They're still at it: Reports have it that lawyers for all four of the Beatles are meeting in L.A. to further discuss promoter Bill Sargent's reunion offer: latest word isthat a concert might happen July 5 at Montreal's Olympic Park. Meanwhile EMI has re-released all 22 Beatles singles, and all are currently in the British charts.

June 1, 1976

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


They're still at it: Reports have it that lawyers for all four of the Beatles are meeting in L.A. to further discuss promoter Bill Sargent's reunion offer: latest word isthat a concert might happen July 5 at Montreal's Olympic Park. Meanwhile EMI has re-released all 22 Beatles singles, and all are currently in the British charts.

Robert Plant did not shout obscenities at David Essex several months back at an L.A. nightclub, Vj according to David's manager, "and it was very upsetting to David to read {the item we printed in R "n" R News} because he and Robert are friendly and evert went to a soccer match. together recently." Point made.

Congrats to Rubin "Hurricane . . Carter and John Artis who have finally been freed on bail pending a ilew murder trial

Queen's Roger Tay lot had . some trouble getting into a Run*- ,j aways (Kim Fowley's new all-girl teenage rock "em-sock "em School in California's conservative Orange County. When Roger and a Friend arrived at the school auditorium . it seems they were refused admittance by the teachers and the principal. "You have to let Roger in," pleaded his friend to the principal. "He's in Queen." Replied the school official. "I don't care if he's in King. You have to leave or PH call the police." And they left., Wonder what the principal did when he saw the Runaways" show which has been described as something. akin to.the Stooges on a good night?


Bowie and entourage are free on $2 OM bail each ofter pleading innocent to marijuana possession charges filed against them in Rochester, NY. Strange that durir^l^^H booking at the police station none of the press — except one lone photog -L caught on that one of the arrested "Jim Osterberg. 28" was in all glorious actuality. IggyPopfnee Stooge). The photographer though couldn't convince the local progressive FM station that Osterberg was Iggy and placed a frantic call to these offices where he got verification. The station then believed and prepared a news story on it, which was eventually picked up around the country.

So far the only firm commitment % he's got is Kenny Jonea, so Rod Stewart has jetted back to England to try to find musicians there for his late summer and fall tour. By the way. that's Britt singing in French on Rod's new album.

Keith Richard and Anita Pailenberg have named their, baby born March ttt Switzer-

land Tara Riplev's is investigating

Hot wax: Lava Mt. Recopdaltl^fp self-described "worlds's first onewoman record company," has just. * released an hour long LPthat. includes Nixon's Checkers Speech and the Resignation Speech and a short commemorative song called "The Day Man Flew." (Available from Lava Mt;, 235W, 76th St,, NYC. NY 10023for $7.50.}

A bomb exploded recently in the " "■ men's room at Dublin Airport at the precise monjentthat Andrew Loog Oldfcam entered. Unhurt and seemingly undaunted. the - * former Stones producer profited from the commotion to tell journal* ists about the release of another album of old Stones cuts along the firms of Metamorphosis.

Earth News reports that, beginning in June, the Grateful Dead are coming out of their intermittent retirement for an 80-city "RoJIfrtg . Thunder"-type tour; in other words, the group will announce each show only a day or two before the concert. Meanwhile, their long-awaited (?) movie There's Nothing Like A Grateful Dead Concert is now finished and ready tor release in June as

While the Wings tour is now finally in full swing, we just had to report the heart-rending comments on the delayed tour situation Pan! made upon hearing of JUnmy McCulloch's fall in a Paris bathroom: "Assoon as Jimmy is playing again, well be there. Jimmy is suffering the pain of a fractured hand and we just hope he gets wel I soon. "

Elton celebrated his 29th birthday on March 25 in Toronto where he was recording his new album, and awaiting delivery ofthe first of the Bally "Captain Fantastic" pinball machines for his approval.

A certain national magazine reported that Bruce Springsteen had several songs for his upcoming album already in {he con, but au contraire. says Bruce: "1 read that and I wish It was true. People think 1 always have a few songs tucked away to be recorded. 1 ain't got ' nothin Y" He further sbys that his latest tour was put together at the * last minute because "Clarence gets restless when he doesn't play" . and to "make some money to keep going over the summer when we are recording that record." * ..'v

Jimmy Page has finally finished up the Led Zeppelin movie and the soundtrack from the movie — which will be Zep's next album (live, natch) — and both should be put in October, perhaps serving as a primer for the U.S. tour by the group which should be getting underway in the late fall

The original Animats with Eric Burdon, Chas Chandler, Alan Price, John Hilton

Valentina have recorded a new album together, but Burdon's management apparently is holding it back from release. "They've tried to starve me out," says Eric. "I can really relate to those Hollywood guys who were blacklistedHe, further adds, according to Earth j News, that the legal hassles have & helped him overcome his "terrible reputation for being unrelk^ae, **.' spaced out and an acid head." Patti Smith (sans band) is a - charter member of the Hof ling Thunder Tour now, but it's still up In the air whether Lou Reed (we swear) and Kinky Friedman will be joining with the hoot. Kinky may begetting Ns invitation as thanks for defending Bobby D.

