Sure he’s mad. but ... Keith Moon actually under psychiatric observation? Well, it happened; after the last date of the Who’s whirlwind tour down South, Moon was found in his Fontainebleu hotel suite some reports say talking loudly to himself, some say screaming.

November 1, 1976

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Sure he’s mad. but ... Keith Moon actually under psychiatric observation? Well, it happened; after the last date of the Who’s whirlwind tour down South, Moon was found in his Fontainebleu hotel suite some reports say talking loudly to himself, some say screaming. At the request of manager Bill ’ Curbishley. he was taken by stretcher to a Hollywood, Fla. hospital for week-long observation.

Joey Ramone on the disparaging remarks made by the Runaways re the Ramones: “I’d like to dismiss it as a misquote.” Joey was all sunburnt from the Ramones’ assault on the West Coast, which was considerably more successful than the Runaways’ New York debut. A Los Angeles Free Press writer observed that Johnny Ramone dropped his guitar pick in midsong, which he hadn’t seen in years. He should come to a Punks show!

With an album that's safely Up There on the charts and two hit singles. Steve Miller could just lay back and treat himself to some wild mountain honey, but no sir; Steve’s back in the studio (Columbia Recording Studios*in San Francisco, to be exact) using the same musicians who worked on Fly Like An Eagle to lay down some new tracks. More Surf News: Jeff and Beau Bridges to play Jan and Dean in an upcoming autobiographical film?

Capitol tells us that Sweet psyche themselves up for their live appearances by locking themselves in their dressing room and beating the hell out of each other. And furthermore, during their last tour in Germany, some fans were spotted kneeling in a circle on the floor bending backwards from the waist and banging their heads on the floor. DID THEY HAVE TO TELL US THAT????

The rumor that the Stones’ August Knebworth, England concert (which drew a quarter of a million fans, including Mr. Paul McCartney and his wife) would be their last was rather ridiculous. Even Mick -said (according to Zodiac News): "If all these people still want to see us, who knows what will happen.”

Yeah. and Ronnie Wood has another mouth to feed! Not so ridiculous is news that the Feds are keeping a close eye on the progress of Keith's British dope bust (detailed here two months ago); it could affect future U S. tours

Frankie Sinatra was spotted by one of our eagle-eyed photographers putting on a jacket with a gun snugly packed insideat a suburban Michigan concert . . . in case of any trouble from the leisure suited 55-year-olds present? His new bride, Barbara Marx Sinatra, was escorted to her seat by the usual convoy of goons . . .

In case you hadn’t heard, Thunderbyrd has broken up; Howie Wyeth and Rob Stoner have teamed up with black guitarist Gerry Owens to form a neo-fu nk power trio. Mick Ronson, of course, has been popping up to support friends like John Cale at the Ocean Club in New York, and Roger McGuinn has rounded up Bruce Barlowe and Lance Dickerson of Commander Cody and a session guitarist to back him up. Roger, by the way. is doodling with a Rickenbacker that lights up in time to his music these days,

In between acting as sideman for his pal Eric Clapton (at the London Crystal Palace show described on page 44) and adding grist to worldwide rumor mills. Ronnie Wood worked closely with Clapton on Eric's latest album. No Reason To Cry (due for October release here, to coincide with Clapton’s tour), playing guitar on virtually every track As Ron told it to NME, he’d been staying with Eric in Nassau , and Slowhand kept badgering him to help out. so good old Ronnie showed up at Zuma Beach (near LA) along with Bob “I’m Just One of The Guys” Dylan, who penned “Sign La nguage” for Eric’s LP. Woody agrees that Clapton’s been underplaying his role as supergod guitarist lately, but thought he was abou t to get back on the track. judging from a hot session he witnessed between Eric and his old cherry red Gibson from the Yardbird days. Let us hope . . .

John and Yoko went on a 40-day fast after the birth of their baby Sean: remember when John used to be a regular pudge, ca. 1964? Has Joe Walsh really quit the or is his new solo pact Elektra just business as usual?

We’ve been hearing a lot of Little Rascals over the airwaves lately; part of the reason might be that exRascal Eddie Brigati (he shared vocals with Felix Cavaliere) has emerged from the great unknown to cutan album. Lost In The Wilderness, with his brother, David.

At presstime, the latest news of Bruce Springsteen’s legal battle with his manager, Mike Appel, was that Bruce charges Appel with “breach of trust, undue influence and fraud. ” failing to keep adequate accounts, preventing the publication of a Springsteen biography and refusing to allow Bruce to record his ne w LP with the producer of his choice. For his part, Appel is trying-, to geta court order to block The Boss from recording without the ‘'participa tion” of Appel's company , but failed to have the gate money from a recent Springsteen gig turned over to him.

