Thanks partially to the testimony of Cher and other guests at the ill-fated Los Angeles party where Average White Band drummer Robbie Mclntosh died of an overdose of heroin, a murder warrant is out for Kenneth Moss. It is rumored that Moss has fled to South America, but, of course, not on his now-defunct Freelandia Airlines.

May 1, 1975

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Thanks partially to the testimony of Cher and other guests at the ill-fated Los Angeles party where Average White Band drummer Robbie Mclntosh died of an overdose of heroin, a murder warrant is out for Kenneth Moss. It is rumored that Moss has fled to South America, but, of course, not on his now-defunct Freelandia Airlines.

The State of the Art: Telly "Kojak" Savalas has the fastest selling ■ single in MCA Records' history in : England. The single's called "if.".

Martin Mull iS planning to collaborate with the National Lampoon's Michael O'Donoghue oneuplay entitled "Lincoln: Tfte , Man. The Gar, The Tunnel." The rbleof the tunnel is still up for grabs. i.B»bjie Starr, perhaps?

A new all female group called The Deadly Nightshade have added; a clause to their record contract that prohibits "sexist exploitation " Their album, due shortly on Phantom,, Records, features guitar, work by Leslie West, famous for his , steadfast refusal to be exploited as a sex symbol.

Tt»dd Rundgren is now denying the report first published here that he has dyed his pubic hair blue. "My hair's still brown from head to toe," says Todd. Meanwhile Bearsville reports that of Blue Hair is getting phone calls from some "pretty weird people."

My Music Must Come First Dept: A new all-women band called Fox recorded their first single in the raw because "It helped us release any inhibitions we might have while recording."

New McCartney and Wings album out any minutse. Possible title: Venus and Mars Are Alhight Tonight.

The creator and producer of Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry, speaking at a Trekkies convention, seems to be suffering from a bit of sour grapes. Quoth he: "Someday I hope there will be a USS Enterprise up there (in space, that is), and I hope the first salvo of photon torpedoes is aimed at NBC - on second thought, aimed at all three networks." There were tentative plans for some Star Trek specials on TV next season.

Chad Mitchell, once leader of the Chad Mitchell Trio, was convicted of smuggling 400 pounds of marijuana from Mexico into Texas.

The DooBro Corp. (a.k.a. the Doobie Brothers' business office) has just purchased the 12-story Bank of America building on Montgomery Street in San Francisco's financial district where their offices yvill now be housed.

No commercial potential:

Wolfman Jack's real name is Robert W. Smith.

Blood from a stone dept. Allen Klein's Abkco Industries will be releasing two Rolling Stones albums this year. One EP will be previously unreleased material and the other is the music from Rock and Roll Circus, that English television special with the Beatlee and the Stones that never showed in the U.S. ■ | • ■ R

Hi Mom! Hi Pop! I want to kill you. Rick Nelson has been asked to play the maniacal murderer in Andy Warhol's upcoming movie. Bad.

Rod Stewart has been threatened with decapitation. It seems a Scottish Lord was a bit upset about a photo of Rod in which a Scottish flag was used as a bedspread. He vows that if Smiler ever sets foot in Scotland again -off with his mangy head Sing from the diaphragm. Rod.

Ex-Crimson, ex-Yesman BUI Braford has been rehearsing with ex-Stone Mick Taylor and ex? / Cream Jack Bruce and is ex-pected to fill the drumseat in their band Ex-hate.

Speaking of X's: Jimmy Cliff has reportedly become a Black Muslim.

What a man! David Bowie leaped over his table onto a young woman at the Tramps club irt London recently after he accidentally set her sheer blouse afire while playing with a little bonfire of matches in his ashtray. He succeeded in smothering the flames with his body (sigh) and afterwards even gave her the shirt off his back (double sigh) so she could hang around for the rest of the evening's jollies. However, things didn't turn out so peachy when Bowie and dagger had a meal together in New York a few weeks ago. They couldn't decide who should pay the tab, and the argument between them that ensued got both thrown out of the restaurant. .

And then there were one or two dept: Mainman and Bowie on the

Peter Dunaway Wolf and Faye on the outs? Awready?

Gregg Allman and Cher on the ins? TheyVe been out together several times in Hollywood.

Sara Dylan wants in on Ryan O'Neal?

