March 15 , Exhibition of toys, from the studios of Detroit Artists and Designers. Cranbrook Academy of Art. Through March 25. Les Silva Black Mirrors Series. Newest exhibition in Plexiglass, Art Place No. 2,6558 Third. Monday — Friday. 11 a.m. — 6 p.m., Saturday — Sunday 1 a.m. — 5 p.m. Through March 26.

April 1, 1969

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


March 15 ,

Exhibition of toys, from the studios of Detroit Artists and Designers. Cranbrook Academy of Art. Through March 25. Les Silva Black Mirrors Series. Newest exhibition in Plexiglass, Art Place No. 2,6558 Third. Monday — Friday. 11 a.m. — 6 p.m., Saturday — Sunday 1 a.m. — 5 p.m. Through March 26.

Planetarium Demonstration, Stars of Spring. Cranbrook Institute of Science, Saturday/and Sunday 2:30 and 3:30 ,p.m. Wednesday 4 p.m. Through March 30

Adolph Gotlieb, tapestries, paintings, and prints. .Gertrude Kasle Gallery, . 310 Fisher Bldg. Monday — Saturday, 11 a.m. —'5 p.m. Through March 30.

Migration of Birds Exhibit, Cranbrook Institute of Science. Through March 3 T: •

New drawings by Glen Michaels, Little Gallery, 915 E. Maple Tuesday,— Saturday 11 a.m. — 6 p.m. Through March 31

Seventy Years; of Best Sellers. Detroit Public Library. Through March 31

. F.O.B.. Detroit, — Automotive Exhibit. Hall of Industry. Detroit' Historical Museum. Through March '31.

Ed Moras, Shaped .canvases. Lawrence Stevens Gallery, 1433 Randolph* Tuesday — Saturday 11 a.m' — 5 p.m. Through March 31C

Model of Appolo Spacecraft. A full scale mock-up qf the threejman spaceship, Round Hall, Detroit Historical Museum. Through Mkrch ,31,

Photography Impressioris;:of Nature, Art School of the Society. of Arts and Crafts 245 Kirby Through March 28

Firefighting in Old Detroit'. Uniforms, equipment, photographs,, prints and painting tracing the l evolution of Detroit’s Fire D e partment through^V three picturesque and exciting periods of fire fighting. Special Exhibits Room, Detroit Historical Museum. Through March 31.

Student Art Exhibition, from W. S. U., Mercy College, Macomb . College, Society of Arts and Crafts.v AAA Gallery 280^ Grand River. Through March 31 §*

Living. With Art,, show of Detroit l Artists Market contributing artists. J.L. Hudson Co. 9th floor:.Through -March 22.

Art Education Alumni Annual Exhibition, W.S.U. Art Education Dept., W.S.U. Community Arts Gallery, Cass and Kirby Through March 28.

Pottery Past and Present. W.S.U. Community Arts Gallery, Cass and Kirby Through March 28.

John Bennett, sculpture. Donald Morris Gallery Inc., 20082 tivemois, Tuesday ££■ Saturday 10:30 — 5 :30 Through March 29.;


Toni Ewell and Rosemary Prinz in the Broadway hig The Apple Tree, staged by Mike Nichols. University of Michigan Professional Theatre program, Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor.

The Fantasticks, world’s longest running off-Broadway play, produced by School of Dramatic Art, University of Windsor. Essex Hall Theatre, University of Windsor, Performance at 8 p.m.

The Cherry Orchard presented by University of Michigan Players at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor 8p;m.

v Shaw’A. Major Barbara. One of Shaw’s best and most original works, It’s the story of the personal conflict between a realistic? successful businessman and Ids idealistic daughter. W.S.U. Hillberry Theatre, Cass and Hancock. Performance at 8:30 p.m.

Sergeant’s Musgraves Dance. An anti-war drama about a coal-mining strike in Wales. Oakland .University, 8:30 p.m. Meadowbrook Theatre.

