ROCK 'N' ROLL news

Hot Industry Flash: Several major record companies are reportedly waging a furious bidding battle over a new band. The group, which comes from Brooklyn, by way of, yes, Iceland, is called Bobby Fischer and the Chessmates. Their first single is called "Boris, the Amazing Russian Bear."

November 1, 1972

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

ROCK 'N' ROLL news

WARNING! we stated in out article on the Sopor/Quaalude phenomenon last issue (Oct.) that die metha-qualone group hi not addictive. Recent evidence has come to light, unfortunately, that ADDICTIVE SYMPTOMS HAVE BEEN REPORTED! Quaalude addiction will be more similar to barbiturate addiction, than to heroin addiction, in that case, and withdrawal has frequently proved fatal: IF YOU npNK YOU MIGHT BE ADDICTED TO METHA-QUALONE (SOPORS, QUAALUDES, AS, ETC.) GET YOUR ASS TO A DOCTOR! FAST!

Hot Industry Flash: Several major record companies are reportedly waging a furious bidding battle over a new band. The group, which comes from Brooklyn, by way of, yes, Iceland, is called Bobby Fischer and the Chessmates. Their first single is called "Boris, the Amazing Russian Bear."

David Bowie split for Cyprus after M wife returned from her vacation there. Angie, Ids lady, went back with him. Reason: ... pild dose of malnutrition J suffered while die was away,

ffie don’t want to impugn Heads, Hands and Feet but their picture igi^i^ed in a Swedish magazine to iflu strate drag-crazed youth.

Alice Coope/$ next single, § “Elected,” which has Alice elected President, is a remake of a song from his first album, Pretties For You, Original title? “Refiected,’’ , -

, David Bowie had a htfie to say about Marc Bolan In a British pop ,, paper file other week, it went like Iphis: “Bolan isn’t camp, he’s ' prissy. Prissy sold fey. But that’s || light for the age group he wants ’cause they’re all -* }

And about his relationship - - wRfe'Mardl “We were just terribly polite to each other all the tune. 1 x i’d never say we are in competition with each other’cause we’re at i |1 different ends of the spectrum. I We might just liave happened in the same period. -

1 “Marc was furious ’cause Steve Currie and the rest of T.Rex came to see me at {a gig] end they asked if they could come to my party afterwards to tell me how good they thought we were. Marc was mad about that. And I heard a week later Marc had made Steve get his hair cut [short, like Bowie’s}."

As for Bowie’s relationship with other members of the rock scene in London, Rod Stewart had this to say: “One night I’m going to turn up at a Bowie concert. I’ve known him for a long time, and all of a sudden he’s like I should get down and kiss his feet.” It sure drags on don’t it? (Rod did make it, at Bowie's appearance at London’s Rainbow Theatre, along with Mick dagger and Elton John. Mick danced.)

New Nils Lofgren and Grin tune?: You On My Face, I'll Never Have to Use My Hand Again.” Repeatedly. We’d just as soon hope not.

Anyone interested in John Fogarty’s solo album can catch full details in Greg Shaw’s Juke Box Jury column this issue.

This is Victory? 20% of the nation’s bathers have gone out of business, in the hist five years. That’s about 200,000 barbers on welfare.

Wolfman Jack’s new single is" Ain’t Never Seen A A lute Man,” His album is due out soon, oh Wooden Nickel/RCA

Wolfman is also working on a movie, directed by Godfather’s director Francis Ford Coppola. It’s called American Graffid.

stars the Wolfman, and will be about cruising, circa 1962. It should be out right after Christmas.

Square Garden John and Yoko might be moving to San Francisco If they’ll be allowed to stay in the country.

Fabian went to the studio, in Nashville, with producer H,B, Barnum. (He did Little Richard’s last album.) He’ll be back on stage again shortly too, with a show conceived and produced by Barnum. No word on what label file record will be on, though.

Ahce Cooper comes to Broadway early next year, for a week-long stint. It’ll be “Alice at the Palace" (Theatre). Warner Bros, will reportedly record the whole schtick.

The new James Gang; album was supposed to be called Bang, Guess why not.

Recording Rudge, the Stones will definitely do another tour of the States. It won’t be soon, though and it will definitely be much shorter than th last one (which had 53 performances in 32 dries after all was said anfirione). The tour

Rudge, with more than three quarters of a million paying. Life sold out their Stones covered issue, by the way; 2½ million copies. First sellout in 2 years.

The dosing night pie fight consumed 150 gooey pies, by the way. Bill Graham was reportedly prepared to smack Ahmet S Ertegun Atlantic president, With one, and then held back. A first.

plthe Beach Boys transfer of their home base to Amsterdam has

apparently been nixed by the

reason America would not let Dutch musicians reside here.

