Since before he had achieved any notable degree of fame Bob Dylan the person has been a pretty obscure figure, well hidden behind the artistic poses and put ons which served to define Dylan the pop culture hero. Two books continually available attempt to clarify and define the unknown element that is Dylan and, though they both fail at really doing this, and for pretty much the same reason, both are good books that together come extremely close to breaking through the poses just by showing how Dylan uses, them to protect himself.

April 1, 1969

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.




WABX. will Up six more “Live From Earth” TV shows on Channel 56 in April. They - will also sponsor six free' concerts this summer at Oakland Community College. All concerts will'"be 'on Sunday afternoons, with exact dates to be announced. Dan Carlisle 'will arrangethe programs for the concerts.

On March 11,1969 WABX Radio with co-operation'of a few interested students saved the day for the students of Henry. Ford Community College. They announced for the safety of the students, there are narcotic agents posing as students waiting for the bust. The student Union at HFCC had WABX going through the public address system allowing everyone to hear the warning. Students at HFCC beware, and thank you WABX,


There are things which precede the beginnings. There is the innermost and then there is within-within: Soul music is ah innermost within. The Soul Sound-the sound that comes to us vja sitar and safod-via an emotional Religious Vibrance-via the pens of Mayfield, RobinSPn, Baeherach, and the Lennon and McCartney duo-and via the gifted throats; of the blind, the pripple, the obeie, the literate, the brazen, and the crusader. This music is not a conquerer? it instead surrenders itself . to its next expressionist. Being a love Sound-Soul cultivates in depth nfercourse between artist, sound, md lyric. (The Master Blender) Soul ? a multiplicity of sound equaled in ' umber only by it’s/people-soul eople. The wide spread

inter-iiivolVement brought out through the manifestations of the soul sound has changed the geography of music. There is no Detroit Sound, Memphis Sound, Chicagov Sound,' nor New York Sound. The soul, scene in Detroit is indicative of the totality of this' integration. The ^ sound and it’s people are in evidence from. ARTHUR to PHELPS LOUNGE. From the CHATTER BOX to tiie DRIFTWOOD. From the GRANDE to the DISC JOCKEY! Gather the impliments-of ydur Euphoria-turn on-to the sound! Listen to the “Evil” of the Ho vlin Wolf, The Simple Spng of i v. Different Strokes. The '.unadultrak J Funk of Watts. The Julia of Meryl Saunders. The tragedy of David Ruffin, and a look back in Joy at Walter Jackson’s Greatest.

Talk orrybu in a minute.

Ciao ... Richard Smith

Since before he had achieved any notable degree of fame Bob Dylan the person has been a pretty obscure figure, well hidden behind the artistic poses and put ons which served to define Dylan the pop culture hero. Two books continually available attempt to clarify and define the unknown element that is Dylan and, though they both fail at really doing this, and for pretty much the same reason, both are good books that together come extremely close to breaking through the poses just by showing how Dylan uses, them to protect himself.

The first of the book to appear was Bob Dylan* ’ by Donald Kramer, It is basically a photo essay covering a period of about a year and a half with the text serving to explain the settings of each set of photographs and to provide what | ever insights about his subject 'that Kramer can explain with words.. These c o n s i s t mainly of descriptions of Dylan’s reactions to slightly unusuaf situations.' But, despite Kramers strong desire to illuminate neither any individual story nor all them taken together gives you any deep insight into the character of Dylan. In fact the mosj illuminating bit of information - Kramer provides in the text, is the clear realization that he was not a regular member of Dylans circle of friends' just hanging around and taking pictures of things that interest him.but rather an outside photographer, who was around pretty much only when he made prior arrangements to be there so that his presence was always that of someone who was trying to delve ’into Dylan’s personality with his earners in order to reveal it to the public. And his photographs reflect this.

Taken on their merits as photographs they are masterful. Kramer is an excellent photographer with a perceptive eye and Dylan is an excellent model but that the hand up. Dylan is always posing never being caught unawares. He is only seen as he wants to be seen, posing, clowning, playing aL being Bob Dylan pop star. So don’t buy the book to learn : secrets about Dylan but by all means buy it (especially, if you can find it, the large format edition).

The other book “Don’t Look Back”, is a different story. The book is made up of stills from the film of the same name which N.A. Pennebaker made of Dylan’s 1965 | tbur of England. Pennebaker tried to crash through the barriers which Dylan erected around himself by literally moving in with his-camera but Dylan had final approval of the footage used so again though Pennebaker may have succeeded in making his camera Unobtrusive we still only see Dylan as he wants to

j be seed. And, because all the photographs are prints made from frames of the film their quality is very low. In this case you are much further ahead if you see the movie instead of trying to read it because when your done you know no more about Dylan than when you started and all the memorable immages on film come off very, flat in print.