Tuesday April 1 EXHIBITS 33rd Annual Student Art Exhibition of the Detroit Putlic Schools thru the 13th THEATRE Hamlet — Univ of Professional Theatre Program. Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor 8:00 p.m. MUSIC Hal McKinney Quintet & vocalist Gwen McKinney Det. Institute of Art 7:30. Free.

May 1, 1969

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Tuesday April 1 EXHIBITS

33rd Annual Student Art Exhibition of the Detroit Putlic Schools thru the 13th THEATRE

Hamlet — Univ of Professional Theatre Program. Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor 8:00 p.m.


Hal McKinney Quintet & vocalist Gwen McKinney Det. Institute of Art 7:30. Free.

Wednesday April 2 EXHIBITS

The Graphic Art of Rof Nesch. First O.S. retrospective of more than 150 works and plates by this distinguished printmaker who developed the metal print. Free. South Wing of Det. Inst, of Art — Woodward thru April 27 THEATRE

An Italian Straw Hat by Labiche a member of the French Academy.

It had a great reception in 1951 and has continued to be one of the most Brilliant Farces. 8:30

Much Ado About Nothing at Fisher Theatre continues with the Royal Shakespeare Co.

Hamlet — another of dear Willy’s , works at the Mendelssohn Theatre 8:00 p.m.

Thursday 3rd THEATRE

Soul of Darkness opens at the Det. Rep. Theatre. The evening will consist of two on£ act plays by Larry Blaine; “little old Ladies” & “The Meaning of Time”. Both plays give you a look into black experience.

Major Barbara - shows the -insight into the future that George Bernard Shaw had when he wrote it in 1905. It’s idea fit perfectly into today’s society. 8:30

The Stratford Nat'nl Theatre of’ CnnqHa presents Ben Johnson’s The Alchemist”

Hamlet is recreated once again at 8:00 p.m. in the Mendelssohn Theatre.

Friday 4th EXHIBITS

The Texture of Light. Selected paintings, graphics, textiles sculpture: decorative arts

demonstrate effects of illumination and surface. Education corridor of the Det. Institute of Art on Woodward thru the 13th THEATRE

Benjamin & Relativeity open for a two night stay at the Wayne Cinema Guild

Hillberry Theatre presents The Good Woman ofSetzuan by Bartolt Brechtot 8:30 pjn. A modem parable set in China of the prostitute Shen Te, the only good and kind person the gods can find on the earth. Which just goes to show, my friends, don’t judge people by their occupations!!

The Alchemist by Ben Johnson moves into the states with its performances at the Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:00 p.m.

The Repertory Theatre presents Hurricane Express, The Interview, I Taw a Putty Tat, The Red & The Black, Concerto Erotica, Escalation, Trouble Indemnity, A Phangasy, Short Subject, Claude. Cinema highlight for tonight “A 2 Real Can of Corn. ”


MC-5, Michigan’s “revolutionary” band makes it’s inevitable homecoming to the womb from which it came — the Grande Ballroom. You must be 17 or over to hear them “kick out the jams”. Stop by the Mixed Media counter to see what groovies there is to see.

And at the Clawson H.O. tonite there’s The Mandala & the Third Power 870 N. Main St.

The Village Pub presents Electric Blues Band

The new Red Roach

Coffeehouse sends out the vibes with the Plum Wing and Zenith Murray Fly Palace. Admission is $1.50 at the door, however — there’s free coffee & pastry inside. It’s located on the corner of Plum and Fifth Streets.

Top Hat brings Ivonne Moray for the 21 and older set.

Baker’s Keyboard Lounge still has Mr. Redd Foxx — a great comedian

Arthur is still having its’ music played by the Magic

Playboy Club has comedian Larry Kent & singer Billy Barnes to entertain you

24 Karat brings, you Dink Freeman if you’re 21 dr older.

The Tabatha Coffeehouse located at 19530 Warren at Evergreen, brings music to Folk buffs. Charlie Butterworth, Tom Saunders arid Jack Lange, and Andy Gaines and Nancy Wood are the artists.

Sat. April 5th THEATRE

The Hillberry Theatre presents Richard III. at 2:30 p.m. with Major Barbara at 8:30

Ben Johnson’s “The Alchemist” continues at the Mendelssohn Theatre in Ann Arbor.

The evil, old Dr. Faustus at the Fisher Theatre tonight

Det. Inst, of Arts brings you “Alice in Wonderland” on film — performances at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Free MUSIC

Dear Uncle Russ presents, his MC-5 along with the Pacific Gas. J-i Electric Stop by and visit Mr. Stark and his freakedelic goodies counter at which you can pick up a copy of Creem. Whoopee!

Tonight at the Silverbell are the Sir Douglas Quintet and Third Power again.

Village Pub presents Savage Grace

Tabatha Coffeehouse at 19530 Warren at Evergreen is opened for you starving folk people. Charlies Butterworth, Tom Saunders and Jack Lane, Andy Gaines and Nancy Wood.

Top Hat |1 “Little Miss Dynamite” alias Yvonne Moray plays her last night here.

Baker’s Keyboard Lounge continues laughing with Redd Foxx

Arthur S it’s still the Magic

Playboy Club — comedian Larry Kent and . singer Billy Barnes do their thing whilst the Bunnies prepare for their big day ^Easter

24 Karat — Dink Freeman’s last night.

The Det. Sym. Orchestra presents Rossini’s William Tell Overture for the young People’s Concert. Performances at 11 a.m.

and 2 p.m. Tickets are $2.75, $1.75, and $1.25 at Ford Auditorium.

