COOP FLOWN It was saddening to read Alice Cooper’s comments on music, especially how he was doing “heavy metal” versions of his old stuff on his current tour and that he was trying for a "Ratt"-like sound on his new album. In my opinion, his old songs are much better than anything Ratt and that type of “safe”sounding metal, with its pretty harmonies and buried vocals, have produced.

June 1, 1987

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Please send your letters to:

Mail Dept., CREEM Magazine, 7715 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90046.


It was saddening to read Alice Cooper’s comments on music, especially how he was doing “heavy metal” versions of his old stuff on his current tour and that he was trying for a "Ratt"-like sound on his new album. In my opinion, his old songs are much better than anything Ratt and that type of “safe”sounding metal, with its pretty harmonies and buried vocals, have produced. I really can’t see anyone playing their old scratchy Ratt albums in 10 years the way people do old Cooper albums. Recently many bands have been doing covers of A.C. songs; the highlight of a recent concert by the Replacements in NYC was a cover of “I’m Eighteerv.” One member of the audience was so excited he jumped on the stage and took over the lead vocals. When security tried to drag him offstage the band intervened and let him finish the song. A band called Mojo Nixon & Skid Roper also do a mean acoustic version of “Be My Lover.” It’s too bad Alice doesn’t realize these songs are classics. At least some of us remember.

Mike Stankard

Long Island, NY

P.S. Really enjoy your magazine. It’s the only one I even like reading the articles about bands I can’t stand.


There it is! In black and white! The first mention in a major music magazine! "What,” you ask?

The Johnsons!

After four years of being a diehard R.E.M.-head, I’ve converted to a diehard Johnson-head! (Don’t worry, I’m still an R.E.M.-head, too, if that’s possible.) I found the Johnsons in my backyard (Philadelphia) about two years ago, and since I am an expert on the subject, they are more precious than R.E.M. Thanks for mentioning them, but—if you were truly on top of the “Underground American Music Scene,” you’d have a full article on them. They deserve it and so do your readers.

Val DiLuigi

West Chester, PA


My mother tells me I waste too much money on albums. I told her it’s like an investment because someday I can be a high-paid contributer to CREEM, relying on my vast, solid background in modern music. She just laughed. C’mon, guys, set her straight.

Smilin’ Stan Frebish

Miami, FL

(Try law school.—Ed.)


Now that it’s 1987,1 decided to let you know a few things here and there. First of all, thanks for having the Bangles in your rag fairly often. And stop confusing them with that mediocre football team in Cincinnati. Now, for some revelations:

1) I have learned that the next return of Jim Morrison will be on August 2, 1987. Maybe you were disappointed by his last appearance. Well, nobody saw Halley’s Comet, either.

2) I have yet to get my hands on the drug called crack, much less abuse it.

3) My new punk band is devastating. We’re called Joe Theismann’s Broken Leg. Our first single will be "I Wish You Were A Beer.”

4) I had to work in Data Sets recently, and this guy was playing Husker Du and the Dead Milkmen. I told him to give me a break, man.

5) How come Charles Manson got life and Jerry Lee Lewis is allowed to roll up the score? Just kidding, Killer! Killer? Uh oh, I gotta go now!

Now, that was a close call. That guy’s pretty dangerous for an old piano player. Don’t forget to look for Morrison in August. By the way, you don’t need a telescope, but some LSD is essential.

See ya!

Toby Griffith

Marchwood, PA


Who are those blue-eyed, black-haired boys on page 64 of your Rock ’87 mag?

The caption, "It’s those blond reggae rockers—-the exciting Police,” wasn’t very specific as to what their name really is.

I’ll expect an answer pretty quick.

Bryony A.

Seattle, WA (Please do.—Ed.)


Granted the whole thrust of your magazine is to display how cleverly you can write (and doing it well, I might add), but when your cutesy mannerisms rhangle the truth so badly I feel I must protest.

The Chuck Eddy review of Jason & The Scorchers’ Still Standing was evidence that Mr. Eddy cared more about being cleverly nasty than telling the truth. I can state unequivocally that the Scorchers are the most sincere band around and wouldn’t know how to “pose” if they wanted to. They are unpretentious and play the best straightforward rock ’n’ roll anywhere.

Barbara McDonald

Columbia, MO


Please send me the subscription rates of CREEM magazine. Thank you in advance for your help.

Matthew Furst

Parsippany, NJ


Bravo to Jello Biafra’s letter in April’s edition. He expressed my feelings exactly. Whatever happened to the good old notion of: “I might not agree with what you’re doing, but I’ll support your right to do it with my life.”

I don’t know where these people get off telling the rest of us what isn’t good for us. They aren’t protecting anyone. They’re just preventing the rest of us from participating in our God-given freedom. To go to a higher authority (whether you believe in God or no); even the Bible says that God leaves it up to the individual to decide for himself what

is good and what is evil. When did “they” get better than God? Maybe they should ban the Bible because it has such terrible ideas in it.

It’s up to those of us with our heads screwed on right to keep this censorship thing from going too far. If we let them get away with a little they will try for more. The next thing you know they won’t carry Betty Crocker cook books in the book stores because some of the recipes have "demon alcohol” cooking sherry in them.

Next time you hear one of those holier than thou’s saying something like: “That FILTH should be banned!!!,” tell them to “SHUT UP.” When they inevitably ask you: “What gives you the right to tell me what to do?”, give it right back to them and say: “Well what gives you the right to tell the rest of us what to do?”


That was just an experiment to see if CREEM censors. If they don’t—but if you’re not reading this letter, maybe they do. If you are? Hurrah for CREEM!!!!!

At least some people have some integrity.

Stacy Wescoe

Allentown, PA


As a longtime CREEMie, I would sincerely hope you will say something about the recent sickening cover of People magazine. Yes, the one with that deeply despicable photo of the pusinfested worm-thing that shot the great man named Lennon.

D.L. Cameron

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada P.S. Let Rick Johnson do it.