Dr, Faustus by Christopher Marlow, who some authorities think wrote all of Shakespeare. Fisher Theatre, reserved seats.: Through Mardh 25th. .

Young Tdnt Jefferson; presented for children at the Detroit Institute of Arts, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Hansel and Gretei — adventures of two candy freaks in a forest. Bonstelle Theatre 3424 Woodward, performance at 1:30

The Good Woman of Setzzar by Berthold Brecht. A modern parable sat in China, it is ope of Brecht’s best works.,With -simplicity and dignity. Brecht describes the deep coritradietiohs of human nature and the, moral dilemma of being, good iri an egotistical world. W.S.U,5 Hillberry Theatre 2:30 pun. .


The Rameros, ,!Spain’s v first. family of the guitar. Guest, artikts.. with , the Detroit^ - SVmphony .Orchestra. Program: Menedlssohn, Sy^m p.h o ny No. •. "4, RodrigoConcieftp Analuz, R. Strauss — Waltzes from Der Rosen Lavatier. Solo work — The Romeros, Tchaikovsky — Cpprico Italian. Ford Auditorium 8:30 p.m.

Overture to Opera tl.Campanello by Donizetti and Der Jasager by Kurt Weill. At Clintondale Community Aud. 15-Mile and Little Mack, Warren, Mich. 8 p.m.

Janis Jopljn with her band (and bottle) and the James Cotton Blues Band. Presented by . Canterbury House at. the University Special Events Bldg. Ann Arbor. 8:30 p.m.

; | .John Mayall, outasight blues along with the Savoy Brown, and The Phenomena, and The maend. At the Grande Ballroom. Be sure and visit the head counter for Creem Magazines and goodies. Grand River and Beverly. You must be 17.

Moby Graupe, raisin the roof with good jams along with the grpup Thearapy and the Marv. Silverbell Niteclub. 4385 Bald Mountain Rd. NE of Pontiac.

The Meditations and the Carousel at the Village Pub; 136 Brownell in Birmingham. Members $2t '

NOn-Mem. $3. *

The Free and The Intrigue at the Crow’s Nest West, Joy Road and Middle Belt in Westland.

The Woolies ' and the Honey Grams at The Crows Nest East. 31059 Harper, St. Clair Shores.

Teagarden and Van Winkle make you feel all right at the Something Different. 12 Mile & Northwestern in Southfield. Girls must be 17, guys 18>

Raven Gallery — Charlie Latimer, folk singer 9:30 & 11:30 shows 29101 Gfeenfield Rd., Southfield.

George Benson at Baker’s Keyboard Lounge thru March 23. 20501 LivCrnois. You must be 21.

Playboy Club, vcomedians Costello & Grayson and singer Johnny Japie and those bunnies. 1015 E. Jefferson. Over 21.

Top Hat — Trumpet player Pete Barbuti. Last nite 73 E. University, in Windsor. Over 21,

24 Karat — singers Tony Valo and Tony Rico, at 16890 Telegraph Road. Over 21.

Rappa House — Olive Brown “Empress of Blues” from 9 p.m. — 1 a.m. and Hal McKinney jaz? from 2-5 a.m. 96E. Fishes Frwy.

Absolute Zero,Coffeehouse has folksifigers David & Dan, and Roger Paul — 38§ North Woodward in Birmingham. You must be 18.

. Bryan Forbes’ Seance on a tyei Afternoon, part of Famous Films of Famous Directors series, Rackham Aud. 60 Farnsworth. 8:30 p.m.

Underground Cinema at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. Judoka, A jslice of Bread,. Eight, B-In, ■California Bound, Corral, Mandala,

, Wheels No 1. 13103 Woodrow Wilson .

Arts Festival ’69. Art Exhibit and Sale, Music, Concerts and Drama

Sunday, March 16.

tts Festiyal ’69. Arf Exhibit and Mus|c, Concefts^and Drama program/Jewish Community Center. 18100 Meyers Rd. thru March 30.

