In Creem’s opinion, Saugatuck Pop Festival No. 2 was one of the most exciting pop festivals anywhere. Most of the groups turned in super performances with Wilson Mower Pursuit, Frost and Savage Grace as highlights of the two day affair. The Red White & Blues Band started the vibes off right by being the first band to receive a standing ovation.

August 1, 1969

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



In Creem’s opinion, Saugatuck Pop Festival No. 2 was one of the most exciting pop festivals anywhere. Most of the groups turned in super performances with Wilson Mower Pursuit, Frost and Savage Grace as highlights of the two day affair. The Red White & Blues Band started the vibes off right by being the first band to receive a standing ovation. Iggy and the Stooges performed an extraordinary set as did the MC5. One major surprise was the Rotary , Connection^who had many people expecting a bum performance but proved to be an extremely dynamic group, expecially the lead chick singer Minnie Ripper ton. Pete Andrews of SRC Productions handled the staging more than adequately but did run into a few problems, namely, he got beat on by some bikers. Much of the excitement of the concert^besides the excellence of the musicjWas the vibes of the audience itself. Here were 20,000 people and 12 rent-a-cops who could probably screw up a desert. The valiant men in blue finally split when they were asked to stand between the stage and a group of 100 or so bikers. As far as the stories and rumors about the shootings, most of what has

been reported has been false. Behind the stage area was this beautiful hill and there was a guy on top of the hill with a shotgur^ and when he was rushed by people trying to liberate the hill, he did fire into the air and some of the birdshot did richotte and hit one biker’s hand. The man was there for what seems to be a good reason, though, for some weird vehicle called a dune skooner went by right at the crest of this hill at speeds of over 50 or 60 miles an hour quite regularly. So he must have been there to shoot people so that they wouldn’t get run over.

Frost music made its first west coast tour, found it a bit hard to get reaction the first two nights at the Filmore West, and finally received a standing ovation the third night. Dick Wagner told me that the crowds are just like Detroit. He said that they are very partisan to local groups and the big English bands, but after three nights they warmed up to the Frost. __

The Amboy Dukes, currently playing some Ohio dates, have been doing some important signing. . . Phil Basile (who also manages Hendrix, Led Zepplin, Ten Years After, et. al.) and Steve Weiss (who handles Hendrix, Beck, Led Zepplin, Ten Years After, et. al) are at present their manager and attorney respectively. About the 21st of July, they will have a new label and will be prepared to meet the tremendous demands for their talents.

free music in ann arbor

Free music in the park has been having its troubles in Ann Arbor. As Sherriff Harvey said, “The decent people of this area have a few rights too—like not putting up with hopheads, sex nuts, and public drunks.” Terry Tate of Tate’s Blues Band knows about the rights of decent people. After a concert in West Park at which Terry Tate’s pants fell apart, Tate turned , himself over to Ann Arbor pigs on a warrant charging him with, indecent exposoure. In return he, was slapped with a $5000 bail to protect decent citizens from his ‘type. As a matter of standard procedure when dealing with such vicious criminals, his hair was cut to assure everyone he was concealing no weapons. Ann Arbor rock concerts are still going on. Dig ’ them, they’re yours.

John Lee and Wayne spent a pleasant afternoon together in Saugatuck. Hooker complimented the 5 on “Motor City is Burning” and suggested they take-on “Boom-Boom”. Wayne thought it was a far-out idea.


Look for an Atlantic single release for the MC5 real soon. According to their record company it will be released prior to the album.

The A side of the 45 will be “Tonight” by Fred Smith backed with “Looking at You”. This is the third time “Looking at You” has been recorded and “This time 1 think we’ve got it,” says Rob Tyner.

For the information of those of you who don’t have TV sets, America has landed on the moon. At one point in the festivities, Walter Cronkite was interviewing Arthur C. Clark on the tube. Said Art: “This is a great day for mankind because now we know that even if we do destroy this planet, we can go on to others.” Wonderful. Nothing’s going to stop them now (unless we do).

In other moon news, it is reported that Bill Graham and Russ Gibb will jointly open the first lunar ballroom later this year. First act to appear will be Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band, who will kick off their third annual lunar tour with two sets at the rock palace. Also, spokesman for the Grateful Dead report that their fourth album will be recorded live at the Sea of Tranquility.

Last week in Ann Arbor representatives from most of the underground media held a three day conference. Organized by the Fifth Estate, Ann Arbor Argus, and Trans-love Energies, it was the third annual gathering of the Underground Press Syndicate. The Syndicate, formed three years ago by a coalition of six papers, now contains over two hundred members with combined readership of over five million. One of the major outcomes of the meeting was a decision to lend more coverage to the cultural revolution, specifically rock ‘n’ roll and all its ramifications. The Tate Blues Band and the Sun (at whose farm much of the meeting was held) blew delegates minds.

Dave Milier, currently missed, crazed master of ceremonies at the Grande Ballroom, will be coming back in the middle of August. Be sure to catch Tony Reay’s unique approach to MCing the ballroom while you still have the chance. Miller will return fairly bald being that he had some catastrophic hassle with his girl friend resulting in a hair cut and is paranoid about his ears.