RICORSICLY YOURS Dear CREEM: “Ricorsic” is the adjectival form of “rocorsi,” a litso term meaning macro-cyclicism. Huzza huzza. Yours til Niagra Falls, Nick Tosches Huspo, N.Y. Dear CREEM: Re: Rock & Roll News (Aug.). The film London Rock is not unreleased in the U.S.

November 1, 1972

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.




“Ricorsic” is the adjectival form of “rocorsi,” a litso term meaning macro-cyclicism. Huzza huzza.

Yours til Niagra Falls,

Nick Tosches

Huspo, N.Y.


Re: Rock & Roll News (Aug.). The film London Rock is not unreleased in the U.S. It has been shown on Metromedia TV outlets in N.Y. and D.C. last summer. It was good, but not dynamic.

William Lemos

Arlington, Va.



To Lester Bangs:

Now you did it You fucking put down the Stones. Well, it takes a hell of a lot of nerve to do that. So Exile on Main Street is “loud, rocking mush for an indiscriminate audience.” That’s news to me. You also said Dave Edmund’s Love Sculpture version of “Hip Shake” fucking cuts the Stones. You can go to hell. And now, because you don’t like the album, you think the Stones are decaying away. I say fuck you.

Before you put down the Stones again, think first.

Devoted Stones Freak

Philadelphia, Pa.


Just read your opinion of Exile on Main Street. The double album wasn’t all that depressing to me. When I hear the album I smile in sympathy with the Stones because what they’re doin’1 is flippin’ a rod at the whole kaleidoscope of the world. They’re tired. They’re just people, letting loose, screaming rock and roll with a can of beer or some dope. They’re having a hell of a lot of fun. C’mon, turn that album up full blast and get loose.

Kay McVarish

Lexington, Ky.


It’s become far too fashionable since the release of Exile on Main Street to be-little the Rolling Stones.

Lester, my boy, you’re one of the ten best dressed!

Mike Fox

Alameda, Ca.


Lester Bangs says, in his Lou Reed review: “And I don’t know who Clem Cattini is, but he’s not much of a drummer. Inept in fact” Well, I’ll let you in on a secret. Cattini has been around the music scene in England for years. He played drums as a studio musician for producer Joe Meeks, the English Phil Spector. His forte was a hoofbeat rhythm which he used with Johnny Kidd and the Pirates and later in his own group, Tornados. You may recall the tune “Telstar,” which sold upwards of four and a half million copies.

Jeff Gohen Ipswich, Ma.


Five albums prove Lou Reed definitely is “a more talented and versatile old fart than Bob Dylan.”

I suggest you get Country Punk Shields to lick the shit off Lester Bangs’ toes.

Gold L. Aiglon St Louis, Mizery


I’ve been trying to think of a really creative (and preferably satanic) way of using those lovely blue panties I got with School’s Out, but so far I haven’t thought of anything particularly spectacular. Any good suggestions would be appreciated.

Bud Weiser Ashcan, Ky.

(How about you kill your baby sitter and wrap it in ’em? - Ed.)



We were reading light-heartedly through the Rock’n’Roll News in your June issue when we hit this real rough spot on page 12. The Process is a Church dedicated to spreading the message of ‘Love your enemies,’ the reconcilliation of opposites, and a way of life which has helped all of us relate more positively to each other and to everyone else.

The absolute best way to find our how totally inaccurate this description of us is, would obviously be to visit one of our Chapters, which interestingly enough, is more than Ed Sanders ever did!

Just to clear the record, we withdrew our libel action because neither Dutton, the publisher of the book The Family, or Ed Sanders, the author, could substantiate even one of the very heavy allegations and therefore removed all reference to us in the book as well as publicly apologizing.

We do want to straighten things out, but probably there’s no basic cause for alarm — these are the same ‘tired’ rumors circulated about early Christians and Gnostics and about the Jews of Europe until quite recently — and it didn’t stop any of them!


