Rona Barrett, are you listening? Bob Marley, of Rasta fame, and Maria Schneider, the curly-headed nymphet who romped through Last Tango in Paris with Morlon Brando, were seen together at a recent Los Angeles Dr. Feelgood concert. Look, we just report the news, we don't make it.

August 1, 1976

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Rona Barrett, are you listening? Bob Marley, of Rasta fame, and Maria Schneider, the curlyheaded nymphet who romped through Last Tango in Paris with Morlon Brando, were seen together at a recent Los Angeles Dr. Feelgood concert. Look, we just report the news, we don't make it. Also on the romantic front: Don Henley of the Eagles (suffering from ulcers) is reportedly in a holding pattern over Stevie Nicks of ;• Fleetwood Mac who—yes sports fans-»*is no longer "with" Lindsay Bnckinghasa of that same group. Arid that songwriting femme fatale Lynsey f>?HPsal and Ringo Starr have called it quite, already . .Next Lynsey was very much on Bemie Taupin's mind, although Lynsey went to the London Stones concert with an "unidentified male companion.''Not Bemie. Fickle Ringo has not been idle; at last check ftod broken up with Debralee (HotsyTotsy) Scott, the younger sister on Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, But didn't you know?

The Tubes were picketed in Minneapolis during a recent visit thereby a group called "Mothers Against The Tubes. " The moms -Were apparently upset by the recent Playboy photo spread which revealed quite a bit of the group's assets, and organized a rally before the evening performance. This did not go unnoticed by Tubes' manage r Mort Moriarty, who slyly sent two Tubettes, dressed in plain clothing, to walk in the picket line carrying signs which read "No Titties For the Twin Cities!"

The Rolling Stones and Alice Cooper have cancelled their respective summer tours. According to Zodiac News, the Stones were "too exhausted" to continue their European tour into the Stales, while Cooper, according to Alive, Inc,, was.suffering from "acute anemia" and would need 4to6 weeks to recover. Neither group hascurrent plans to makethe dates up, Roll over Todd Rundgren and tell Terry Knight the news: frank Zappa is producing the next Grand Funk album. Zappa claims that it's "the best thing they've ever done." Yeah, but Frank, will it be the best thing you've ever done? And willFunkndwgothewayof 11 Wild Man Fisher, the GTO's, Jeff Simmons, Lord Buckley, and Rnfeen arid the Jets? At Hooper is at least as cortfiHefw about his job on Nils Lofgren's album—he says if s "the Disraeli Gears of '76."

Motown Records steadfastly denies that Peter Frampton wiil do any 1 recording at their studios in Detroit, | adding that only Motown artists normally are allowed to do so. Local Detroit Woodstein types came up with more info: The studios are, according to Motown, not even fully equipped for recording But a check with Frampton'speople reconfirmed his interest; the matter had to be "looked into" by Peter, who would not be using the studio until August anyway. (This is his first Americanrecorded album, so the guy's making a study of it.) And furthermore, David Ruffin just recorded "Everything's Coming Up Love" at the "defunct" Detroit studios. What didPeter think of the cover of a certain West Coast magazine featuring his mug, shot by Francesco Scavullo? What with the makeup and all, "toofaggy." Seemsacertain editor flipped out and ordered the original natural, wind-blown cover shot of Pete pulled in favor of the tarty Scavullo pose. Well, Peter, it could have been worse; at least old Franco didn't lose his head and in-. elude the plunging cleavage that's a staple of his Cosmopolitan covers.

Allegedly, the final coke tab for the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band on their lastU.S.tour was, according to an insider, $280,000—that's when they stopped counting. That's a hell of a lot of guitar picks, guys!

