Pete Townshend has done it again! Yes, the incredibly adept guitarist/songwriter/ singer/dude has dipped into the ol’ vaults and come up with Scoop: Volume 2, a compilation of demo tapes from over the years. Included are such historical Who songs as “Pinball Wizard,” “Pictures Of Lily,” “Substitute” and “My Generation,” as well as a version of “Begin The Beguine,” a song released well before Pete borrowed some chords from Ray Davies to begin his own career.

November 1, 1986

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.



Pete Townshend has done it again! Yes, the incredibly adept guitarist/songwriter/ singer/dude has dipped into the ol’ vaults and come up with Scoop: Volume 2, a compilation of demo tapes from over the years. Included are such historical Who songs as “Pinball Wizard,” “Pictures Of Lily,” “Substitute” and “My Generation,” as well as a version of “Begin The Beguine,” a song released well before Pete borrowed some chords from Ray Davies to begin his own career.

In perhaps the most stunning news of the millenium, CREEM’s J. Kordosh has left the magazine to pursue a “long career in Scientology.” We were so broken up about it that we hired his younger brother, John, to replace him. “He was a jerk,” says youthful John, who probably has no real reason to lie about him.

How Long Can It Last? Dept.-. Liberace has signed a longterm, multi-record contract with CBS. Look for a triumphant Lib retrospective—Liberace’s Concert Classics—in October.

In a thoroughly pretentious and loathsome turn of events, CREEM’s own J. Kordosh has decided to use his full name, John, in this magazine. “John,” it should be pointed out, is a euphemism for “toilet.”

Sometimes we can't believe our sheer luck! Here wjgwere looking tor,a really cool item|to run, and along comes the following press release: "Enclosed please find a color slidejpf Ron Keel of the Los Angeles hard rockers, Keel, currently hot with their Gold Mountain/MCA album, The Final Frontier," Is this news or vJhaf>l Anyway, here's the photo, which discerning readers will note is rather fuzzy and, in general, 6f unsatisfactory quality. Hope you like it!

Iggy Pop has signed with A & M—a new album should be out shortly. David Bowie is producing, as is obligatory by law...The nearlyinvincible Manowar have also resurfaced, having signed with Atlantic. Their upcommgLFis a fully aTgital production; according to the incredibly loud, but undeniably coolest-o’-thecool metal gods: “Analog simply can’t capture our power.” We suspected as much. Congratulations to Nancy Wilson of Heart and writer Cameron Crowe, who recently wed. Each other. Yep.

Taking over the bass chores—hmm, our Subliminal Desk better look at that one— for the incredible W.A.S.P. is Johnny Rod, replacing the departed Randy Piper. Blackie Lawless, who certainly never had anything to do with this or any other magazine being removed from any outlets, had been playing bass, and switches back to rhythm guitar.

True Stuff: Marshall Crenshaw has been talking to Peter Case, ex-Plimsoul-turned-solofolkie, about starting a band. Yo, T-Bone, look into this for us.


Fans of the late Lester Bangs will be pleased to know that Qrell Marcus has finished editing a forthcoming anthology of Lester’s works. Marcus says that the very long manuscript is in the hands of the prominent Alfred A. Knopf publishing company, and that, barring any problems, the book should be out sometime during the spring of ’87. The anthology may be published in paperback, but the contract definitely calls for a hardcover edition, which is “something that Lester always wanted.” In addition to Lester’s greatest hits, the collection will also feature a lot of his unpublished writings, including letters and correspondence. Also just released is the long-awaited Birdland LP, which Lester recorded on April Fool’s Day, 1979, with the original Rattlers line-up. The disc, on Rattlers’ guitarist Mickey Leigh’s Ad-On label, features eight tracks of Bangsian singing and songwriting. It was made financially feasible by soliciting ads, which appear on the record’s jacket.


Making his debut as a megastar recording artist is Don Johnson, well-known television person. Johnson, of course, “did something” with the Allman Brothers a long time ago, but no one cares about that, as it appears charismatic being is hellbent on being rock star in his own right! Life is tragedy! “Don wants to bring the passion to his music that he has to his acting,” one sider also told this service, which has long tried to identify same. The same insider told us that Don wants to be “taken seriously” on this project, so expect the

obligatory Rolling Stone cover story any day now. In similar notes from the Bizarro World, Dustin Hoffman and Warren Beatty are making an LP and a video for their new movie, Ishtar— the duo play a pair of songwriter/musicians, something like Paul Westerberg and Burl Ives, we’re reckoning. And, just to wrap this whole thing up: legendary Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein told Playboy during a recent interview: “You’re at rock

Back Together. The S.F. Nuns, one of the Bay City’s seminal punk bands, whose first single was the debut release of the now-venerable independent label 415. The Nuns’ new LP, Rumania, is on PVC Records and includes “It’s A Dream,” which vocalist Jennifer Miro performed

Cement Shoes. CREEM is sad to report that its prized writer and editor, J. Kordosh, has left the magazine in a bitter dispute over “whose turn it was” to use the editorial Mercedes during July and August. What a sorehead! We’ve replaced him with his smarter, much more urbane and considerably manlier younger brother, John. “I’ll do my best to replace the moron,” quipped John, who thankfully shares none of his sibling’s bad habits. “Like, maybe I’ll wear guy’s clothes

Now gracing the records and tapes of such diverse artists as Pat Benatar, Billy Idol, Motley Crue, the Thompson Twins and Huey Lewis is a pattern devised by light Signatures, ’n’ these you people go away. laughed merrily.


The Wal-Mart department store chain, based in Bentonville, Arkansas, has pulled 32 rock and teen magazines from their shelves, apparently in response to the urgings of TV evangelist Jimmy Swaggart, who recently debated CREEM’s own Dave DiMartlno on The

CBS Morning News. Most agreed DiMartino was much handsomer. The titles removed from their 800-plus outlets include Rolling Stone, Hit Parader, Star Hits, Spin, Circus and others, including CREEM. Talk about a collection of Satanic bibles! In a follow-up joke, the chain has removed albums by acts like

Motley Crue, AC/DC, Eddie Murphy and Cheech & Chong. He’p. Duncan, a spokesperson for Wal-Mart, said the decision had nothing to do with Swaggart’s dreams of a better world. “It was unfortunate timing that Rev. Swaggart announced his problem with this sort of material,” May. “We are trying to project an image to the public that we are a family retail outlet,” Ms. Duncan said. “I wouldn’t say that it’s censorship because you can go down the street and buy (rock magazines).” Awright! She compared the chain’s decision to drop the rags to their refusal

rags to sell see-through blouses, something this Bureau’s never really thought about. When we asked the Rev.

Swaggart’s headquarters for a statement, they sent us the following: “On June 1 of this year I preached a message over our network of television stations,

which covers the United States and Canada, entitled The Big suit, Lie.’ thing “In the of the magazine Hit Parader. It was very graphic in its sexual detail.

K-Mart and many other familytype stores, and that they are printed for children. “I understand that a short time

later, Wal-Mart, in its 900 stores in 22 states, removed some 32 magazine titles from its shelves. “I have absolutely no idea if my message had anything to do with their decision. I would cer-

tainly hope it did, and I applaud their decision to act with civic, moral, and social responsibility. “I would pray that every other chain of this nature would follow and we plan to do everything that we can legally to at