Process, Church of the Final Judgement

Toronto, Ontario

(The news item referred to above concerned Ed Sanders, Dutton and Avon (the paperback publishers) withdrawing all mention of The Process, Church of the Final Judgement from Sanders’ excellent Manson book, The Family. [The book had implied some relationships between Manson’s cult and the Processions.] Ed’s statement of the time is perhaps worth reprinting here: “For over two years I have had no respite from gathering information about the creepiest people imaginable. Really, I am so bored with gore. The prospect of another year spent in the company of people who groove with satan was not very inspiring.

Dutton was willing to struggle to the last drop of dog’s blood, and Avon was willing to go to press with the book exactly as it was in hardback, when it came to me that these cultoids were using by book on the Manson family to pimp their cause, they were leeching on its own energy to further their own end. It was then that we decided to deal with the Process separately, in a dry, dispassionate manner that will depict them for all time for what they are. Hopefully when the facts are known, these vomit-eyed trolls of satan with their glib catch phrases and black capes and publications of death will get back under the bridge. The pen, remember, is mightier than the cult." - Ed.)



Whoever made the decision to put zigzag on the cover of the September issue, rather than the T.A.M.I. Show, wins my Charlie Perry Award and oughta be given a complete set of Zygote and a lifetime subscription to Crawdaddy for Christmas.

Greg Shaw

Fairfax, Ca.


Re: your Sept, issue. Phil Spector does not appear in the T.A.M.I. Show and had nothing to do with it. Jack Nitzsche, though, does and did. He was musical director and orchestra conductor.

Jimmy Carter did not write “You Are My Sunshine.” Jimmie Davis, who has been Governor of Louisiana, did.

Looney Toons makes up for it all!

Mr. Music

Los Angeles, Ca.



Congratulations to Lester Bangs for giving Dust a little publicity in your August issue.

That was the first article I’ve read on a group that deserves but seems to get little publicity. His reference to the St. Louis area being hip on Dust couldn’t be truer.

Mark Davis

St. Joseph, Mo.


I just finished reading “Loose As A Goose ..(August) in which Lester Bangs (and I still refuse to believe that’s his real name) attempted to do a feature story on Dust. After reading it, I decided that only the great photos of Kenny Aaronson, Marc Bell and Richie Wise were worth printing. Either Mr. Bangs can’t write well, or he knows very little about rock music.

First, the new Dust album is called Hard Attack. It might have tentatively been called Suicide, but had Bangs followed up on the group, he might have been able to make the correction.

Second, he says that the group is “tasteless,” yet their new album is one of the finest made. In fact, I would put Hard Attack in the same category as Aqualung and Fragile as far as originality, tightness, production, and creativity are concerned. Are Jethro Tull and Yes tasteless, too? (Loaded question. — Ed.)

I agree with Lester on only one point: Dust are super musicians with super-group potential. But I’d like to see him follow up on the making of Hard Attack. It isn t often that great rock albums are released and even less frequently do we read stories about how they are put together.

Mike Gravino New York, N.Y.

(Our deadlines were such that the new title could not be inserted into the article in time. But Dust would probably agree with Lester that getting laid has much more to do with what they're about than long interviews or technical info on the recording of the album. And what's wrong with being tasteless? We are. All the time. — Ed.)


Hey did you ever dig the fact “It Ain’t Fair, John Sinclair” has the same melody as “Bottle of wine, fruit of the vine, when you gonna let me get sober ...?” Well, just doing my part for the greater glory filling in of the rock aesthetic, or whatever you call that thing.

Dave Strumsky Portland, Ore.


When the rag arrived at mail call, all the “straight” guys (officers) said, “Hey, what’s CREEM? A porno book?” When I said, “No, a music paper,” they all walked away. Too bad, I would have shown them the pictures. Fred Grittner Viet Nam


I just thought I’d tell you that the Joplin in Concert review is one of the best things I’ve ever read in any magazine... that’s all.

Mr. Peabody Glen Ellyn, Ill.

(Are you the one with the Way back Machine? -Ed.)



Concerning Mr. Marsh’s non-rave review of Jethro Tull’s latest(?) album: All I can say is I can’t bring myself up enough stamina to intelligently argue the matter. So:

Dave Marsh: Your head is Thick As A Brick. You definitely goofed on this one. If I were you, I’d be on the lookout for Poopsie? Yup.

Joy Koumnatzolis Lowell, Mass.


