STRANGE WAYS HAS FOUND US Don't you think this whole controversy over Gene Simmons's personality has gotten a bit out of hand? I’m the editor of one of the band’s many fan magazines (Strange Ways), and though I’ve never had the honor of meeting Gene, my connection with the ’zine has led to meetings with Peter, Bruce and Eric.

October 2, 1985

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Hey, we sure appreciate all those letters you’ve been sending us! We appreciate ’em so much, in fact, that we’re gonna print 'em so that everybody can share in your ofttimes poignant observations, interesting opinions and astonishing statements of fact. Send your letters to:

CHAINMAIL, CREEM’s Close-Ups P.O. Box P-1064 Birmingham, Ml 48012


Don't you think this whole controversy over Gene Simmons's personality has gotten a bit out of hand? I’m the editor of one of the band’s many fan magazines (Strange Ways), and though I’ve never had the honor of meeting Gene, my connection with the ’zine has led to meetings with Peter, Bruce and Eric. Peter (along with fellow members of the Peter Criss Alliance, Alan Woody and Tony Crow and Pete’s bodyguard Salvador Wally) was super friendly and spent most of the evening with me and my staff. Bruce was just as amicable. Eric was not overly sociable, but he was busy at the time and, after a few minutes of conversation, he loosened up and turned out to be a really nice guy.

Look, people, rock stars are just like the rest of us. They’ve got their good and bad days. I’m sure that if you were surrounded by thousands of demanding fans every night, you’d be pretty touchy too. But I know from experience, if you treat a star with respect he or she will .do the same for you. Give the guys a break. Nobody’s perfect.

Now, as for "Another Disgusted Fan’’ from New York, NY: the Gene Simmons that recorded ‘‘My Ring Dong Do’’ is not Kiss’s Simmons—he’s a completely different individual. It should be obvious just by listening to the voice on that 1967 recording. I mean, COME ON! Also, Kiss did do ‘‘Tossin’ And Turnin’” and “Radioactive” on the ’79-’80 DYNASTY tour (they each did one song from the four solo albums) and recently have been heard performing “Hey Joe” and “Whole Lotta Love." Normally, though, the band doesn’t perform any non-KISS-recorded cover tunes except at soundchecks... Anyway, if you know so much about KISS, how come you can’t spell Vinnie’s name right?

Carlyn Nugent

Newburgh, IN


I am a costume designer for rock ’n’ roll/pop performers. I was appalled at the unfounded insinuation your magazine made (August 1985 issue) regarding one of the artists whose clothing I design.

Ratt’s Stephen Pearcy has no such “secret pocket” added to the crotch of his pants. There is nothing inside his pants other than himself. He doesn’t even wear underwear so there is absolutely no modification of his actual physical appearance whatsoever.

Sylvie Simmons, judging from previous comments made about Ratt, obviously holds animosity towards them. However, printing a defamatory fallacy is hardly acceptable journalism and she really should be sure of the facts before writing something libelous.

Audrey Carter

Santa Monica, CA


I want to thank you for your excellent interview with Jimmy Page in the August 1985 issue. Out of all the hundreds of interviews I’ve read about Jimmy Page, this one was the best. Finally someone did an interview that gave Jimmy’s character justice. Liz Derringer did the best job as an interviewer in approaching the Professional Interviewee!!! She gave a warm and humorous interview and didn’t ask any dumbshit questions that all the other interviewers usually ask. This interview broke through all of the bullshit that surrounds Jimmy Page and shows him as the beautiful and sensitive human being he really is! Liz cleared up so many rumors about Jimmy Page in one interview that no one else has in 15 years!!! Bravo, Liz! You are the best! If you can do this great of an interview about the mysterious Mr. Page, you can interview anyone!!

Janet Silk

San Jose, CA

All right Liz!!! I’ve got to say you’re the best damn rocker/journalist!! I’ve waited so long for Jimmy Page’s return, and when he did all I got was flimsy articles and bad reviews. Now you’ve set everyone straight and given the most awesome in-depth on Mr. Page I’ve seen in years! It was so personal. Thanks for asking such awesome questions!! If I ever got the chance to ask Jim some things it would be what you brought up! All I can say is, it really blew my mind reading soooo much, and seeing such great pictures of rock’s master of guitar! He is the most supreme human being in rock.

