

Dear CREEM: I always knew there was someone you could creem on but I didn't know there was always someone you could shit on.

December 1, 1970

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



I always knew there was someone

you could creem on But I didn't

know there was always someone you

could shit on.

Or is someone at Creem creeming over lester bangs (or is it bang).

Bangs should make brilliant defense at the Stooges' first big political trial. Stooges being political because, as Lester pointed out. naked reality is truth and truth is revolution.


Why did you have to give the Almighty. objective, fucking outsider bangs all those fucking pages to let us know where it really is at? and more next issue? Not if i see it first.

Lester bangs is more of a good storyteller than an observer. He’s amusihg but. there is no need to beat off for him. Write bangy! you're what I call totally aware. Probably totally aware of the hard fact that your cock is a good six inches away from your navel when it's soft an' you can see all this by looking into your constant mirror of your eyes where the reflection of your cock is most brilliant.

Bangs is good, imean. he knows music. Punk.

He's using the Stooges, but that is their name isn't it.

In fact, without rock 'n' roll to disect, so we don't get fooled by Brand X, how would cherry bomb bangs survive?

You people at Creem really aim to please. 1 mean you give us bangs an' then you got the balls to give us john Sinclair.

John Sinclair’s writing exposed lester for what he really is. a ripoff.

God bless your humble paper. You're really walkin' a tight rope fella's. Don't fall the wrong way.

Not to be hard on lester, all bangs said was right on, until he made the Stooges the exception.

And as sure as there is a price on Creem, there is a price on lester bangs. How much did Sinclair get for his article: He probably wouldn't take it anvway.

Eight Ball Ann Arbor


f irstly, I'd like to introduce myself and my people. We. are a bunch of Spanisards (Students, freaks, drop-outs, workers) living and fighting for our lives. Surely, you don't know even that there arc a country called Spain. A real fascist country, the older of the lot. We want to choose our way of live and we think the time is right for change. We want to be the solution. Our project is to issue a magazine .hat will be called COSA NOSTRA (For no particular reason, simply we don't find any better name). COSA NOSTRA will be a magazine about rock and the rock people, the first non-commercial and free magazine in Spanish about music. We want to turn all the brainwashed youth on! We are getting already harassed and we don’t have any issue out! Last week, a raid of the fuzz, searching for grass (Eventually, they stole us some magazines as OZ, EVO, Evergreen and Screw, to masturbate at police station, I guess!) The Post Office chief refuses receiving us and so on. But we are on the move: If we can get $700 or $800 (Not too bad for a underdeveloped country) COSA NOSTRA will be in the streets in October or early November.

We know all the troubles that the magazine will bring us. Here, the censorship is everpresent (You can’t print a pic showing a tit or articles for the pill. And nothing about politics of the country). We will be on the borderline, and we don’t wait any rest. The idea of the magazine is too good to be lost or wasted. Our hope is that COSA NOSTRA will be the catalyst for the whole Underground scene here. Rock music will turn on to the new life styles rising everywhere. Other magazines will follow, rock and film festivals, meeting places, legal defence and help organizations . . . the sky's the limit!!! To start the ball rolling we need a lot of hard work and help. HELP! HELP!

Please, help us! Wc don’t ask for money (1 have read about Creem Benefits, so your economics will be not too wealthy), simply for encouragement, in f o r m a t i on , material . . . We know C’REEM from some months ago, as a Detroit deserter going Prance give us a bent and dirty CREEM. After, friends coming from USA or England bring us copys of CREEM. We dug your magazine (specially I like CREEM as I've been interested on the Detroit since the MC5 first EP on Elektra, and except Bob Seegcr and Savage Rose, I know all the Detroit-Ann Arbor groups). How you can help us? Please, add C’OSA NOSTRA to your mailing list and give us permit to reprint anything from CREEM. In exchange, we will send you COSA NOSTRA when issued and anything you need from Spain (ZigZag papers? Bull Sperm? Nazi Generals? . . . ANYTHING!) Specially, if you want articles or photos, we will send them to you. We have good photographers and the articles will be translated by our anglo-saxon friends. If you are able for helping us, DO IT!


Diego A. Manrique COSA NOSTRA Magazine C/El Carmen, 2, 64C Burgos, Spain


Dave Marsh’s semi-review of Mongrel once again set fire to my righteous indignation at the absence of critical acclaim for one of the finest rock’n’roll songs that ever hit the Motown. Now mind you, Marsh’s review of Mongrel was o.k., but when he started into that rock’n’roll nostalgia about hearing “Persecution Smith” for the first time at a drugstore, I almost dropped my Stroh’s.

