Big money, no takers. The Rolling Stones recently turned down an offer of $1 million for a four-week stand at MGM’s Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. Charlie Rich turned his back on $300,000 for a one-nighter in Tokyo; he didn’t have time to do it before getting his act together for a July opening at the Vegas Hilton.

October 1, 1974

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Big money, no takers. The Rolling Stones recently turned down an offer of $1 million for a four-week stand at MGM’s Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. Charlie Rich turned his back on $300,000 for a one-nighter in Tokyo; he didn’t have time to do it before getting his act together for a July opening at the Vegas Hilton. And Elvis refused $1 million tax-free for two nights in Sydney, Australia. When . El declined a similar offer from a London promoter, one of those jerkwater obssesive British fanatics — a guy who’d legally changed his name to Elvis Presley — protested by streaking a local housing estate.

The George Harrison tour will open the first week of November, probably in the Seattle/Vancouver/Portland area, and will wind up just before Christmas with three concerts at Madison Square Garden and two at Nassau. Ravi Shankar will definitely be on the tour, with an almost-equ^l billing, and will join George on stage, though promotor Bill Graham is anxious to dispel the notion that George and Ravi will play long ragas together all evening. There will be no other Beatles on the tour, but Tom Scott and the L.A, Express will be involved in an as-yet-undetermined manner, possibly as George’s backup band. George is determined that no other “names” will appear with him. The ex-Beatle has indi-

cated that he is not opposed to merchandising of such artifacts as buttons and souvenir programs, and he plans to donate part of his earnings to the Hare Krishna movement. '

Aired recently on British TV was Starmaker, a musical play penned by Ray Davies. Davies himself costarred with actress June Ritchie, and performed eight new songs with the Kinks that he’s written for the occasion.

Phil Walden, mentor of the Allman Bros, and Capricorn Records, has initiated the Otis Redding Scholarship fund to enable black students to attend Mercer University’s Walter F. George School of Law. Walden, who managed the late Redding, said $250,000 in contributions is being sought for the fund. First in line: Lou Adler of Ode Records,

of the 1967 Monterreached one of many career pinnacles. Adler’s $30,000 contribution was made through the (great Caesar’s ghost?) Monterey Pop Festival, Inc.

Is there any truth to all those hot and heavy rumors about a Charlie Watts solo album in the works?

John Lennon bit it twice in the same week. At almost the same time as he was declared persona non grata in America (he’s appealing the deportation order), a New York judge ruled that Allen Klein’s suit against him for breach of contract will have to be contested in NYC. Lennon wanted the court to transfer the suit to England because that’s where the j contract was made.

Toad grooves out.Note loothpick, hepsters.

Todd Rundgren, having polished off production for Hall & Oates, (ex-Rascal) Felix Cavaliere and the Hettp People as an appetizer, is reportedly ready to get down to the main course: producing Laura Nyro’s comeback album.

Hottest band in Montreal at the moment is the group Dudes, comprised of former members of the Wackers, April Wine and Marianakan. Though the Wackers have apparently split, there’s a chance they’ll continue to record together to fulfill contract obligations. Guitarist Randy Bishop already has one hit solo single under his belt.

Greek keyboardist Vangelis Papathanassiou, who took Rick Wakeman’s chair with Yes, will not be a full member but will “maintain a close association with the band” according to management, and will record a solo album, co, written and produced by Yes vocalist Jon Anderson. Meanwhile, Wakeman’s old sjot^whteh Papathanassiou was barred from by work permit difficulties, will be filled by Patrick Moraz from Refugee, a band formed, interestingly enough, byoldKeith Emerson/Nice associates Brian Davidson and Lee Jackson.

Steve Harley, the neurotically pompous leader of Cockney Rebel, has pulled yet another in a series of thoroughly unpredictable moves: just when it looked like they were about to demolish England, he broke the band up. ,

Unless something went wrong, Mott the Hoople should be living in Connecticut right this very minute.

Uneasy bedfellows: both Elton John’s Caribou and John Denver’s Back Home Again were released at approximately the same time. Both raced up the charts in record time, and within a month of their release both had achieved an unprecedented platinum status (sales in excess of 1,000,000 units) speed record. And guess whose faces are on each other’s office dartboards...

Word has it that Phil Spector, in seclusion following his second automobile accident this year, has ^covered after extensive plastic surgery on his face and head. A close associate reports that Spector’s appearance has changed “dramatically.”