(I’d just like to add, to all of you assholes who are still listening to Zep or Firm stuff backwards, to get a real life, and to find something to take up some of your time!! I mean, be real!)

It was obviously a very traumatic experience for Jimmy to get himself a new band, and his true fans will stick by him, and not expect the same material (or the way he presents it) as was done in his previous band. It’s time to move onward, and “together” with Tony, Chris and Paul he’s doing just that—with class, style, aggressiveness and the desire to please his fans!

Christine Weiss

Springfield, MA


I decided to write this letter after I read Martin Dio’s review of Alcatrazz. I agree with him that Alcatrazz is one of the better bands around, but I feel that he got carried away when he started talking about Steve Vai. Don’t misunderstand me, I am a big fan of Steve’s myself. But I can name at least a half-dozen guitarists who are better. As a matter of fact,

I will! Yngwie Malmsteen, who in my opinion is the best guitarist in the world right now. Gary Moore, who is the world’s most unknown superstar. Edward Van Halen, who I promise we have not heard the last of. Allan Holdsworth, who is incredible as well. I feel Jimmy Page could give Steve a run for his money. And finally, James Marshall Hendrix. Steve Vai said it best himself: “If we don’t see them no more on this world, we’ll meet them on the next one. You can’t fool fate, so don’t be late. Right Jimi?”

And Martin, if you are such a big Steve Vai fan I’m sure you have heard his self-produced, self-financed, Flex-Able. I don’t know about you but I feel the entire first side, with the exception of the backward message on “Little Green Men,” is a complete waste of vinyl. I would like to know what you think. And also please shoot the person who writes these stupid captions. Finally, who are you to put down Motley Crue? Like Gail C. from Rock City, AZ said, “They’re a good band,” and they are. You just can’t appreciate them.

The Nad

Rockville, MD

I am writing in regards to an album record review that was in the August issue of CREEM Close-Up. The album reviewed was Abattoir’s Vicious Attack on Combat Records. The review was done by Hal Jordan and Jesse Grace and was highly unprofessional. I respect the fact that the review was their opinion and the fact that they didn’t like the album—or in their case hated it, but to call them homosexuals was uncalled for and highly unprofessional. My husband is in the band Abattoir and I can assure you that none of them are homosexuals. Hal Jordan did not even say that this was his opinion, he said that they ARE homosexuals, which is far from true! And I blame the whole magazine for printing it!! I am trying to get the band to see a lawyer if they do not get an apology.

Mary Jane Sanchez

Monterey Park, CA

This letter is to the so-called reviewers (or as I call them [Deleted—Ed.]-ups): Hal Jordan, Martin Dio (no doubt copied from the ruler of metal himself) and Jesse Grace. You assholes couldn’t tell a talented band if they hit you in the face. In METAL ROCK ’N’ ROLL (August 1985) your review on Savatage was a damn disgrace! Hell, they were the best band you reviewed, and you called them shit! Savatage has more talent than Slayer and Venom put together. And you’re really asking for trouble by calling them “gay fags” because you should look at each other for once; you guys are all faggots! How dare you give the album a lousy rating just because the skull (on the cover) has rotten teeth...he’s dead, for God’s sake! And finally, rating their album a four was a [Deleted—Ed.] joke, that record was a damn 10, if not an 11.

My other complaints are your reviews themselves. They’re not even reviews, just “bull [Deleted—Ed.)’’ talk! They sound like reject scripts from As The World Turns—but for you maybe it’s As The Fags Speak. And who cares if Jesse Grace has a bigger weenie than Hal Jordan; WHO THE HELL CARES! These guys are definitely homosexuals in my book. They probably know each other’s asses better than heavy metal, because anybody’d who think Belfegore is the best band on earth must be totally [Deleted—Ed.] up! Oh, before I go,

I have one last word for the faggots, “Raise The Fist Of The Metal Child!” you assholes!