Any Bob Seger fan will tell you that his greatest song was that immortal Christmas Classic “Sock It To Me Santa” of several seasons long past. Listen, Dave, if you thought Bob Seger and the Last Heard were good at the Silver Bell you shoulda caught him at the “Pit” on Pennsylvania Rd. in his early days! (God, I’m crying! How I flash when I recall that big drunk dude in a leather grabbing Bob and saying “Play ‘East Side Story’ for my girl or I’ll break your arm!” It was the fourth time already!)

It’s not easy to walk away from lyrics like: “Sock it to me Santa, you know where it’s at/Sock it to me Santa,

1 want a baseball bat/ Christmas just won’t be a drag/Cause Santa’s got a brand new bag”. C'mon, Seger, revive this jam and quit denying your roots!

Congo Finn (exleadguitarist for the Smell-Tones Ltd.) Dearborn Mich.


Could try explaining all this pathetic shit that goes down about the killer Stooges? I’ve read two articles, in Rolling Stone and Circus, labeled “record reviews” that only talked about one thing: the Ig! Now I have to admit Iggy Pop is fantastic but absolutely no credit is given to the other Stooges. Record reviews don’t even mention any songs on the album, just Iggy’s insane antics. All power to Iggy Stooges but at the same time: ALL POWER TO THE STOOGES!!!

P.S. 1, and many others, would appreciate articles on the Up, Cooper (Alice), Stooges, Frut, Dukes, SRC, Doors and Wild Man Fischer.

Thank you, Marshall Wayne Wyandotte, Mich.


Yesterday I learned of an experience that I feel merits the attention of your magazine. As a music “trade” paper with influence, perhaps you can do something about a growing problem.

Representatives of a local Michigan band visited the offices of a major promoter located in Birmingham. They had gone there to discuss the possibility of working at the establishment he owns in the same town. His secretary attempted to convince him over a half hour period to sec them, but each attempt was answered with a long string of profanities directed at her and the band people waiting in the outer office.

I have become very involved in the business of booking lately, and I realize that their time is very valuable, but I have dealt with record executives and others that are just as busy or busier, and they have always taken time to at least listen, even if they were not really interested.

The real point 1 am trying to convey is that the incident in Birmingham is not an isolated case. Even high school sophmores on band committees have become power-mad. Trying to manage and book a band is hard enough without having to face daily verbal abuse and those on power trips. It would be so beautiful to communicate just once on an intelligent level and not have to turn into a hassling bitch to get jobs or get anything done.

I hope that those who are influential in the music business will reevaluate their behavior and try to keep an open mind concerning new bands, too.

Thank you for your time and attention.


P. Carlson Detroit


Hey there people!!! Just a short note to tell you about another Comic rip off! You boo booed! The Yellow Kid circa 1896 that you printed was actually done in 1968... it wasn’t even Outcault ... It was done by a cat named Alberto de Mello (a pro animator now living in Hollywood). The Yellow Kid never even carried a pallette . . . oh, well, it’s all part of the game.

The article still was, however, superb, ’cause the Captain (Captain George that is) really dug it. He said it was about time somebody did an article on it . . . Keep up the good work.

luv, peas and flashrs,

Tommy Robe, Captain George, and the Vast Whizzband Organization Toronto, Ontario, Canada


A poem.

Creem, or at least a blending of images or maybe even jive dribble cause I’m just a 19 year-old pud, unsure in these beginnings, inspired by the music of Jimi Hendrix and cornered by his death ... if you can feel it, print it. I could use the air too.

ion chargedwisp

(the condensed “x” phenomena of extra-dimensional feedback seepage focused within the grey circumference of the free-world media computer by frenzied copper-impregnated nerve tissue

convulsing in glistening desperation their spluttering imaginations tied by RCA transistor third eye cataracts) bursts purple

against smoking rubber shadows and showers finger arcs streaking gamma through molten lead mazeway

stretching time’s thin crystal lace into spiral DNA moonbeams all opening celestial megascopic sound relay

tone spring curved between stellar relationships

on axis bursting purple coils like reared pistils quivering from white froth ocean blossom finger arcs dropping dropping

prominence returns to sun

Roger T. Crowley Mount Clemens, Mich.