David Bowie visited San Diego's Sea World and was so impressed that he bought a life size stuffed replica of Sea World's own superstar Chamu the Killer Whale for $1700. As the release date for the Allmans' next got ever closer, Dicky Betts decided that the only way things were gonna get finished up was if he just called up Gregg at Cher's L. A. digs and rousted the ol' boy home to Macon.

August 1, 1975

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

ROCK 'n' ROLL news

David Bowie visited San Diego's Sea World and was so impressed that he bought a life size stuffed replica of Sea World's own superstar Chamu the Killer Whale for $1700.

As the release date for the Allmans' next got ever closer, Dicky Betts decided that the only way things were gonna get finished up was if he just called up Gregg at Cher's L. A. digs and rousted the ol' boy home to Macon. Gregg came a runnin" and it's all wound up. Meanwhile Cher herself told a local L.A. TV interviewer that the Brothers were absolutely and unequivocally not gonna break up.

Led Zep still making the scene in New York decided to pay a congratulatory backstage visit to, : comedian Rodney Dange(field at his club and got no respect: he didn't know who they were.....

Room Seryiee Dept. Linda Ron* stadt's Most Promising Female Vocalist award from the Country and Western Music Association was picked up for her by a waitress from L.A."s C&W palace, the Palomino Club.

Lynyrd Skynyrd's Ronnie Van Zantand Gary Rossington allegedly»punched out a bartender at an Ann Arbor, Michigan Holiday Inn and were thrown in the can on a drunk and disorderly charge.

President Gerald Ford, ex-bassist with the Leather Secrets, has named John Denver to his Vietnam refugee advisory committee.

McCartney re-signed with EMI for more than even Elton could get out of MCA: something over eight million.

John Lennon rapidly, going bald? Well, the pix may not show it but word has it he's'.been frantically shopping aroundTor a scalp specialist with a cure.

Another coup for Clive: Guru Maharaj Ji's brother's band, the \ Mystic Rhinestones, reportedly op their way to Arista.#!

Pan! Rodger* of .Bad Company recently broke two bones in his left hand. Allegedly drunk unto blackout delirium at the time, Paul says when he woke up he couldn't remember how he did it. The fans may be in even worse pain, since it means he can't play guitar onstage for awhile, although he will probably do one song on piano.

Elton's Escapades, Part 37. The proud owner of a million dollar Beverly Hills mansion, a $2 million estate in Berkshire, England (not to mention the 250 grand English resort "cottage"), Elton is now vigorously shopping for a couple of pled a terres in fabulous France.

Permanent damage? Maybe, but anywayHMiss Pamela of the GTO^s ail-girl bizarro band who made one indispensibly silly album for Zappa's Straight label in 1969 and were the prototypes for groupies the world over, is now a regular on daytime-TV soaper Search For Tomorrow. She does not play a garbage lady.

Biyan Perry got new digs and wheels: bought a house in a tres exclusive section of London, where it is whispered he spends all his time playing Mah Jongg, as well as a \ black Daimler, in which he cruises for quiche.

•Those ga-ga lovebirds John Phillips and Genevieve Waite recently played another set at Reno Sweeney , billed as "Papa John m Phillips and Genevieve Waite— America's .Most Fun-Loving Couple." Listen, as long as they're happy...

Speaking of matters connubial, Masflio Bell may well marry an Oxford professor who's pledged to make an "honest woman" out of her. Shades of Marianne Faithful. '

Ex-King Crimson drummer extraordinaire Bill Bruford is in New York, finally putting together his own .supergroup, which, it is rumored, will feature Manitas de Plata on guitar.

The JaggerBianca split rumors are starting to fly pretty hot and heavy with one report having Mick stepping out in Hollywood with Argentine model Beatriz and Bianca doing Paris with Hdknut Berger.

Hallelujah! The Secrets have regrouped after a one issue separation. \ :

Lots of new songwriting combinations on the recent ABKCO Stones release. Keith and c Andrew Oldham penning "I'd | Much Rather Be With The Boys," Jagger/ Richard/Taylor cog authoring "I Don't Know Why" and "Try A Little Harder," and, well, he's not exactly a combination but... Bill Wyman weighing in with his secpnd recorded contribution to the .band with "Down Town Suzie." All of the above .cuts were previously unreleased.