Muddy Waters recorded an album for Chess in Woodstock with help throughout from the likes of Levon Helm, Garth Hudson of the Band and Paul Butterfield.

Oi Generous John (Elton, that is): first, he bought his manager that very expensive set of wheels and now he's giving away original Rembrandt etchings, which go for »l anywhere from $1,700 to $17,000 apiece. Not that he denies himself anything in the process: he recently purchased a gold Monopoly set to play with on rainy days. 1

Is it a case of True Love Triumphs? Or is it that you just can't beat the Chinese? John and Yofco are back together! "The separation didn't work out," Lennon told friends, and to prove it, heand Voko are once again sharing a Manhattan shack.

Worse than that dept: Lennon is recording with Bowie at Electric Lady.

Take note Sly Stone ,in Bangkok, a Thai folksinger, two hours late to a gig, was pelted with bottles by irate fans, according to columnist Shelley Benoit. But he, in turn, got so pissed off that.he pulled a revolver and fired into the audience, wounding .three.

John Cale thinks Lou Reed is a hypochondriac. "You name a symptom and he thinks he's got it. Like he thought he had syphillis because his balls felt heavy. So he went to the doctor." Meanwhile, Nice got hitched to a guy named Gene Krell, owner of Granny Takes A Trip, inLondon,John Cale and Nick Kent were witnesses, and Lou Reed dropped in, some say literally, claiming he fell through the floor due to the weight of his balls. (Although the truth was even stranger: a large black limousine drove up. In the back sat a figure dressed as a pimp," complete with Superfly hat. It rolled down the window and beckoned with one "bony finger. Nico walked over, and it was oi' skull-face himself, conveying his blessings.) (PS The manage didn't work out.)

Lon Reed was hit by a brick during a riot at his recent concert in Milan, Italy, but the question everyone wants answered is "Did he notice?" Ringo and his partner Jon Gilbert have acquired the rights and ai*e planning a film of Terry . j.r-j Southern's novel about the film industry. Blue Movie.

Ringo's gonna play the Pope in Ken Russell's Franz Liszt bio movie starring Roger Daltrey. Ringo may also play a villain in the next James Bond flick. The Pope is gonna play drums in the re-united Beatles. Speaking of which . . | everybody's talking about the possibility of Howard Cosell hosting his own variety show, but Cashbox hints that the first guests will be none Other than John, Paul, George and Pope Ringo. Well, John did appear on Monday Night Football once, so maybe Howard will be able to bring it off.

1 can't let you have the Brooklyn Bridge but... Elvis has purchased an acre of land on the moon, according to NME. Who sold it to him? A little green man in a dirty trenchcoat?

Amon Dnul II should be here in the U S. any minute, and get ready J.D.L. This popular German band's stage show starts off with film clips of Adolf Hitler.

Gibson will present Jimmy Page with a Les Paul (guitar, that is, not the person) in honor of his copping numero uno best guitarist in CREEM's 1974 Reader's Poll. What's a CREEM. Mommy?

Bryan Ferry may be doing the centerfold for Viva.

They're gonna make a cartoon film out: of Gny Paellarts book Rock Dreams and Frank Zappa's been asked to do the music.

After a benefit for the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington at which War, Curtis Mayfield, || Kool and the Gang, and Gladys Knight played. Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm reported that she "got off'working with the music industry.

Harry Nilsson wanted to cail his latest album God's Greatest Hits but didn't because RCA just couldn't dig the humor. Actually it was Someone very big upstairs who nixed the idea.

Guess what someone decided to colt.this group,

Maria Muldaur, Grace Slick, Linda Ronstadt, Joan Baez, Melanie, Suzie Quatro, and Fanny all have one thing in common. Guess. First clue: if s the reason they've all been invited to the First Women's Internationa! Rock Music Festival to be held in Tijuana, Mexico this month.

Ex-Moody Blnesmen, Justin Hayward and John Lodge, spun their new album, Btuejays, at Carnegie Hall for 2400 contest winners and members of the press. It was the first time a record had ever

BTO's road crew decided to fool around in the studio after their employers knocked off recording for the night. They came up with twe* ■ songs that Mercury liked enough to release. Now The Road Crew, as they call themSelves, is a full-time touring band on their own.

Kinky Friedman was honored by the International Frisbee Association for spreading the art of frisbee to Borneo.

The vicious rumor is that Mr. English Avant Garde, the one and only Eno actually hails from New Jersey.