcc’s Sj Strawberry Studios), but if s actually only on a session basis.

stumbling around in the sand when S you were taking Christmas uacances in Miami, you’d better 1 slap yourself silly because that was 'and Nash, W. finishing up the last harmonies on thej^—gulp—new album All iogetijer? The disc was started at 1 L.A.’s Record Plant, then finished off at MiarofsfSriteria Studios. Mm/jlm Young was not invitcra, . ••

Ear! Slick was hospitalized with a kidney ailment. NO TRUTH to the rumors that Bowie slipped him a kidney punch JBBlf

Mick Jagger is filming Othello with toe twirler Rudolf Nureyev; that little Nicaraguan flower Bianca let die cat out of the bag while rapping to a French scribe. Itkf ’ supposed to be a secret, dear.

Bianca went on to say: “People think that I lead a dissipated life. That’s nottrue. Drugs are a cheat. 1 can see it right away in the color of JJ the skin, in the quality pftheHair, flte nails, in the brilliance of the eyes... Look at me. Do Hook like a heroin addict?” Hey, man, you mean Lou'a been lying ip us all these years about Vitamin A?

Well, you’ve all heard about those legendary Hamburg days in all of the Beatles histories you’ve burned your brain with: now you’ll get to hear John Lennon telling the krauts to shaddup and get some more beer, because according to Zodiac News, a “former friend of the ex-Beatles”,* Butcher" Kins Size” Taylor (sounds like a CREEM writer) recorded the leather-jacketed, pubescent Beatles way backthen and Buk Records is cashing in by releasing a double album of the material, //efforts by the ex-Beatles to stop the project fail totally: after the kitsch cover treatment of Rock ‘n ’ Roll Music, the Liverpool lads are in a litigationa 1 frame of mind. Latest word on Fab regroupings come from the sage of the Dakota, John Lennon: “It would take six month’s rehearsals... we’re not fools, we’re not going back unprepared.” John and ex-wife Cynthia are currently haggling in the press: Cynthia told a Brit magazine reporter that their marriage started to crumble when John took hisfirst trip on LSD. John , retorted in a letter to the London Daily Express that their marriage 1 was on the rocks long before he tried [ LSD and before he met Yofco On o. I

Is Bob Dylan spoiling the . neighborhood? Thai seems to be the consensus in the'Walibu area, where residents are weary of Bob and wife, Barn’s antics, which include insisting that carpenters and decorators work round-the-clock to Complete their little abode. The $40,000swiptfriing pool and fj $16,000 copper dome atrip the roof promise to make San Simeon look like yesterday’s House and Garden.

Is Rich Springfield ail wet? Moments before his recent Miami Peach concert the fire sprinkler system in little Ricky’s dressing room went berserk, delaying the show while everybody dried off.

Blackboard Jungle: When the blackleathered jacketed ruffian walked into the New School (NYC) classroom nobody stopped him as he took the teacher’s place at the podiu m. Why? because it was The Boss, Bruce Springsteen, who was a guest lecturer, and a successful one at that from what our academic spies say. is this the beginning of a new career? Brucedid remark that among new bands, he listens to the Dirty Angelo because “they remind me of the Searchers.” Huh? is it true that Bruce is finally touring to relieve his financial straits?

Celebrating one of his most successful years, Steve MUterhas bought a working ranch with 26 y horses, assorted cows, chickens, - ^ goats, etc. inOregon arid is moving J out of Marin County after living there for ten years. Steve’s new . spread will include a $300,000studio. Says he: “I’ll have everything I need in Oregon... my animals, my , hay, my studio.”

Greg’n’ Cher spotted in Bfoomingdale’s looking very j

ordinary although surrounded by, bodyguards... picking up some Christmas goodies for JoahiMi Blue and Chae, perhaps...? All together, WHO CARES? \ \ :