Thoroughly bound up in plaster casts due to that near-fatal cat crash on Rhodes, Robert Plant was recovering in a London hospital when his lawyers discovered that if he were to spend one more day in Britain he would be subject to taxes on a whole year’s earnings.

November 1, 1975

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Thoroughly bound up in plaster casts due to that near-fatal cat crash on Rhodes, Robert Plant was recovering in a London hospital when his lawyers discovered that if he were to spend one more day in Britain he would be subject to taxes on a whole year’s earnings. So barely six hours before the deadline of the expiration of his “tax exile period” Plant was whisked to the airport, loaded aboard a plane/'' reportedly by forklift, and septoff to the Island of Jersey in the EngHsh * Channel, just outside the taxman’s jurisdiction His wive Maureen and the kids remain in a London hospital, “progressing satisfactorily” according to a record company spokesman.

Astfthe Zep didn't have enough 1 problems with Plant’s injuries, John Paul Jones broke his hand two weeks ago.

Jusfbefore the start of the Allmans’ tour* Greco was in'a cast after fracturing a small bone in his wrist I due to a fall from his motorcycle.

Disabled list cont’d. Uriah Heap’s Mick Box down but not out of the group’s current U.S. tour after cracking his wrist in three places at the opening date in Louisville.

Utile Peat drummer Richie Hayward underwent plastic surgery recently alter smashing up one side of his face in a Laurel Canyon motorcycle accident.

One day after he had moved in;' Alice Cooper's Beverly Glen home burned down with damages estimated at around $200,000. There were no injuries.

Expect solo albums from each ofthe members of Yes this fall, but the group’s next one, The New Yes Album, won’t be out until spring when the band begins a world tour.

Following his Current west coast jaunt, Elton will be starring in the title role of a feature film entitled Captain Fantastic and the Brawn Dirt Cowboy. The film, to reportedly feature animation as well as live acting, will be produced by Elton’s manager JohnReid and will follow pretty much the story line of the Captain Fantastic album with Elton playing himself. Meanwhile, Elton’s next LP is complete and due shortly H

Labelle have been doing some Of the vocal backups for Elton’s next album. Years ago a chubby, bespectacled Reginald Dwight played piano for Patti Labelle and the Blaebellee when they toured Britain.

dagger was doused with * t champagne when he visited an exuberant Tabes backstage at one of their recent San Francisco gigs.

MCA has signed a long-term contract With a band called KGB, whose members include Mike Bloomfield, hot off the disastrous Electric Flagreunion, Barry Goldberg, exBHnd Faith Rick Grech and Ray Kennedy ,

Rock ‘n’ roll pedigree: Caravan’s Mike Wedgwood is not only | descended from the “Wedgwood” china king Josiah Wedgwood, but from Charles Darwin. Harrumph.

Todd and Utopia will be setting out on their first major European tour in November while a live album from this summer’s tour is due also in late fall.

According to Earth News, David Bowie has tentatively pencilled Ip a world oncert tour lor next January and February to coincide With the release of his first film, The Man Who Fell TpBarth. tfoword on when he will be in the States.

The pilot managed a fairly smooth emergency landing, but BTO were still shook up when one engine of their private plane failed on a flight 81 between concert dates in Canada last month;

Grand Peak have been in their Michigan studio working out new material for one last Capitol LP before they move to MCA. Recording has not yet begun as they’re still hunting up the right producer from a list that includes. Stevie Wonder, George Martin, Rick Derringer, Frank Zappa, and Glyn Johns among others*• | J/l

Michael Anthony revisited: Elvie shared his fondness for Cadillacs this summer with a total stranger. Earth News says that MennieL. Person, a Memphis bank teller, was admiring a custom-made lime outside a local Cadillac dealer when the Pelvis walked up and asked her if she liked it. “That one’s mine,” said Elvis, “but 1’llbuyyou one.” Whereupon Pfesley told Person to pickher"'; favorite -7an $11,500 ElDorado, it tamed but -H and ordered a salesman to chatge it to his account. MennieaMo says that Elvis gave her a personal check to “buy some clothes to go with the car."

Too much too soon? Apparent^, 1 r because Ehria is back in a Memphis hospital after collapsing in Las Vegas due to losing 2S pounds too quickly, according to doctors.

jjSfill more death and destruction:. Deep Purple’s Glenn Hughes * Kctepftafetedfor & couple of months Kfrfth hepatitis.

