Confessions of a FILM FOX

This is the month of the Mick movie rumor. All close but no ci-gar: Jagger almost signed to do Caves of the Vatican with Warhol and Morrissey, while Landers and Roberts have literally pinned him to star in their screen version of Deadly Edge. Liszt with a twist: Composer Franz Liszt could take on a new look in the movie planned Ken Russell.

September 1, 1974

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Confessions of a FILM FOX

This is the month of the Mick movie rumor. All close but no ci-gar: Jagger almost signed to do Caves of the Vatican with Warhol and Morrissey, while Landers and Roberts have literally pinned him to star in their screen version of Deadly Edge. Liszt with a twist: Composer Franz Liszt could take on a new look in the movie planned FiiAvrm. by choice Ken for Russell. what Russell�s he calls first �a deeply spiritual and sensuous� portrayal is Mr. Jagger. This time Mick has been heard to say he was very interested. It seems neither Mick or David Bowie was very interested in playing the lead in Stranger in a Strange Land, both turning down the role. It�s rumored that the next choice is Gary Glitter... Is Strangelove stranger than fiction? Seems Stanley Kubrick met Henry Kissinger at a meeting of nuclear theoreticians and pegged him as the perfect �model� for Dr. Strangelove, the now famous role Peter Sellers portrayed ... NOTICE: Roger Moore is not full of beans. He won his suit against the Heinz Company in London for using his picture as James Bond, Sean Connery has been signed to co-star with Faye Dunaway in The Wind and the Lion. The story is about a beautiful American kidnapped with her children in 1904 by the last of the Barbary Pirates. . .Those darling Davids: While filming a concert sequence in the British movie Stardust, David Essex appeared in front of 4,000 girls in Manchester. The girls forgot they were extras and began shouting out David�s name instead of Jim, the name of the rock star he plays in the movie. Eighteen of the girls fainted and had to be carried out. . A songbook showing nude pictures of our other favorite dream date, David Cassidy has been banned in South Africa. The government there considers the book corruptible but the publishers (Music Sales in London) say that it is in no way pornographic . . .Who else has got all the girls goo-goo eyed these days? Rick Springfield, that�s who. Wasn�t that lovely Linda Blair literally slobbering all over Rick�s right arm, that night he took her to the Roxy? And didn�t Rick and Susan Dey (Partidge Family) make such a cute couple? Could it be Rick is running an escort service for budding starlets (do they still call them that?)? In between dates, Rick has been signed to play the lead in the projected Buddy Holly Story . .. Louhdon Wainwright will be in an upcoming M.A.S.H. episode ... The latest name added to the roster of rock and roll talent for the film version of Tommy is Peter Townshepd�s little brother, 13 year old Simon Townshend ... Barbra Streisand beat out Cher in the rock remake of A Star is Born. A remake will be titled Rainbow Bridge and the story will be about a rock super star marriage. Kris Kristofferson is up for the male lead ... Pam Grier and Bobby Womack have had their heads together on a movie about the life of Sam Cooke .. . Peter Fonda finally got a divorce after two years from his wife Susan of 13 years. Peter requested that Susan drop the name Fonda, but the appeal was denied by the judge .. . McMillan and Wife is in for a change. Susan Saint James is expecting again, and her pregnancy will have to be written into the script. . . Although he wrote the novel, Ken Kesey�s screenplay of One Flew Over the Cuckoo�s Nest has been rejected for the movie. Fantasy Records, the project�s financier decided that Kesey�s screenplay strayed too far from his original work and will use instead a screenplay by Lawrence Hauben. The movie will star Jack Nicholson and the inmates of the Oregon State Mental Hospital . .. Steve McQueen while starring in The Towering Inferno, had been training for weeks with the city fire department. Well, Steve had a chance to use his newly learned skills on a real inferno, the day the MGM studios went up in flames. Steve battled the blaze with the Los Angeles Fire Department... A1 Pacino had to walk off the set of The Boys in the Bank, not because of a blow up of any kind, but he was just physically rundown. Dustin Hoffman will replace him. If you remember; this is the tale of a 1972 robbery of the Chase Manhattan Bank in which the gay bandit used his haul to finance a sex change operation for his male lover ... Danny La Rue, the British impersonator recently retired saying: �I�m hanging up my, bra.� Me, I�m hanging up my typewriter for this month. Bye ...