As looking in on the musical world, especially checking on clubs, and bars I find that many good musicians are umemployed because of different types of music. I find Rock-in-Roll and Bluest are your main features and many people have traveled around trying to find good rhythm.

April 1, 1969
Bo Bo Jenkins

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Bo Bo Jenkins

As looking in on the musical world, especially checking on clubs, and bars I find that many good musicians are umemployed because of different types of music. I find Rock-in-Roll and Bluest are your main features and many people have traveled around trying to find good rhythm.

Many musicians just play Blues,

I mean good Blues, find themselves unemployed because of people being ashamed of their inheritance such as Mr. Bo Collins, who was last famous at the Zombe Bar and he can’t seem to get situated because he plays the true Blues and can’t change. Also Big Ed’s Bums is a good true Blues player and it seems as though he can’t change and mapy dther Blues. Many other Blues Artist who can’t change are Chuck" Cole, little Daddy Waltqn, King, Little Joe, the Harmonica player, who has to play only in certain areas of town because bar owners will not accept them because of Blues, little Junior Kennedy is a true Blues player but he keeps a man versitile and that way he manages to keep working. Most bars to employ Blues Artist are located in the downtown area, such as Jefferson, Michigan Avenue Streets, and the low end of Grand River, but Rock-in-Roll is your bestseller in all parts of town. Jazz is very poor all over town.


I was looking on.the back of an' album cover as they stated Bo fio Jenkins was missing and last seen working at a gas station* This was badly mistaken. I read in the Tempo where the information was given/ by Little Sonny. Bp Bo Jenkins says he never worked at a gas station in his life. And it stated that Little Sonny gave information that he played the Harmonica on . records which was recorded by Bo Bo Jenkins. This was also a falsie statement, Little Sonny has never played the harmonica on any record with Bo Bo Jenkins. The one who played the harmonica was Robert Richard who still lives in Detroit and still , a good harmonica player. As of today, Bo Bo Jerlkins is still alive playing his guitar and singing the Blues, and al?o owns a big recording compariy at 4228 Joy Road under the jname of Big Star Records. He also has a publishing company at the same address by the name of Lucky Publishing Company. He would be glad to record any good Blues Artists. This is also open for Rock-in-Roll.

He would like to see a real good Blues show of artists like Mr. Bo, Eddie Burns, Little Daddy Walton, Chuck Cole, King, Little Joe, and Bo Bo Jenkins. They would like to have a chance at Blues Market like Albert Kiiig, Freddie King, B. B. King, Muddy Waters, Little Walter, Jimmy Reed, Yank Rachel, and the one and only Johnnie Lee Hooker. Little Junior Kennedy and Chuck Cole are now recording for Big Star. Bo Bo Jenkins now has a band exist of guitar, organ, drums and bass and still sticks to his Blues and some Rock-in-Roll. The true feeling of Bo Bo Jenkins is the Blues, he has many other artists who are true Rock-in-Roll. Bo Bo Jenkins hopes to continue with his deep feeling of Blues.


Bo Bo Jenkins was a true, friends of Johnnje^ Lee Hooker. He followed him everywhere he played. He was at a little bar on Mt. Elliot and Congress and at the lime Bo Bo Jenkins was a photographer at the bar. He use to come up and sing numbers in the bar with Johnnie L. Hooker, Eddie Bums, and Percy who was playing the guitar. Washboard Willie was playing the drums. I went into the dark room to develop my pictures' and left my girl outside who’s name was Elizabeth Thomas. When I came out, Percy, the guitar player had stole my "girl and had taken her away. I discovered that he had left his guitar? it was then Johnnie Lee Hooker told me “he got your girl, so take his guitar,” but I didn/t know how to play the guitar. The next morning I went downl to the Wurlitzer Music Company ; and bought me a guitar and amplifier. Three weeks later I was playing the Democrat Blues, which 1 recorded and about a month later for a Chess Recording Company in Chicago. This was a SMASfi hit! My purpose for learning how to play a guitar -was to get revenged .. ... . To take someone e|se girl to pay for Percy who took my girl while I was developing pictures in the dark room. Since then I paid a ,many innocent person back for what happened to me. Later it come to be that money does matter and I’m satisfied. I was born in Alabama, "small town with two stores and highway straight through, called;;, Forkland, Alabama. Farmers lived*? around in smalt huts far apart with; small farms. I was the only child in| the family. My mother was a very true church lady and sang in choirs. When I grew up I formed a ©roup of four singing church music, which was called “Quartet.” As wer traveled around to many small churches singing gospel songs, and, as we traveled seems as people

enjoyed our singihg, but.we

were not receiving any money .

After we all went to the army in 1941, we all split up later. I came to Detroit and started singing the Blues and have been very successful in money wise. As of today, I own a recording company and promote other artists. .