KISS ARE GREAT! I decided to write and get some things straightened out. First of all, METAL is the best! Thanks for letting me say what I want to. No one treats their fans better than Gene Simmons does. I have been very lucky in meeting my idol three times.

August 2, 1985

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Hey, we sure appreciate all those letters you’ve been sending us! We appreciate 'em so much, in fact, that we’re gonna print ’em so that everybody can share in your ofttimes poignant observations, interesting opinions and astonishing statements of fact. Send your letters to:

CHAINMAIL, CREEM’s Close-Ups P.O. Box P-1064 Birmingham, Ml 48012


I decided to write and get some things straightened out. First of all, METAL is the best! Thanks for letting me say what I want to.

No one treats their fans better than Gene Simmons does. I have been very lucky in meeting my idol three times. Every single time I got his autograph, a photo of him and me, and a few minutes to chat with the guy I’ve worshipped for 11 years. Gene is amazing! I watched him treat hundreds of fans like this!

Reader Mike Budisz is an asshole. Let me give a piece of advice to fans like him. Ask if you can have your picture taken with your idol. Don’t demand!! Gene has granted my wish, three times. Eric, Paul and Bruce all obliged, too. But you decided to run up to him, shove a camera in his face and say ‘‘Hey Gene, smile!!” Personally, I would have punched you in the nose, but Gene is too classy for that. He simply held a bag of Oreo cookies in front of his face. I think he handled that beautifully! WAY TO GO, GENE!! Take a look around, Budisz. Thousands of Kiss fans have been thrilled when meeting Gene and the rest!! What is your problem?

You just went about it in the wrong way. I want to thank the best magazine around (METAL) for letting me say Gene, Paul, Eric and Bruce kick ass!! Kiss and METAL, don’t ever stop being #1!


Farmington, IL

First I would like to say that KISS is the best and they always will be.

I am writing in response to three of the letters you printed in your June '85 issue.

First of all, Keith Jones is an asshole. Where does he get off saying "what in God’s name is KISS doing on the list”? If I ever meet him I’m gonna smash his teeth in!

Now in response to the girl who bought the Love Gun LP. The songs on a batch of all the Love Gun LP's are printed in the wrong order. That goes for Kiss Unmasked, Kiss’s The Elder and Kiss’s Dynasty. As far as the masterpiece "Shock Me,” they spelt Ace’s last name right on my LP. Also they did not print some songs on the wrong side.

Now for the jerk who wrote all the terrible comments about Gene Simmons.

I had the honor to meet Gene backstage at the concert they did at Brendan Byrne Arena in East Rutherford, NJ on March 28, 1985. He was a real gentleman. He let everyone take his picture and signed an autograph for everyone who wanted one.

Let s see a Kiss centerfold in an upcoming issue. Please!

Larry Pascale

Kissville, NJ


Gene Simmons is a prick! That’s only half of it. A similar confrontation went on when I met Gene on the Creatures of the Night tour. I told him I stopped by Glickman & Marks (Kiss’s main headquarters), so I could find out when the tour was coming to N.Y.C. (it wasn’t). So I was able to obtain tickets and backstage passes to go to Glens Falls, NY. I thought it was great. My friend and I hung out with Vinny all day, then Eric came in and we were having a great time then Paul soon followed in his tracks. And they were all great guys. Then at last Gene entered (his ego came in first). I asked for an autograph. He said he was too busy (yeah, too busy eating Hostess Cakes). Then about a half-hour later he agreed to sign my picture. He told me he liked the picture and I told him I went to Glickman & Marks to get it and he blew up. He told me that it wasn’t a fan club, and asked me not to bother to go there anymore. I asked him what happened to the fan club and he just walked away. I grew up in N.Y.C. and I know a lot of people who know the band, and I’ve met them on several occasions and heard stories of how Gene told Ace he was fired and Ace pulled a gun on him, and why Vinny was fired. Paul and Gene didn’t want to pay him for the songs he wrote on Lick It Up. If you want to hear a better version of “On The Eighth Day,” check out Vinny’s old band Warrior. They have a song that Vinny wrote called "The Boys Are Gonna Rock.” It’ll blow you away. I have a demo tape of Lick It Up and you wouldn’t believe it. Gene singing “Fits Like A Glove.” You’ll laugh, this guy’s a joke. Does anyone know that Rick Derringer plays the guitar solo on “Exciter,” or Peter threw Gene out of his house when he tried to compare “A World Without Heroes” to “Beth?”