: The Fantasticks,Musical Theatre. Essex Hall Theatre, Univ. of Windsor Sa^p.m.

Current Trends in Art, with speaker Samuel Wagsfaff. He is curator of Contemporary Art at the Detroit Institute of Arts.'Colorful, exciting,' delightful slides will illustrate the lecture. FREE, pubHc' invited. Jewish Community Center.


The Moscow State Sumphony Conductor: M. Shostakovich. Piano Soloist: Nikolai Petrov. Masonic Aud. 2:20 p.m."

Niven Miller, Scottish baritone. Concert includes lieder, French art. songs, arias and Scottish folk songs. Christian Culture Series. Cleary Aud. Windsor. 8:30 p.m,

Grosse Pointe Symphony Orchestra, Felix Resnick Conducting. Soloist: Ruth Burczyk, pianist playing “Gershwin’s Concerto in F”. Parcells Jr. High School. Mack at Vernier Rd., Grosse Pointe Woods. 3:30 p.m.

“Beyond That Jazz’* concert presented alternating Sundays,' 3 —6 p.m. by Detroit Creative Musician Assn. Dave Uurrah quartet, Hal McKinney quintet and Martin Douglas (W0HD) M.C. at Detroit Repertory Theatre, 13103 Woodrow Wilson, adv. tickets $1.50, door $2;00,18 yrs. under 1 /2 price. :

Savo^ Brown the Fabulous Frost and the Train. At the Grande Ballroom 7—11 p.m.

Monday, March 17

Happy Birthday Creem Calendar Girl!

v Ernest Lloyd, cellist in concert. Student Center Main Lounge, Mercy College of Detroit 1 pun.

“Exciting Lighting Show” exhibition. Adler/Schnee Inc. 240 E. Grand River Tuesday, March 18

Film as an Art: Great Garbo. Series. “The Joyless Street” (1925). , Directed by G. W. Pabst with Asta Nielsen and Werner Krauss. Much censored study of prostitution and, other vices; a rare German film of the & period to center on squalid fact rather than romantic fantasy, (silent film) 8:00 p.m. Detroit Institute of Arts Auditorium.

Oak Park Symphony Orchestra. Robdrt Klotman conducting. Guest soloist: Inez Hullinger Redman, concertmaster. Oak Park High School. Oak Park Blvd at Coolidge) 8:15 p.m.

Wednesday, March 19

Shaw’s “Major Barbara” at the W.S.U. Hillberry Theatre, Cass-at Hancock. 2:30 p.m.

Contrasts and Comparisons' Lecture Series, Samples of Evaluations of the Pole of the Arts in our Society , Jarin Artsen, Cranbrook Academy of Art. Two Lectures,, 1:00 and 7:30 p.m.


Latest paintings of Leo Kuschel, International Art Center, 132 Madison thru March 31;

Exhibition “Art Nouveau”, | Willistead Art Gallery of Windsor thru March 31

The Graphic Art of Rolf Neseh,^. creator of the metarpftnt. South Wing, Detroit Institute of Arts through March 31,

Tango — three act farce by Shawomir Mrozek, The play concerns itself with the force and the V rise' of totalitarianism. A rather absurd familyis seen in its decline and fall. Detroit Repertory Theatre, 13103 Woodrow Wilson starts at 8 p’m. unlimited run.

Thursday, March 20.LECTLJRES

Thursday, March 20.


Architecture in Chicago and Mid-America: Dr. Wayne Andrews, WSU professor of American art. Detroit Historical Museum. 3:30 pan. Art Nouveau Glass: Berenice Kent,

Architecture in Chicago and Mid-America: Dr. Wayne'Andrews, WSU professor of American art. Detroit Historical Museum. 3:30 p.m. Art Nouveau Glass: Berenice Kent, Cleveland .Willistead Art Gallery Windsor.