, against the vicious comments Elliott Gould hurled at him during a house-warmlng party at Kink's new house. After Dylan, Kinky, and ArtGfcrfaaikelserenaded Gould ^ with their version of his ex-wife, Barbra Streisand's hit, "People", Gould called Dylan "a II four-foot, two-inch Jewish prince."

Presidential candidate Jimmy Carter, whose campaign received a financial boost from a benefit staged by several Capricorn Records acts, including the Allman Brothers, told a convention of the : National Association of Recording Tierchandisers: "The stirring of the (American) conscience.. .often conteA froim the quite exciting, cop4 ! ' fusing, entertaining, and inspiring pop musje ln the Nison years, this music also became a sy mbol that , attracted repression. What offended these leaders was someone thinking differently;" He went on to say he likes the lyrics to Dylan's "Slowin" the Wind." tlte Beatles' "Yester-

day,".and "Eleanor Rigby," and that he listensfo Paul Simon, John Denver, the Allman Brothers, the Eagles, and Led Zeppelin. -At this last mention, the audience broke into laughter. Carter had little or nothing to say, according to highly-placed sources aboutthe music of the Dictators, and would not commit himself on the efficacy of sending the Ra mones to Vietnam.

Long live the Dictators! Handsome Dick Manitoba, the fleet front man for the nation's number one punk rock group, has revealed that he and the band performed two songs for a 90 minute movie entitled This Is America. The songs: the "Tators inimitable version of "America the Beautiful" and "either "Weekend" or "Sleeping With the TV On", they haven't decided yet," according to the Handsome One. He continued, saying "the movie is an American version oi Mondo Cane and will be released at the Cannes Film Festival this year." .

According to one sourc;?. the latest j chapter in the legend of Keith Moon says that the Who drum-?"; mer. during his last stay in New York, gave nine taxi drivers $100 each to blockade bdthends of the sldestrept onto which his hotel faced so he could gp upstairs to his room and throw thingsout the window. And you wonder why they tell us they only served milk, honey and ice cream backstage during the Who's recent tour.

Ritchie Blackmore joined Sweet for the finale of their show recently at the Santa Monica Civic Center, and together they performed "All Right Now" as a tribute to Paul Kossoff. Kossoff, an original member of Free and most recently of Back StreetCravpfer, died at the age of 25 aboard a plane bound from L. A. to New York. Drugs are reportedly suspected in the death of the singer/guitarist who. strangely enough, just this summer had a massive heart-lung stoppage that rendered him officially dead for 35 minutes before doctors revived him. The remaining members of Crawler are meeting currently in London to " discuss the future of the group.

The Boston Grobpie News, a onepage typed flyer "dedicated to rock "n" roll and sex" which just published its first "issue" (it's free by the way, but from where we don't know -v \ the mail brings strange packages), , reports that ex-Velvet Underground drummer. Moe Tucker (who. for those who don't know, is female), is fronting an all-^rl band in Boston called the Bloody Virgins. ...

Straight from the oven goodness: Bread, withDavid Gates,jj Robb Royer. Mick Botts, and Jim Griffin, has reformed after a two-year split and are in the studio at work on a new LR

Here's kind of a complicated story: Earth News reports that they have learned that tapes of the late Jimi Hendrix, which were believed to belong exclusively to the Hendrix estate run by Jimi's father and attorney, are in fact owned by a Panamanian corporation allegedly set up by est founder Werner Erhard as a tax shelter. The corporation, Presentaciories Musicales, S.A. (P.M.S.A.), is the same one to which Erhard sold the est "body of knowledge" and who license back to him the rights to that "knowledge." similarly P.M.S.A. presumably licenses to Warner Brothers the American rights to the Hendrix material. An official representative of est termed the reported connection between est and the Hendrix (apes as "totally inaccurate." (Jimi himself mentioned nothing aboutest in our inter view with him in April.)

Bcruie Lea don, who split the Eagles last year and was replaced by Joe Walsh,. is putting together a band with country singer Doug Dillard. No word op any album deals yet.

ZZ Top hasa huge 63-city summer tour of major stadiums in the works. The Z's will be using a massive stage — 140 feet across — and have t rented the Houston Coliseum to rehearse . Publicists for the group descrihe the planned show as "a monster production," but will say no more. In the meantime, the Las Vegas promoter who helped put together Alice Cooper at Tahoe has reportedly filed a seven million , dollar $Uit against ZZ Top for failing to appear in concert at the Sahara Hotel last June.

Speaking of Alice, to avoid complications should he and his new bride. Chevy!,.decide to split up in the future, she signed an agreement that incase of divorce she would not expect or demand any financial settlement. But you'll. recall that Alice gave Cindy Lang, who was only a girlfriend albeit a steady one. his house when they called it quits. Whattaguy!

James Taylorsings asong called "Don't Be Sad'on his neWalbum which he co-wrote with Stevie Wonder. Speaking of whom whatever happened to Stevie's new double-set which has reportedly been .in the can for six months now?