Fleetwood Mac

“They came, they played, they conquered.” Yes my friends, the Fleetwood Mac brought down the house Friday night, Feb. 7. Actually it wasn’t a house and they didn’t bring it down, it was the Grande Ballroom and they incited complete pandamonium for some ten or twenty minutes.

April 1, 1969
Gayle Clark

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Fleetwood Mac


“They came, they played, they conquered.” Yes my friends, the Fleetwood Mac brought down the house Friday night, Feb. 7. Actually it wasn’t a house and they didn’t bring it down, it was the Grande Ballroom and they incited complete pandamonium for some ten or twenty minutes.

This was the first time T have seen the Fleetwood Mac Jive, and babe, I~ assure you that it is far from being thfe last! They did a few puts from their album, English Rose? and did. them so well it kind of put the record company to shame. When they popped out with their hit record, Albatross, (it’s been number one in England for some three or four weeks I hear) the audience became dead quiet, so quiet that I swear that you could have heard a cigarette drop, yes, in die Grande! After the set was finished the crowd went Crazed screaming for more. JShouts of “Twist arid'Shout” were heard from the lower portions of dingy comers and any other place you can think of. They gave them what they wanted and more. Those last couple numbers were really strange... the pianist, Jeremy Spencer, slipped out from behind his piano, threw on a guitar and let it come on strong.

I mean he really belted them out Elvis-style! If you had just come in you’d have swdrn that Mr. Presley was tip there in personftheir voices are identical. I don’t suppose that I nave to elaborate of their great musical talents, if you’ve ever heard anything by them you know about that as well as I do. >

Sitting in the dressing room afterwards you’d have thought that after a performance like that they would be on a kind of ego-trip. If they were,^ no outsider, like myself, would haVe noticed. Someone had taped the performance and the whole group sat around on the floor and listened as though this were some special event.. .not an every night occurance like I’m sure it must be, Finally Peter Green turned and asked if they did alright. When the answer came he smiled and said, “Yeah; I thought it went pretty good too.” Pretty good.. .fantastic is more like it.,The Fleetwood Mac had put on a good show and they were happy.. .tired and happy. I happened -to have a Coke in my hand; Danny Kirwirt was ' sitting next to me. I heard him ask if there were anymore left (coke that is). So I gave him mine. Baby, he needed it alot.more than I ever Will, Around five minutes later there was a tap on my shoulder,; it.was Danny apologizing for drinking up the rest of my Coke. These are. the, kind of guys who make -up the Fleetwood Mac. , They aren’t rebels or fanatics, just all around nice guys. Sounds kind of schmltzy'tmtis the truth. I guess I should quit expounding on their charismaiand just say that they are as good as their music. That’s /Self-explanatory.

The Fleetwood Mac have the versatility that makes a group go.. .and they’re going to continue to go, right up to the top. Unfortunately they should have gonehack to England by the time this, reaches the pu,blic. All I have to say is that if you missed them,this time for god’s sake don’t let them get past you again! You don’t know what you are missing out on; I do.. .one-of the greatest blues, rock n’ roll groups to hit.iiiour direction in along time!

Gayle Clark

The Joy of Music Leonard Bernstein/

New York Philharmonic Orchestra


Practically speaking his album is of no value to someone who has a half-way decent record collection. This record to music is what the Reader’s Digest is to journalism. Bernstein has taken all of the so-called musical classics and has taken five minute exerpts from each one, ranging from the William Tell Overture to West Side Story. The listener has no time to get truly involved. For instance, someone could not tlje true value out of a symphony by just listening to the finale, but on the other hand if the listener can not tolerate a full length “classical piece of music,’’ this album is sufficient.


Richard Walls'

Bill Evans is an excellent jazz pianist, and this UP is Evans as good as I’ve ever heard him (except for his stunning performance/of Miles’ “Kind of Blue”); gentle, subtle, low-keyed music, music of "complex harmonies, shifting, drifting moods and melodies which occasionally remind me of the Impressionists. There’s nothing avant-garde, shocking or freaky about Evan’s music here. There is, However, a lot jof high-quality jazz, played in superb taste and with great technical facility. v ,

The bass player, Eddie GomCz, is a Virtuoso. / Unfortunately, his virtuosity sometimes overwhelms hia sense of discretion, and he mars several otherwise lovely songs this way. Vaek DeJohriette whom you are most likely to know best as Charles Lloyd’s drummer — is not a virtuoso, and isn’t the' right kind of drummer anyhow. It’s best to ignore him;

But Evans does a really good job. In fact; the pnly significant improvement, that couljd be made on thia album would have been for him to have recorded it solo,’.