
Rock Couples

What kind of clothes do popstars wear when they’re offstage?

April 1, 1974
Lisa Robinson

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What kind of clothes do popstars wear when they’re offstage? Do their everyday ensembles differ radically from what they put on their backs in concert? And do their friends and loved ones dress in the same styles that they do? Well... I strongly doubt that Mick. Jagger would evejr walk into a chic London restaurant dressed in a studded velour jumpsuit, dungaree jacket, long scarf and white ballet slippers, no sir. Instead, he looks like a picture, outfitted by Yves St. Laurent.. | high style baggy trousers, little v-neck sweaters, and short jackets. Perhaps it’s been his wife’s influence for she’s always selfconsciously dressed to her prominent teeth in something especially whipped up for her sullen, international good looks by Ossie Clark, or Tommy Nutter,and let’s not forget those dead birds, on veiled hats and Walking sticks that were supposed to start a high fashion trend a year or so ago.. „

On the street, David Bowie probably comes the closest to his stage drag of the Rockstars Who Dress (except maybe the Dolls). And there.’s no denying that he arid Angela made fashiorr mdvie magic'this past year. ;Itr began with David, but it wasmt long before Angie — with or without that, silly Jipp Jones alias — got into the act as well. Like Bianca, Ms. Bo.wie has never been content to merely lurk in the shadows of hubby’s i success, |and unlike other rock wives, she wasn’t about to pick up a tambourine or a piano and get into the band.

Angela’s, hair (currently dyed black but it’s whispered soon to be lavender) — has undergone every shade known to Clairol and then some. She’s toned down her style from screaming furs and feathers to more demure 50s straight skirts and little dresses. And although Angela would most likely cite Marilyn Monroe or Rita Hayworth as her fashion inspirations, there’s an obvious good deal of Donna Jordan, Cyrinda Foxe and David Bowie at work here. Freddie Burrett, David’s personal designer, does stuff for Angela as well, but the lady shops often in an old standby like Fredrick’s of Hollywood (she’s doing a fashion layout of Fredrick’s clothes for a spring issue of Oui magazine, Honcha know...). Angela, will now and then wear something of David’s, but he doesn’t look too good in her clothes. They do wear each other’s year; No one claims to ever have seen either , in jeans/ the exception being Cyrinda Foxe’s studded ones David borrowed last year at the Beverly Hills Hotel.*

Other rock couples.-There are those who obviously can’t think too much about clothing. .. James and Carly (if you consider them a rock couple), Grace and Paul (remember them??)... probably Paul and Linda McCartney. If the McCartneys do spend a lot of time and effort on their clothes, they’re in real trouble — for they have a serious lack of style. Linda was well known in her 60s photographer days for dressing in High Protestant Tweeds — looking like she just stepped out of a wood side-panelled station wagon carrying a tennis racket. She’s good looking though, and maybe she’ll pull it all together one of these days; for a start she should abandon that fake Bowie hairdo. With the chopped off at the top, and the hanging limply at the sides, it just doesn’t make it. There’s not much you can say about Paulie’s clothes... the very essence of English family man, all comfy cozy jackets and sweaters. Let’s face it, he’s no fashion plate.



Todd Rundgren and his Bebe are familiar^ sights to any Manhattan scenemaker, and it’s amazing how they go through different changes. Todd seems to be divided right down the middle visually as well as musically; jie has his funky Woodstock, goofy kid look — he’ll appear in jeans, t-shirts, and touseled flair. Then he’ll go to the other extreme — as he did on Midnight Special, and glam it up with his (some people have referred to it as the Birdman of Alcatrash look) feathers, striped hair, and pigeon makeup. Bebe, a model by trade, may wear a sparkling silver gown one night; .. and another. ?. and another... and then she’ll appear in skintight jeans and a funky halter top tied together out of an old t-shirt. She says that she and Todd don’t wear each other’s clothes too much, but if he buys something she likes, she takes it. They both buy their clothes anywhere... and Bebe likes to make things out of scarves...

Elizabeth arid Rick Derringer like to buy most of their clothes in England, although they do shop in New York as well. Jacques Bellini, Madonna, or Granny’s, or even on nearby 14th Street where shrewd Liz will often spot a bargain that she can’t resist. Liz also picks up buys While visiting relatives in Los Angeles, and she’ll always look in on Holly’s Harp. Now and then she can wear Rick’s pants, but -the Derringers got used to people telling them that they look alike so long ago that they’ve gotten into the habit of having similar designs made for them both.

Then there’s Alice Cooper and Cindy Lang. I’ve 'watched Alice spend up to twenty minutes before a concert" tearing his tights and smearing his outfits with ketchup and eyebrow pencil. and the makeup is, by now, an old ; story. When he’s relaxing offstage he can often look like a real slob, with cutoff jeans, dungaree jacket, sneakers and basic can of beer. Cindy, on the .other hand, always looks immaculate,^! lip glossed and accesorized. Cindy?s wardrobe bears labels from the very best designers... St. Laurent... Missoni... while Alice gets his “clothes” anywhere and everywhere. Cindy used to buy for him (and then he ripped them up himself), but she now says she’s given up on him. She does feel though that she’s turned him elegantly ragged, and he definitely does not influence the way she dresses. “If I listened to him, he’d have me in stiletto heels, short shorts, and fishnet tights,” she says.

Cyrinda Foxe and David Johansen create their clothes from whatever they can. They both have a very special kind of genius for turning a striped t-shirt into their own kind of fantasy dress by the time they get through with it, and David has to be the all-time pro at hondling fans for clothes wherever he performs with The Dolls. Cyrinda and David both have friends who design for them, and they go to flea markets, old clothing places and their clothes are often nothing if not original. Actually, of all of the rock stars, couples, band hangers-on, whatever — the people around the Dolls seem to embody more of the same kind of style as the band. Their drag also is one of the few left that’s still into a visually outrageous — and rock and roll spirit — more so than any of the other musicians. Or maybe it’s just that they have less money?...