David and Angie's currently rumored "problems" supposedly have to do with a Deep Purple bassist that one of them has "discovered/" .

Out shortly, a new. tong-overdue Cat Stevens Lp that was recorded 'over the past several months in the mountains near Montreal.

Jimi Hendrix spotted walking down MacDougail Street in the Village on a balmy summer day early in July Only temporarily out of retirement, and with his longtime: lady Andrea Feldman on his arm, the reclusive blues-master Was said to be looking to spend some of the royalties from his latest smash LP on Root Shoes and the hew Todd Rundgren single. Meeting the editor of Rags, Dorothy Parker, in fhe street, he turned down an interview -on what kind of pajamas he was currently wearing, but did stop to give Joe Gould an autograph § ?/ .J'' y*

Hoyt Axtondid a concert at Stan-3 ford University in exchange for a facelift for his mother, Mae B. Axton, author of "Heartbreak Hotel

Former Beach Boy Ricky Fataar is now on the road with Joe Walsh and Blondle Chapintias left the Boys for Dave Mason.

One more time around...Steel player Ernie Hagar has left Commander Cody to go solo and will be replaced by his predecessor at steel in the Airmen, Bobby Blue Black.

I'd give yoju the sun, the moon, and the . . J Les Paul? In Seattle three persons were busted for ripping off a vintage Les Paul guitar from a local music teacher and presenting it to Jimmy Page.

And in the continuing saggy of Elvis" girth, Vikki Carr recommended him to her doctor and was apparently gifted with a diamond in appreciation of her efforts.

Well , they're not George and Oracle.

And what's this we hear about Elton mouthin" off about CREEM? Sayin" it's his favorite rock rag at some fancy dan fJew York party and singling out the picture captions as his most favoritest part? Highly placed inside source told us. Aw shucks! Thanks, really, Mr. John.

Billy Preston is gearing up for a good or fashion gospel tour which will feature his wife and family and a church choir.

Iggy to sign with Rocket? Elton: "1 think Iggy is great. He coytd go right to the top with the right people helping him. If he wants all he has to do is ask me...I really think he's amazing." And does E, J. have his of pink eyes focused on anybody else? "Bette (as in Midler) doesn't know what to do either. I would love to go into the studio with her and do some tracks...It's the same with Duety Springfield. I really think she is the best female singer, in the world today, and she wants to work again. . .Dusty and Bette and Iggy have to make it, I really care about them " Will the pixie megaio-: 'maniac stop at nothing? Would you believe... Magma?

"It's been a slow cruqnble, but now it appears to be over," says Alvin Lee of Ten Years After, who are now completely finished as a band . for the thirtieth and last time.

She did it I She did iti

There's no stiflin" this hot gossip: Karen Carpenter has a boyfriend! The lucky cat, record exec Terry Ellis.

Is it true that ABC is offering a cool million to Epic for the Dictators? It is true that Lester Bangs posing as Ben Fong-Torres woke up Adny Shernoffs parents at three a.m. in search of the elusive master "Tator?

Blue Oyster Cult were presented with the key to Long island (whence they hail) after a recent gig there

Is Somebody just being paranoid f| or is Kraftwerk really moving to Arista from Mercury?

Tom Dowd is mixing down some more Clapton stuff at Criteria in Miami, but it is not known whether this is the live material from last summer's four.

Hall and Oates are at Philadelphia's Sigma Sound at Work on their next album.

Glassboro State College from which Patti Smith was expelled several years back welcomed her back

recently for a triumphant perform-, ance.

The Who will definitely be touring this Fall and will probably release their new album then, too.

The reformed Electric Flag now kaputso and the word is that Mike Bloomfield is putting something together with Carmine Applce, Rick Grech, Barry Goldberg, and Ray Kennedy, whose vocals were featured on the Phantom of the Paradise soundtrack.

though Grateful Dead records president Ron Rakow is denying it, sources at one, major record company report that the Dead are looking for a label and may very well abandbn their own supposedly faltering record company experiment.