Eric Stephen Bowen

Tampa, FL


I’m writing in response to a lady called Rose A. Gordon (age 31, don’t forget it). Hey, lady, heavy metal music is made to be heard, not to be studied. I can see that you’re a little fanatic for Dio, but don’t go to extremes!!! I know that RJD is one of the greatest vocalists ever, Vivian is not a fag, but a [Deleted—Ed.] explosive guitarist, but Jimmy Bain doesn’t play half that. Steve Harris does. I’m sorry, but if Jimmy Bain is the best player you’ve ever heard, you never heard Iron Maiden. Save it, and stop wasting PRECIOUS time researching about [Deleted—Ed.] signs. Nobody cares about it.

Who Cares, Jr.

Torrance, CA


Your magazine sucks. I haven’t bought one in over two years. The ones I have my best friend bought and passed on to me. Faces is much better. I know you won’t print this ’cause I mentioned another magazine’s name, but at least you know how I feel. All metal fans buy CREEM for its pictures, I promise you. And who the [Deleted— Ed.] is Belfegore? W.A.S.P. is great; stop running them down. Randy Piper was excellent to me in Dallas.

Stung By W.A.S.P.

Irving, TX

(Hey, he was pretty good for us in Detroit, too.—Ed.)


I’m here on behalf of a helluva lot of Florida heavy metal maniacs: why don’t we have a heavy metal station? We don’t even have Metalshop anymore (the station that carried it pussied out) and the only station playing anything remotely heavy plays mainstream (i.e. Ratt, Priest, Deep Purple—if you can call that heavy metal). South Florida needs a heavy metal station, or we ain’t gonna get no more concerts by the bands who came here last year (Ozzy, Motley Crue, Scorpions, Ratt) and we goddamn well ain’t gonna get the mindnumbing triple-bills of killer real metal like N.Y. and Chicago see. I’m talking about the VenomSlayer-Exodus Death Metal and the MetallicaW.A.S.P.-Armored Saint tours. All these bands have told Florida to [Deleted—Ed.] off by not coming here, and for good reason: no airplay and no exposure. If these bands got any goddamn promotion, they’d pack the people in. Although W.A.S.P. came with Quiet Riot in Dec., ’84, it wasn’t that great because nobody had heard anything by W.A.S.P., and Quiet Riot got no airplay likewise. Heavy metal fans of S. Florida unite and let’s party again, we need more metal, [Deleted— Ed.] MTV!

Also, what is this fascination you have with Belfegore? I’ve heard the whole damn album three times and none of it goes as fast ’n’ furious as “All That I Wanted.” Ninety-nine of 100 HM fans would agree it’s not a metal album, though it’s good for what it is: a loud rock-punk album, too mainstream-commercial for metal, too mellow for hardcore fans—you know I’m right.

Edward Carmack

Port St. Lucie, FL (Sure we do.—Ed.)


I am referring to your August, 1985 Chainmail letter from Rose A. Gordon on Ronnie James Dio. In the article you said that the first reader to give Ronnie James Dio’s real name would get a snazzy gift. Ronnie James Dio’s real name is Ronald Padavona.

P.S.: I’m not even a Dio fan, Rose. Ha! Ha!

Dennis J. Lawlet

Staten Island, NY

(Congrats, D., and way to go! Your snazzy gift—the mighty Dio’s Last In Line LP, a disc among discs—is in the mail. Our warmest regards.—Ed.)

Ronnie James Dio’s real name is Ronald Padavona.

Nathan Kimbrough

Nevada, MO

This is in response to your challenge in your August ’85 issue to tell you what Ronnie James Dio’s real name is. Well, it was Ronald James Padavona when he was born in Portsmouth, N.H. Just in case you didn’t already know, the Dio logo says “devil” upside down.