Pipe puffing violinist Siegfried ; Carver has quit Pavloe’e Dog 11 who are currently atwork in New I York oh their second album which should be out some time after . Christmas.

But most importantly, Kraftwerk, now on Capitol, will have a brand new set any day now.

Ben Edmonds reports that, while on I a tpur of Universal Studios recently, I ©need the members of Black Oak. Arkansas got so excited that he pulled down his pants and mooned I the other tourists-. * ’

Dave Mason and British R&B group Kokomo joined Dylan for some of the sessions for his nextLP:

Patti McCartney and Wings have embarked on ah ambitious one year world tour that travels to Australia and Japan, following 13 dates in England, before reaching these shores next spring. The tour line-up includes, besides Paul and Linda, Denny Laine. Jimmy McCulloch, and Joe English.

And in Oakland, California a superior court ruled that a $690,OCX) damage suit against Mick dagger stemming from property damage at 1969’s infamous Altamont concert should be dropped. Immediately after his court appearance a noticeably relieved dagger reported ly jetted back to Los Angeles where sources say the Slones are cutting two more songs and finishing up the editing and dubbing on the album’s worth of material they recorded in M un ich and Amsterdam earlier in the year. The new Stones LP might even see release by the end of this month.

The Who’s latest album, Who By, Numbers, produced by Glyn Johns, to be released this week and they should embark on a world tour in December.

Roxy Music will be hitting the road this month in support of their new LP

Over at Arista the word is that John Calc, not Tom Dowd as had been expected, is producing Patti Smith’s debut album, sessions for which began in September. Hopefully it’ll be out for Christmas.

Crosby and Nash as duo signed to ABC. No word on when to expect new LP.

Due to a mysterious “physical inability” induced by “a personal problem of such magnitude that he was unable to perform,” according to his management, Lou Reed, last seen in Australia, has cancelled several upcoming European rock festival appearances. Attempting to clarify the situation an Australian promoter had this to say: ‘if you could imagine what it is like to get a call from the other side of the world and be told that your mother was not only a drug addict but a hooker, and that she’d hooked some of your friends, then you might be able to understand how he was feeling though that’s not what happened..,”

If s been a long time coming —fhree years, in fact — but if all goes well the Band should have a new studio album out by Christmas.

Tubes’lead singer, Fee Trenchmouth (formerly Fee Waybill), was busted crossing the Mexican border at Tijuana for possession of a quarter of a stick of dynamite and fined a heavy $7.50 before be ing released.

Earth News reports that Stevie Wonder joined Quincy Jones and Manhattan Transfer for their grand finale number last month at L. A. ’ s Greek Theatre.

Abiography of Stevie Wonder by a James Haskins due early next year.

Keith Richards forfeited the $165 bond he posted following his arrest in Arkansas on charges of reckless driving when he did not appear in court to answer the charge. The more seriotis charge of carrying a concealed weapon was dropped-

And in other crime news: Smokey Robinson’s suit against the San Francisco police over a false arrest seven years ago has ended in a hung jury. Smokey, who was mistakenly taken in on a charge of not paying a limosine driver $361, had sought half a million dollars damages in his suit. He says he will hie for a new trial.

Latest reports say that Epic may pick up the Dictators’contract after all.

Contrary to previous reports, Steve Marriott’s AllStars wilb now include former Humble Pie bassman Greg Ridley.

Altamont east? The Ray City Rollers hired 30 members of the l.R. A. to protect them at a recent concert in Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

Are-formed Quicksilver Messenger Service with all the original members is finishing up a new album in San Francisco.

R.l.P. Jazz great Cannonball Adderly, dead of cardiac arrest at47.

Both Steve Stills and Neil Young are talking about the possibility of doing an album and a tour together in the near future. Meanwhile Young made a surprise appearance at a recent Stills gig In Berkeley,

Peter Gabriel has officially split with Genesis to go solo, while the rest of toe band intends to remain together.

According to NME, Rick Wokeman declined to attend Yes’ show at the Reading rock festival outside London saying: “Why should I be bored for another two hours after being bored for three years?”

Do you know who lorn? dept. On his way to a Wdr/Rare Earth concert at Madison Square Garden, Arthur Brown, formerly “the god of hellfire,” and his entourage were jumped by approximately 20 youthful muggers and summarily relieved of fancy clothing and purses Brown’s only comment: “Next time Fll bring my flamethrower.”