Can I write record reviews for your magazine? I’ve got great credentials: I own one of John Prine’s old shoelaces.

Graham Carlton Chicago, Ill.

(No, but Jon Landau says he’ll pay top dollar for the lace. - Ed.)


Just picked up the August issue today. I feel compelled to sit down and send congratulations on the best issue of a Rock publication ever put out.

Intelligent and perceptive writing permeates throughout. First thing that hit me was Dave Marsh’s Looney Toons. I can almost believe it, the whole thing happening that way. (Didn’t it? - Ed.)

Tom Smucker’s reflections on the Beach Boys were very intriguing. I saw the “Good Vibrations show the other night During “Help Me Rhonda” someone said the Beach Boys weren’t sounding too good. I was amazed. They sounded rocking great to me.

Lester Bangs has done it again. He seems to have a knack for getting close to performers and figuring out just where they are at.

'Richard Williams has written a fine first chapter for his book. How does one get a copy of Out of His Head? I’ve always wondered what Spector thought of Let It Be. I wish he had never gotten his hands on it.

Dave Marsh makes some good points on John Lennon's latest efforts. There are a lot of us looking for the ex(Beatles) to start consistently producing the kind of material we think they are capable of.

I could go on and on about the other fine articles and reviews. Needeless to say, all of you at CREEM have done a beautiful job this month. Looking forward to your continued fine work.

B.A. Murry

Carbondale, Ill.


Seriously, you can get the Williams book from Outerbridge and Lazard, 200 W. 72nd St. NY, NY 10025, if you can’t find it at your bookseller. It’s $6.95. — Ed.)



I am an avid fan of Black Sabbath and I enjoyed very much the article by Lester Bangs in the June issue on the group. I have never seen Black Sabbath perform but I have their two latest albums. My question is: In the photograph on pages 42 and 43, who’s who? I know their names, but I haven’t been able to match up the names with their pictures.

Dick Adams

Montoursville, Pa.

(Neither has anyone else. Seriously. - Ed.) OUT OF OUR HEADS (AND EVERYBODY'S)


I was amused that you are giving so much play to Out of His Head: The Sound of Phil Spector in yer last couple issues 'cause word had reached me that youse guys weren’t that impressed with the book at first. I felt the same way myself for awhile. Now I’ve decided that despite a few glaring shortcomings it’s the best book of its type since (Bill Millar’s) The Drifters. The documentation is quite thorough despite the contradictions that appear in the discography.

I ran into Richard Williams at the New York Comic Book Convention and he was most apologetic about his errors. Most were caused by subtle differences in English and American issuings, or bad transcription of the original manuscript by the publishers. At any rate he has compiled a list of corrections and is collecting vast amounts of additional Spector discographic oddities (unsigned productions, minor labels, unreleased discs, etc.). He promised that anyone sending him a slice off the inside dust jacket flap and a sturdy, self-addressed envelope will receive a copy of the updated discography. His address is: Richard Williams, 64 Herne Road, Long Ditton, Surrey, England. Richard denied any interest in editing a fanzine for Spector freaks but you never can. tell.

We also discussed the logical follow-up books and the consensus fell on one of my favorite producers from the ’60*s Bert Bems. Any potential authors out there?

The ultimate Spector book can never be compiled because there are as many stories as there are Spector fans. Not only that, the guy just won’t quit. I can just see him in 1982 putting together a video tape extravaganza with some Beatles, some Stones, Leon Russell, Sonny & Cher, The Beach Boys and Glen Campbell. I just hope they release some of Spector’s old stuff again. They’re getting harder to find.

The Mad Peck

Providence, R.I.



I don’t exactly know why I’m writing this except Rolling Stone never prints any of my letters and you seem to print everybody, so how about me?

By the way, how old is Greg Shaw?

Jeanne Imber

No address given

(Greg’s going to be 40 sooner than you or he think. - Ed.)