T was the mom inga/ter deadline, and a certain long-haired keyboard maestro—Rick Wakeman as it turns out—called us up with an impressive list of his keyboard toys, for our Musical Instrument Supplement. Turns out Rick’s a ' ohe-man ad for the entire keyboard industry. So we’-Il print thera^ anyway; his very favorite is a nine-fo,ot Steinway grand piano, others are a Hammond C*3, Ian RMI Electric, a Hohner clavinet, a Baldwin electric harpsichord, a double mellotron, a Rhodes Fender, four Mi ni-Moogs, and an RMI keyboard computer. When he gets bored with all those, he’s got this real cool mouth organ / ,>,'

Speaking of long-haired A & M artists, Shawn Phillips had a rather unfortunate accident with the propeller shaft of a boat—got his lanky hair tangled up in it while swimming, A couple dozen stitches fixed his head up fine,'but it’s going to take a while to grow out that G. 1. creMsfcfiti4s

Rocket Records crooner Cliff Richard was mobbed recently in Leningrad when the standing-roomonly crowd of Russkis went berserk and pushed past security guards to take over fee stage. Cliff was delighted , but Russian officials, afraid that he’d take offense, apologized gallantly for the “rude” behavior.

Aw, Cliff s been to Detroit, for God’s sake-"-what’s Leningrad .

We are ashamed and abashed, here in the news department, that we led the world to believe last month that Daryl Hall was gay. just because Mick dagger was following him all over England. Not so—in fact “Sara Smile” was penned in honor of his live-in romance, Sara Allen. Sara’s an archeology buff who’s currently in Europe on a dig; when he can get a break from recording and touring, f| Daryl joins her. See, it wasn’t his fault . .-.’

Along those lines, Krissie Wood, wife of Ronnie, is most certainly not a lesbian and in fact should have produced a babv Woody by the time vou read this You see. Knssie and a girlfriend had been arrested last winter in London on a drug charge;" the girls had been found in their nightgowns, in the same bed. and things were inti mated by the yap* happy British newspapers

Some concrete Iggy news, for a change; Ig is set to play New York’s Bottom Line in November or December. No details yet on who will back him up; but inside sources say it will probably be the same all black band that-plays behind hife on his new ahum. ,

Elizabeth Taylor spotted at a London party wearing an “I’m Nearly Famous” t-shirt.

Nils Lofgren is back in the studio with Andy Newmark and Warned Jones, laying down tracks at a studio on'Long island, It’s a switch; Nils usually takes time off to record out West.

Neil Sedako to break his Rocket Records contract and go with Warner Brothers for a hefty increase money-wise. Eftton is miffed; how soon they do forget!

Dame Edmunds, called the “world’s finest producer” by Phil Spector (who else should know?) and best known on these shores for his 1970“l Hear You Knocking” hit, has been signed to Swan Song. A single is already on the move in Britain.

Why Hadn’t Somebody Thought Of This Before? Kiss, every painted one rif therri, sold kisses at the famous Peaches record store in Atlanta for 93 cents apiece (no, that’s not the length of Gene’s tongue in centimeters), all proceeds going to Muscular Dystrophy. Lustful guys were made to settle for an autographed picture of their idols— all together now ,1,, aw www. -

Now that he’s all Funked out, Frank Zappa has joined up with a new manager, Bennett Glotzer (chosen on the strength of his name), who will coordinate Frank and allof his worldwide concerns in the future. Plans include a world tour with Frank’s new Zoot Allures (like the French phrase— getit?) touring group, which has already started, airing with therelease of Frank's Zoot Allures album, which you should have in your hands by now.

Contrary To The Rumor That We Reported In Last Month’s column, Gene Simmons insists that Kiss did not want Boh Soger off their tour because he was burning them off the stage; says he: “Bob Seger’s -great—we didn’tkick him off the tour. He’s a great rocker, has no pretentions to being anything else. He just goes out there and warms the audience up—for us.”Then, with a flap of his batwings, Gene was MH

Ex-New York Doll Arthur Kane is back in New York after being thrown out of his own group, Killer Kane, in L. A. But watch out, he’s at it again—Arthur’s formed a new group called the Contusions, which he’ll be playing guitar, for; N Look forward to black and blue ears.

Detroit was the scene of an honestto-God riot in August—and Ted Nugent Was safely out on his Michigan farm. One of the gangs of youths who have been terrorizing the downtown area all summer decided to enter Cobo Hall for an Average White Band / Kool and the Gang concert without buying tickets, and made life hell for any hapless rock fens in their path. Only about 15 kids caused the disturbance, which included several rapes and many thefts. Incredibly, Detroit police did not enter the arena, but the next day a good number of them who had been laid off were rehired, if that tells you anything. They were out en masse for the next evening’s Yes concert, which was predictably unnecessary.

The infamous Legionnaires disease hasn’t claimed any rock casualties yet; Aerosmith made sure of that, refusing to eat or drink for their 48 hours in Philly. (They brown-bagged it).