Rumor has Free vocalist Paul Rogers splitting that band to handle the same chores for Deep Purple. It’s just a rumor, mind you...What is going on with Free, any way? First Tetsu left to replace Ronnie Lane in the Faces, then Rabbit Bundrick split to join Johnny Nash’s back-up band.

September 1, 1973

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Rumor has Free vocalist Paul Rogers splitting that band to handle the same chores for Deep Purple. It’s just a rumor, mind you...What is going on with Free, any way? First Tetsu left to replace Ronnie Lane in the Faces, then Rabbit Bundrick split to join Johnny Nash’s back-up band. And now this Paul Rogers business. At this rate, they may have to hire the Section to fulfill contractual obligations.

Interest in the Troggs seems to be stirring again, at least in England. Response to their concerts has been approaching hysteria, with head Trogg Reg Presley emerging as a cult figure ip-the-flesh of Lou Reedish proportions. Now if Bell (who distributes their product here) would get off their butts ^nd get the band back in the studio again.. t

Martin Barre of Jethro Tull got a unique birthday surprise in Montreal recently. The group’s roadies rounded up 30 willing young ladies while the band was onstage performing, and when Barre came off, they charged him en masse and ripped every stitch Qf clothing off his body. ^ when the job was>completed, a birthday cake was summoned ~ forth and everybody joined in singing the traditional “Happy Birthday,”

Peter Sarstedt beloved (to a few) European weirdo, has formed a trio with his brothers Rick and Clive. It’s called, believe it or not, the Sarstedt Brothers, and will be produced by Tony . Visconti.

Kenny Jones of the Faces collapsed at an early June gig in London, and both he and Rod were subsequently ordered to bed by their doctor, causing cancellation of a European tour. ' -The reason, as you might well imagine, was exhaustion.

In other notable collapses, Don Powell of Slade collapsed at a British date and was rushed tpa hospital, where he remained unconscious for an hour-and-a-half. The heat in the hall was unbearable and the bbys, it seems, were fresh out qf salt tablets.

Count on a solo album from Wings guitarist Denny Laine sometime in September. Musicians include bassist Steve Thompson and drummer Colin Allen, both formerly with Stone the Crows, and Guitarist John Morehead,

Two Fleetwood Mac types are poised and ready for big comeback moves. Both Peter Green and Daruty Kirwan have signed recording deals with Clifford Davis,'Fleetwood Mac’s 31 manager. Their respective product will be issued by Warners. Jl

Reports have Mick Jagger shopping for a little piece of paradise on the island of Gigha, west of Kentyre, in Argyllshire. (!) The island, which comprises ‘4,000 acres, is up for sale.

Greg Ridley of Humble Pie is set to go on a solo album, and will receive help on it from assorted Pies and other friends.

Rick Derringer is hard at work on a solo venture as well, and one track on it is a remake of one of Derringer’s greatest hits that you’re just not gonna believe.

Brewer & Shipley were recently busted in Hampton, Virginia... for drinking beer backstage. What’s worse, though, is that they were spanked* by their mommies when they*came home with the stuff on their breath, and may be grounded for the rest of their muni

Nothing will prepare you for Todd Ruttdgren’s “Shaft Goes to Outer Space.”

The next Flash Cadillac & The Continental Kids’ album will be produced by Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller, who replace fellow legend Kim Fowley in that seat of responsibility. .

David Cassidy was recently quoted as saying He’s “thinking seriously about giving it all up,” Meanwhile, somebody is spreading the rumor that Marc M Bolan has been approached to replace darling David in tftfe 4 Partridge Family. Hmmm. v*

What member of which British supergroup wears a wig?

Watch out, now they’re gonna try and make a theatrical production out of Sgt. Pepper.

There is a strong possibility that Gary Glitter will host an i hour-long weekly pop show in England, tentatively to be called “The Day Starts Here.” Glitter’s previous TV experience was as the floor manager for “Ready Steady Go,” the No. 1 pop show in the , English mid-Sixties.

