You’ve heard of the Skinniest Man in Rock 'n' Roll, Well—how about the Skinniest Couple? At a recent show Peter Frampton (who's been known to share clothes with his ladyfriend/lookalike Penny) had a falling out with his trousers—he split them, in plain English.

September 1, 1976

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


You’ve heard of the Skinniest Man in Rock 'n' Roll, Well—how about the Skinniest Couple? At a recent show Peter Frampton (who's been known to share clothes with his ladyfriend/lookalike Penny) had a falling out with his trousers—he split them, in plain English. But quick as a flash, he and Penny ducked behind an amplifier, switched pants, and voila! Peter resumed the show without a blush. Penny scooted back into the dressing room wearing the tom pants, and had them repaired in no time. Ain’t love grand?

Latest contender for the title of Skinniest Man in Rock ‘n’ Roll is Derringer bassist Kenny Aaronson. But look out Kenny— George Harrison is dropping kilos rapidly (thanks to his vegetarian regime) and he was pretty ethereal to begin with. But he wasn’t laid up in ahospital with a mystery disease as widely reported. Hari was spotted at a Waiters concert in Hamburg, Germany looking very much of this earth. His latest album, already in the can, features Tool Scott, Willie Weeks, Billy Preston and every other session man you can think of. So who’d you expect, Lon Reed? Playing his amplifier?

Speaking of Lon, he’s under new management: the gonzoidal Johnny Podell has taken the helm of his career. Johnny, who’s worked with the Allman Brothers and Alice Cooper to name a few, is as much a maniac in his own way as Lou. Currently they’re huddling re upcoming Reed career strategy, and if Podell’s past work is any indication, Lou’s career should see a definite upswing in the months ahead. In the meantime, speaking of swings, seems the rock ‘n’ roll derelict (Lou, of course) and Dickie Betts of the Allmans had a little tiff while both were crashing at Podell's pad. Near as we can glean, Dickie had no idea who Lou was, but—having a bit of a short fuse— took it with somewhat less than equanimity when Lou asserted that the Allman Brothers were (in the Reed opine) a bucket of shit. A rumble ensued, but fortunately for Lou’s fans around the world, no one was injured.

They’ve brought back everything else; weren’t you holding your breath for a SURFING REVIVAL? Well, not only is this the year of Brian Wilson’s comeback, those two blond nerfs who used to wear identical striped shirts and sing “The Little Old Lady From Pasadena"— Jan & Dean—were reunited briefly onstage at a California Oldies Night. Only Dean Torrence, was slated to perform, but when he called his former partner Jan Berry onstage to help him out with “The Little Old Lady,” the crowd went wild. Jan hasbeen physically disabled since he was injured in a 1966 Corvette crash; nevertheless his singing was reportedly “strong” and “intense.” There was a collective shiver when Jan spoke the intro to “Dead Man’s Curve”: “The last thing I remember doc , I went into the curve...”

You should be monitoring some emissions from a new group called Natural Gas soon—and not of the flatulent sort: this band is in the Beatles/Badfinger mold of easy pop rock, which isn’t surprising since lead guitarist Joey Molland is a former member of Badfinger. Other well-known alumni include bassist Mark Clarke (Uriah Heep), keyboard player Peter Wood (Sutherland Brothers and Quiver) and drummer Jerry Shirley, formerly of Humble Pie.

Jonathan Richman (of Modern Lovers semi-fame) does quite a Harpo Marx imitation.

A major reason for the cancellation of the summer Stones tour was the death of Keith Richard and Anita Pallenberg’s child Tara. Keith and Anita are now reportedly in seclusion, undergoing a detoxification program.

Ian I Can Be Nice When I Want To” Anderson so impressed TV’s Mike Douglas on a recent segment of his talk show that Mike asked Ian back to be his co-host for a week. Part of the activities scheduled include a discussion of the merits of different kinds of codpieces and a demonstration of how Ian throws journalists out windows. Can’t wait, Mike.

Rejected titles for the Jefferson Starship album Spitfire were St, Charles, Lucky, Fireworks and Macaroni. Here are our suggestions for the title of their next effort: Hot Dogs, Nasal Problems, Editorial Deadline, Flatulence, or Haley’s M.O. No charge, folks.

We Have Seen The Future of Rock ‘n’ Roll, and he will have finished recording his new album by the time you read thj&, His mother calls him Brace Springsteen.

Gino Vanelli to perform at the Montreal Olympics—yes folks, growing hair, onstage at the Plaza. He’ll also be singing.

Ronnie Van Zaudt of Lynyrd Skynyrd wants it known that he didn’t mean anything “heavy” by bad-rapping Neil Yonng in “Sweet Home Alabama” "... He was talking about Alabama like it was alt like Wallace, and that’s just not true. ... it was meant to be kind of a joke. I respect him very much as a musician.” Ronnie’s up to twelve career arrests now, but claims that he’s retiredfrom bar fighting. A few more brawls and he could be put away as a “public nuisance,” y’see. Why does he get in so many fights? “Ah don’t respect men. Ah only respect women.”