To end this letter, I have one question for Gene. In 1967 you did a solo song “My Ring Dong Do.” What does that mean, asshole?

P.S.: Gene’s real name is “Chaim Klein.”

P.P.S.: One more question. I have a tape of Kiss doing “Whole Lotta Love,” “Johnnie B. Goode,” “Hey Joe” and others like “Tossin’ and Turnin’ ” and “Radio Active.” Why don’t they do them in the U.S.?

Another Disgusted Fan

New York, NY (Why, indeed.—Ed.)

I am responding to a letter printed in the June 1985 issue of METAL. If Mike Budisz thinks Gene Simmons is a jerk, he should meet Eric Carr. My friend and I were standing outside of the auditorium talking to a guy who worked there when Kiss was here on 12/27/84. Eric walked by us and sez, "No, you can’t have my autograph.” So I sez, “Good, cuz none of us wanted it. I don’t even remember any of us saying we like Kiss.” So he sez, “Then why the hell are you here?” So I sez, "To see Queensryche.” So he sez, “Oh, the AIDS brothers. They’re back at the hotel pullin’ trains if you want to talk to ’em.” Then he smiled and went inside. OK, so maybe he has a right to an opinion; but to say something like that about another band is totally uncalled for, especially if it isn’t true. I’ve also heard from 21 people in 16 cities who’ve said that a member of Kiss made some uncomplimentary comments about the ’Ryche. I don’t always believe everything I hear, but I also know that if you hear the same stories from 21 people who don’t know each other, it can’t all be bullshit. In addition to comments regarding sexual preferences, there is endless (not to mention childish) name-calling (i.e.: “Queersryche,” “spoiled rich brats,” “mama’s boys,” and a racial slur meant for a specific member of the band). A lot said coming from a band who, collectively, have an IQ lower than that of a common houseplant. Seriously, how can anyone link lyrics like “Lick it up, lick it up, yeah, yeah, yeah” with anyone who has any measurable amount of intelligence?

I have something to say to Kiss...Queensryche have a lot going for them that you don’t. They’re young, talented, smart, classy, good looking; and last but not least, they’re nice to their fans.

One more thing before I end this...I, personally, am positive that Queensryche aren’t fags. But I have one question for Eric Carr, “If they are fags, how would you know?” ’Nuff said.


Queen of the Reich

(Chris, Mike, Scott, Eddie & Geoff’s Slave)

Midwest, U.S.A.


I have just finished reading Q & A with Blackie Lawless in the June issue. I enjoyed reading it, but there is one thing that I have noticed about W.A.S.P. since I first read about them in Sounds, and that is that everybody always brings up the subject of them being offensive to women, but NOBODY ASKS THE WOMEN!! Really!

Well, I’ve been a woman for 28 years and a metal fan for 16 years all at the same time.

I would like to clear up this bullshit about what is offensive to women once and for all, because like most men, you guys really missed it. Jerry Falwell and his bunch are offensive to women. So are all those stupid TV ads for feminine hygiene products. Phil Donahue is offensive to women. Bums that don’t pay child support. Jane Fonda workouts. “Real cool” pick-up lines like “Haven’t we met before?” (Yes— still in use, especially among the military.)

Now that we have that straight (I hope), let me state that I have never found W.A.S.P. to be offensive or dishonest. I can tell that those are honest guys and not near as perverted as some would make them to be.

A woman knows these things, you can tell by looking in their eyes.

W.A.S.P. is great. When I come home from work, and the house is a mess, and I have to cook supper and do laundry, I just put W.A.S.P. on the turntable and it actually makes housework bearable. Personally, I wouldn’t mind experiencing simulated “torture” on a rack in front of 10,000 people and get paid for it.

It sure beats the hell out of scrubbing floors and frying hamburger meat into dinner. Keep up the good work, METAL, and tell Jabba the Hut to roll over this way.

A Real Woman,

Leslie R. Marini

Jacksonville, FL


You guys make me sick. I am referring in particular to the disparaging remarks made about Stephen Pearcy in your article "Great Moments in Metal” in the June issue of METAL ROCK ’N’ ROLL. I say “article,” but a more accurate term would be “piece of shit.” Anastasia Finn should be fired from your staff. She can’t write and her dumb cut-down jokes stink. Stephen is the finest guy in the universe and don’t you forget it!