The ne wspaper headlines were tantalizing: "Led Zeppelin, Kojak Have Falling Out On Jet. "FalHng out? What happened was the Zep boys started feeling rambunctious on the 11-hour New York to Londoi) flight after 7 to 14 (depending upon Who you believe) bottles of champagne. At some point they started taunting Ko/ok star Telly Savalas, although apparently the worst insult was "baldie," The TV detective did come oh as the Hero of the day, saying, (when asked if the Zeps had gotten on his nerves): "Yeah, but! can take it," Zeppelin, on the other hand, told photographers at Heathrow: "Come back here and take pictures of some important people. We're more famous than him." Zeppelin's London office smoothed things over, saying that it was ail in fun, and that the press "blew up the whole somewhat trivial affair. " The new Led Zep movie (yes, the same one we've been talking about for months), is still slated for September release. The title: The Song Remains The Same. Jimmy Pageand Robert Plant couldn't resist jumping onstage at the recent L.A. Forum Bed Com* panygigtojam. Bobby looked just swell up onstage—dancin' around on that old leg.. .The Swan Song Six collaborated on Willie Dixon's blues classic "I Just Wanna Make Love To You," to the delight of the capacity audience.

Zodiac News reports that David Bowie has beaten the marijuana rap recently lodged against the redhead, Iggyanda companion in Rochester, New York. A Rochester city court judge adjourned the case for one year, which means that the charges will automatically be dismissed in 12 mortthsas long as the threesome are not busted in Rochester within the next year. It's not likely; Bowie sniffs that he has no plans to return therefor this year or the rernainderof his natural life. OP Dave popped up on the list of the 10 Men With The Year's Best Hair Styles, compiled annually by the New Jersey Master Hair Dressers and Cosmetologists Association, according to Zodiac News. Why? Said the society's president: ''At-V ■ least orange hair makes a statement." Sure, the only question is what should our answei; be? Bowie's next film project, tentatively, is based upon an idea of his about Hermann Goeringand the Nazis. Judg-1 ing from his comments, while in London for his Earls Court concerts, about how a fascist government would be just the ticket for the ailing . Albion, it's a cinch where his sympathies will lie.

The inside story on that Stones / Elton tiff is this: Elton did make an appearance onstage with the Stones and was kept from leaving—by Big Billy Preston, who simply desired more refreshment from Are bottle of vodka Elton was clutching. If sail right though; Mick visited Elton backstage at his spring Earls Court gig and they kissed and made up. The hot Runaways are signed to, open on Elton's summer U.S. tour.

Seems we haven't told a Keith Moon story in awhile, which canntxtbe allowed to happen since he has appeared in virtually every other I edition of"R'ri'RNews" up to this btnelOK: Seems that during the Who's recent trip to Germany Moonie was able to elude his keep ers and get hold of a firearm—a one-shot Derringer, to be exact— ' a goal of his for some time. Who H manager BUI Curbishley was roused from his sleep in the wee , hpur&by the German hotel manager, who escorted him to Mr. Moon's room, one whole wall of which was scored with bullet holes. A portrait of the Kaiser on the same wall had some how escaped unscathed, Said the hotel manager "I j wouldn't mind, Mr. Curbishley, but he is such a lousy shot."fl

Talk about a bad dude. Michele Schenker, lead guitarist of UFA was arrested not once but twice during a 12-hour period in Ken* tucky. The story goes something like this: Schenker was popped fqfe' "public intoxication" at the Holiday Inn in Owensboro, Kentucky after the group's performance there. He was then taken to a local jail, and while waiting for the group's road m manager to bail him out, proceeded to destroy his jail cell: the bed was jtorn apart, he pulled the sink out of ^the wall and the plumbing was destroyed causing water to squirt out everywhere, etc. He was then promptly arrested again, this time for "damaging city property," and then later released. The German Schenker, in broken English, rationalized the episode this way: 'If I'd known I was in a jail cell, fd never have broken the place up. {thought it was a room in the Holiday Inn, Compared to the Holiday Inn g rooms, the jail cell was a luxury."

It's whispered (in circles who still do whisper) that Suzi Quatro has ' been secretly married to Lon Tuckey for some time.