Detroit, Symphony Orchestra, Antal Dvrati, guest conductor. >

Prpgram: {jay den —Symphony

No. 12 in E Major, Mozart— Symphony No. 14 in A Major: and Shostakovich—Symphony No. 110. . Ford Auditorium. 8:30 p.m.

Plum Wine, and Zenith Murray Fly Palace ' at Red Roach* Coffeehouse, Corner of Plum & Fifths

Friday, March 21


Much Ado\ About Nothing;> presented by the Royal Shakespeare Company, Fisher Theater, 8:30.

'The Fantasticks, produced by the School Of Dramatic Art, University of Windsor. Essex Hall Theater, 8 . p.m.

Richard III, by William Shakespeare. The tragedy of Richard III really a masterful melodrama, has at its center not a tragic hero, but Shakespeare’s most famous, and fascinating ''.villain. 8:30 p.m. Hillberry Theater, Cass at Hancock.

A Lion in Winter,U of D Theater, Ford LiferSciences Building, 8:30.


The Association in concert, sponsored by U of D Pop Concert Series. U of D Memorial Building, 8:30 p.m.

Detroit City Ballet Company, dance and concert. Auditorium ofthe Detroit Institute of Arts, 8:30 p.m.

The Four Seasons in concert at Masonic Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.

Jeff Beck group -back in town. Along with Sweetwater and Dick Rabbit. Grande Ballroom, Grand River at Beverly.

The Plain Brown Wrapper and the Underground Wall at the "Hideout No. 3 in Clawson. 870 N. Main St.

Teegarden and van Winkle.and the Owenlove7 at the Crows Nest West. Joy Road and Middlebelt.

The SRC and the Electric Blues Band in psychedelic concert at the Crows Nest West, Joy Road and Middlebelt.

The SRC and the Electric Blues Band in psychedelic concert at the Crows Nest East. 31050 Harper, St. Clair Shorts. ,

The March Brothers, the Third Power, the Intrigue, and v the' Madrigal at tire Village Pub, 136 Brownell in Birmingham..

The Sewer, for over 21 has Brent |Majors, trumpet; Frank Isola, drums; Jphn Dane, bass; “Blood”, guitar. E.' f Jefferson and Chene St.

Dink Freeman, Lenny Shick and band, Eddie Collins, banjo at the 24 Karat. 16890 Telegraph. Over 21.

George Benson, jazz* at Baker’s Keyboard Lounge. 20501 Livemois. Over 21.

Rappa House—Singer Olive Brown, “Empress of Blues” from 9—1 ajm-.r, and the Hal McKinney Jazz Band, 2—5 a.m. 96 E. Fisher Freeway.

The Wind, blues group, arid Scoefild and Sonier, folk; at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse. 388 N. Woodward, Birmingham

Dick Keelan, folk composer and artist, The Cellar Coffeehouse on Military St., in Port Huron.


Rebel Without a Cause with James Dean. A famed psychoanalyst defines “greaserism” for James Dean fans. At Shrine High School, 13 Mile and Woodward in Royal Oak.

Detroit Repertory Theater, underground cinema flicks include:

^Coloratura, Muratti, Circle, Composition in Blue, Allegretto, Optical Poem, American March, Motion Painting No. 1, TV Spors, 131Q3 Woodrow Wilson. Showings at 11 pm and 1 am.


Seven Black Artists, work by Lester Johnson, James King Jr., James Lee, Charles McGee, Robert Murray, Harold Neal and James Strickland, at the Detroit Artists Market.


Hansel and Gretel, special matinee. The dramatization of two children and their triumph over the wicked witch of the forest. 1:30 p.m, Bonstelle Theater, 3424 Woodward.

Puppet Theater presenting The Emperor’s Nightengale. Institute of Arts Auditorium, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Major Barbara, one of Bernard Shaw’s best. At the Hillberry Classic Theater, Cass and Hancock. 2:30 p.m.'

gj The Fantasticks: musical produced by School of Dramatic Art: Essex Hall Theater, University of Windsor. 8:15 p.m. | Shakespeare’s Much Ado: About Nothing presented by the Royal Shakespeare Company. 8:30 p.m. Fisher Theater.