D. Young

Huntsville, AL


Thanks for that totally excellent article on Metallica in your METAL June '85 issue. I really enjoyed reading it. You know, you don’t see many articles on Metallica, and when you do they’re usually small ones. I really freaked out when I opened your magazine at a Peaches Record Store and saw Metallica staring me in the eyes. It’s really a nice change to see the best group in the universe to be in more magazines. I’m getting sick of seeing articles on wimp metal such as Ratt!

M.U.Y.A. Forever!!!

Ant Mig

Kissimmee, FL


I came across your “Great Moments in Metal,” and it sucks! You’ve got no right making fun of Geddy Lee and his nose! His birthday is not March 6, 1951, and how in the hell would you know what he weighed when he was born? “Lay off” about the man and everything about him including his nose! Rush is #1!

A Dedicated Fan

Detroit, Ml

(So much for Lou Whittaker, then.—Ed)


Hey—I have a better idea for a vote count. How many people agree with me that J.M.C. of Saginaw (yawn), Ml is a total asshole? Readers comment, please.

Defenders of the Crue

Los Angeles, CA


I am writing in regards to CREEM’s CloseUp 1985 March issue. I think everything that Mrs. Finn wrote about Motley Crue fit them perfect, no doubt about it. The Yardbirds blow Motley Crue away. All that “trashy” language she used fit Motley Crue perfect. They’re trashy, so she used trashy words. Mrs. Finn,

I am glad you slandered their name. It’s about time someone cjot the guts to do it. Every article I read on Motley Crue in any magazine always makes them sound like God’s gift to women or the greatest metalers around. I thank you, Mrs. Finn, for having the guts to say what you said.

Shelley Wilson

Joushatree, CA


This is in response to the letter written by J.M.C. from Saginaw, Ml.

Hey kid, you sure have a lot of nerve putting down Motley Crue. I know that there are some people out there in this crazy world who still don’t like the Crue, but I’m really getting sick of hearing all the remarks being made about them.

Look, they are a good band. Give Shout At The Devil a listen, it’s a damn good album. Motley Crue plays music, not noise!!!!

Sure, Nikki and the guys are wild and crazy, but that doesn’t make them “brats” and "punks.” They’re just a bunch of fun-loving guys that like to play good rock and roll!!!!!


Gail C. (Knock ’em Dead Kid!)

Rock City, AZ


In reply to Mrs. Anastasia Finn’s article(s) in CREEM’s Metal Close-Ups.

“Apparently believing” that there could never be enough asshole insult-jounalists like Rick Johnson...“Mrs.” Anastasia Finn makes her writing debut in CREEM, (note...CREEM Close-Up METAL June ’85) in a style that Jerry Falwell and all other resident record burners can readily appreciate. If I ever see you or Rick walkin’ down the block I’ll do more than sneeze on you. Back to your hot kitchen stove and squalling brats...bitch!

Love and kisses.

Johnny the wild child

Centereach, NY


Since I find it unnecessary to begin this letter with “Dear” (that is far too polite for you people), I’ll get to the point.

First of all, I rarely ever purchase your magazine and the two times that I have it’s been for the photographs ONLY!!!!! I must honestly ask, What ARE you trying so damn hard to prove and are-there ANY MATURE

PEOPLE on your writing staff at all???????

The captions with your photos ARE NOT FUNNY but they are disgusting and degrading to the artists they represent. I find it hard to believe that someone hasn’t blown your offices sky high yet !!!!!!

The two issues I shall refer to are January 1985 and June 1985 METAL ROCK ’N’ ROLL (these two I have actually purchased but I have glanced at other issues only to throw them down in rage)!!!!!!! Of course, it is your style to put down EVERY HEAVY METAL ARTIST IN EXISTENCE but the one who seems to get it from both barrels just happens to be my alltime favorite Heavy Metal vocalist (now with his own band)—Ronnie James Dio. Is someone there JEALOUS of this man’s impressive vocal talents????? Who IS this JERK named Martin Dio (C’mon, THAT’S A BIT MUCH !!!!!), who calls himself an album reviewer?????? There is surely NO ONE PERSON AT YOUR OFFICE WHO COULD BE FIT TO BEAR SUCH AN HONORABLE NAME AS DIO!!!!!!!