Sad to report that Keith Relf, the 33-year-old former lead singer with the Yardbirds was found dead in his home in Hounslow, Wes* London on May 12. Keith's eight-yearold son found him holding a plugged-in electric guitar, so at first it was thought that he was electrocuted, but later medical reports revealed that he had suffered a heart attack. Relf was vocalist and harmonica player with the Yardbirds from 1963 until their dissolution in 1968, see-, ing the likes of guitar kings Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page come and go. He never quite matched his Yardbirds success afterwards, forming first a folk duo called Together, then putting in some time with Renaissance, then forming the shortlived Armaged* don, Relf had not been active for several years before his death, but he was getting together a group, Now, for a comeback when he was stricken.

Reflections of a Rock Star, Ian Hunter's tour diary book (segments of which ran in CREEM a while back) has finally found a U.S. publisher after being available in England for several years. Hash Books will release if in July. Reflections is a day-to-day journal of Mott the Hoople'sfirst American tour.

; The curvac ious Chaka Khan of Rufus has pared off some of those curves and seems to be quite the svelte siren. Could it be her diet? Our spies report that the lovely Chaka has nothing but Coql Whip stocked in her fridge.

Neil Young and Lynyrd Skynyrd Site touring together and yes, the Skyns are playing "Sweet Home Alabama," their paean to their old Dixie home. In fact that's the number that Neil comes onstage to play with the boys. 'Course, there's a slight change of lyrics: instead of "Hope Neil Young will remember/ Southern Man don't need him around anyhow" they sing: "And now Neil's jamming with us" or words to that effect. Aw shucks.

Rumors are that Brian Wilson will very likely not only accompany the Beach Boys on several select summer dates, but also go on stage for the first time In years. Seems Bri's overcome some of his stage shyness, brought on by chronic hearing problems and-a battle wfth obesity, And he owe? it all to TM!

Gregg Allman, hair shorn and ,p weighing in at morethan ISO ing?), was keeping fast company in L.A, recently with Democratic hopeful Jimmy Carter, another son of Georgia. Does Cher know?

That was some bash for California prez hopeful Edmund "Jerry" Brown in Largo, Maryland The Engles, Jackson Browne, Linda Ronstadtand Dan Fog* elberg all lent a hand, or should we say a vocal chord—to raise a whopping $214,000 for the single concert. (See "Backstage,"pg. 82 for photo.) Saturday Nigh i's Chevy Chase called Glenn Frey personally (proving that people do talk to thegqy) to request that they make an announcement from the stage that he, Chevy Chase, was present and supported "Jerry" Brown for the record. Speaking of the political whirl, we were amused to note that Rolling Stone sent out a press release endorsing Jimmy "I like Led Zeppelin" Carter just before the Stone issue with Hunter Thompson's article endorsing Carter-^ more or less—appeared. Rolling Stone insisted that Dr. Thompson spoke for the magazine "ju$t this time/' CREEM is now pleased to announce the endorsement of Idi , "Big Daddy" Amin of Uganda for president, upon advice of our sociopolitical mores editor, Lester Bangs. Says Lester: "What the hell, we'll have plenty of T abase o sauce. Our publisher disavows all responsibility,

Zodiac reports that Stevie Wonder has once again put the stops on * release of his two-years-in-themaking, two-record album, Songs in The Key of Life. Songs hasbeen halted prior to release at least five other times, and was scheduled for a late May release when Stevie called it off again—• he still Wasn't satisfied with the material. The album has the unique distinction of being already certified asa platinum record—due to advance orders—even though deliver it to Mo, -town.

Strange occuranee in Cincinnati: Three quarters of the way through Paul McCartney's Cincinnati concert, a 20-year-old man from Columbus left the concert, which was held atCinci's riverfront w Coliseum, and was last seen running into the Ohio River. He was found by members of the Cincinnati Fire Department and pronounced dead at 11:50 p.m.