Warner Brothers held a gala of

streets, promoting Randy Newman. They dropped a

gliders you used to buy for 15

suppose), with Randy’s name on the side, from the sky, and hired

Doda to stop trafficsky in a Newman T-shirt and asked startled , motorists if they knew who Randy was. Did they know who Carol was?

were alledgedly beaten and then ikrested by Akron, Ohio police 1 August 21. The incident began ^When, “Chick” Casady, the, rj group’s equipment manager and brother of Airplane/Hot Tuna basest Jack Casady, was packing up the Airplane’s equipment after | In gig in the Rubber Bowl, the Tire |%owh’s outdoor stadium. According to the Airplane,

Casady saw police Cheating up.” members of the audience. He asked the cops to stop, and then . Mpll I'd swear at them, after; | which he was “clubbed and J

The AlrplaneVrix; | continues: ‘‘The bloodied Casady | ||p& handcuffed and thrown to

When Grace Slick entered the ] room to find out what was ^ j happening, the police pushed her, put her into a headlock, smashed

maced her face. Kantner tried to j

; Grace w^ chafed with [|esau||t4:an c|;ic^';€i^ady;with r abasing an officer and Kantner vitffiv pro^ni%;;ahd assaulting a*if|

I officer, Baii tysts set at $S0© for jflraee and $209 for the others.

[ They were then arraiped and released on Tuesday , the 22»d. ^ I The Akron poB<^S(^ tike r incident began because “After the \ concert there were some stragglers

an officer by “shntehbtghiip.’’ :,v other,

More Funk Bummers: Terry 1 Knight has filed a $ 15 million counterclaim in Federal Court

denying charges made against him

k, Don; M^aftf/John

an, and charging trademark infringement, bfisaritof contract 3nti conspiracy

Knight also won a recent $ 1

million attachment against the trio, involving funds, property f and equipment they may possess, pending settlements of file suits and counter-suits, (In fact,

Knight’s above action is actually a counter-counter-suit, since he sued first, after the group announced they were dissolving their management contract on ||| March 10.) Counter-counter counter claims may be expected!! shortly. Knight’s comment on the earlier judgement: “Wasn’t it "v Marie Famer who said, in a® Detroit newspaper,jThe good guys are gonna wfcnPV I Late wdrd 'h^hfthat 'dtand Funk’s new album, Phoenix (see -review'

' recorded *%nder tetms of” the group’s contract with Knight The release of fire album apparently | does not affect the group’s or the

Despite it AS: Grand Funk - the lord and Terry Knight wiling (half safe) - will tour in the fall,


our demented correspondents -'

r^Ort'fiiith dot triggered at a Kansas City concert by Proeoi Hamm, recently, when somebody frtim; ^;aP^|tti§e r yeUed.^You ria*i noMozarti Bocrie!” ^

Rod Stewart in a British music paper, on his success: “1 never thought I’d be a failure. Maybe sell a record or two, you know. But 1 honestly never dreamed it > tavould be this big. I mean, ON£ m MILLION albums sold in America on the day of release'k.

“It’s as weird as I thought it would be,” he continued. “Worth waiting for, too. And because of this, 1 think I’m handling it quite well. But I’m pleased it didn’t happen to me when I was 18 or m I’d have really freaked outgj then and spent It rill”

The London cast of Jesus Christ, Superstar reportedly has only one problem — Judas Iscariot “He keeps letting us down.”

Paul McCartney came home from 1 the Wings tour of Europe to begin cutting a new album. It’S probably be a double.

George Harrison, who just produced and wrote a single for Cilia Black, another ringer who 1 Was under the late Brian Epstein’s ' management is working on his own new LP. The album®® slated to be out at Christmas.

The Who toured Europe' 1 throughout August andJ| September but they haven’t established any UJS. dates fc^^B future. Yet

Meantime, Pete Townshend’s ' Who Came First should be out;! momentarily - which is what Decca, Track and the Who have been saying for six months ^ and John Entwfstie’s Wistie Rhymes, the follow-up to his macabre ' masterpiece, Smash Your Headk * 40hm^the Wail (fire fcap*

Eagle ton theme song), is due fids month, tod,-'

Latest T* Rexian fad in Europe has Bolin’s teenie-weenie ffcns

Ife^Map can after can of a '1 hrandof lard called... Trex, You thought Ziggy Stardust, mayb#J|j

tpfjotonly was the Republican ^National Convention’s podium ^|Iuidim^gouriy expensive B ($80,B00)ltwas designed:byl§| i George Smith.'Who he? Smith.;

. designed the Dating Game set for. I television. W« thought Nhs||il

I maroed o^ his entire family in his - first term.

BOOGIE chillun tell the break the hay of metaphysical do-dah. It 1$ to be re-released on RCA sometime this fall, and file packaging crumble in the 3-D §j partalonian inquest

A California evangelist, Morris Cerullo, of World Evangelism Inc. has put together the world’s first Witchmobile, an anti-occult mobile unit which is about to begin a nationwide tour to warn teenagers (!) of the evils of Satanism. The Witchmobile is a 20 foot trailer, and fire nomadic ahti-necromancy unit If wifi be available to churches and civic groups in 45 cities. The tour, says Ceruilo, is designed to show “what can ultimately happen to people involved in the occult-mental derangement, criminal tendencies and self-destruction.” Sounds like a lot of Jesus freaks we’ve met.

Ringo’s next movie, Count Down, which stars Hairy Nilsson as the Count, will also features temporary supergroup Starr put together fhrThe group „ includes Nilsson, Ringo, EldM" Zep’s John Bonham, Peter Frampton (who informing a 1 permanent group) and Beatie sesston-meister Klaus Voorman. They’ll do three numbers, all written by Frampton - Ringo doesn’t play drums though, since he’s featured as a wizard in the -[plot §§§ S

Attention, Steve Paul: the,first albino koala bear has just been found In Queensland, Australia. It '-had an upper resphat^ry j lllfeciloMi

it might be taught to play guitar if you've got the time.