London’s been calling Joe, but Joe ain't heeding the call-up. Joe Strummer, the Clash’s lovable crooner, was mussing for three weeks in May, forcing the band to cancel their spring U.K. “Know Your Rights” tour. He was last seen on April 27, when he completed a phone interview with a Scottish newspaper.

August 1, 1982

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


London’s been calling Joe, but Joe ain't heeding the call-up. Joe Strummer, the Clash’s lovable crooner, was mussing for three weeks in May, forcing the band to cancel their spring U.K. “Know Your Rights” tour. He was last seen on April 27, when he completed a phone interview with a Scottish newspaper. He then left the “ ’ London Clash office and totally disappeared. Said manager Bernard Rhodes: ‘'Joe’s personalv, conflict is, where does-the socially concerned rock artist stapd in . today’s bubblegum enyionment.” , At presstime, Jde had been found hiding in Pans and had returned to P fhebfijd. Drawer, drummer* Topper Headon I bfeerr ousted from 1 word yet on howt summer *prc| ur 1 ■ 1 ■= -I

Adam Ant has seeking a neW drummer and bass ■er, Thel^hS for queen?) apjm & the decisiomafter lead guitarist and co-writer MarcoTj stated he didn’t want to perform live for ii while. Said Adam; "I felt the time whs right for a change, and I decided to disband the group rather than,go through the difficult process offormrnga brand new Ants. The

On the domestic front, congratulations to Triumph guitarist Rik Emmett and his wife Janet on the birth of their daughter, Shannon, April 25 in Toronto. Also a tip of the hat to Gang Of Fours Jon King who recently tied the knot with girlfriend Deborah Langdon-Davle. in London. Ippy Ifpp has signed with Animat Records. Chris Stein’s independent label, to be distributed by Chrysalis, The Blondie man is friishiogup production chores on Ig’s debut LP fer the label.

Slid Aridaa, the New York punk reggae band, are reportedly fed up with the Manhattan hardcore seem, stem-dancing, punks juragtngonsiage and all; At. presstirjne, the bandwas cohsideiingchangingiheir name, and concentrating more on the rasta and a lot less on the punk. That’sright, guys. A little ganja ^hpuld melfew all those hardcore fanatics right out & ''

Move ovpr, Elvis Costello! Metal priestess Wendy O. Williams is current^ in the studio with Motorhead, recording their version of Tammy Wynette'a “Stand By Your Man.”

Pice Straits’ Mark Knopfler is writingthe score for producer David Pnttnam’s latest film, Local Hero, starring Bnrt Lancaster, and Peter Riegert.

Ted Nugent left Epic Records for Atlantic, and at presstime was putting the finishing touches on his |8fh album, which, features Ted’s debut as his own producer. Like It or riot," Ted could not be restrained horn commenting: “It’s working out just great I've got a great ' relationship with fee artist, and everyone knows how important thati$ We think the world of each other,” As if that’swot enough, Ted’s also managing himself, hawing set up his own management firm. Madhouse Productions. “My artist has been making sgme bhIHattt moves lately,” manager Ted confided. “His, lead guitarist is the greatest? And now he’s got me at the controls

^.‘PLEASED TO MEET YOU, HOPE YOUGUESSED MYNAME DEPT. ^California Assembly committee is holding a “full-scale hearing” to investigate allegations I that certain rock bands are using “backwards masking” (that’s if recording backwards; remember the Beattie*’ “Revolution No. 9” . controversy?) to brainwash America’syo^th into Satanism. Among,the records cited arfe Styx’s “Snowbfind” (which reportedly ’ says, “Oh Satan moveiftopr * voices” when played* backwards). Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway To Heaven”f‘0h myswoet'Satan^^J || Black Oak Arkansas' “Haunch And Roil" (“Satan, Satan, Satan, he isGpjf), and ELO’s“Eldorado’ (“Ghrilt, you’re the nasty one.”) - The proposed legislation would require all “backward masked? alqums to be labeled with a *

■ Lene Lovteh’s been a busy girl /lately, in addition to finishing up her long-awaited next LP, Lene’s been filming a new movie in France entitled Rock Described as a “thriller fairy tale," Lene plays two roles inthefjte, which should be K released in December, Iffhts wasn’t enough. the pig-tailed beauty is also co-writing a playVah Chria v. jwthiaBstHik dahiihtfiwidt'mb $ffo1Eur^^^H spy/seductress/scapegoat,.’ ' Mata Hart. The play will debuUn ' London later this year with Lene Irv htpl'&Ie-wSteSr ~ .*■: ~ /*

David Bowie continues to pursue his film career. The thm white duke's next project will reportedly be a film by famed Japanese director Nagisa OsMaia. The fibn is the dramatic story of POWs in a Japanese concentration camp. Bluickf Sakamoto of Japan's Yellow Magic Orchestra is aiso featured.,. In other fRm news, ! ; Vo idoid Richard Hell stars in a new post-punk production called SmUhereefUTbefltm which also features the muse of the Faeliea,' •; r«cenfty debated at fhe Caries Film ffkspval /

Joey PeeWiknbiongerbe able to sing; ^Meftjpe baby downoA45mfef Slreei.k The legendary A PeppeTmfrttLounge moved frdni ’historic location at 12$ V^fsf 45tii Street toiOdFiftHAvenLtednMay 26.

hot item now that bis debut LP is Bi (Robert Gordon recorded ree Crenshaw compositions oAs last, Lou Ana Button did one I lo) and even the most unlikely artists are asking for them, Although jCtimshaw,hasn’t yet hsardfrom B Linda Ronstadt—who was given Crenshaw songs by New York 7fees|i|gppohii Rockwell -the pop revivalist ‘mcentty’lfepddown requests fom Robert Palmer and Box Scaggs. BWH

‘ • I mm British white soulsters Dexys Midnight Runners are covering Van Morrison’s classic “Jackie i Said” On their next LP...