Sunday April 6 Happy Bunny Day!!


Uncle Russ celebrates the occasion by bringing in the James Gang and the light, gassy Pacific Gas and Electric ‘

Det. Sym. Orch. at Ford Aud. for Kresge concert at 3:30 p.m. tickets $2.50, $2.00, $1.50

program: Wagner, Poulenac, & Liszt THEATRE

The Alchemist is still going at the Mendelssohn Theatre in good ol’ Ann Arbor.

Monday — April 7 MUSIC

Mike. Quatro brings Detroit its own Pop Festival at Olympia today presenting such groups as the Rationals, Wilson Mower Pursuit, Frost, Psychedelic Stooges, MC-5, ' Amboy Dukes, Red, White & Blues Band plus many others. Tickets are $3, and $3.50. It lasts from 2 p.m. — midnight so you’d best bring a pillow. \

The Savoy Brown return to the Grande Ballroom to fill the hallowed halls with great sounds. Only $3.

Tuesday April 8 THEATRE

The Street We Live On — a group of films which examine our cities is an attempt to open your,, eyes to both good and bad points. The Detroit Inst, of Arts 8 p.m. no admission MUSIC

The Savoy Brown, last night at the Grande again so Catch them before they leaye $3.

The Ernie Farrow Quintet perform at the Det. Inst, of Arts in a free concert tonight at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday April 8 THEATRE

Richard III is presented at the Hillberry Theatre tonight at 8:30

Much Ado About Nothing in my opinion one of Shakespeafes greatest creations is performed at the Fisher by the Royal Shakespeare Co.


Uncle Russ continues his musical week by bringing in Jethro Tull for another $3. night Thursday April 10 THEATRE

The Hillberry Theatre presents “The Good Woman Setzuan” A Chinese parable with quite a message 8:30 p.m.


Uncle Russ keeps moving all week long. Tonight, Jethro Tull. Friday April 11


That infamous movie, “The Knack” is presented by the Wayne Cinema Guild thru April 15.

Bonstelle Theatre brings us Ring Round the Moon by Jean Anovilh. Tis a play of twin brothers, on shy, one aggressive. Thru tliis play Anovilh displays his ideals on love. Play begins at 8:30.

Major Barbara is performed at 8:30 tonighf in the Hillberry Theatre.

The Lion in Winter is being presented by U. of D. Theatre Productions, in the Ford Life Science Bldg.


Tonight at the Grande Ballroom: Velvet Underground, Nice & Earth Opera. If the crowd gets to be too much escape to the counter in the corner and see the groovies there. For the 17 and older people. $4. admission.

Smokey and the

Miracles perform the “Motown Music” tonight at 8:30 at the U. of D. Memorial Bldg. Tickets $3, $4, & $5.

The Village Pub brings two “local” groups in to supply the music. They are ... The Frost & Ellie Pop.

The Tabatha Coffeehouse 19530 Warren at Evergreen brings you Sue Palid, Bev White, and Greg Faubert tonight.




Saturday April 12 THEATRE

Ring Round the Moon, written by Jean Anovilh and capturing all of his characteristic elegance, wit, romance, and irony is . being presented at the Bonstelle Theatre at 8:30tonight.

The Hillberry Theatre presents 2 plays today \ Italian Straw Hat at the 2:30 p.m. matinee and Richard III at 8:30 p.m.

The Lion in Winter continues at the Ford Life Science Bldg, tonight.

Dr. FAustus, that evil “Viper” is being presented by the Royal Shakespeare Co. at the Fisher Theatre.

The “Knack” continues along with sundry shorts , at the Wayne Cinema Guild.


The Velvet Underground, Nice, and Earth Opera do their thing at the Grande Ballroom. If you happen to see some weird little man behind a counter that’s Uncle Bob ... stop and take a look at some of the great things Ije has for sale. It’s $4 for those 17 and over.

Tonight at the Village Pub we have the Wilson Mower Pursuit and the Trane pelting out vibes.

Silverbell Hideout brings you Bob Seegar System and The Flock if you wish to journey out there.

The Red Roach, for you night owls is open till 4 a.m. admission $L50 with free coffee & pastry inside.

The Iron Butterfly are flitting into Detroit for a concert at Cobo Hall tonight at 8 p.m.

> The Norman Luboff Choir is coming to Masonic Temple tonight for all you “Norman Luboffers” oiit there. The performance is at 8:20 p.m. & tickets are $3, $4, & $5.

The Top Hat brings in Gloria Loring for the over 21'crowd.

Baker’s Keyboard has Oscar Peterson till tomorrow for 21’s and older.

The Playboy Club of Det. brings you comedian Lenny Kent and singer Billy Barnes if you’re an “adult”.

24 Karat brings you Max Cooper —a hilarious comedian.

The Magic are still at the Arthur tonight.

The .Tabatha Coffeehouse at 19530 Warren at Evergreen brings you folk music by Sue Palid, Ben White, and Greg Fairbert.

Sunday April 13 MUSIC

Johnny Mathis and the Craig Hundley Trio are in town for an 8:30 p.m. performance at Mas mlc Temple. Tickets are $3.50, $4.50, and $5.50.

The Velvet Underground, Nice, and Earth Opera are still here — or rather at the Grande Ballroom for $3 —no age limit kids!


The Lion in Winter is being enacted by the U. of D. production Theatre in the Ford Life Science Bldg.

Open City information, call 831-2770 for; any problems, questions, or otherwise concerning anything. ,