Correction: Former Yardbird lead singer Keith Relf did not die of a heart attack as first reported; the coroner-reported that he was electrocuted due to faulty wiring on his guitar. Relf was found dead by his young son on May 12th.

What does the stage for Kiss’a latest tour look like, you ask? Well, imagine something along the lines of the Destroyer cover; risers disguised as bombed buildings that the guys will scamper on; thunder clouds, lightning bolts, kittykats, humungous snake boots, bombs, sirens, and much, much more. Kiss purchased several effects from Ken Strictfadden, the dude responsible for the special effects on all of the Frankenstein movies, so you may be assured of quite a show, even apart from the torture musk. So how come the paint-smeared punters aren’t playing Detroit (Rock City)? How soon they forget.

When the London Evening News printed that Bob Marley had seven children by four women, the Rastaman tdok offense. Huffed Bob: “That’s not true—I have nim children by seven girls—everybody know that!” So you see, you were wrong about ganja...

Heeey baby, howdja like to be on an album cover? (heb heb)

Roxy Music hasn’t broken up, Bryan Ferry doth protest... but he is releasing a sob album this summer, comprised of his own and other people’s songs. Just couldn’t wait til the next Roxy disc, says Bryan.

Thin Lizzy's superhot American tour cut short by bassist/vocalist Phil Lynnot’s viral infection. Phil flew back to Blighty to lie up in a Manchester hospital; he expects to be on his feet for Lizzy’s London shows.

My kids Kool-Aid-crazed punks? The hell you say. Linda, go beat them up.

Someone’s Knocking At The Door/Someone’s Ringing The Bell ... Look out, it may be Paul and Linda McCartney if you live in the Washington, D.C. area. Vends and Mars have been house hunting, for a temporary place, it’s stressed; they’ve no plans yet to flee the economically ailing Albion. And guess who one of their neighbors might be? Clue one: He won’t be giving local butchers any business— yes, George Harrison has reportedly bought a studio-home in Potomac, Maryland, which is just over Blue Jay Way. The Big Mac had to lay out $140,000clams in advance before the posh Beverly Wilshire in Hollywood would accept his wholesome clan. It’s a pretty safe bet that it wasn’t the management’s fear of any r ‘n’ r room trashing on Paul and Linda’s part, it’s the enfants terribles that they’re keeping an eye on. The little McCartneys savaged several walls of the George V in Paris with their felt-tips, and news apparently travels fast along the hotel-motel administration grapevine. What was Keith Moon doing at such a tender age?

WOW, this is a hot flash: Zodiac News reports that the Rolling Stones are being used as couriers for illicit drugs across Europe. Apparently the British police discovered stashes of marijuana, hashish and cocaine in sound equipment used on their recent European jaunt, as well asa horde in Keith’s Bentley. The Stones aren’t in trouble, though; apparently the police and customs men alike “know drug gangs sometimes use pop groups’ amplifiers and instruments to smuggle cannabis.” Yeah, the Stones are clean, man! It's rumored, that Elektra is planning a massive Doors campaign along the lines of the Capitol Beatles push . There would be re-releases of the 12, 22 million-selling Doors albums, plus a new album of “unreleased” Doors material that’s been lying around in—yeah, you know the story. No wordyet on whether the tapes are any good or not.

The Marshall Tucker Band recently did what a lot of bands do— they made a promotional film, called The Long, Hard Ride, a six and a half minutes Western short which features Capricorn Records prez Phil Walden as a bad guy who gets shot off a roof, a stagecoach race, a shootout, etc., etc. Thing is, it turned out so good that they’re using it to play with a number of major films this summer, including Murder By Death, Logan’s Run, Ode To Billy Joe, and Buffalo Bill. Who needs rock ’n’ roll when you can go to the movies?

Jaff Beck is now an official U.S. resident, based in L.A. Uh, do you have your alien card, Mr, Beck? The men in the white van will be calling for you shortly.

You may remember the heavy press coverage of .The Exorcist’s green slime-spewing Linda Blair following Black Oak Arkansas around the country on their last tour. Well, this year the BOA boys have invited D.C. newsmaker Elizabeth Ray along on their European swing to serve the same, uh, function as Miss Blair. Said a spokesman for the band: “We always invite a lady on the tour.” At presstime, Miss Ray had yet to respond. Say fellas, how about Lee Radziwill. Three members of BOA— Jim Dandy Mangrum, Ricky Reynolds and Ronnie Smith were pardoned , according to Zodiac News, by the governor of Arkansas for some teenage shenanigans—a B & E at a high school gym (?) in 1966, when all were 47. The full pardon was recommended sincethe group had (according to the guv), “done a great deal for the state and nation by holding anti-drug benefits.”

That lovable chrome dome, Clive Davis of Arista, just signed the Kinks to a worldwide recording contract. And what a consummate wheeler-dealer,he is; a dazed and confused Ray Davies said afterwards: “This all came about because Clive, Elliot Goldman and myself were having lunch. I was having a simultaneous conversation with both Clive and Elliot—Clive asked me if I wanted to sign the contract and Elliot asked me if I wanted any tossed salad. I said yes. As a result I have made my first and only decision of 1976.”