A Lion in Winter presented at U of D Theater, Ford Life-Sciences Building, 8:30 p.m.


Detroit Symphony Orchestra with Ahtal Pvrate, guest conductor.

Program: See Thursday, March 20. Ford Auditorium, 8:30 p,mv

Overture to Opera. Donizetti’s IlCampanello and Kurt Weill’s Der Jasager. Northville High School, 771 & Center St. Northville. 8 p.m.

Jeff Beck, blues, do it along with Sweetwater, arid Djck Rabbit at the Grande Ballroom. Drop by the head counter for albums, toys and Qreem Magazines. You must be 17, Gfand River at Beverly.

The Ebony Tusk and the Unrelated Segments at the Village Pub in Birmingham. 136 Brownell St.

The Red, White and Blues Band and the Underground Wall at the Crow’s Nest West. Joy' Rd. vand Middlebelt in Westland.

The Free and the Intrigue entertain at the Crow’s Nest East. 31059 Harper St. Clair Shores.

The Amboy Dukes (Detroit’s own) appear along with the Train and the E. B. B. at the SilverbelL Nightclub, 4385 Bald Mountain Rd., Pontiac.

Charlie Latimer, folk singer, Jit the Raven GAllery—Greenfield Rd. North of 12 mile.

The Wind blues group and Scoefield and Sonier, folk, play at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse. 388 N. Woodward, Birminggham.

Rappa * House—Olive Brown, singer—“Empress of Blues” from 9—1 a.m. and Hal McKinney, jazz, from 2—5 a.m. Good creole food too. 96 E. Fisher Fwy.

Otis Rush—Sam Lay, real Chicago blues at the Chessmate Coffeehouse, McNichols and Livemois.

Plum Wine and Zenith Murray Fly Palace at the Red Roach Coffeehouse. Corner of Plum and Fifth. %

N Baker’s Keyboard Lounge. George Benson, jazz, for over 21 crowd. 20501 Livemois.

Dick Keelan (of the old Misty Wizards), folk music, at the Cellar

Coffeehouse, Military St. Pprt Huron.


Rebel Without a Cause, at Shrine High School in Royal Oak. Presented for all James Dean fans. 8:00 pjn. 13 Mile and Woodward.

Detroit Rep, underground films, 13103 Woodrow Wilson. See March 21 for films. Show time 11:00 pm andl:Q0a.m.

Orson Welle’s The Trial (1962). The is Welle’s interpretation of Kafka’s paranoid dream, filmed in a Paris subway station. Community Arts Auditorium, Cass and Kirby, 8:30 p.m.

Sunday, March 23


The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Valter Poole conducting, arid the Severo Ballet Company preserifing Madeline. Girl Scouts benefit, Ford Auditorium, 3:30 p.m.

Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem in concert. Sponsored by the American Civil Liberties Union. Ford Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.

Three outasight groups at the Grande, Sweetwater,-.Sky and Red, White and Blues. No age limit gig, 7—11 p.m. Grand River at Beverly.

Antj-War Pop Concert, presented by the April Fifth Action Committee of^ the Student Mobilization Committee. Chalk Circle (Phil Marcus Esser), Richard Keelan, Ron Coden, Charlie Latimer, Ted , Lucas and Bill Rutledge at the Community. Arts Auditorium, WSU. Tickets available 'at 3th Estate and WSU Ticket Office, for $2.00 and $ 1,00 for students., Wednesday, March 26

Detroit Symphony . Orchestra, open rehersal, featuring "Maureen Forrester, contralto. Ford Audv, 2 p.m.

