Backstage bashes make strange bedfellows: Mick Jagger and Billy Joel were spotted soaking up the suds at a recent Sports show at Hurrah’s in New York. Billy was probably scouting the rock scene in preparation for his next LP, one he promises will be a “rocker,” and Jagger was probably, uh, soaking up the suds... Engaged in more its was Keith Richards, who dropped by Blue Rock Studios to lend his two licks to Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’ remake of his classic “I Put A Spell On You.”

March 1, 1980

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Backstage bashes make strange bedfellows: Mick Jagger and Billy Joel were spotted soaking up the suds at a recent Sports show at Hurrah’s in New York. Billy was probably scouting the rock scene in preparation for his next LP, one he promises will be a “rocker,” and Jagger was probably, uh, soaking up the suds... Engaged in more its was Keith Richards, who dropped by Blue Rock Studios to lend his two licks to Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’ remake of his classic “I Put A Spell On You.”

Hi the aftermath of the Cincinnati Riverfront Stadium tragedy, the security chief for NYC’s Madison Square Garden has announced that “certain hard rock groups” should not be booked at the Garden. Among the bands who, reportedly, “whip kids into a frenzy” are the Who, Led Zeppelin, Khw, Earth, Wind 9c Fire and THE GRATEFUL DEAD. Weil, heyshould the Dead play for six hoop instead of eight—would you want to be at the mercy of thousands of -downed-out 35year-olds toying down upon you? Think about it.

Jeff Lynne’s wife Sandy presented him with a brandspanking-new rug rat, daughter Laura, bom December 7th... Nobody can keep a secret department: Brace Springsteen llbrapped his plarisfor a live album after discovering that most of the tapes intended forthe LP were lifted Som right under his schnozz and bootlegged. BUT THATS NOT ALL! La Spruce was also dismayed/ outraged at having his studio tapes stolen, bootlegged, and blatantly Igpld at his shows! Talk about an ||tside}ob...

Sad to report that John Glascock, Jethro TnlTs bassist of three years, died of a heart ailment on November 18. Glascock ■pad left the group prior to their Kecent U.S. tour due to ill health.

She sound of one fan clapping? The recent Jefferson Starship tour lost their opener Rory Gallagher when the usually mild-mannered jiuitar whiz came to fisticuffs with either a) the Starship’s road manager or b) Paul Kantner. Rory’s Irish temper f lared while he was trying to convince the band to treat their (vastly more popular) warm up acts with more respect, i.e., allow them time for sound jjhecks, rehearsals, etc. One last pyahnyah—after Rory split, the Starship letitbe known thatany fans wanting their bucks back could indeed get a refund. Imagine their . surprise when more than half of the ticket holders took them up on thd offerfMust-vebeen the bad karma...

Birds do it, bees do it, even Kaiill | Richard* did it: the righteous Canuck citizenry of Winnipeg, Manitoba is up in arms over a controversial court decision to drop charges of marijuana possession against Burton Cummings after the former leader of the Gaeaa Who donated $1000to a Winnipeg ‘ youth center. Accoding toZodiac News, an attorney representing the good folk of Wild Canadian Goos# Country has labeled the agreement “utterly discriminatory” since an average citizen would never have been able to make such a deal with the authorities. Hey, he’ll probably I jdfe of lung cancer anyway... pMeanwhile, an outraged Hoary Small has split Cummings’ band to serve as frontman to dean-living Tot©...

Where there’s smoke: Bon Orr made a hasty exitfrom his high-rise apartment in Boston recently after noticing smoke pouring out of a fire alarm pufl box in the hallway. By morning, the entire building was reduced to ashes, along with his art collection, recording and stereo equipment, guitars and clothes, That’swhaiyou get for playing your Arthur Brown records at 78 speed, Ben..»

Jumping on the bandwagon after the parade has passed by: Ltada Ronstadt never ceases to amaze us with her (far be)hindsight. The aspiring First Lady has latched her daws onto the dead (and rotting) carcass of L.A. punk by cutting three songs for her next LP written by Cretonos’ guitarist Mark Goldonbcrg.. LATE FLASH: Bob Sagar is reportedly working on a punk waltz for his nextLP. Something for everybody...

In The Studio

N. Y. —Blue Rock: Screamin’ Jay Hawkins; N.Y. —Electric Lady: RoDing Stones; L.A. —Rudy: David Crosby; Westwood, CA—Village Recorders; George Bums; Munich, Germany: Alan Parsons; West Indies—Air Studios: Cheap Trick (George Martin producing); Hollywood-Clover: Jules & the PolarBears; L.A. —AllenZentz: Parliament (George Clinton producing), Sparks (Giorgio Moroder producing) £ V: L.A.—Larabee: John Stewart; L.A, —Kendun: Brothers Johnson (Quincy Jones produdn$; Canoga Park, CA—Rumbo Recorders: Beach Boys (Bruce Johnston producing); L.A. —Sound Factory: Jackson Browne, Warren Zevon; Boulder, CO—North Star: FirefaS; Syosset, NY—Kingdom: Jimmy Ruffin (Robin Gibb and Blue Weaver produdng); Nashville—Jack ClementStudios: Debby Boone; Miami— Criteria: Andy Gibb (BarryGibb producing); Hollywood—El Dorado: Carmen Appice; Elsewhere: Elvis Costello: The Shoes; Graham Parker; Blood, Sweat & Tears; ,T ommy James; Genesis; Journey; The Shtris; Linda Ronstadt; Bob; v Seger& the SilverBuUet Band, -

Bringing down the house: Southeide Johnny & the \ Asbnry Jukes almost had toll foregoan encore at a recent Roxy show when the curtain broke, tmppingthebc^l^^apCp^t > they dtdn'tg^tpll^j^^^P^^ easily, since the roadies and much of the audience quick V went to work to raise the curtain, letting the show go on.. .and on>;.and qr*;r (Would somebody send in some C-rafions?)