Kyle Compton

Mechanicsville, VA

I’m writing this in response to Rose A. Gordon’s letter. Any TRUE fan of Dio’s would know his real name is Ronald Padavona. His birthday is July 10,1949 (anyway, I was told it was ’49). Dio means “God” in Italian. Now I would like to say “Hi” to all my Dio friends (especially Cheryl In Minn.).

I hope this letter helps Ms. Gordon.

D. Reinholdt

Indianola, Iowa


This is my reply to your “comment” to my letter in the August edition of CREEM CloseUp, METAL ROCK ’N’ ROLL. I do want to thank you very much for printing my letter in its entirety.

First of all, I must point out that I DID NOT know that Martin Dio’s last name was actually Dio. I do not read your magazine on a regular basis and I thought he was attempting to be funny or use the name for purposes of ridicule. My sincere apologies to the gentleman.

Next, I have known what Ronnie James Dio’s real name is for quite a long-time. He after all did record his first solo 45 under Padavona and also used his real name while with Elf as well. He has been using Dio for a fairly long time now, so that is why I used it in my letter to you.

I DO NOT appreciate your remark at the end of my letter AT ALL!!!!!!!! I spoke directly with Mr. Kordosh upon seeing this insult. I must point out that he was quite nice and very polite during our phone conversation. I take my interest in heavy metal VERY SERIOUSLY and my long time interest in Ronnie James Dio even more so. I have an extensive collection of memorabilia including the very first 45 he ever released. I do plan to get directly involved with the Hear-N-Aid project that he and his band have gotten together.

I DO realize after speaking with Mr. Kordosh exactly what CREEM is and what they’re trying to get across in their magazine. I must confess that I never knew anything about this publication, never having sat down and read it. The best thing I'd ever seen in CREEM was their photographs—whether black and white or color they were consistently always great!

I still disagree with the insults and insinuations often printed in your magazine but I do thank Mr. Kordosh for being a very open and frank person when I spoke with him on 6/7/85.

Ronnie James Dio or Ronald James Padavona is still THE MOST HANDSOME MAN IN HEAVY METAL and with a voice that can literally shake the heavens!!!!! I am very anxiously awaiting the new album, it's going to be nothing short of fantastic!!! Ronnie, Viv, Jimmy, Vinny and Claude, thank you for appearing in my area twice last year. We’ll welcome you back with open arms again this year!!!! You presented us with two phenomenal shows (August '84 Baltimore Civic Center and November ’84 Capital Centre, Largo, Maryland). There is nothing that could equal the thrill of your stage performance.


° Thank you again, Mr. Kordosh, for your in%. sight and thank you to CREEM for allowing me f to express my opinions.


Rose A. Gordon 5 Falls Church, VA

? (Yeah, but do you hope it'll rain tomor% row?—Ed.)


I can appreciate Jon Bon Jovi wanting his videos to be as attractive as possible, but his comment: "There will never, ever, as long as I live, be another ugly girl in my videos,” was proof that he must be an asshole. I know a girl, Sharon, who he used to date (or at least [Deleted— Ed.]), and she is an arf-arf!! So there, Mr. MTV clone.

T. McFarland

New York, NY

I really enjoy your magazine. I was especially looking forward to the Bon Jovi article in the recent issue. I really like the band; I love the new album and the video for “Only Lonely.” Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for this interview,

Jon Bon Jovi gets my vote for this year's hands-down winner of the Kevin DuBrow award for tact and sensitivity (i.e. "...There will never, ever, as long as I live, be another ugly girl in my videos...”).

Congratulations, Jon, you really made an ass out of yourself! Grow up before your mouth sinks Bon Jovi the same way Kevin DuBrow’s sank Quiet Riot!

Rose Riker

Sioux City, Iowa


I was just looking back at my June METAL. I just want to know who in the hell Martin, Hal and Jesse are in your Records column. Who do they think they are, putting down Autograph and Foreigner? Autograph is one of the best young bands around. And Foreigner—well, what can I say there? They’ve been around a long time. The only explanation for these [Bad word—Ed.] heads putting down these two excellent bands is they are three [Word implying that they are sans manhood—Ed.] morons.

Tom Terrien

Green Bay, Wl