As Mr. Christgau so wisely points out everyone has their prejudices as in anything else and I am liberal enough to allow people to enjoy what they wish to eqjoy. So if CREEM likes Humble Pie, Grand Funk, Black Sabbath, etc., terrific; you are welcome to enjoy them. However (here it comes) your August issue did upset me and my biases. First, the Electric Light Orchestra gets a double rap (o.k., maybe it’s just me this time). Second, though, Thick As A Brick is panned (blasphemy!). Finally the worst slur of all. Not only did you put the knock on Procol Harum Live, you even had the nerve to stuff the review into your grab-bag Rock-A-Rama section. When you get an album from a major (and finally popular) group that the rest of the rock media has endorsed you could at least display your dislike in the review section (though I dare someone to sign it). Well, anyway, there was only one fitting destiny for my August issue

as a result of these injustices — CREEM-ation.

Still a subscriber,

Howard Christie

Windsor, Ontario


Robert Christgau (Consumer Guide, Aug.) fucked up in his review of Feedback by Spirit True, it’s a fairly decent LP. But who gave that dude the authority to slander the genius of Randy California. He was the one thing that made Spirit work. As far as 12 Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus goes, Randy’s haunting guitar was a main ingredient!

By the way does anyone out there know where Randy is?

So glad to hear that peace-groovy-far-out Farner and his Fucked-Up-Funks have found a peace-groovy-far-out coffin to retire in for a while. I hope Black Sabbath and Alice Cooper follow the trend ... and then ... maybe ... we’ll be able to hear some really decent music... instead of all that far-out fecal matter!!!

But don’t forget, your magazine is great so keep on getting it to everyone.

Get Stoned,

Turkey S.

Oxford N.C.

(This is a love letter? — Ed.)


I am type this while listening to THE STOOGES on a half-baked radio station in this dried-up town hoping that someday the mighty killers of rock and roll will make it back to this place. I am about drunk now drinking some cheap port wine. A friend of mine gave me a picture of Pop today it was in Englands Melody Maker it has a good right up on the Igg telling of how he is wearing tight silver pants and black lip stick and all so saying how hungry he is for the audience for some eats its the typical Iggy Popp act he jumps from the stage grabs some chicks hair and pulls her face to his, England eats it up.

I still hope Pop and the boys sign with the BIG BOYS OF CBS if they dont, I am going to ENGLAND and kick the Igg ass for being a pick punk that he is. While listening to the radio right now and talking to a Dj at the station I think is a guy that knows what he is for once in his life he played some Stooges when I ask him to his name Rick Lee of KSHE. I had to tell this DJs name because he is playing some Goddamn music I can relate to. He is playing the battle of the feed back guitarist including Hendrix, West, Townshend, RON ASHETON King of Feed Back and Fuzz. I tried another station tonight or morning what ever and was told to fuck off and grow up and I told him to suck off and shut up because I am sick , and beat of the Woodstock Nation songs and what to hear some rock and roll. So get out right baby and lets hope the bad boys of raw power house rounch hit the U.S. for another nightmare into Twilnight Zone of the Night Gallery.

Gene Scott

12 years old

St. Louis, Mo.



I just wanted to tell you guys that I thought Dave Marsh’s review of David Bromberg was the most dumbest, snot-nosed, unsupportive pretense for criticism I have ever seen on a printed page. Lester Bangs’ Stones review had a real lot of good words in it and if he had ears he should have eaten it as soon as he got done writing it instead of publicly like he’s gonna have to do now, and, uh, well, that Bromberg thing made me lose every shred of respect I ever had for Dave, until I read the John and Yoko review. That was one of the best things I’ve ever read about the revolution and almost made up for it, so I’m almost gonna forgive him. But he’s still got snot in his moustache (if he’s capable of growing one yet).

Steven Brown

Lowell, Mass.

(Marsh: “The entire point is: I’m not. Why do you think they call me the Tceange Dwarf? And if I’m a snot, Da\)id Bromberg’s a booger in the nose of Lord. ”)




Something mightee strange is happening to you. You’re beginning to take on the characteristics of 16 Magazine. Will next month’s issue bring “CREEM Super Fantabulous Dreem of the Month — Dave Marsh” or possibly, “What I Do After Dark — Lester Bangs”?

Mightee strange indeed ...

Ruthie Rainbow

Binghamton, N.Y.

(It’s an intersting idea — Ed.)

The opinions of the editors are not necessarily those of the rest of the staff, or anyone else either.