John Lydon (aka Job Rotfe^ has applied for permanent U.S. residency. Wonder how the Ray-gyp. Jff§ administration w|B respond to |j|jB Lydon reportedly cited lack of “artistic freedom” in Britain as one , of the reasons for his request.

BUT CAN SHE SING DEPT Journey’$ Jonathan Cain has pulled a Paul McCartney/John Lennon by writing and producing some#u#fdr h!s wife. The record is being

Mi ptffipgft Stand So " is being used as the \ a deojoragl commercial 8* Britain. I

Neil Young not only rated the Hall Of Fame award fern his home Country Canada's Juno Awards, * but he ctually showed up in\»; Toronto to receive his trophy, and a tux' Loverboy swept most of the record categories, except for ®e^Cdmecly Album, wh&di went to Bob & Doug McKenzie, also wearing tuxes! Those of us within viewing distance of the CBC writhed antf frothed at the

Speaking of Neil Young {weren’t we?), he’ssigned now to Geffen Records, of course, who beat out RCA Records and a lot of money because of Neil’s former relationship David Geffen. This qi course leaves Frank Sinatra as the only' manjack left on the lonely Reprise label. Neil’s new |P will feature Nils Lofgr en and for mer Buffalo Springfield cohort Bruce Palmer.

•Two bodyguards for the Jam were recently arrested in Sweden after they allegedly went lotothe, ~ audience and beat up a fan who Was spitting at Paul Wetter. The band has denied all responsibility Hifethe incident.

Everyone’s favorite “kiddie” rocker Jonathan Rickman has reportedly said that he is now a cabaret singer arid wilt never appear in a rode blub again. The Modern Lover is currently touring England

415 Records—the independent label that record acts like the Red Rockers and Romeo Void—has signed a deal with CBS. The label will how be distributed by Columbia, in mpchlfae same ways, that Warners is distributing the Blasters on Slash, The first joint release wilt be the Translator** Heartbeat And Triggem

AcetpCk photographer Bob Gruen recently had an exhibition of his work at the Radius Gallery in New York, and such diverse musical a John Lvdoniji David ansen. Heart’s Ann WHspu, Nugent d by Studio 541 therefore c fThe exhibit moves to od in June it will rem il August 7.

NO, ITS NOT A HIPPIE jj1 CONVENTION DEPT .“Peace Sunday” was held ^ the Rose Bowl on June 6 The event, which focused on global nuclear disarmament, featured Stevie Wonder, Jackson Browne^ Linda Ronstadt, Dan Fogelberg. Stephen Stills, Graham Nash, Taj Mahal, Jessie Colin Young, Joan Baez and Donovan. .

“There s a taste in my mouth, and it’s no taste at all,” sang David Bowie and this year’s award for the ultimate in bad taste might go to Rhino Records for the cover of their Beatlesongs LP, a collection of Fab Four novelty tunes. The cover is a cartoon pf a Beatles convention by commercial artist Wttliam Stout, and features a caricature of Mark David Chapman, John Lennon’s assassirf holding a “We Love You ’ Beatles” banner. After much controversy, Rhino—who claim’ they weren’t awafe of Chapman’s appearance—have agreed to recall the LP and replace the cover with a photo of Beatle memorabilia. Said Stout-; “I realized OJfP terrible ihe darkest depthserf a MRikB Chapman is the ultimate Beaties fan... This Observation compelled me morally to include Chapman as , a warning j:o hard-core fans everywhere.”

Stiv Bator*, lead vocalist with Lords Of The New Church and formerly of the Dead Boys.was recently married in a bizarre wedding ceremony “somewhere in tfiecountryside of London.” Stiv ; andhisbride Anastasia were married in a white magic Wiccan ■ ceremony on May Day^fejh® most powerfully magic day of the year,” The ceremony was led by a High Priest and Priestess, and involved 13 witnesses dressed in black. . “After we exchanged the rings, the High Priestess swept the circle with, a broomstick,” says Stiv. "That’stol igtft rid of any evil spirits that might be present. And then my wife and I joined hands and jumped over the broomstick.” No truth Ip rumors that (hay Osbourne served as

In The

MW YORK NY* Rolling Stones, Steely Dan, JplepNewton, Jan Hammer and Neal Schon, Chdck Mangione; RPM: Sound Studios: ChakaKhan 8c Rufus, Public Image LTD, Roberta Flack; Sundragon Recording: Ivan Krai & John Waite; Wizard Studies: Peter Frampton; NASHVILLE, TN Music City Music Hall:; Lorefta JLyMiiWbodland Sound Studio: Jerry Lee Lewis LOS ANGELES GAr-Warner Bros. Recording Stadia: J.D. Souther, Frank Slhdft-a; Eldorado Recording ~Studio Tom Verlaine; Pasha Music Half: Ted Nugent, Michael Nesmith; ANN ARBOR, MlPearl Sound: Rhythm Method 'a