What year is it, what time is it, etc.? .CtafftJItthisn, one-third df^te Three Stooges of Rock, McGafatt, Clark & Hillman, married artist I . manager Connie Pappae The ceremony was performed by Rev. Jet Thomas while buddy Roger McGninn sang “Turn, Turn, Turn” in lieu of the tradition alwedding march. It turned out to be a joyous day when nobody choked on die wheat germ and molasses teacakes.. . And Cupid put the strangle hold on GroggAJttman again. Null-node j recently wed wtfe *4, a New Jersey * cocktail waitress named JaBs Bindae who he met inDaytona Beach last year. The happy loving j couple spe nt their honeymoon in a Florida rehabilitation center for alcoholics (WhaP No love hotel in l|ePoconos? Whatacad1) H Meanwhile, good sport Char threw in her two cents worth on life with her ex-hubby: “Being married to Gregg was like going to Disneyland on acid. You knew you had a good time, but you just couldn’t remembet what you did.. Meow... -

Unsigned heroes: Chris Spedding has linked up with Hie Neceeeetiee, as yet uninked by a major record company. No big loss? Aerosmlth had to nix a few gigs recently after Steven Tyler was laid low by a nahsty virus. No truth to the rumor that chutney mouth is planning to send the mutant germ to doe Perry, whose album, The Joe Perry Project, should be out as you read this...

Ca&ah: Black Oak Arkansas is suing Casablanca on charges of breach of contract. The band contends that it obtained a release from its contract with MCA after beginning negotia Sons “in■ good faith” with Casablanca, who then signed them. Only one problem, though; allegedly, Casablanca later notified 1% band fl that they had che nged their minds on the contract, which forced the 1 group to sign a much less profitable deal with a smaller label. Next time, don’t let diem see your record-tales figures, boys..."

In the Beating A Dead Horse department, V Team has reformed with original lead singer David Clayton Thomas. The band that fostered terms as “adult contemporary” i and “MO Y“ (“ middle of the yawn”) is recording a new UP to be out soon on the Lax labdi fMw appropos), fdistributed by MCA...

Other signingsof the time: Touuuy James is back, on Millenium records, and will have a new single outshortly called “Three Times In Love.” ...Likewise, Stevie Nicks has signed a solo deal with Modem records and, to celebrate, label papas Danny Goldberg and -Paul Fishkin will be producing a him called Rhiannon, based on Nicks’ tune. The soundtrack will most likely be her first release... Last but not least, Warner Bros, has awarded Father Gaido Sarducci (aka Don Novello) a record contract. Pass the parmesan...

Everybody wants* pleceoIttt&B’ action: Joining Pater Gabriel on his forthcoming solo UP will be Phil Collins, Robert Frlpp, and $ Pool Weller of The Jam Yeah.. .*

Stevie Wqaderhas threatened to record his next album at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York. Move over, Joan Sutherland., over there Stevie...

Those attending Rich Derringer’s New York show were treated to a special round of Spot The Celebrity. At one table sat a mixed bag of media mongoloids such as Gene Simmons, Andy Warhol, Bianca Jagger, Bebe Buell and Stiv Batovs. Incidentally,’"* Gene was heard complaining about havingto sit at a table with “punks.” Better clean up the act, Bianca...

Dropkick them, Jesus, through the goal posts of life: Kiss was treated toan unusual welcome when they played Amarillo, Texas recently. Hundreds of citizens gathered I ©Uisidethe Civic Center carrying I lighted candles to protest the concert, claiming the group advoeates“demon-worsfiiptsexual perversion andpromiscuity." 1 Incidentally, the protest leader, Judy Masson, is a former call girL Let she who is withoutguilt.. 4§

Midwestern Telepathy: The $ Knack’s Doug Fieger liked ' . Richard Riegel’s January CREEM piece on the band so much* tha t he granted RR an exclusive . interview with the band as they > wound up their new aibu m But The Little Girls Understand inL.A. in December Was the album so titled because Richatd had quoted the old | line from WIllieDIxonand , Chester Burnette’s “Back Door Man” 1p hJs CREEM story? Nay, ' apparently Fjegerhad the title in mind before, thinking itan apt way of descrS3inpth#^|t}d^f appea 1... but thought Rie gel also using the phrase was ’S/L.-tt wss Justihose beans y*ftt*te, fyfa&fc Thefirst single wil)|»e%|^^p^D!rty,f’■

On Tour

The Ramones; The Pretenders, XTC; Rockpile; fgggfiFofeffliefS -JohnCale; The Sports, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers; Boomtown Rats; The Who; Marvin Gaye; PaM McCartney & Wings; The Clash; dfl David Bowie; Joe Perry; Boston; Van Halen; Aerosmith; Foghat; Bruce Springsteen; The Specials; The Police, Z Z. Top, Joe Cocker. Magazine, LeneLovich, . , Fingerprintz: Gary Numan& jf • y Tubeway Army.