Leo Abse, a representative fa the . British parliament, is campaigning to have Alice Cooper barred from performing in England. Mr; Abse described Alice’s act as “peddling; the culture of the concentration camp,” and accused Alice qf “evil attempts to teach our children to find their identity in hate and not in love.” Pretty good, Leo, you maybe wanna write some record reviews for CREEM?

The Cavern, the Liverpool club (vhich spawned the Beatles and so t many others, has closed its doors for the final time. Over 200 people crowded into the tiny room for the last night, which featured local groups and was ' recorded for possible album release by Pqlypqr..

The “We Know New York’s Been Getting Fabulous But How Much More Fabulous Can You Get” Dept: The latest to throw their weight behind the Big Apple renaissance are the Horn & Hardart automats, now offering, on selected days, a series of $2 jazz concerts. (That two bucks, by the way, is applicable toward your meal and/or drinks.^ .


Jerry Nolan, drummer for the infamous (and soon to be famous) New York Dolls, once pounded the skins for an (almost) all-girl band in Michigan called Cradle. The bassist of that group, Suzi Quatro, just came off a No. 1 single in England called “Can The Can,” produced by Mickie Most. Small world, isn’t it.

Brian Ferry of Roxy Music will IS soon record a solo album, and reports that “I am selecting the best songs of the best composers of the last ld> ybars or so; the best Lennon-McCartney, the best: „ Jagger-Richard and so on/|0|| Backing him will be several members otRoxy and others.

Since our David Bowie story of an Issue ago, some changes have gone down with the Stooges. Much to everyone's relief, they have parted company with Tony DeFries’ Mainman management. Following that move, James Williamson, the sensational guitarist on Raw

Power (who, you’ll remem her , was. forced out of the band by DeFries), has returned to the fold, and the band is back on the road. I AllrigjkJj|

An English single called “Motorbike Annie” was recently issued in England by someone called Bet That Del may (ox may" -not) hd Donovan, whose initials M are D~EdL.

Robert Lamm of Chicago has finally learned a useful trade. HC’s opened his owhboutique, called ZAZOU, in Los Angeles,

On the horizon is Bedlam, a new British band led by ex-Jeff Beck drummer Cozy Powell and former Procol Harum guitarist Dave Ball.

Yet another group to keep your 1 eye on is. New York Central, recently signed by RCA. A five-man group who sound hauntingly like a rewed-up Buffalo Springfield, they’re -reported to have the tightest harmonies )© come out of CrOthafn since the Four Seasons, 1 and a guitar player even Roy Buchanan respects.

'After hearing them perform at a ^ gala Social event in Washington, the King of Saudi Arabia requested a Nashville Brass album as a personal souvenir of the USA. His reported first choice was an' album by the New York Dolls and he was sorely disappointed when informed that it was not as yet available.

You can’t say that Leon Russell isn’t taking care of business in his own back yard. His Shelter Records has set up offices and a studio in an old church in Tulsa, and are pursuing a policy of trading free studio time for local bands in exchange for first option on the records produced. Said records will then fee broken (hopefully) on a limited regional basis, and expanded nationally.

The Who have finally finished recording dates on their next album which, aeeordingtqa -f spokesman for the band, might be a two or even a three-record package.

Don’t look now, but the Stones are editing the “Rock & Roll Circus” film they never released five years ago, quite possibly for use as a TV special. Guests on that show included the Who, Taj Mahal, John Lennon, Eric * Clapton and Mitch Mitchell.

The Stones, currently working out logistics for an autumn British and European Tou|, are also reported to be making inquiries into the possibility ,of dates behind the Iron Curtain in the spring of 1974.

Christopher Lee is set to narrate an album production of Dracula, the first release in .a projected ||ncs of “Sounds Of The House of Hammer” albums. . Hammer is the English firm whoVe almost single-handedly kept the horror film going these last ten years. So far, no US distribution deal for the album series has been set,

Watch your localsleaze venue for the imminent arrivaL^f the latest gay porn-epic, titfed“Walk On The Wild Side/’ Advance “ promotion for the flick cries “You’ve heard the soundtrack, now see the movie.” What it is, apparently, is a sleazo treatment of every cut on Lou Reed’s Transformer. Proceed at your own peril. -