As for Ronnie James Dio’s height, it DOES NOT MATTER IF HE IS 5'4" OR 7'4"—He presents himself well in any given situation (interview, stage, etc.) He’s a very open, frank person who is not hesitant to speak his mind (SOME OF YOU GUYS THERE PROBABLY RESENT HIS HONESTY). Sure, he may be strong and aggressive but that’s what has gotten him this far, SUCCESS AT THE TOP!!!!! You’ve got to have plenty of these assets to make it in the Heavy Metal business or ANY OTHER BUSINESS FOR THAT MATTER!!!!! IT’S NOT HOW TALL A PERSON MAY STAND—IT’S THE WAY HE STANDS TALL!!!!!! Ugly hair?????? PEOPLE, PLEASE GROW UP !!!!! I know men of Mr. Dio’s age (35) who would give ANYTHING to possess those long, dark locks of hair!!!!!!! Hideous Dwarf???? NOT HARDLY!!!!!! YOU PEOPLE MUST BE ON DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of the female headbangers that I know find Ronnie a VERY handsome man (myself included).

I can’t BELIEVE that you compared Klaus Meine of the Scorpions to Ronnie James Dio!!!!! THERE IS NO COMPARISON HERE WHATSOEVER'.!!!!!! Mr. Dio’s distinctive vocal

expertise has been and ALWAYS WILL BE A CUT ABOVE THE REST!!!!!!!!!!!! He DOES NOT scream and shriek like the average Heavy Metal vocalist. His lyrics are constantly imaginative and meaningful (I’M SURE THAT NO ONE AT YOUR OFFICE HAS EVEN BOTHERED TO LISTEN TO THE WORDS)!!!!!!!

As for his being a “Devil Worshiper,” well, I certainly do not expect anyone at METAL to be well versed in the occult anyway, but there are facts to be revealed here. Ronnie James Dio is someone who DOES KNOW a lot about the occult—THIS DOESN’T MEAN THAT HE IS SATAN’S ADVOCATE!!!!!! The symbolism he uses in his songs and on stage is historical and contains occult and medieval knowledge found throughout the ages. There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between blatant Satanism, obvious Black Magic and Positive or White Magic. The "Devil’s Horns” salute (as you IDIOTS phrased it), IS NOT THAT AT ALL !!!!!! It has several meanings: Magic, a symbol of the Horned God Pan (NO, NOT LUCIFER!!!!!)and it is a protection as well. Why don’t you go after some people such as Motley Crue or Ozzy Osbourne? Crue uses an inverted Pentagram all over themselves and their stage set and Ozzy uses an inverted cross among other popular Satanic symbols. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST THE Crue or Ozzy. As a matter of fact, I DO like both artists very much. It is always possible that either they are ignorant of what these symbols mean or they do this for shock value ONLY.




Dio presents a CLASS ACT!!! It isn’t obscene, degrading OR VERBALLY OFFENSIVE. Jimmy Bain is without a doubt the best bass player I’ve heard (although he never gets the recognition that is owed him). Vinnie Appice comes by his unique talent naturally through his brother, Carmine. His thunderous beat provides a background sound that shakes the very rafters in any concert hall. Not to forget Claude Schnell, who is an excellent keyboard man. Ronnie, Vinnie, Jimmy, Vivian and Claude blend together in perfect harmony to create the ULTIMATE Heavy Metal sound. They do one thing whether performing on record or on stage—DIO EXPLODES!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that I’ve aired all of this—WISE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!! Print a magazine that honors Heavy Metal for the Art form that it is and STOP ACTING LIKE A BUNCH OF MORONS!!!!!!!!!!! I’m just thankful that I don’t have a teen-aged son or daughter who would see this magazine on the stand and think that it was the greatest thing since apple pie. YOU CAN FOOL SOME OF THE HEADBANGERS SOME OF THE TIME BUT YOU CAN’T FOOL ALL OF THE HEADBANGERS ALL OF THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rose A. Gordon (Age 31)

Falls Church, VA

(However, as any real Dio fan knows, his actual name is not Ronnie James Dio. Those who know anything of metal—like us, for example—know his real name is printed on a certain album from his early career. Of course, we wouldn't expect you—who obviously don’t have the faintest idea of what you’re talking about—to know that. Now—for fun—the first reader to send us Ronnie James Dio’s real name will be sent a snazzy free gift— and will also humiliate Rose A. Gordon, so-called fan.—Ed.)