
MC5 suck. Blue Cheer are ten times better.

It seems that several articles in Creem No. 3 caused a hassle.

May 2, 1969

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

It seems that several articles in Creem No. 3 caused a hassle. Let us again state that anybody is welcome to submit copy to Creem Magazine. If their premise is stated clearly and backed up by their interpretation of the facts and we have room, it will be printed.

If you will note, most of the articles' in Creem are not editorial opinions. Those that are are signed Creem Magazine or by one of the members of the Staff. All other articles carry the writer’s byline except where the writer has requested us (for what we consider valid reasons) to protect his identity.

Ond of the purposes of this paper is a forum for opinion and ideas. If you, have read something you disagree with and you care enough to take the time, write!

Dear Creem,

The guy that put down the SRC in his column is full of cow crap. In my opinion SRC is a dam good band and nobody is going to change it. You can tell “One Who Knows” to go to “Bell” if he thinks they are crummy and that the Cream, Small Faces, or the Traffic can make a hit out of “Checkmate”. He is a joke.

All the members of the SRC are dam good musicians. Scott Richard is a dam good vocalist. SRC are great. I have both of their albums and they are far better than any of the Small Faces, Stones, or Traffic albums. I know because I have most of their albums.

You can also tell Pam Brent the same. Bob Seger is great. He can make “Louie Louie” sound good.

“One Who Knows”, KEN COLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN P.S. MC5 Suck Blue Cheer are ten times better

To the Editors;

This is just a little note to let you know how much I enjoy reading the Creem. This paper tells about all the local groups and happenings in and around Detroit and that’s what I want to see.

It’s a big change from all the other underground papers, and it seems to be that without all the extra vulgarity, the reading is much more pleasing.

Stick with your good material and I’m sure you’ll have a lot of good customers.

Peace & Power Sister Dyan McDonald

Dear Editor;

Briefly, in rapid response to an opinion expressed by one of your readers in No. 4, I would like to simply state that The MC5 are one of the most exciting, entertaining, and cooperative groups I’ve ever had the good fortune to work with and, in order of rebuttal; they don’t “stink” musically or otherwise, their music is not too loud, the words are not lost if you make an effort to listen, and their debut album is a great first effort.

Your reader’s comment' on John Sinclair’s definition of music was downright boring and his views on Rob Tyner’s vocals unbelievably pOor.

I find the thought process assumingly invoked in bitching about the 5 being inadequate representatives of the new wave Detroit sound and the subsequent decreasing of other local group’s shot at the national scene somewhat short circuited at best.

The MC5 do not spend half their time “preaching” and it must, in this reference, be remembered that negation of certain values need not be accompanied by total solution to attain validity. Also, “violence” need not be physically destructive to achieve certain ends and, really, individual mental upheaval in your head (i.e.-“giving it up and getting idown to it”) is perhaps the most “violent” undertaking any of us can ever attempt in life, no matter what the circumstances or outcome.

While sending you these random thoughts, might I compliment you on your publication and, incidentally, who in hell are “Iggy and the Iguanas”?????

Peter C. Cavanaugh Hair Personality


Dear Mr. Reay:

Boy, did you peg Quatro - - conceit, braggard, snob, (aside of the fact that he hasn’t so much as driven through Dearborn Heights since I’ve known him),1 chauffeur-driven Cadillac and all. ~ Wouldn’t you like to know the rest? Mike is five foot six trying to be six foot four, that’s his main hang-up. He does everything as if Holiday Magazine was watching over his shoulder rating him.

Don’t you think 19 years is long enough to work to be able to drive a (Cadillac, Mr. Reay? He’s been a professional pianist since he was’ SIX. When I married him he was going to Wayne and making $26.00 a week and for months worked three different jobs a day to support me.

Yes, I can remember our Cadillac being driven 3 or 4 times by a kid named Tom (I can give you names,, dates and destinations, if you wish),' because Mike works 16 hours a day so that the bands we have with our office can eat!! He gets tired of driving 300 miles a week-end, every week-end, giving his bands and his customers the personal attention they deserve. Our business is our pleasure on the week-ends, and! during the summer we are gone1 during the week, too. TCB.,' ,

Whether you or anyone else likes the idea of it or not, Mike is a superb musician and was a child prodigy, having been bom with natural ability. He’s fiercely pKqi^of his abilities, as you would be. Does this make him an ego freak?

We are building an organization here, Mr. Reay; we’re not playing a-, game, this is not Mike’s hobby,and. we are not' “scenies’”. The mere fact that the majority of our bands have joined with us after becoming totally dissatisfied with other agencies should give you an insight as to the way we run our office and the services we provide.

As for your interview, I can only sum it up as nothing more than a figment of your prejudiced mind (quote from stranger F. Moffitt’s letter to you). You wrote that fairy tale - - you made no interview. Yes, Tony, the word SCHMUCK was used in the interview, but. not in connection with the Detroit Pop Festival, but in connection with the hassle question. The word SCHMUCK was defined to you as a band who is not serious about their music and shows it in the way they work ajob,i.e., they show up late, if at all, play bad, unprofessional sets, gets off the stage early and such. It would be folly to deny that these bands exist, because we all know that they do. These bands are usually, the bands that work for scale as a second act in a club, and not only are there problems between the band working for such low money, and being unprofessional, there are complaints from club owners and sometimes loss of customers. It’s not that we don’t care for them, it’s just that they make themselves so hard to work with. Many times we have felt sorry for their finances and forfeited our commission on top of absorbing complaints from all sides. We still book a few second acts, but only acts we have worked with for a certain length of time and who have proven their quality as businessmen as well as‘musicians. We are more than willing to book anyone who is serious about this business.

Why don’t you flush the hate you have for everybody out of your system and get down and do some' constructive work?

Lyn Quatro

P.S. The monogram on ALL OF MIKE’S shirts reads MQA (Michael Arlen Quatro), not MQI. You must also be blind!!!

Dear Lyn (I do not cry on cue) Quatro:

Thank you for your letter dated April 18. Sure we pegged Quatro, not intentionally he just opened his big mouth and put his foot in it. It’s nice to know that somebody there is building an organization. It’s about time that organization was built. The objections that I have are not for your organization but for the foundations of lies and deceit upon which it is slowly settling. I am interested to know from which glossy magazine you managed to glean the word “scenies”, it is very descriptive and a word which I hadn’t thought of myself. The mere fact that the majority of your bands have joined with you (inexclusiveiy of course) means nothing other than that you have somehow managed to build up a power structure which they feel will assist them. Again I should add that I have no objections to the power structure but I dislike the unethical and immoral practices which quite often oil the machinery Had you been there during the interview, as most of your) companions and you claim, you were, and not just come in towards the end, you would have heard that the word schmuck was used exactly in the context that I said it was in my paper. The contradictory sentence in your letter bears witness to this fact. The word schmuck as you say, was defined to me but not until after the i interview ’was printed and you and your husbands organization were dutifully displayed. I feel that the complaints I could make about your claims to reimburse^musicians at most times should better be answered by those having access to the proof of it. And proof to the contrary. It’s nice to hear that you still book a few second acts, I should hold on tight to them because if Mike Quatro Inc. continues to fumble its way through booking, brushing aside union by-laws and the ethics and morals of union business those bands will be all that you can book, for they will be the only people who need to resort to your practices.

Yours sincerely, Tony Reay, Editor