The Ozark Mountain Daredevils were recently apprehended by Dallas gendarmes for allegedly failing to deposit a quarter in an airport turnstile. They were promptly handcuffed, searched, and two members of the group spent some time in the Big D pokey.

During a recent Lou Reed appearance in Manchester, England, a soundman was knocked unconscious when he was hit with a bottle thrown by a fan irately demanding an encore. The roadies contained the rowdies by swinging mike stands at them, so we’re told.

In case you haven’t gotten the word, Patti Harrison, wife of George and backstage guest at several Eric Clapton tour dates, is

Weather Report’s new drummer is Darryl Brown, 21, from Philadelphia.

In case you hadn’t noticed, virtually every company in the business has raised the list price to $6.98 for all albums. Singles have been raised to $1.29 by most, too. Ouch.

Clive Davis is already on the move for Bell, natch; new to that label is folkie cult hero Eric Andersen.

Avant gardist David Amram conducted the Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra at the grand opening of a Burger king outlet in that fair fjbrough.

In attendance at the Plaza Hotel’s Persian Room presentation of jjobert Stigwood’s Iransveslitc musical “Manhattan Follies”: Eric Clapton and Betty Davis (Miles’ ex-wife; her own records sound like Yoko Ono meets Cleopatra Jones). Eric and Betty got bored with the show and left after 15 minutes,

Tennis, everyone? Elton John and Bill Cosby played an exhibition match before the Philadelphia Freedom World Team Tennis tourney. Billie Jean King is one of Elton’s fave raves these days.

Linda Ronstadt, who was supposed to jam with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band during their second set at the Bottom Line after her own gig in the park, had to move her appearance up to their first set when her upper wore off early and she couldn’t stay awake until the second set. Show biz is a tough life, kids.

Insiders say that the proposed George Harrison tour follows a schedule that’s uncannily like the Dylan outing. Same cities, same venues, same number of days on § the road.

Bryan Ferry has let it be known that he plans to headline two major English concerts sometime in December, just about the time that his third solo album is released there.

Legs Larry Smith, former Bonzo Dog Band warden and MC on the Clapton tour, will put together an album for George Harrison?s new label. And George is so pleased with this development that he’s written a new song, “Legs,” to celebrate.

Guess Who leader Burton Cummings has had to lose 30 pounds for nude sequences in the film he’s currently shooting in England.

Marc Bolan is now talking about a film he’ll be collaborating on with David Bowie: supposedly David is to write the screenplay and the music. “We will both appear in small roles and direct it together,” sez Bolan. Bowie, however, hasn’t got much to say about it, and we'won’t make any nasty Bolan jokes about “smal roles.” ■

Elton John, on what made him the star he is: “Vitamin F.. Quaaludcs. Heroin. Plus intercourse with sheep.” Now that's the Quote of the Month!

John and Yoko have reportedly reconciled. May Pang, the exYoko gofer who went for John, had been his constant companion in Los Angeles these last few months while Yoko stayed in 'New York. But May says she’s still the best of friends with both of them.

Here’s wishing “Soul Train” a happy fourth birthday.

Pop composer Jimmy Webb (his songs are second only to Lennon*

McCartney in all-time cumulative radio airplay) recently married Patsy Sullivan, daughter of actor Barry Sullivan. The nuptials were lavish enough - amusements included a David Niven-style balloon ride — but the wedding breakfast was even better: it turned into a communal streak and nude bathing party. We’re not sure whether to congratulate the couple on the marriage or the party ...

Berry Gordy and Marvin Gaye are working on an original screenplay for Marvin.

Sign of the times: Miss Vicky, who married Tiny Tim on the Johnny Carson Show back when that seemed like a cool thing to do, is now the heartthrob of New York Dolls’ road manager Amos. . Levy.

Stevie Wonder celebrated his 24 th birthday by renting the Speakeasy in Hollywood to throw a party

and Bill Withers and Smokey

Robinson led the guests in singing “Happy Birthday” around a fourlayer chocolate cake covered with H>ld records.

John Denver’s real name is Henry

Deutschendorf, Jr.

David Cassidy paraphrased a Randy Newman song in announcing his retirement from concert appearances: “The party’s over. I can’t pretend to be something I’m not. I’m leaving it at the top. Show business has taken its toll

on me. ’