Thursday, March 27

. Long Day’s Journey Into Night, Tennessee"/ William’s movie starring Katherine Hepburn at 8 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, 18100 Meyers Rd. Adm. $1.00

Detroit Symphony Orchestra, -guest Maureen Forrester, contralto. Ehrling, conducting. Program: Gluck—Overture, Dvorak—Zigerenerbeder, Stravinsky—Rite of Spring. Ford Auditorium 8:30 p.m.

The Alchemist; afternoon matinee, 2:30 p.m. Mendelssohn Theater, Ann Arbor.

The colorful, exciting, delightful and inimitable Ice * Alexander’s birthday!


Detroit Repertory Theater underground flicks this weekend are:

Serial Trailers, Defense D’Afficher, Gone for Tomorrow, I Would Remind You, Inspiration, Lotus Wing, and Voyage Optique. Shows at 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. 13103 Woodrow Wilson.

New Cinema—two new feature films from eastern Europe and a number of shorts. Sponsored by UCAE.' Institute of Arts Auditorium, 8 p.m. and 9:45 p.m.


Hamlet presented at Mendelssohn Theater iri Ann Arbor. Sat. matinee at 2:30. '

Marlow’s Dr. Faustus presented by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Fisher Theater, 8:30 p.m.

Saturday, March 29 MUSIC

Detroit Symphony Orchestra, guest soloist Maureen Forrester, with Ehrling, conductor. Program: see Thursday, March 27. Ford Aud. 8:30 p.m.

Stuart Avery Assemblage and tlje Bubble Poppy at the Village Pub, 136 Brownell in Birmingham.

. The Amboy Dukes (indefinite) and the Candle at Crow’s Nest West. Joy and Middlebelt in Westland.

Sweetwater* psychedelic music at the Grande for the aging teeny-boppers of U7 and older. Grand River and Beverly.

The mighty Mandate and the Target at the Crow’s Nest East., 31059 Harper in St. Clair Shores.

Red Roach Coffeehouse, good folk music and lights, films, and free coffee and pastry after 2:30 a.m. Comer of Plum and Fifth.

The Sewer has entertainment of Brent Majors, trumpet; Frank Isola, drums; John, Dane, bass; and “Blood” ori guitar. E. Jefferson and Chene, over 21.

Fr'day, March 28

The Doors (Jim Morrison and friends) in psychedelic concert atx Olympia. Tickets $6, 5 and 4. 8:00 p.m.

Sweetwater, the only surprise success at the Miami Pop Festival, at the jGrande Ballroom. You rriust be 4^7. Grand River and Beverly.

Poor Richard’s Almanac and the Shaggs . at, the Village Pub in Birmingham. 136 Brownell.

The Mandala and the Tryle at the Crow’s Nest West. Joy and Middlebelt in Westland. .

The. Bubble Poppy .make it out to the Crow’s Nest East. 31059 Harper. St. Clair Shores.

The SRC and the Underground Wall at Hideout No. ,3 in Clawson, 870 N. Main,'

Chessmate: Otis Rush, Sam Lam, blues group. McNichols „ and livemoiy.

Phil Esser at the Raven Gallery in Southfield, at Greenfield r^orth of 12 Mile.

Rappa House—blues until 1 a.m., then some jazz till 5 a.m. Good Creole food in a hip atmosphere. 96 ^E. Fisher Fwy.

Red Roach Coffeehouse, good sounds, lights and after 2:30, coffee and pastry free. Comer of Plum and Fifth.

SundavMarch 30

Beyond That Jazz Concert, 3—6 p.m. at the Detroit Repertory Theater. 13103 Woodrow Wilsdn. Tickets $2.00 at door, $1.50 advance. 1/2 price under 18.

Sweetwater at the Grande. 7-11 p.m. no age limit.

Blood, Sweat and Tears; the Ratiorials; and Sunday Funnies in concert at Ford Auditorium. Tickets $3.50,4.50 and 5.50. Two shows, 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Advance tickets available.

Open City information,, call 831-2770 for ariy problems, questions, or otherwise concerning anything.