Dear CREEM: I really don’t care if Ian Anderson does not display proper eating habits, Jeff Sherwood. The man proves that he is indeed not the introverted person he claims to be because of confidence in choosing salad dressing. Terrific logic from another arm-chair psychologist.

August 1, 1970

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



I really don’t care if Ian Anderson does not display proper eating habits, Jeff Sherwood. The man proves that he is indeed not the introverted person he claims to be because of confidence in choosing salad dressing. Terrific logic from another arm-chair psychologist.

And, god help me, if I am being exploited, but I really don’t care if Ian is not an outspoken critic of the fascist (sic) regime in Amerika today. In fact, under duress, political pressure, and the risk of losing friends, I will even admit to enjoying the music Ian Anderson creates. Is there hope for me?

Of course, Jeff Sherwood admits that his personal insight should not interfere with his opinion of Ian’s generous talent. So he will probably buy the next Jethro Tull album, too. Why not let Teen Magazine print these fascinating articles, and let us enjoy the music.


Birmingham, Mich.

Dear Creem:

I have just read a letter printed in your last issue, sent by Ken Dabish.

He rapped down a lot of Detroit’s better-known groups. He says they don’t play what they are or, are trying to be.

He is right on!!

Most of Detroit’s groups now are stereotypes of “big-time rock-star” groups. All Detroit has left are the Stooges. Detroit groups have pudded out to the dollar. It’s about time someone said something. I agree with his views on these groups 100%.

Ken Victor

Farmington, Michigan


I’ve got some issue of your important paper and I’d like to get CREEM regular. Please enter my name for a life-time subscription starting with the next number.

I am a part of the solution (or is it the problem?), part of the Austrian underground-scene (is there any Austrian underground-scene?). Next year I want to start selling international underground-papers (featuring CREEM) in Austria. Then 1 hope to get your paper as cheap as practicable. But this become actually next year.

For the present I hope to receive soon CREEM regularly. Brothers and Sisters, many thanks in anticipation.

All Best & Love

Mario Angelo

Graz Austria


MICHIGANN ROCK is a lable stuck on a bunch of no talent garbage!!!

Bands like MC5, Stooges, Third Power, Frost and Savage Grace are a lot of hype! Feedback! Blah! They have no knowledge of true blues roots until they venture on to the true home of bluespower, the SOUTH!

Where do all the bluesmen like B.B. King, Otis Redding, Albert King, Lightning Hopkins, T-Bone Walker and many others record? They go to Nashville, Muscle Schoals, Miami, Memphis and Tampa!

The South has some great bands that would put Iggy and the Stooges to shame! That is, if you dig bizarre acts. Some prime examples are BIRNAM WOOD, RED, WHITE AND BLUES, OMEN, PURPLE UNDERGROUND, OZ, BLUES IMAGE, ALLMAN BROTHERS BLUES BAND, AND THE DIXIE FLYERS!

The abouve were just from Florida, others are Dehlaney and Bonnie, and friends, The Muscle Schoals studio band, and many, many others!

thank yew!

the south shall rise again!


(sic - Ed.)


What the FUCK are you doing? 1 never wanted A Night at Santa Rita, 1 wanted a night at the MC5’s noise and a little R&R music — electric begin not this shit with ‘Ramparts editor Robert ScheerV to be social consciousnessed to a rag of gas — remember — KESEY — remember - he said, “turn your back on them and fuck it” — turn around -

You can’t get the man-juice and tears on acetate from anything, Santa Rita the bastard experience, verbal soul transfer by Rosko, comments by musical Nat, viewbook fisted camouflage gun shoot helicopter assassin puzzle bullshit album.

Back in the U.S. 4. is what 1 remember asking for - you know,

right in the tiny box in the tiny space I did check.

Ooooooooo yeah, how about a copy of YOUR magazine (/) & ($ ) . . . it's only been two mon ihs

1 ve heard it is a good thing but I’d rather read it really I’m waiting



CREEDENCE CLEARWATER - an interview with the whole band by boy whiz reporter Richard Pinkston IV. MAD PECK ON COMIX RIP-OFFS -the whole story, from the eight pagers to Mad to . . . well, what if the Coyote finally caught the Roadrunner?

I REMEMBER RAY - the real Ray Charles, on Atlantic Records, in the fifties did some of the killerest blues sides in history. Lester Bangs reminesces.


JOHNNY WINTER ON JOHNNY WINTER — the world’s only albino rock and roll star discusses his somewhat sordid recording career with Dave Marsh.

THE GRATEFUL DEAD - who may very well be the greatest rock and roll band in the whole wide world. By Alice Polesky.

THE UP — the world’s foremost revolutionary band, their politics and their music, in a story by White Panther Party Minister of Information and Sun Dance editor Ken Kelley. LIVINGSTON TAYLOR raps with our man in Boston, Ben Edmonds AND MORE . . . in the next couple issues

And remember kids, there’s always someone you can CREEM on. So subscribe twice.